Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, January 06, 1956, Image 2

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    2 Lancaster Far.rir.£, Friday, January 6, 1956
Barrows, Gilts
Mostly Steady,
Top at $13.50
By David S. Lorenson, Reporter
USD A Market News Bureau
Oattle; 2361 week ago 223 -
Compared iwitlh last Wednesday,
slaughter steers 1200 lbs and
{lighter fully steady, weights over
1200 lbs slow, about steady, some
weakness on 'commercial to low
choice averaging 1300 lbs and
over- Heifers in small supply,
mostly steady. ' Cows ' active,
around 25c higher, bulls mosrtfy
50c higher Sitbckers and feeder*
slow, around 25c lower. Receipts
comprised around 55 per cent
Stocker and feeder steers and 12
per cent cows Bulk choice fed;
steeds 975-1250 lbs 519.50-21.50,
a few loads high choice and low
prime 1019-1200 lbs $2175-22-25.
Load prime 1230-lb steers $22.75-
Good steers largely $17.50-18.50,
some commercial $15.00-17 00.
jj For any Farm Purpose
?: Made the Farmer’s Way
39 E. Chestnut St„
Lancaster, Pa.
Ph. Lane. 3-3921
♦j _
p Altman’s Super-A Feeds
Jj are timed-tested, scientifically balanced, vitamin complete and are
ft manufactured daily in three modern plants. Compare our prices.
H Super A Milk Replacer ,20% jßlue Bird Dairy 2-85
H (25 Ib. pad) ... 520 Beet'Pulp . 4.30
H Calf Ration 4.90 ® Starter .. . 4.15
H Enriched Fitting Ration 3.30 Ratlon ' ' 4 ; 70
g 20% Super A Dairy Feed 3.45 Q ua iity Egg Mash ... 3.95
H 32% Dairy 4-20 Blue Bird All Mash .. 365
H 16% Blue Bird Dairy 2-65 24% Yeast Egg Mash . .4-35
H STORE HOURS : Mon. Thru Fri. Bto 5.30 Sat. Bto 5
| Special discount on all chick orders thru January
| 947 Harrisburg Ave. jPhone L«nc. 4-7715
g WE DELIVER 10c per hundred discount on half ton lots or more
Serving Chester County and Southern
Lancaster County Over 16 Years
Now Is The Time To Have That Baler, Tractor or Com
bine Reconditioned by Factory Trained Personnel'
West Grove, Pa. Phone West Grove 2214
For Your Local Representive
Funeral services for Arthur S
Young, pioneer Lancaster County
implement dealer, at Kinzers,
were Friday afternoon. He passed
away Tuesday of last week Burial
was-in the Leacock Prebytenan
Church Cemetery.
Commercial and good heifers
$14.00-17.00, small lot choice
855-lb heifers $19.00. Utility and
commercial cows $12.25-13.50;
cutter cows largely $1025-12.50
with huglh yielding cutters to
$1350. Carmens. $9-00-10.00,
shelly banners down to $B.OO.
Utility and commercial bulls
$l6OO-18 00; cutters $l3 50-14.50.
Numerous loads medium and
good 700-900 lb feeder steers
$l6OO-1700; A few loads mart
loads good and choice 700-1009
lbs $1750-48.40, part load 9234
choice feeder Steers $1690. Load
4934 b choice stock steer calves
$2O-75; common feeders 600-750
libs $lB.OO-13.50.
CALVES; 914, week ago 492.
Compared with last Wednesday,
vealers active, choice and prime
fully steady to strong, lower
grades mostly steady. Bulk good
and choice vealers $2300;28.00;
high choice and 'prime $28.50-
3400 a few to $36 00. Utility and
Ocmlmerdal $14.00-2200-
IHOGS 1359, week ago 1557.
Compared iwt-llh last Wednesday;
Barrows and gilts mostly steady,
sows m very small simply. steady-
Wednesday’s sales barrows and
gilts U. S. mixed 1-3, 180-230 lbs
$813.00-13.50; weights 240-270 lbs
mostly .912:00-13 00- A few sow*
400.1bs and lighter $10.50-11-00.
over 400 lbs $9.00-10-00.
SHEEP; 385 week ago 174.
Compared wiith test Wednesday
wooiled slaughter lambs $l-00
lower Bulk good amid choice,
woolied slaughter lamlbs $17.50-
20i50, several small lots choice
(and low prime to $21.00 Utility
and low good $14.00-17-00.
Massey Harris
New Holland
Terramatic Barn Cleaners
and Othei Lines.
Or Kirkwood 32R4
Price Average
In Tuesday’s
Poultry 22.25
[Lancaster Poultry Exchange
OHohrerstown, Pa. - ©ales Report
- Sale #ll3. Tuesday, Jan. 3,1956)
Eleven lots totaling 19,450
birds 'sold in Tuesdays auction,
here at prices ranging from 2TH
to 23 cents, averaging 22-25 on
nine lots totalling 18,950 broilers.
One lot, 400 heavy fowl, sold at
26 cents, and one lot of 100 heavy
cockerel's brought 22%.
