Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, December 30, 1955, Image 2

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    g Lancaster Farn'hj, Friday, December 30, 1955
Borrows Gain,
Fe!w Hit $l4;
Steers Steady
By David S. Lorensou, Reporter
(JSDA Market New? Bureau
Lancaster (Wednesday to
Wednesday Review)
Cattle; 2234. week ago 1647.
Compared with last Wednesday:
{Slaughter steers 1200 ibs and
lighter mostly steady, weights
lover 1200 lbs slew steady to weak,
most nressure on ‘commercial and
good. Heifers scarce, about steady,
tows 50-75 c higher, bulls fully
steady- Stockers and feeders Slow,
steady to weak. Bulk choice fed
steers 975-1200 lbs $2O .00 21.50. a
couple lots 11004 b choice and
jxrime $22-00-22 50 load 16181 b
prime steers $2l-75 good 'steers
mostly $l7-50-18.50; some com
mercial $l5 00-17 00 Small lots
commercial and good heifers
$l4OO-17 00, odd head choice to
S2O 00. Utility and commercial
cows $l2 00-13 50; canners and
tatters $8.75-1250, a few high
yielding cutters to $l3OO. Utility
and commercial bulls $l4-50-17 50;
cutters $l3 50-1400 Most medium
and good 600-900 lbs feeder steev«
$15.00-17 50 > Load 1000-lb good
and Choice 'feeder steers $lBOO,
several part loads 544-733 lb I
choice feeder yearlings $l9 00 20. j
492. week a l 3o 972 compared
with last Wednesday
CALVES. Vealers active around
Sl-00 higher Bulk good and
choice vealers $23 00-2800; high
(Choice and tirime $2B-50-33 00, a
few to $35-00 Utility and com-
Electrical Contracting
Leola, Pa. Phone 6-6661
“Open Thurs. & Fri. ’till 9”
Altman’s Super-A Feeds
are timed-tssted, scientifically balanced, vitamin complete and are
manufactured daily m *hree modern plants. Compare our prices.
Special Chop . 3.10 Rabbit Pellets . . 4.75
20 % Hog, Pig & Sow 4,00 Super A Dog Feed 25 lbs 2*05
Horse Feed .. . 3-60 Quality Egg M t ash . . 3.95
Oats (80 lb) 2.90 Blue Bird All Mash .. 365
C orn 3.25 fitting Ration ... 3.30
Scratch . 345 20 % Blue Bird Dairy 2-85
Fine Chick Feed 4.70 16 % Blue Bird Dairy 2-65
STORE HOURS]: Mon. Thru Fri. Bto 5.30 Sat. Bto 5
12 varieties of Babv Chicks available at all times.
Ask about our special discount on early orders for chicks.
| 947 Harrisburg Ave. Phone Lane. 4-7715
S WE DELIVER 10c per hundred discount on half ton lots or more
IF you want low cost, large bodied leghorn pullets,
that will be ready to lay early next Fall—
THAT will lay large white eggs and give you sub
stantial profit
THEN order your chicks direct from a (closed-flock
breeder,) in your own locality, who crosses blood
lines within their own flock—
THUS furnishing you with the type of resistance
best fitted to combat local health problems.
MOUNT JOY 3-4911
Thursday Sale
Of Poultry in
19-Cciil Bracket
Lanca_lor Pou3ltxy Exchange
(Rohrerstowir * Sales Report.
Sale # 110 - Thursday, Dec. 22,
1955) Prices remained- at le
vels somewhat below tflie cor
responding day a year ago in the
poultry auction there Thursday.
However, bids were primarily
oteady with the previous market
ing session with sales in a range
of 17% to 19 %, averaging 18-96.
For Dec- 23. 1954. Sale #l7 had
10.450 (birds, six lots, listed, 7,500
in three lots were hid. none sold,
from 20H to 20%. In the nme
lots of 28.650 listed last Thursday,
eight lots of 28,150 were offered,
22.150 in seven lots sold.
Here, are Thursday sales listed
(by seller and grower, amount
and breed, age by weeks and
days, buyer and ’price; D. E- Horn
& iOo, (Nelson Fitz) 5000 White
Mountains 10 weeks 2 days to
(Producers Coop. Exchange 1914,
Reuben N- Martin, 2500 Indian
River Cross, 10-2, to Ttfley’s
Poultry, 19%; Clayton S- Zim
merman. 1000 White Ventre's,
10 weeks to Roy E Ream, 10; H
Mervin McMlchael, 900 Indian
River Cross, 11-6, to Roy E-
Ream. 17%; 'Miller & Bushong
(Samuel B- Siegrist) 750 White,
Vantress. 10 weeks, to Boy E.
Ream, 19%;
Three lots consigned toy Ver
non S. Snyder- 6000 White Van
tress, 9-6. Mandata Poultry, 16%;
10 'weeks, to Mandata Poultry,
18 K ; 6000 Red Vantress to Man
date Poultry 18%; 6000 Bed Van
tress, 9-6, No sale, 18% bid, and
Titus H. Nolt, 5000 White Cor
nish Cross. 15 weeks, withdrawn
prior to sale
mercial $14.00 21.50.
1557 week ago '1164 compared
with last Wednesday:
HOGS- Barrows and gilts fu’ly
.steady, instances 50c higher to
local small killers- Sows-scarce,
steady. Bulk (harrows and gilts
U- S- mixed 1-3. 180-280 lbs Wed
nesday. a few lots
mostly 180-220 lbs to local small
killers to $l4OO Weights 240-
270 lbs. $l2 00-13 00 A few sows
Ithas week $lO,OO-11.50.
