Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, January 13, 1956, Image 12

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    12—Lancaster Farming, Friday, January 13, 1956
Poultry Center _
Ground Broken
By LF Staff Reporter
•Dr E I Robertson, president
-of the Lancaster Coiinty Poul
try Association, will spearhead a
<drive to raise funds for construc
tion 'of the new Lancaster Poul
try Center at the intersection of
Highway 230 Bypass and Rose
\ [lie Road near Lancastei
Campaigns will be conducted
on a township-by-township basis,
u?ith township chairmen to be ap
pointed by the erfd of this week
Size of 'the project will be de
termined by the amount of funds
raised- Both the Poultry Asso
ciation and the Lancaster Coun
ty Poultry Exchange are working
on She goal, hoping to have the
new idructuie complete by late
spring or early summer.
Levi H. Brubaker, president of
the Exchange, estimated around
$30,000 will be needed, and by
Feb 1 it is expected some idea
will be gained as to how much
may be obtained and how it will
be spent.
Chill winds blew Saturday
morning. The frozen ground was
unyielding, but earth was liter
ally broken for the proposed
Lancaster Poultry Center.
Smoke that blew across the # in
tersection of Route 230 and the
Roseville Road, northwest of
Lancaster, was from fires of
kerosene and corn stalks, set in
an attempt to thaw out the
earth, frozen 14 to 16 inches
But out of the frozen wilder
ness arose a sign that proclaims
to all passing by today;
Lancaster Poultry Assn.
Lancaster Poultry Exch.
More hard was Mother Earth
.•Saturday morning than a six
minute egg- More cold was the
wind than fried egg delivered to
{he table a half hour late- But
more enthusiastic a group you
will never find, men whose
dreams were becoming reality,
| ft 200 AMP Welder ‘ |
| ft 4 KVA Stand fey AC Power Unit 1
1 For Easy Welding and Emergency Power. Also New and ||
■= used Lincoln Welders. =
| HIESTAND INC Marietta 6 9301 |
New Holland
the first earth being broken for
a poultry center, a county auc
tion center, a building to meet
demands of a business that has
grown tremendously in recent
years, in recent months.
Two holes were necesary for
the sign. Pick axes, crow bars,
posthole diggers, all dug into the
unyielding earth, after the sign
had first been hoisted aloft by
sheer brawn to meet a press
deadline. But when membeis of
the Exchange and' the Associa
tion took turns on the picks and
shovels and posthole diggers,
soon there were firm footings for
the sign
Pamphlet Explains Need
Recently the 3 -acre site was
purchased for $7,500 from Elmer
L. Esenshade, R 3 Lancaster, and
announcement of the sign erec
tion was made Wednesday morn
ing of last week at the Associa
tion’s and Exchange’s Egg Break
fast in Hotel Brunswick.
About 40 persons were on
band, members of both groups,
and those who had assisted in
securing the ground.
Purpose of the new structure
is outlined in a .pamphlet dis
tributed at the Egg Breakfast,
and it reads:
“The advantage of a Paultry
Center to serve our area has long
been recognized by our industry
leaders This need has been in
tensified by the comparatively re
cent growth of our industry The
fact that Lancaster has few pub
lic buildings with adequate park
ing available for agricultural
meetings further emphasizes this
Continuing the, tract -
“To meet this Tieed, your Lan
caster County Poultry Associa
tion, supported by the Lancaster
Poultry Exchange, has purchased
a very desirable 3.8 acres tract
of land located on Highway 230
By-Pass and the Roseville Road.
This location is ideal for our
proposed' Poultry Center and its
varied activities-
Three Primary Purposes
“The building is being planned
to provide (1) a central office
and meeting room for the Lan
caster Poultry Association,, and
storage facilities for the barbe
cue equipment and supplies, (2)
auction rooms and offices for the
Lancaster Poultry Exchange, (3)
Phone 4-2214
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Here members of the Lancaster Poultry ter Poultry Center northwest of Lancaster.
