Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, January 27, 1956, Image 11

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jOK .
.99 acres With 22 acre meadow
id woodland, 8 room stone hoorn
1 conveniences, large stone an<
(ime barn, other buildings. Verj
price. '
.73 acres, 6 room stone Home
irn and other buildings. A rea
due at the new low price o:
ily $17,000-
N. Duke St. Dial 7-813:
AREARIN bait (-rough grind)
i pound Ibox > 091
f'pound box 32!
f ait yo-ur dealer or
l J. C. Ehrlich Co
[ 736 E Chestnut St.
1 -Lancaster, Pa.
3-2489 3-0309
Tree delivery anywhere
aneaster County.
dated Newcastle and 3ron
Litis, Water -apiplieation Vzc Sec
>ur Salilslbury dealer representa
( ve _F. W. Fisher, Ph. Leolc
■2482. Leacodk. Lane. County.
jR SALE: Majestic Batcher
Range- in A-l condition. Coa]
Wood Moving to this location
ive no need for some. Phone
lizabethtown 73976. x
ANTED TO BUY- 2000 oli
■barn pigeons, will pay 50 cents
ir pair delivered to A Earl
jirk, Rl, ißareville Phone Leol;
"and field P-‘ T. 0. Sprayer, ffl
Weaver & Sons. Cali Leo.
Halves. Must' furnish equip
ment and references Phone West
irov'e 3072-
ret your clover seed cleaned and
treated; all types of ’seed olean
d ' Lester' Herr, call Hensel
tee This Handy Chart To Figure
; Your Cost
fords (1) Issue (3)lssues
) (Mm.) $l.OO $2.40
1 1.05 2.52
1 1.10 2 64
5 Ll 5 2 76
I 1.20 2.88
5 1.25 3.00
:KEYED ADS'(Ads with ans
er coming to a Box Number,
j Lancaster Farming); 25c adda
Send copy to the Class
fied Advertising Dept.,
ING, QuarryviTLe, Pa.
i Ads running 3 or more con
ecutxve tunes with no change
died at 4e per word e'adh time
’ith 80c minimum.
DEADLINE: Wednesday mora
ls of each week's publication,
osrtively no ads accepted 'after
I 00 a. m. Wednesdays.
HRAMM 80-C.-F. m.
Air Compressor
ith Blade and Winch, also includ-
I breaker, Rock Drill, Hose and
nous other air tools.
Governor leader Appeals for Farm
Attention, Review of legislation
Lancaster Fanning herewith
publishes the full text of the mes
sage delivered Jan. "16, 1956 by.
George M. Leader, Governor of
the Commonwealth otf Pennsyl
To the Honorable, the Members
of th<e General Assembly of the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania:
For many years our Common
wealth has enjoyed the benefits
of a vigorous and progressive
farm community which has con
tributed to prosperity and
has 'won for us National acclaim.
Today our Pennsylvania farm
ers, along with the farmers of the
Nation are caught in a vise of
rising costs for the things they
buy and declimng prices for their
crops As a result, the Cash in
come of Pennsylvania farmers
has fallen off more than ten per
cent m the past three years.
Although the agricultural econ
omy is basically a National prob
lem, there are areas in which
you, as legislators, and I, as Gov
ernor, can act to assist this vital
segment of our population.
I ask that both Houses re
view the status of legislation
affecting agriculture and that
such legislation be given
prompt attention.
A number of bills have been
introduced in the Legislature to
make Certain that the farmer
gets “what he pays for -When he
purchases feeds, fertilizers or
seeds. House Bill 1*560 which is
now in the Senate is a new Com
mercial feed biil codifying and
modernizing our basic law dealing
with the manufacture and sale
of livestock and poultry feeds
It requires a disclosure of basic
elements which make up the feed
itself and provides for a fee not
exceeding five cents a ton to
establish a fund which will make
its enforcement self-supporting.