.Fifteen lots of 46,150 birds
were listed, 41,650 offered Tues
Report of Sales
-Sales by seller and' grower,
amount and breed, age by weeks
and d'ays, buyer and nrice, follow.
Paul Kreider, 200 White Cross. 13
weeks to Roy E. Ream, 22%; Mar-
Oun H. Mtunmau, two lots, 2500
Red Vantress Caicettes, 13 weeks,
no sale. 22 bid, and 2700 Florin
Special Capettes, 13 weeks, no
bale,,, 21 bid; Philip F. Poster,
10.000 White Vantress. 10 weeks,
no sale. 22% hid;
Aberdeen MiMs-Heribent Mi'Uer,
3000 'Bed Vantress, 10 weeks, to
Pennsylvania Dntoh Farms, 22;
same consignor, 3000 White Van
tress and Indian 'River Gross, 10
weeks to Daniel K. Goiod, 23;
David F. Hiarnish, 400 New Hamp
shire fowls. 15 montte; to Pro
iducera Cooperative (Exchange, 26;
same consiisnor, 100 White yant
ress-males. 4 men' hs to Daniel K.
Good, 22%; Christian E- Beilier,
800 Indian River . Cross, 12
months, to Produces Cooperative
Exchange, 22;
C. Richard Neff, 1550 Indian.
River Dross, 9 weeks. 4 days, to
Walter C. Mel’nger, 21%; Miller
& Bushong (John L. Heir), two
lots, 4300 Red Vantress, 9 weeks.
4 days, to Boy E. Ream at 22%,
and 1800 Red Vantress Cocke
rels, 9 weeks, 4 days, to Headers
Poultry, 22%; H- H. Fitz & Son,
2800 White Vantress and Indian
Rivers, 10 weeks, 4 days, to Pro
ducers Coop. Exc. 22; Wm. Myer,
two lots, 7000 Indian River Gross.
ll y weeks, no sale, 19 hid, .and 6500
White Vantress, 10 weeks. 4 days,
withdrawn ptior--to sale; Walter
Wentz, 2000 Bed Vantress, 11
weeks, to Boy E- Ream, 22.
In the sale report, attention
was also called to the fact the
date Of the Second Annual Meet
ing of the Lancaster Poultry Ex
change has been changed to Wed
nesday. Jan. 16.
Philadelphia Jan. 4—(JJSDA) —
Market unsettled. Most classes
were in excess of supplies for the
fair but very selective demand.
Few lots of White Rock pullets
33-35c> crosses 35-36 c, small sizes
30c. Large White Rock Caponettes
in slow sale at 28-31 c, few lots
lots roasters 28-30 c
No. 2 Qual. 23-25 c. Cross Fryers
23-25 c, Vantress Reds 22-25 C,
Columbias 22-24 c. White Rocks
23-24 - No. 2 Qual. 15-18 c without
clearing- Turkeys unsettled. De
mand light for more than ample
supplies. Bronze and white Hol
land young Hens 42-43, Young
Toms 30c.
Receipts Jan. 3 included Mary
land 7028 lbs, Delaware 12200
Wholesale selling prices .No. 1
and fancy Quality Broilers or
Fryers heavy type 3-4 lbs 22-25,
Roasters 28-30- Pullets 414 -lbs
and over 33-36, 4-414 lbs 30.
Hens heavy* type 27-32, light
type 15-20- Old Roosters 15.
Ducks: Muscovy 15-22 Pekins 32-
Turkeys: Young Hens 4243,
Young Toms 30.
' Philadelphia Jan. 4—(USDA)—
Market unsettled. Demand good
for limited supplies of top
quality. Extras were available
in increased volume with demand
only fair-
Wholesale selling prices; Min.
10 PCT AA Qual. Large 45-50#
white 59-60, brown 57-58, medium
white 55-56, brown 54-55. Extras,
Mm- 60 PCT A Qual. Large 45-50#
white 54-55, brown none, mixed
52-53, Med. white 52-53, brow* l
none, mixed 51-51%, Standards
50-51, current receipts none,
checks 43-43%.
Receipts Jan. 3 - 7,170 cases
all by -truck.
Poultry Sales
Gain Sharply
Over Dec. 1954
For December 1955, marketings
of poultry x at the Lancaster
Poultry Exchange exceeded the_
corresponding month a year
earlier by 182,470 birds, ac
cording to figures just released
by the Exchange
There were 10 sales in Dec
ember 1955 r compared to seven
,jn. December 1954. Here are com
(Date indicates day week
ended, first figure tolal birds
sold, second figure average
Dec 4, 1954 84,800 20.50
Dec. 11, 1954 116,550 19.15
Dec. 18, 1954 40,075 18-80
Dec. ’25, 1954 Holiday
Jan. 1, 1955 14,900 E 5.08
Total 256,325
Dec. 3, 1955 164,315 - 21.29
Dec. 10, 1955 132,225 19.35
' Ded-17, 1955 39,425 19.25
Dec. 24, 1955 30,250 19.00
Dec 31, 1955 72,580 22.68
Total 438,795
22.68 Average
Made Thursday
At Rohrerstown
Lancaster Poultry Exo'-enigc
(Rohrerstown) (Sales Report
Sale #ll2, 'Thursday, Dec. 29,"
1955) Seventeen lo's of 44,750
birds averaged 22.68 Tor 9 to ,13-
week broilers in a range of 22 to
25% cents here Thursday. One
licit of eamettes said at 26%. On
the corresponding day a year ago,
nine lots of 36,400 were off ere-,
four lots of 14900 sold m a rangs
of 24% to 25%, averaging 25.03
for Sale #lB, Thursday Dec. 30.
