Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, January 13, 1956, Image 10

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    10—Lancaster Farming,; Friday, January 13,118(56 , ;
Lancaster County
Sales Dates Claimed
Jan. 13 Clyde McSparran, 1
mi. south of Hensel, road Gosh
en to Fairfield (off Rt 72), cows,
shoats, farming implements and
household goods, 12 o’clock.
-Jan. 14 Mrs. Celia Smed
ley, Summit Ave., Quarryvllle,
leasehold goods including anti
ques, 12:30 p- m.
Jan. 14 Harry M Sensenig
'Estate Manor (mile east of
Washington Boro, on road from
Rt. 999 to the Charleston Road),
2-story frame house, 2-car, gar
age; household goods, 12:30 p m
Jan. 14 Henry G. Good, Jr,
Earl Twp. (in village of Hinkle
town on R't 322), livestock,
farming implements, household
goods, 12:30 p. m.
Jan. 14 Fanny Y Renninger
Estate, 301 E Mam St, New
Holland, 2 tracts real estate with
improvements, 2 p. m.
Jan. 18 Aaron F Stoltzfus,
east end of Honey Brook at
Stoltzfus’ Locker, household
goods, 12:30 p. m
Jan- 18 Nora L Brower,
Churchtown, real estate and per
sonal property, 12.30 p m
Jan. 18 George T. Ray, mile
south of Smyrna (road from
Smyrna to the Noble Rd, along
Low Grade railroad Sadsbury
Twp-), livestock, farming imple-.
ments, 12 noon.
Jan. 19 East of Lancaster
along Route 30, at Guernsey Salqf
Pavilion, 65 head of purebred,
bloodtested, Accredited, some
vaccinated Guernseys, Sale man
aged by Wm. Juzi for PG.B.A-,
Harrisburg Pa.
Jan. 21 Fanny Y Renninger
Estate, 301 E. Main St., New Hol
land, antique furniture, stock of
The Farmers National Bank &
Trust Co., New Holland, 12:30
p. m.
Jan. 21 Elizabethtown, 412
North Market St., household
furniture by Mrs. Ruth S. Hess.
Jan. 21 Frank G. Ginder, 319
S. Cedar St. Lititz, household
ggpds, 12:30 p m
slan. 24 Demont Skiles, 2 mi.
west of Christiana, off road lead
ing from Rt. 372 to Gap, livestock,
IF you want low cost, large bodied leghorn pullets,
that will be ready to lay early next Fall—
THAT will lay large white eggs and give you sub-*
stantial profit—
THEN order your chicks direct from a (closed-flock
breeder,) in your own locality, who crosses blood
lines within their own flock—
THUS furnishing you with the type of resistance
best fitted to combat local health problems.
MOUNT JOY 3-4911
Septic Tanks, Cesspools,
Cisterns, Etc., Cleaned
- Mt. Joy Sanitary Cleaning Service
Phone: 3-9341 Mount Joy If No Answer, Call 3-9340
farming implements, 1 p. m.
Jan. 25 Landis G- Clark, 1
mi. northwest of Cochranville,
road to Steelville in W. Fallow
field twp., Chester Co., livestock,
farming implements, 11 a. m.
Jan 26 Jacob M. Hurst, be
tween Clay and Durlach, Vt, mi
north of Rt 322, real estate, farm
implements, household goods,
12.30 p. m
Jan- 28 Rheems, household
furniture,by Isaac Holhnger. .
Jan 28 Wilmer S. Smoker,
1 mi south of Atglen, Old Rt. 41
m W- Fallowfield twp., Chester
Co, livestock, farm machinery,
12 noon
Feb. 4 Tractors, farm equip
ment, midway between Gap 2nd
White Horse, V* mi- off IJoute
897, household goods, 12 noon
George E Hoar.
Feb 18 Southwest of Eliza
bethtown at Good’s Church, Stock
and Implements by Walter Eber
Feb 21 At Carmichaels,
Pa, 40 head of purebred, blood
tested, accredited, some vaccinat
ed Guernseys Sale managed by
Wm Juzi for PGB A , Harris
burg, Pa, C Wayne Keener,
Feb 23 East of Lancaster
along Route 30, at the Guernsey
Sales Pavilion, 65 head of pure
bred, bloodtested, accredited,
some Vaccinated Guernseys, Sale
managed by W,m. Juzi for
P.G 8.A., Harrisburg, Pa-
Feb- 25 Along Falmouth
Pike, one-half mile west of New
ville, household furniture, some
antiques, by Urban Sweigart.