Similarly, a bill protecting the
farmer from misrepresentation
with regard to the chemical con
tent of fertilizers and codifying
our law pertaining to fertilizers
has been introduced into the
House. It provides for new pro
ducts such las liquid fertilizer, re
quiring a full disclosure of its
contents be made to the pur
chaser- The bill also makes ‘pro
vision for licencing fees which
will make its enforcement finan
cially self-supporting.
' Two minor but important bills
protect the farmer against mis
representation when purchasing
seeds or plants. These bills, House
Bill 1048 and House Bill 1277,
hre now pending in the Senate.
Research which will help the
farmer eradicate disease, improve
production and help develop new
markets is the purpose of House
Bill 1584 now in the Senate- It
appropriates $500,000 for re
search at Pennsylvania State
University. Its basic purpose is
to promote research in animal
husbandry, dairy sciences and
poultry husbandry from which
Pennsylvania farmers derive 78
per cent of their cash income.
Recent financial failure of cer
tain dealers has again high-lighted
(the necessity for an adequate
licensing and bonding law In our
Commonwealth. I urge that bon
ding legislation which will pro
tect our Peunsylyania farmers
against losses arising out of
financial failure of those to whom
they have sold their crops 'be
enacted at this session. Many of
our farmers cahoot survive the
impact of such losses of their
limited cash income.
Of course, the prompt enact
ment of an appropriation bill to
finahce the Department of ‘Agri
culture itself is vital. Includedin
the Department’s budget -is an
item which contemplates a more
faggresiVe program to pro'ihote
Pennsylvania farm products. Un
fortunately, agricultural products
have not had the benefit of an
intensive publicity campaign
which will allow them to compete
successfully with many compet
itive products. To name just one,
I would -suggest -that the -use of
•tailk as-a beverage distributed
through vending -machines has
•sCarcely 'been explored. m*!s my-
hope that the Department would
be furnished an adequate budget
which would permit the establish
ment of an intensive promotion
program to encourage the use of
such farm products.
It is my hope that the Senate
will give serious consideration to
House Bill 730 now pending on,
calendar which allows techni
cians to draw blood under pullo
rum disease testing programs.
As the flaw now stands, only li
censed veterinarians are author
ized to take such blood samples
and in many areas veterinarians
are carrying worflc loads that make
it difficult for them to perform
this important service for oiir
For a number of years our live
stock farmers have urged our
Commonwealth to establish an
open livestock show. Such a show
can be operated economically by
the modest addition of 50
thousand-dollars to the budget of
the Department. Senate Bill 791,
Which has bipartisan sponsorship,
contemplates such a program and
I would -ask that this legislation
he given favorable consideration
by both Houses.
Favorable consideration should
be given to House B;I1 861 now in
the. Senate which removes the
$12,000 -per year limit which
counties may allocate for agricul
tural and home economics ex
tension Work The vital impor
tance of this work to our farm
community is -familiar to you and
need not be detailed here- Sim
ilarly, House Bill 1295 which ap
propriates $30,000 for the holding
of 'six regional and one State
wide Junior Dairy Shows should
be acffed upon favorably. It is on
these members of the 4-H and
Future farmers of America Clubs
that the future of Pennsylvania
agriculture depends.
There is another area of legis
lation administered by our De
partment of Agriculture which is
important to bur consumers as
well as to our farm community
I refer to legislation guaranteeing
the purity of foods and beverages
and the accuracy of represent
ation regarding such products. An
entirely neVv General Food Bill is
being introduced in the House
which will safeguard the health
and the pocketbobk of our con
sumers and at the Same time
protect food processors and far
mers (against competition from
sub-standard food products
The Bill represents the co
operative effort of the Public
Health Law Research Project of
the University of Pittsburgh; Dr
Joseph W E. Harrison and.Dr
R. Adams Dutcher, of Pennsyl
vania State University; Dr. Wil
liam J Schiller of Pittsburgh, the
Pennsylvania Department of Ag
riculture; and other authorities
on the subject. It bias been drafted
by the Department of Justice at
my request.
