Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, January 06, 1956, Image 1

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    Vol. 1, No. 10
Egg Role Tops
In Breakfast
Hailing Month
By LF Staff Reporter
Lancaster County’s annual $26-
nulhon egg production was
heralded Wednesday morning in
an Egg Breakfast at Hotel Bruns
wick, Lancaster, launching “Janu
ary Egg Month” locally.
Thirty-six guests breakfasted
on eggs boiled, poached,
scrambled, sunnyside up, over,
with orahgegg as a starter, pota
toes hash-browned with eggs,
rolls, coffee and bacon.
Center Drive to Open
At the breakfast, it was an
nounced signs will be erected
next Saturday at the site of the
proposed new Lancaster Poultry
Center, and the campaign. for
funds put into high gear- In the
Dec 31, 1955 report of contri
butiors and pledges it was shown
participants have already guaran
teed $4,330.36
Earl "Reeves of Millet & Bus
hong saw that the eggs were
gathered Tuesday, assuring per
fect freshness, while the kitchen
staff of the Brunswick insured
perfection in cookery.
City Issues Proclamation
Levi president- of
the Lancaster Poultry Exchange,
offered the invocation. James
Dorsey, from Indian River Hatch
eries, presided
Mayor Kendig C. Bare of Lan
caster read the official' city pro
clamation launching the Egg
Month observance, adding the
morning menu offered a nourish
ing, delicious, healthful break
fast, thanks to eggs He alsp paid
credit to the county’s industry,
with her 2% million laying hens,
500 million eggs, and the result
ant $26-million-plus last year
that put this on top in agricul
tural industries
Wearing the official uniform
chef’s hat 'he read the of
ficial proclamation from his City
office opening January Egg
Dr. E. L Robertson, director
of nutrition at Eshelman Feeds
(ComlSinued on page three)
Show Decorations
By Flower Growers
vania Flower Growers Associa
tion opee more wiU cooperate
with the Farm Show Commission
in the placement of potted plants
and other floral decorations' at
the 1956 Pennsylvania Farm
Show here next Jan- 9-J3.
Special floral displays in the
front lobby and elsewhere in the
14-acre building wil add greatly
to the attractiveness and color of
the entire show, according to Dr.
William L. Henning, State Secre
tary of Agriculture and Chairman
of the Farm Show Commission.
The executive committee and
board of directors of the Asso
ciation will meet at the Farm
Show Building on Monday morn
ing, Jan. 9, opening day of the
Lancaster Farming ... Egg Market Basket
- January" —-Egg Month —— has. special
significance for Lancaster County and Lam
caster Farming. - One of the top “crops,”
the County supplies millions upon millions
Farm Show Will
Open on Monday,
And Close Friday
vania’s massive Farm Show
building echoed "today to the
sound of hammers, saws and
shouts of exhibit builders as they
pushed last minute preparations
for opening of the 40th annual
state agricultural exposition at 8
o’clock next Monday mornnig.
Glistening new paint of farm
machines being placed for the
January 9-13 classic contrasted
with the neatly straw-bedded
stalls and pens that are ready to
receive a record-breaking display
of horses, dairy and beef cattle,
swine,'sheep and lambs. _
First Livestock Arrives
First arrivals of livestock were
reported today and more than
2.000 head will be m place by
Sunday, together with nearly
4.000 birds in the poultry de
partment, making it, one of the
largest poultry- shows in the east
ern United States
The nearly 14 acres under roof
will he closed to visitors on Sun
day, permitting exhibitors to com
plete their displays in time for
the Monday opening
$55,968 in Premimus
Close to 12,000 different en
tries are expected in the com
petitive displays of farm and
farm home products for which
(Continued on page three)
Quarryville, Pa., Friday, January 6, 1956
'Date of the Second Annual
Meeting of tne Lancaster Pcutoy
Exchange has been changed to
7 - 30 m. Wednesday. Jan. 18 at
Elementary SJhool, 'Rohreistown
fThe meeting was originally sched
uled for the preceding evening.
Hatchery Here
Belgian’s Host
In County Tour
Goldfus Hatcheries of Lititz,
Thursday made a hop-skip-jump
tour of Lancaster poultry opera
tions to show Renaat Deßycke of
Belgium, how a Lancaster Coun
ty hatchery handles production
of broiler and layer chicks. The
Belgian-also got a good picture
of how Lancaster poultry farms
operate. Goldfus Hatchery, well
known for its tyleatpacker Cross
broilers, is now first to introduce
the Ames In-Cross hybrid breed
into the county.
