Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, January 06, 1956, Image 3

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    Egg Role Tops
In Breakfast
(Continued from Page One)
and president of the Lancaster
Count} Poultry Association, told
ol the sign erection Saturday at
930 a m.
William H. Wilson, sales man
ager ol Hubbard Firms and new
iy-hamecl director of publicity for
poultry in the county, introduced
recent contest winners, Mrs.
Samuel Bailey of Eden Road,
Lancaster, for her traditional eg g
recipe. Charles Millinger of the
Lancaster Boy’s Club for his mod
em egg recipe, and the Lancas
ter County Poultry. Queen, Miss
Rnth WeiCksel of Kirkwood.
Fiom the Poultry & Egg Na
tional Board, Leslie S- ■ Hubbard
explained work of his group,
woik m the board’s experimen
tal kitchens, and told that with
offices ajlrea&y in Chicago (head
quaiters), Boston and San Fran
cisco a fourth may be opened m
the South.
“Most Complete, Most Perfect
‘The egg is one of nature’s
most complete, most perfect
ioods.” he told, -“and if a man ate
six eggs tor breakfast (one in the
Wednesday morning session did)
ho would meet 54 pet of his daily
piotem -requirements, 28 pet
calones, 24 pet calcium, 54 pet
phosphorous, 78 pet iron, 66 -pet
Vitamin A, 30-pet Thyamine, 50
pet nbotlavin (Vitamin B-l), 72
pet vitamin D and 18 pet of his
nvacm needs-”
Last year, 478 eggs were pro
duced ior each person in the
Unit ed States.
John Copenhauer, Elizabeth
town, furnished a carton of a
dozen eggs tfoy each press, radio
and television man on hand.
Negro teacher® face loss of jobs
in in leg ration-
Benson says farmers are ad
justing to peace.
Mutual Of New
Your . . ,
30,000 of Life Insurance for a tew cents a day. Ideal for a Jfamily
man. for a temporary business risk, and young farmers.
53 W. Main St.
Mountvilie Pa.
Phone: 59695
53 N. Duke St.
Lancaster Pa.
Phone; 4-6062
Local Couple .
Wed 55 Years
Mr. and Mrs. Phares M Ha
becker, of near Mechanic Grove,
celebrated their recent 55th
wedding anniversary Christmas
Day with an annual Christmas
dinner at their home.
Members of their immediate
families who attended the
affair were. Mrs. Marie Wagner,
Loren, Russell, Darlene and
Tommy, from Denton, Md; Mr
and Mrs. H. Roy Grove, Phila
delphia; Beulah M. Grove, Leb
anon; Leah K. Meyer, CoUege
ville; and Sylvia A. Nicholas, at
home. *
Mr. and Mrs. Habecker were
married Dec. 8, 1900.
Keystone Farmer
Degrees Given 9
(Continued from Page One)
Hastings, Rl Kirkwood, and is
a senior at Solanco. Richard is
also a senior, the son of Mr. and
Mrs John Hastings, Rl Kirkwood
]VIr. Herr is the son of Mr. and
Mrs. Grable Herr, R 2 Quarryville,
and was graduated last spring.
Mr Ecklin, a senior, is the son
of Mr and Mrs Luther Ecklin,
From Lampeter-Strasurg, Rich
ard D Mylm is a senior, the son
of Mr and Mrs. H. Robert My
hn, Rl Willow Street. Mr. Har
msh, also a senior, is the son of
Mr.-and Mrs- Aaron Harnish, Rl
Willow Street; Paul Landis, a
senior, is the son of Mr- and
Mrs. Benjamin Landis, Rl Stras
Southeastern Awards
The Future Farmers of" Am
erica will confer the degree of
“Keystone Farmer” upon 68 FFA
boys of southeastern Pennsyl
vania and 33 in southwestern
counties during the 1956 State
Farm Show.
Other boys from southeastern
counties to receive the Keystone
Farmer title ace:
Adams -County Gettysburg
Joint High School: Ted Crouse
and Arthur Shannebfpofc, Gettys
burg RD 1, H- Thomas Elledge,
Gettysburg-RD 4,-JDale C. Bie
secker, "Ortanna" and Robert -M.
Welzel, Biglerville, RD 2; Lower
Adams Joint High School, New
Oxford; George Grim, ‘ Abbotts
town, RD 1, and William Bosser
man, New Oxford, RD 1; Cone
wago Joint High School, East
Berlin; George E. Spahr, East
Berlin, RD 2; Upper Adams
High School, Biglerville; Kenneth
Pitzer, Asper, RD 1.
Berks County Kutztown
Joint School: Donald W.
Rednert, Tripoli, RD 1; Clay
Township High School, Oley:
Frederick Eyrich, Yellow House;
Schuylkille Valley Joint High
Robert H. Phillips
Farm Show Will
Open on Monday
(Continued f*om page one)
place winners wil share a record
$55,968 in cash premiums offer
ed by the) Farm Show Commis
The 1956 Farm Show starts a
new year for Pennsylvania agri
culture and provides a display
of agricultural products, equip
ment and supplies never before
equaled in quantity or quality,
according to Dr William L.
Henning, State Secretary of Agri
culture who is steering the first
show under this administration as
chairman of the Farm Show Com
mission ' ,
“Farming for Freedom”
Dedicated to the theme “Farm
ing foi Freedom,” the exposition
is designed to inspire and in
struct rural people “to the ex
tent that they might be able to
meet more adequately those prob
lems that are bound to- arise
during the year ahead,” he de
clared ~
“This Farm Show will be a
revelation to farmers, consum
er, processors and distributors
of Pennsylvania quality farm pro
ducts,” Secretary Henning added.