Exchange and the Lancaster Poultry As- Brief ceremonies Saturday morning launch
sociation man the shovels digging into the ed the project. (Lancaster Farming Staff
frozen earth to erect a sign proclaiming Photo). -
that some day soon there will be a Lancas-
a general headquarters and meet
ing place for all activities and
interests related to our .poultry
“The Lancaster Poultry Ex
change has demonstrated its
value to our poultry mdutsry.
However, to increase its useful
ness to the area being served,
there must be a permanent loca
tion This non-profi( organization
must look to the industry through
the local Poultry Association to
help provide the urgently need
ed enlarged facilities
“ The Lancaster County Poul
try industry, is most anxious to
provide a Poultry, Center for .pro
motion of. the industry, encour
agement of rural yoiith, and as
an inspiration for a united ap
proach -from all segments of our
'industry. County wide dinners,
cooking contests, and barbecue
planning and promotion are best
performed in a central location.
“The Lancaster County Poul
try Association and the Lancas
ter Poultry Exchange are non
profit organizations managed by
their respective board of direc
tors representing poultry manu
facturers. poultry buyers, feed
manufacturers, hatcheries, breed
ers and allied industries as a
cross section of~the entire poul
try industry of this area The
'increase in popularity' made it
necessary for the auction to hold
two sales per week and it has
outgrown the facilities present
ly provided for its operation
‘ It is the mutual desire of the
two above-mentioned organiza
tions to provide adequate facili
ties for the poultry auction in an
area most accessible to everyone
in order that all may share this
method of marketing and other
accruing benefits
Your Opportunity, Responsibility
“Already, interested poultry
men. hatcherymen, feed manu
facturers, and others have given
their support to the movement
by contributing financial aid A
permanent plaque will be dis
played in the building listing the
individuals and organizations
whose support made it possible
to - provide the Lancaster Poul
try Center.
“The promotional value of the
Center is enormous Several of
fers of labor and building ma
terial have been received and
it is planned to erect the center
as a typical barn raising event
with volunteer labor. This meth
of erecting the Poultry Center
will provide considerable pro
motional value to local groups,
and the pictorial treatment by
radio, television, newspapers dnd
poultry promotional groups will
bring this event to the attention
of everyone throughout the coun
try. With sudh promotional pros
pects, we have "a responsibility
to all contributors to see that
the Lancaster Poultry Center is
adequate for oresent needs.
The Time for Decision
“Now is the time to act on
these suggestions. In fairness to
The Ground Was Unyielding
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the urgent need and those whcu
already made their contnutions,
we cannot delay the matter. Each
of us can help m two ways- First,
we can pledge our support to
the Lancaster Poultry Center by
volunteering a financial contri
bution, and we can provide an
opportunity to other people en
gaged in the poultry industry. If
all of us will support the project
in relation to our poultry busi
ness and the need for these
facilities, we are assured satis
faction and usefulness to our en
tire poultry industry.”
By Dec 31, in the report “is
sued on -contributions and
■pledges, 78 groups and indivi
dual contributors so far have as
sured the center $4,330.36.
More funds are. needed- More
will come- But only if all whose
business or interest is poultry
or any phase of that industry
contribute. .
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lowa Bankers to
Be Featured on
CBS-TY Program
CORNING, lowa (Special)
Wayne and Floyd Whitmore,
officials of the Okey-Vernon Na
tional Bank here .will be featur
ed on the 7.30 to 8.30 p. m. Ed
ward R. Murrow “See It Now’ 1
CBS television program Thurs
day, Jan. 26. they advise Lancas
ter Farming.
Mr. Murrow visited this south
western lowa agricultural com
munity a week recently to work
together a program on farm
Corning has been in the spot
light during recent weeks as tho
-site where the National Farm
ers Organization (NFO) has been
formed to protest current farm
problems. *
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