The' Ames In-Cross breed is a
recent introduction into Pennsyl
vania from liwa, by Governor
George Leader’s Willow Brook
Hatchery. The breed’s hardiness
and prolific white egg laying
qualities have made the bird a
favorite in other states. It now
shows promise in European
Members of the Lancaster
County District of the South
eastern Pennsylvania Artificial
Breeding Cooperative will hold
their annual meeting Wednesday.
Feb. 22 in the Landisville Fire
Hall at ‘7:30 p. m. Joe Taylor
from the Pennsylvania State Univ
ersity will be -the main speaker,
reports Oren W. Seavers, Assis
tant manager.
-of eggs-annually for the east’s market -bas
ket. Here is symmetry in a symbol of one
of the outstanding figures Lancaster- Coun
ty marks up annually agriculturally.
Winter Drought
Prevails Here
And In Midwest
Talk of a midwinter drouth
seems unreasonable, but such
happens to be. the case m many
parts of the country as well as
m Lancaster “County.
“We had but .16 of an inch
of rain all during December,”
one St Louis resident told this
weekend, while in southwestern
lowa the story was much the
same There farmers are frankly
Not only were there cars park
ed on the streets of one lowa
county seat Saturday afternoon,
but there were trucks loaded
with cans lor hauling water.
It’s dry in Lancaster County
too, with Ephrata’s Weather Sta
tion recording but .23 of an inch
in December. As far as the rec
ords go back to 1896 that
was the driest December on rec
■Midwestern weather was balmy
with a snappy chill at night dur
ing the New Year’s weekend,
while here temperatures ranged
down to 20 degrees and below-
Traffic was tangled in Lancas
ter late Thursday afternoon and
early eveniiig of last week by
freezing sleet and rain- Phone
company workers coming from
Wilkes Barre Tuesday moning
after the New .Year holiday re
ported highways sheets of ice in
many places-
In Lancaster County, use of
calcium chloride and salt to
speed up highway clearing was
launched along U. S. 30, and suc
cess of the test indicates further
use will be made of this chemical
combination. -
Normal precipitation for Lan
caster County during the closing
month of the year is 3.12 inches.
By LF Staff Reporter
$2 Per Year
Keystone Farmer
Degrees Given 9
County Students
, Nine Lancaster County voca
tional agriculture students are
among 244 named in Pennsyl
vania to receive the Keystone
Degree of the Future Fanners of
America during the Pennsylvania
State Farm Show next week.
Of the nine, four are students
of Jack Owen at Solanco High
School, Quarryville, four are fom
Myers Honored
George W- Myers, Lampet
er-Strasburg High School vo
cational agriculture instruc
tor, will receive the honorary
Keystone Farmer degree at
the State Farm Show in Har.
risburg next week.
Instructor at Lampeter-
Strasburg six years, he re
sides at R 1 Willow Street-
Twenty-eight of his vo-ag
students will have received
the American Farmer De
gree, and one, J. Mowrey
Frey, Jr., was Pennsylvania
Star Farmer in 1952.
classes of George W- Myers’
Lampeter- Strasburg High School,
tme~’fromnManheim' Centrst'High
School under Joseph McGahen-
In ceremonies Wednesday
Jan. 11, the farm boys will re
ceive the degree of “Keystone
Farmer,” highest that can be
conferred upon any FFA boy at
State level. Not more than two
per cent of the State FFA mem
bership can receive the award
under FFA rules
Outstanding Achievement
Names of those chosen were
certified to the State Farm Show
Commission by H C. Fe'tterolf,
state FFA adviser, and chief of
agricultural education in the De
partment of Public Instruction.
The degree is awarded to vo
cational students for outstanding
achievement in agricultural and
rural life. To e eligible, FFA
members must have demonstrat
ed leadership, completed at least!
two years in vocational agricul
tural instruction, earned at least
$5OO in productive agricultural
enterprises, and attained satisfac
tory achievement in improving
his farm’s efficiency or his farm
home’s comfort-
The boys, by schools, are- front
(Continued on Page Three)
Work Horse Has Place
In Farm Show Agenda
HARRISBURG Work horses
still have their place on many
Pennsylvania farms despite in
creasing numbers of trucks and
tractors, a fact that will be em
phasized at the 1956 Pennsylvania
Farm Show' here.
One of the highspots for horse
breeders at the coming show will
be the judging of the 89 head of
Belgian and Percheron horses
entered in competition for prize
money this year. Judging will be
by J. E. Patterson, Ravenna.
Ohio, in the large arena.
Champion and other award
banners and ribbons will be plac
ed on Belgians Monday morning.
Jan. 9, and on entries in the
grade division that afternoon.
Percherons will be judged the
next morning. The annual meet
ing of the Pennsylvania Horse
and Mule Association will be held
Tuesday evening in the main
show building.