Feb- 27 Along road leading
from Maytown to Bambndge at
the village oi Chiokentown, Stock
and Implements, by Curtis W.
May v
„ Feb. 28 At Campbelltown, 60
head of purebred, bloodtested, ac
credited, some vaccinated - Cana
dian Holstems, by Ed O’Neal.
Feb 29 Along the road lead
ing from Mount Joy to Masterson
vil|e, 4 miles north of Mount
Joy, Stock and Implements by
Elam S. Geib. '
’ March 1 Along -the road
leading from Manheim to Old
Line Store, 3 miles west of Man
heim, Stock and Implements by
William B. Saylor- -
March 2 Along the Jednota
Road, leading from Highspire to
Middletown, one-half mile North
of Highspire, Stock and Imple
ments by Edward H- Nissley.
March 3 Along the road
leading from Maytown to Bain
bndge, Route No- 241, at the vil
liage of Stackstown, Stock and
Implements by Henry Berg.
March 5 West of Rheems,
close to Donegal Springs, on
Cameron Farm, joining Landis
Stone Meal Co , Stock and Imple
ments by Morris G. Spickler.
March 6 Along the road
leading from Maytown to Bain
bndge, Route No. 241, at the vil
lage of Chickentown, stocky im
plements and household furni
ture by Chester Ney.
March 7 Along the road
leading from Manheim to Lan
caster, known as the Frmtville
Pike, stock and implements by
William Bredthauer-
March 8 About seven miles
east of Elizabethtown close to
Chiques Chtfrch, stock and im
plements by C. B Oberholtzec.
March 8 East of Lancaster,
along Route 30, at the Guernsey
Sales Pavilion 1 , 75~head of pure
bred, bloodtested, accredited
Guernseys, sale managed by Wm
Juzi, for PG B A., Harrisburg,
March 9 Along the road
from Maytown to Bambndge,
Route No 241, one-half mile from
Maytown. on the Joe Bixler
Farm, stock and implements by
Jay W- Brandt.
March 10 Close to Donegal
Springs along road leading from
Maytown to Landis Stone Meal
Plant, stock, implements, some
household furniture, by Engle E-
March 12 At Ellottsburg,
Perry County, 65 head of pure
bred, bloodtested, accredited and
vaccinated Holsteins, sale man*,
aged,by Harvey Rettew, Carl
Kennedy, owner
'March 13 Along the road
leading from Mount Joy to Mil
ton Grove, about thr'ee miles
North of Motint Joy, two miles
south of Milton Grove, stock and
implements by Amos H. Mum
March 14 Along the road
leading from Kheems to Donegal
Springs at Hersh Blacksmith
Shop on Cameron Farm, stock
and implements bji Carl Ginder.
March 15 East of Lancaster
along Route 30 at Guernsey Sales
Pavilion, 75 head of purebred
I bloodtested, accredited, some vac
cinated Guernseys, managed by
Wm. Juzi for PGJBA., Harris
March 17 At
spring sale of 125 head'of pure
bred. bloodtested, accredited,
some vaccinated Canadian Hol
steins, 150 head of hogs, by Rus
sell Heilman & Sons.
March 23 Hagerstown, Md
60 head of purebred, bloodtested,
accredited, some vaccinated Hol
stems, managed by Harvey Ret
tew, Manheutn, David S- Martin,
March 24 Along road leading
from Upper Lawn to Campbell
town, three miles northeast of
Campbelltown, Lea Vista disper
sal, Holstein, Inc, man
agers, Bofb Weidler, owner. .
March 26 In,the Borough of
Middletown annual spring sale
of 150 Canadian Purebred, blood'
tested, accredited, some vac
cinated Holsteins by C. S. Erb-
March 27 —At Butler, Pa, 50
head of purebred, bloodtested,
accredited, some vaccinated
Guernseys, sale managed by Wm.
Juzi for PGBA, Harrisburg.
March 28 At Upper Lawn,
Normandale Farm Dispersal,
Keystone Holstein Sales, Inc,
managers, Norman Risser, Jr.,
March 31 At Shellsville, an
nual spring sale of stock, imple
ments and household furniture
by Jake Gerbench.
April 7 Between Deodate
and Upper Lawn at Moyer’s
Church along Route #341 on Roy
Brandt Farm- Consignment and
commission sale of furniture,
stock and implements; contact
Roy Brandt, E-town 7-3623.
Bcit&fc Vice President
Of State Auctioneers
Vice president of the Pennsyl
vania Auctioneers Assn- for the
coming year will be Stanley H.
