6—Lancaster f arming, Friday, January 20, 1956 For the Farm Wife and Family It happened Couple week ago, we warned that should any errors appear jn these columns, drop us a line From the reader who sent in the Home Made Bread recipe that appeared in Lancaster Farming Dec 23 comes-a letter “Lancaster Farming came yes terday with our bread recipe in it, but I am sorry there are a few mistakes in it I do believe we made them. “(You are supposed to take bread flour (Gold Medal or Pills bury) and that half should be omitted. Let the 15-quart con tamer get full before putting it in the pans. When m pans, let it rise till double, then bake as directed.” So here’s the corrected recipe: HOME MADE BREAD Mix together One cup mashed potatoes, take the liquid from boiling pota toes and mix in again after mashing Add one cup granulated sugar Mix into a paste Add lukewarm water to make 114 quarts Add two packages Fleischmann’s Yeast Set in a warm place to rise about one-half hour Now put this yeast mixture with 5 lbs bread flour (Gold Medal or Pillsbury), one-half cup lard, scant quarter cup salt in a 15-quart container and knead until smooth Cover and let rise full. Knead down again. You can do this several times Then Idt the container get «m)»ta::Ks:»KK:swra»BawKsaJ.itMs; FURNACE OIL H By using TEXACO HJRNACE OIL you can always 2 H Count On A Warm Home CALL US FOR QUICK SERVICE Garber Oil Company I PHONE 3-9331 PENN A. § | MOUNT JOY no more boil-overs! burning, scorching, sticking! with the sensational new Now you can forget about cookmgfailures'This marvelous new controlled temperature top burner makes all kinds of cooking foolproof Just set the dial to the desired temperature and the miracle Thermo-SET does the rest. The THERMO-SET Sens ing Element keeps the temperature of your pot or pan just where you want it—and does it automatically. No more endless watching! Thermo-Set top burner actually takes the guesswork out of everyday cooking and it's just cine of the many "years ahead" features on the colorful all-new Caloric gas ranges. Yes, look to Caloric tor modern automatic features, modern styling, a master line of modern gas appliances. <^si\ ® 4^ Just turn ths automatic dial to tht temperature you want, no fussing or continual re adjusting advertised on HOME COME IN TODAY AND SEE HOW THERMO-SET TOP-BURNER WORKS.. MYER’S METERED GAS SERVICE Phone 5-27-75 Free To Women... One yeai charter subscrip tion to LANCASTER FARM ING to one housewite eacn week who submits tne nest letter . . . recipe . . . home making Him. Send your letter to LANCASTER FARMING, Quarryvilie, fa. full Shape into four loaves, put in greased pans. Let rise until double. Bake at 415 degrees 15 minutes, then turn to 400 de grees Bake 35 minutes longer. Crumb cakes are a speciality of Lancaster County, and for her recipe, Mrs. Mary K. Weaver, Leacock, win this week’s free sub scription to Lancaster Farming. Here’s her recipe. CRUMB CAKES One and- one-half cups dry crumbs One and one-half cups scalded milk ~ Two tablespoons melted short ening Two eggs, well beaten One-half cup flour One-half teaspoon salt Four teaspoons baking powder Soak crumbs m scalded milk with melted shortening added until soft. Sift dry ingredients to gether, add to first mixture and beat well- Bake on hot griddle, turning carefully as cakes are very tender. Serve with syrup no more The Thermo Set Sensing Element pressing against the bottom of your cooking vessel keeps its temperature constant—automatically MANHEIM icote. Prints Blossom for Springtime Weui' : —m BY EDNA MILES Del Irish linen she*tb wafeoldered In nontarnjih*Me r»M hltrb batoni neck, tiny sleeves. ground Is beige. This is bj Btii Banach. or jelly. “These are very good,” Mrs. Weaver adds. % * “I miss that friendly little pa per that was m our mail box sev eral times,” Mrs. Walter M. Shearer, R 2, Manheim, writes Lancaster Farming. “Can I still come in as a char ter subscriber 9 ” You certainly can, Mrs. Sherer. Mrs Sherer is Lancaster coun ty leader and publicity director' for the South Penn Dairy Goat association in Adams, Cambria, Cumberland, Dauphin, Franklin. Lancaster and York counties, representing 68 households. So any news in that line will be wel comed, Mrs. Sherer, and What about some recipes using goaFs milk 9 Here are recipes Mrs Sherer has submitted for your test and taste MINT SIIERBERT One package plain gelatin, dis solved in one-fourth cup cold water; Boil together three-fourths cup granulated sugar and one cup water Pour over, the dissolved gelatin Add juice of one lemon and two oranges One-eighth teaspoon green pure food coloring Dash of salt Two drops essence of pepper mint Chill. Just before it sets, add two egg whites beaten stiff, re turn to refrigerator tray - and freeze Makes one tray. HAMBURGER BARBECUE One and one-half cups chopped celery One small onion Simmer in small amount of water Add: _ Subscribe Now Charter Offer $l.OO First Year Ends Soon THIS year’s resort crop of prints is the best yet. 