The new General Food Bill now
being introduced substantially fol
lows the provisions of the
Uniform State Food, Drug and
Cosmetics Act which-was drafted
by the Association of Food and
Drug Officials of the United
States, but is limited to those
provisions dealing with food. (It
does not incorporate provisions
dealing with drugs and cosm
You Inay be surprised to know
that the new Bill represents the
flfst revision of our General Food
Law 'Since 1909-
This modern version has been
strengthened and made more
specific “Where necessary to bring
it into COnforjnity with presCnt
day food standards.
It provides broader definitions
Of adulteration and misbranding
and the additional feature of
making it unlawful to advertise
Recognizih'g that certain food
items require the addition of sub
stances which are deleterious to
health, the Bill provides for es
tablishment of tolerances for such
substances. It also provides for
the dissemination of information
regarding 'f 6od by "the Secretary
of Agriculture when such Infor
mation will protect public health
'and safeguard the consumer
against fraud-
Lahcaster Farming, Friday, January 27, 1956—11
Subscribe Now to Lancaster Farming
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■ m
_ The proposed Act authorizes
the Department of Agriculture to
consult with food processor and
farmer to establish standards and
to draft necessary regulations.
Twenty-nine other states have
enacted legislation patterned after
the Uniform Food Law
Two bills have been introduced
dealing with our beverage laws
The one, House Bill 1527 revises
our carbonated beverage law in
accordance with recent decisions
of our Supreme Court It protects
the public against unproved ar
tificial sweeteners which might
endanger the public health and
provides regulations for the use
of automatic or manual dispensing
equipment. A second bill re
quires that all chocolate milk
should contain a butter fat con
tent of not less than 325 per
cent by weight. This bill would
protect the public against the use
of inferior grades of milk for the
preparation of chocolate milk
and assure the farmer that such
milk products use a minimum
quantity of butter fat-
Finally, our farm people are
human beings who turn to rec
reation to rekindle their minds
and their spirits. I would urge
that legislation be enacted which
will allow our farm families to
fish in farm ponds and which
will at the same time hot jeopar
dize the effective enforcement
of our Fish Laws. I Would urge
the Fish Commission to cooperate
with the Legislature in drafting
such legislation.
If Pennsylvania is to remain
in the forefront as a progressive
agricultural State, it is essential
that we join together in creating
the best possible dlimate for
farming in our Commonwealth
All of the bills which I have dis
cussed have an immediate and
...... 1
uiiiiiiiißiiiiiiviiini | ii f|BIIIIIII ' 1
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m M
• Get like “NEW” Performance . . . Have your tractor J
5 and farm machinery overhauled now. P
Beat The Spring Rush!
Your Allis
Ph. 7ARI2
lfnMii>iaMiiHM>n«i*>i ||||l>flin
Mail Box Market
FOR SALE—Speed Queen Elec
tric Washer _ used very little.
Reasonable apply any efenirtg
(after 6 pm. Donald B. Hershey,
Compass. Pa Phone Gap '62RP4.
FOR SALE—2S acre farm, sand
stone, 8 room house, flour mill,
sand stone saw mall, lasige lake,
water power, also building lots,
Route 73 south' end of Bowmans
ville H F. VonNieda Narvon Rl.
FOR SALE—IS milk cafls.Bs Ijb.
call Denver 7-8558. M- E.' 'Ger
hart Stevens Pa. CRI.
Chair Canding neatly done with
free varnishing, if desired. Call
Straslburg OV-7-3709.
FOR RENT—Btottie farm tend
also pasture Jteiar Wrijghtsdale.
Parke Rhodewalt, Nottinghiafn
RDI Phone Oxford 43J4.
FOR SALE—AMaMa Hay. 'First,
Second and Third Cutting. Very
Good No rain Evans B. Dague,
Boyds Corner, Parkesburg, Pa.
Phone Parkesburg 51SJ.
helpful impact upon,our farm
economy Only by attacking on
every front the problems 'which
confront our farmers can we as
sure a thriving farm community
in Pennsylvania in the years
Chalmers Dealer