Classified Advertising FARMS FOR’ SALE BUCK . 99 acres with 22 acre meadow and woodland, Bjroom stone home lall convenience?, large stone and frame ham, other buildings. Very jow price. STRASBOURG 73 acres, 8 room stone home, barn and other buildings. A real value at the new low price of only $17,000- LEO I. HAIN, INC. REALTORS S 3 N Duke St- Dial 7-8131 LANCASTER FOR SALE kesrattus WARFARIN bait (rough grind) 1 pound Ibox 098 5 pound; box 325 at iyuor dealer or' J. C. Ehrlich Co 736 E- Chestnut St. 'Lancaster, Pa 3-2489 3-0309 Free delivery anywhere m Lancaster County. J. C- Ehrlich Co 736 E- Chestnut St Lancaster, Pa , 1 Free delivery anywhere in Lancaster County. Ghostley’s White Leghorns— Americas loading R. O P. stain for large white eggs and Domin ant White Cornish-New Hamp shire Cross broiler Chicks for fancy broilers. Noll's Poultry Farm, Klemfeltersvdle, Penna SALSBCRY'S VACCINES RE duCed Newcastle and Bron chitis, Water application %c. See your SaMsibury dealer representa tive—'F. W. Fisher, Ph. Leola 6-2482, Leacock. Lane. County. PURE SEED HOLSTEIN STOCK Bull. Rag Aplpae, Breeding. Phone Kirkwood BRII. Madison. Moßlwain RDI, Christiana, Pa- SEED CLEANING: Get your Clover seed cleaned and. treated; ail types of seed clean ed Lester Herr, call Hensel 15R31. Classified Advertising Rates Use This Handy Chart To Figure Your Cost Words (1) Issue (3)lssues 20 (Mm.) $l.OO $2.40 21 1.t)5 2.52 22 1.10 2.64 23 1.15 2.76 24 1.20 2.88 25 1.25 3.00 KEYED ADS (Ads with ans wer coming to a Box % Lancaster Farming); 25c addi tional Send copy to the Class fied Advertising Dept, LANCASTER FARM ING, Quarryville, -Pa. Ads running 3 or' more con secutive times with, no change billed at 4c per word’ each time with 80c minimum. DEADLINE: Wednesday morn ing of each week’s- publication. Positively no- ads accepted after 10 00 a. m. Wednesdays. • Physical Asset The eirderly clerk approached the personnel manager with some reluctance. “I (suppose Id’ better retire (soon he began. ,‘My doctor tells me my (hearing is going fast and I notice I don’t hear what some of the customers saiy .to me.” “Retire’” beamed ifibie execu tive “Nonsence, I’ll put you m the complaint department” Potato Growers Schedule Meet Tuesday Night Potato growers of Lancaster County, faced by many problems of production and marketing the past season, will get together and disiouss some of itheir pro blems and try to find a solution Tuesday night next week The meeting, scheduled to start at 7:30 in the 'Farm Bureau Auditorium on the DiOilersvMe Road between the Old Harrisburg Pilke and Manheim Pike, will in clude discussions by members of the Pennsylvania State University 'and others. “Soils and Soil Fertility” is the topic to he discussed by James Bakin, extension agrono mist, Pennsylvania State Univer sity. J. O. Pepper, entomologist, Pennsylvania State, wall tell of “Potato Insects and Their Con trol.” Turning to another phase, Dr R. S. Kirby plant disease nnecialist off Pennsylvania State University, has as iris topic “Potato Diseases and Their Con trol.” Another suibiect scheduled is “Potato Diversion Program," to be presented Iby a representative of the Pennsylvania Growers Cooperative “Bring your neighboring potato, growers along and. get the facts on a better (program for the com ing year.” advises Harry S. Sloat, associate county agent tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuuHiuiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiuiiiiiiiUiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii BE A CHARTER SUBSCRIBER! I c I o 8 O I co | (A i no I £ I u | JJ BE SURE not to miss a single issue of Lancaster Farming. Be a l charter subscriber to the newspaper published especially for you . . . the only one containing ALL the latest farm news, crop ihformation, home features and market data edited expressly for Lancaster County Farmers, Published every Friday. 1C i co = • I M |t- Mail This Coupon Mail Box Market EIpiHT WEEK OLD COON 'hounds -mixed with. Airedale mice markings $l6OO Dawson E. Beamesdeitfer RDI Bphrata, Pa TWO WOOL COMFORTERS, like new; three taladfc dresses, dn A-l shape, size 16%; three iplank-bottom chairs; Phone E’ town 7-3076. /SUMP, PIMP THE BEST HO tnlart rustproof cellar drainer Used once $25-00. G- R. Drumm, Denver, RD2. Phone; Denver 7-8477. BULL CALVES FROM HIGH producing Reg. hdlstexns with records- Everett Benjamin Raw iinsville. ©Utter 4-4125, ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■l ■ Carl Diller ■ S Auctioneer and S ■ ■ ■ , Cow Tester ■ ■ ■ ■ Ref ton, Pa. ■ ■ Ph. Quarryville 307R5 • This Offer Ends Soon 52 BIG WEEKS OF FOR ONLY $l.OO Today! YOU PAY LESS THAN T PER WEEK Lancaster Farming, Friday, January 13, 1956—11 $24 PYRAMIDS TO $425. | Norfolk, Va. Neglect cost 1 Jack B. Oody $4Ol recently. Oodiy neglected to make his payments promptly on 17 parking tickets ■ '■ SUBSCRIBER’S BONUS! Subscribe Now to Lancaster Farming and receive FREE one advertisement each month in our Mail Box Market: Subscribers using the MAIL BOX MARKET wiil be governed by the following rules : , Limit jour advertisement to five lines which means not over 25 words. All Advertisements most be in onr hands by Monday 6 P.M or-same will he held over for next week’s paper. Only one advertisement allowed each month. No business advertisements accepted for this column, Yon are allowed to rno the advertisement only one time- Send in no duplication. * ★ ★ Please mail all advertisements ore of MAIL BOX MAR KET, LANCASTER FARMING. QUARRYVILLE, PA. iiiifliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiii liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiminiiiiniuimnumiimiiininiiii Lancaster Fanning QUARRYVILLE, PA. 1 year $l.OO 52 Issues „ Please put my name on your list of charter subscribers for a one year subscription. En closed find check, cash or money order for $l.OO. Name (Please Print) Address iiiiiiiiimniiimiiiiiiiniiniu!iiiiHiiiii">iinimimiiiiiiniiiiiinuiimiiiiimiiiiuiiiiiiiiiimiimtiii which would have cost him $24 in all. Some of them were more than five months old- The $24 pyramided to $425 when fines and court charges were added. immmiEimiiiiiiiminiiiiiiiiiifuiimiiiiiiimitnuiiuuuui i 3S H cr Vi «-s luiiiiiimimiiiu