“We regret that it was neces
sary to turn away more than 100
applicants for commercial exhi
bit space and to refuse entry to
130 head of swine and 330 chic
kens because no room could be
found for them jn the building.
All departments of the show will
be filled to capacity- We are
hopeful that additional facilities
can be made for future shows.
36 Organizations Meet
‘'But this show is needed by
farmers They will come many
miles and from many states to
see it, especially the newest la
bor saving machines and equip
ment that will be on display. The
show will have a more import
ant impact than ever before as
farmers seek to reduce costs of
production in a lengthening
period of declimng income. Edu
cational meetings scheduled by
36 statewide farm organizations
will covecjiractical topics on cur
rent farm problems.”
Dedication .of the show to
“Farming for Freedom” will be
by GovernO" George' M. Leader
during “Governor’s Night” in the
large arena on the evening of
the opening day. This will be
followed by the annual display
of skills in horsemanship by
mounted members of the Penn
sylvania State Police.
The story of the advancement
of agriculture from days of
School,. Shoemakersville: Rich
ard C. Kline, Harburg, RD 2.
Bucks County —.Central'Bucks
Joint High School,-Doylestown;
Robert E. Kessler,- Wycombe.
Chester County Avon ■ Grove
Joint High School, West Grove:
Charles Shoun, Avondale, RD 1,
and Barton Baker, Cochranville,
RD 2.
Dauphin , County Derry
Township High School, Hershey:
Robert Good and Harry Alwine,
Middletown, RD 1, and Raymond
E. Fields, Grantville, RD 1; Hali
fax Area Joint High School;
Owen Ronald Etzweiler, Halifax,
RD 2.
Lebanon County Cornwall
Joint -High School: Elwood E.
Houser, Lebanon, RD 5; Eastern
Lebanon County Joint High
School, Schaefferstown: Glen K.
2eigler, Myerstown, RD 2, and
Luke E. Krall, Schaefferstown;
Northern Lebanon Joint High
School, Jonestown: Mark E- Dea
ven and John Moger, Jonestown,
RD 1, and Abram E. Brandt; Jr.,
Fredericksburg, RD 1; "South
Lebanon Township High School:
Carl William Arnold and Lester
J. Miller, Jr., Lebanon, RD 1.
York" County Dover Joint
High School; Leon B. Lankford,
Dover, and Glenn W. Fetrow,
Dover, RD 3; Northern Area
Joint High School, Dillsbufg; Da
vid E. Harhold, Dillsburg, RD 1,
Elwood W- Orner, Dillsburg, RD
2, Donaid C Myers, Dillsburg, RD
3, and Elwood K- Myers,' East
Berlin, RD 1; Southeastern Joint
High School, Fawn Grove:
Charles E.
town, RD 1; Spring Grove Joint
High School: George F. Hoke,
Spring Grove, RD-3. _ -
Lancaster Farming, Friday, January 6, 1956
ignorance of nature to the free
dom of man will be told in the
;-ural talent festival, “Song of
Freedom”, on Tuesday night.
Included among other special
evening programs in the arenas
aie the horse pulling contests
Wednseday night, the annual
livestock parade, a sheep dog
Erie County’s
Health Bureau
Approved by State
Department of Health for Erie
County, approved by voters there
in a popular referendum last
month by better than four-to-one,
is expected to be in operation
early in 1956.
Dr Beiwyn F -Mattison, State
Secretary of Health, expressed
confidence that as a result of the
vote “the people of Erie County
will have better health services
than heretofore, and thus event
ually will have better health,”
and thaf other counties will fol
low suit
As a result of this latest fav
orable vote, more than 4,379,000
Pennsylvanians will be served di
rectly by their own county health
departments, or other local health
units. This is approximately 40%
of the population of the State.
Other counties served by local de
partments of health are: Phllav
delphia, Bucks, and Butler, while-
Pitlsburgh has its own City
Health Department.
“County health departments in
timately responsible to the local
needs of the. county, and directed
by competent and trained public
health persons, have been shown
time and time again to be the
best method of administering
public health programs,” Dr.'
Mattison declared-
Bangor, Mich. When street
lights, paved streets and police
men were recently installed in
this town of 1,694 population,
Murray Hurlbut lost his job- For
39 of his 75 years, Hurlbut had
been the town’s night watchman.
24-Hour Service
. 1956 Driver*’ Licenses
Notary Public
~ 16 S. Lime St. Lancaster, Pa.
■ -
Pennsylvania - U. S. Approved
Pullorum- Typhoid Clean
5 1/' ■ Poultry
■ Keystone Breeding
■ 43 Old Mill Road EPHRATA, PA. [
* PHONES ; Httdieir376ll Farm 3-6179 ■
Ralston Purina
Founder Dies
Christmas Eve
ST LOUIS. Mo. William H.
Danforth, founder and chairman
of the board of the Ralston Pu
rina Company, died of a heart
attack on Christmas eve at hi»
home in St Louis, He was 85
years old
- Mr. Danfoith had been active
until he was stricken while wait
ing with his family for the ar
rival of Christmas carolers He
was founder and president of the
National Christmas Carols As
Pioneer in Feed Industry
One of the pioneers of the
commercial feed industry, Mr.
Danforth became associated with
the Robinson Danforth Commis
sion Co. in St Louis in 1894 The
principal pioduct of the small
business was a feed for horses
and mules
Secretary of Commerce Weeks
forcasts that stores will enjoy the
best Christmas sales in history
thus fall.
Farm Bureau
Dillerville Rd., - Lane.
Manheim - New Holland
Qaarryrillc v