1954. v
Thursday sales bv seller and
grower, amount and breed, age
by weeks and days, buyer and
price included: Paul M. Martin &
Son, 3400 Bed and White Vant
iress. 10 weeks, 1 day, to Walter
C. MeSflinger, 22; Aaron H- Herr,
3500 White Vantress, 10-1 ailso,
to Bov E. Ream at 22%; Caleb
Hersihey. 300 White Vantress.
10-6, to Marvin W. Sweigart. 22%;
Miller & Bnshong (Harry L.
Temple), 1900 White Vantress,
10 weelcs, to Victor F. Weaver 3 ’
Inc., 22%;
Roy M. Good, 800 Red and
White Vantress, 10-6, to 'Ray W.
Gobble, 23; filler & Bushonig
(Raymond Charles), 4200 White
Tail Cornish Cross, 9-2, to Victor
F. Weaver, Inc., 22%; William
Sketblway. 3000 White Vantress
and Red Vantress, 10-4, to H. W.
Lomgacre, 22%; William Sketh
way, 6000- White Vantress, 10
weeks, to H. W. Lomgacre, 22%;
Mi'ler & Bushong (A. Huber Har
niish, 1700 White Vantress and
ISilver - Cross Capettes, 12-2, to
Walter C. Mellinger, 26%;
m - m
Used Tractor Specials...!
Farmall F-20, $189.00 -
Farmall “M”
W'C Allis Chalmers (Crank) $245.00
“C” Allis Chalmers withHyd.
John Deere “B” with Cult.
John Deere “A”
UsedN. H. 75 and 77 Balers
Massey-Harris Hammermill
New Holland Forage Harvester
Dearborn Forage Harvester
A-C All Crop Harvester
Case 5’ Cut Combine
Meyer Hay Crusher with Mower
Don’t Forget to get that Baler, Tractor or Implement
Checked or Overhauled NOW. Take advantage
Ph. Lane. 3-7607 Strasburg 0V72305 Litiliz 6-7766 5
m m « m m m m H M M H M H M ■■ H ■§ aa aa m aa m M| Hj m ?
Tobacco Market
Quotas Approved;
Vote “No” Here
Lancaster County tobacco pro
ducers emphatically eight to
one rejected marketing quotas
and price supports for, the sixth
year m a row fast week- The
final tally, for controls, 194,
against, 1,476- -
The, vote by Pennsylvania
cigar-filler tobacco marks the
third successive year since 1952-
in which they have voted dis
approval of quotas. Therefore,
as provided by law, there will
not be another referendum on
this kind of tobacco for a 3-year
period, regardless of the supply
situation, unless at least 25 per
cent of the growers petition the
Secretary of Agriculture to\hold
a referendum. In the preliminary
tabulation of 1880 votes, 210 or
11-2 per cent approved quotas
and 88-8 per cent disapproved.”
Dauphin county alone of 'the
seven in Pennsylvania casting
ballots voted in favor' of con
trols three to two. Four eligible
voters abstained.
It is estimated only one-third
of Lancaster 7 County’s eligible
producers voted. Last year 1,478
ballots were cast here, compared
to" 1,476 this year-
• She (ending a quarrel): “I see
now why a woman is often called
a bird,” He (imartly): “Yes, be
cause they are always on the
lookout for crumbs-” She (quiet
ly): “No, because of the worms
they pick up.”
Harold Eiby, 2100 Indian River
Cross, 9-2, to Carl B. Risser, 22%;
Mervin Ndssley, 350 Indian' .Raver
Cross. 12 weeks, to John N.
Thomas 25; Emanuel Flaud, 500
White Vantress, 10 weeks, to Roy
E- Beam, 23; Andrew N. Miller,
1900 Meat Packers. 9-6. to Victor
F. Weaver, Inc., 22%; Paul W.
Mkrtin, 3600 White Vambress, 10-2,
to Oarl B. Rosser, 22%; Paul W. .
Martin, 3900 Indian'.River Cross,
10 weeks, to Harry H- Weaver,
Jr., 22%; Harold Folkman, 5400
Indian River Cross, 16 weefcs, to
Carl B. Risser, 23; B- Franklin ,
Kreider, 200 White Vantrcas.
12-6, to Ray W. Gibble, 25%.
Electrical Contracting
Leola, Pa. Phone 6-6661
I “Open* Thurs. & Fri. ’till 9”