Dieter, 1806 Willow Street Pike,
elected last weekend at the an
nual convention in Harrisburg.
Lee Pillsbury, Allentown, was
named president, and Woodrbw
Roth, Emmaus, secretary-trea
The group went on record as
endorsing pending legislation to
provide control over comic books
and discussed me'asures being
considered to regulate auct
tioneers and provide for their
Dog Owners.
Warned New
*• *
License Due
Dog owners are warned that
under rules of the Common
wealth of Pennsylvania Depart
ment of Agriculture licenses must
be procured on or before Jan.
15 each year.
Dogs becoming six months of
age at any time must be licensed
at once. Licenses may be procu,*-
ed- by making application to the
County Treasurer direct or
through a notary public, justice
of the peace, alderman or magis
trate All licenses expire Jan. 15.
.Applications for spayed female
license - must be supported by
owner’s affidavit or certificate
from a veterinarian- License tag
must be affixed to a substantial
collar and kept on dog at all
times. License tag issued for one
dog cannot be used on another.
Responsible For Damage
Owners are responsible for all
damage caused by their dogs. The
word “owner” when applied to
proprietorship of a dog shall in
clude every person having a
right of property in such dog and
every person who keeps or har
bors such a dog or has it in his
caije, and every person who per
mits such dog to remain on or
about any premises occupied by
Purpose of .the “Dog Law” is
for the protection of the public
and their property through the
proper control of dogs and for
the protection of the properly
licensed and tagged dog.
The Department advises “The
proper control of your dog will
also help to protect and preserve
the wild life of the State and
will assist the Game Commission
to keep the State stocked with
game for the recreation and
health of the citizens.” N
Fines for Violations
Enforcement of the “Dog Law”
is under supervision of the
Bureau of . Animal Industry, De
partment of Agriculture, and the
cooperation-of the public is soli
cited to the end that the law
may be properly observed.
Violators of the “Dog Law” are
liable to a fine of not less than
five dollars ($5 00) nor more
than one hundred dollars ($100)
or to undergo an imprisonment
not exceeding 30 days or both.”'
Saturday, February 4, 1955
~On premises in Salisbury Twp., Lancaster Co., Pa.
Midway between GAP and WHITE HORSE
1-4 Mile Off Route 897.
3Tn JirTftD C Oliver “70” and John Deere “H” both
IIVnLIUUiJ. w jtj l cultivators, Farmall Cub, culti
vators and fertilizer attachment. 1946 Ford Pickup
Truck,'3-4 T. Full line of tractor equipment, dairy equip
ment; 30 T. hay, corn by T.
Household goods, some antiques. Sale at 12 noon.
Walter Wanner, Auct Gap, R. D. 1, Pa —Phone Gap 6R41
Hastings Wins-
Chester White
cat as Award
Richard Hastings, a senior
at Southern Lancaster County
Joint Community High school,
has been awarded a purebred
Chester White gilt by the Pa.
tional association for his record
state association for his record
past four years.
Mr. Hastings, who this week
deceived the Keystone Degree
of the Future Farmers of Ameri
ca at the 1956 Pennsylvania Farm
Show, was selected from Key
stone degree applicants who had
Chester Whites as a major pro
Records in Other Fields ,
His instructor, Jack Owen at
Solanco, reports that Mr- Hast
ings has set records not only in
Chester Whites, but in other
fields as well. The senior, son of
Mr. and Mrs. John Hastings, R 1
Kirkwood, started as a fresh
man with one sow.
In his sophomore year, the
project was expanded to two
sows, including the one award
ed him as a freshman. During
his third year of high school,
Richard fattened off some hogs
for market, continuing into his
senior year with two sows and
another gift.
Farm Show Grand Champ
For three years he has parti
cipated in the Chicken of To
morrow Contest, and his awards
in showing dairy heifers have al
so brought him considerable re
nown- One heifer placed first in
the youth division at the South
ern Lancaster County Commun
ity Fair in Quarryville,
Two successive years he has
shown the grand champion gilt
in the Farm Show vocational
agriculture class, winning a cam
era and a watch.
Richard is among the exhibi
tors at the Farm Show winding
up today.
Wife I dreamed last night
that you were the "friost vgener
ous man in the world and had
given me a $lOO bill to buy some
new dresses. Surely you wouldn’t
do anything to alter that opinion?
Husband Certainly not; just
to show you I’m as generous as
you dreamed, I am, you can keep
that hundred.
1906 Willow St Pike