'here was a time when any woman who wanted to be 'ell dressed avoided prints is she would a plague. And with good reason, too. ’hey were loud, splashy, unbe coming. They emphasized, rather than minimized, figure faults. They were almost impossible to accessorize and if you figured out [out wardrobe on a budget basis, they simply didn’t belong in it But this .year, prints are small, lelicate and in lovely colors, cither cool or vivid. They lend themselves to small, neat ac cessories They are cut, for the most part, on straight simple lines and often-, are in Jlnen though they take equally well to, totton orsilk."- Tbese are - the prints youl) wear next summer "with short white gloves, a coot shiny white lecklace, a black linen bar and shoes.# There’s no difficulty n> accessorizing * them since they, highlight a single color” easily picked up 9 Budget v or not. have .tUje of these prints in your ward [robe.juat Jpr looking pretty/" One pound raw hamburger One teaspoon mustard' One bottle chili sauce Two tablespons tomato catsup Salt to taste Simmer one hour. Serve in barbecue or frankfurter rolls Serves eight Mrs. A W from the Gordon ville neighborhood sends in the following letter. “Enclosed find $lOO for a charter subscription to Lancaster Farming. We have enjoyed it very much. Would also like to see a page of church services and also some' recipes for diabetics as I believe there are many who may not know how to prepare the food which they should eat, as so many have taken the tests, but many more may have it and like to control it by eating right.” We mentioned before that to undertake a report of all the Lancaster County Church services would take several pages, so in stead we have been carrying a weekly Sunday School lesson on the editorial page As for recipes for diabetics, what do you as readers think? Care to sen<| some in 9 Better yet follow your doctor’s directions. WICE KRAUT (A Dutch Recipe) Take one cup meat broth'(beef broth is best) One head of cabbage, not too large * Boil these together until the is slightly colored, then add Four medium sweet potatoes, cut Do not just lay them in on top, but stir them m under-the cabbage so the broth will flavor and boil until soft Best bring to boil, then simmer slowly the broth and cabbage for a few hours until cabbage is slightly colored. Then add sweets “It is not good unless it is done slowly,” she adds Cabbage should be cut into one sixteeriith inch slivers for best results. Can also put some onion in. Mrs A. W adds. Pork has been a long time fa- \ OCTORARO SWISS CHEESE CO-OP j ■ Manufactures of ■ : SWISS CHEESE AND. BUTTER ■ ■ Wholesale and Retail 5 ■ Under new management ■ ■ Phone Christiana 22R3 ■ fillllllllllllllllllKlllllVllllHlli awk. tin vonte and the average person can digest it easily- - But 'always re member pork must be thorouhgly cooked. BARBECUED SPARERIBS Three !to fourths, pork spare ribs One lemon sliced One large onion sliced One cup catchup Oneithird cup chili powder One teaspoon salt Three drops Tabasco One one-half cups water Have sparenbs cut into three nb sections Place ribs meaty side up in a shallow roasting pan. Top each section with an_onion slice and a lemon slice. Bake 30 minutes in an oven 450 degrees- Combine remaining ingredients in a saucepan* and heat to boiling point. Reduce oven heat to 350 degrees and continue baking un til ribs are tender, about one hour. Baste ribs with sauce every 15 - minutes, adding more- water if sauce becomes too' thick- PORK CHOPS} WITH FRUIT Five three-fourths inch pork chops Three tablespoons fat Salt and pepper One No 2 can sliced pineap ple drained Ten dried prunes One cup pineapple juice Brown chops in hot fat, sea son with salt and pepper. Add pineapple slices, place a prune in the center of each- Add pineap ple juice Cover tightly and sim mer 45 minutes to one hour Garnish with parsley. PORK AND RICE CASSEROLE Four three-fourth inch thick loin pork chops Salt One-half cup rice , One and one-fourth cups beef gravy One-fourth cup water One teaspoon salt Pepper Four medium onions Two large carrots cut into 1 inch slices Trim bit of fat from chops-and heat m skillet. Sprinkle chops well with v seasoned salt, brown (Continued on page 7)