(SHEEP: 074. week ago 257.
Compared with last Wednesday;
Wooled slaughter lamlbs around
$lOO higher. Bulk good dnd
choice wooled slaughter lamlts
$lBOO-21, several lots flo-85flb
(choice and .prime to $22-00; Uti
lity and low good $l4 00-17-50.
Marifcet firm. Prices moved high
er. Lighter supplies were mdequ
ate to meet immediate trade re
Wholesale selling ©riioes: min.
10 POT AA qual. Large 45-90#
white 62-63. brown 60-61. Medium
white 58-59. brown 57-53. Extras,
mm. 60 POT A 'Qual Large 45-
50# white 58-60. brown none,
mixed 57-59. medium white none,
Jbrown none, mixed 53-54. Stand
ards 53-54 current receipts none,
dhecka 4042 ii.
(Receipts Dec 27 - 5,040 cases
all by truck-
Market firm on heavy type 'hens
unsettled on other classes. De
mand good for top qual. With sup
plies adequate on most classes.
Few lots white' rock mullets 30-
36c- Large white rodk caponettes
33-36 c small sizes 25-30. Cross
(fryers 23. Columbian 25-26 c, Van
tress reds 23-26, with bu’ik unsold
as three loads arrived Me. Tur
keys steady. .Demand good, for
light supplies Bronze Young hens
50c, young Toms 31-33 c, White
Holland young hens 50c young
Toms 33-38 c
Receipts iDee 27 i-no’uded MP
7900 libs, Del 9200 lbs. Va. 4000
Wholesale selling prices No. 1
and fan'cv Quad. Broilers or fryers
heavy type, 3-4 lbs 23-26. Bullets
4Vi libs and over 30-36 Hens,
heavy type 25-30 light type, 15-20.
Old roosters 1(2. Ducks, Muscovy,
20-25- Turkeys, young hens 50,
young Toms 31-38.
Seven Guernseys
Of 96 Finalists
In Pennsylvania
Seven purebred Guernseys from
Pennsylvania are among the 96
finalists nominated for the 1955
All-American Contest sponsored
by the American Guernsey Cat
itle Club.
They include - Lake Louise
Royal Superb, bull calf owned by
Raymond Goeringer, Dallas; Max
im of McDonald Farms, two
year-old bull owned by Dr-
George T Pack, Wnghtsviile;
Wyno Beau’s Cherub, aged bull
owned by James D. Berry, Jr-,
Titusville; Applebrook Predic
tion’s Carla, junior yearling heif
er owned by Charles P O’Con
nor, West Chester; Wye Heights
Rare, four-year-old cow owned
by Dr- Pack; Fairlawn Actor’s
Helena, aged cow owned by
Wyno Farms, Muncy; Cool Run’s
Fame’s Donna, aged cow owned
by Dr- Pack.
The 96 finalists represent
those Guernseys judged best of
the hundreds of blue-ribbon win
ners of this year’s show that
were entered in this second an
nual All-American Contest.
They were selected by a nomi
nating committee composed of
M. G. Seath, Far Halls, N- J,
judge of this year’s National
Guernsey Show; Delbert Kings
ton, Cary, 111., 1955 International
judge; and C. Hilton Boynton,
extension dairyman at the Uni
versity of New Hampshire- Ad
visor to the group was Dr- H. H-
Kildee, dean emeritus, lowa
State College-
An All-American and Reserve,
plus Honorable Mentions, will
now be chosen for each of the
16 classes in this year’s competi
tion- Official placings will be
made on the basis of the com
bined votes of a selection com
mittee comprised of the judges
who officiated at approved
Guernsey shows during the 1955
Official placings will be an
nounced Feb- 1, 1956 and will
then be permanently recorded in
the AGCC’s performance register
interested persons will be
given an opportunity to test their
Guernsey judging skill at plac
ing the All-American classes, in
competition with the selection
committee, through »• judging
contest to be sponsored by the
Guernsey Breeders, Journal, of
ficial breed publication. Details
and entry blanks will appear in
the Dec- 30 issue.
Lancaster Farming
Irish potatoes harvested for
home use or for sale
Farms reporting .
Note: for 1954, does not include acreage tor farms
with less than 20 bu harvested; for 1950 does not include
acreage for farms with less than 15 bu harvested).
Tobacco harvested 1954 1949
Farms reporting 4,292 5,078
Acres 26,420 31,230
* " Pounds 37,965,489 44,945,793
Livestock farms other than dairy and poultry show
ed one of the most remarkable increases in the 1950-1954
period, as shown in the table below for Lancaster County,
based on number of farms:
1950 1954
Dairy Farms 1,620 1,570
Poultry 1,039 1,170
Livestock, other than dairy and
poultry J 514 1,120
General Farms 2,220 1,915
Broiler Prices
Gain Tuesday;
Top Up to 21.8
Lancaster Poultry Exchange.
(Rohrerstown, Pa.) (Sales Report,
Sale #lll, Tuesday, Dec. 27,1955)
—Strengthening prices in broilers
followed the Christmas holiday
Tuesday in the auction here that
scored an average of 21.8 cents
Prices range from 21%-24% on 7
lots totaling 27,830 sold- Seven
lots of 22,930 were listed, nine
lots of* 35.130 were offered.
Here are Tuesday sales listed
by feller and grower, amount
and breed, age by weeks and
days, buyer, and price: Aaron S.
Fisher, 950 White Vantress, 11
weeks, to Tilley’s Poultry, 22%;
Daniel G. Forry, one lot of 950
Red Vantress, 11 weeks, 4 days,
to Roy E. Ream at 22, and one
lot of 990 RedVantress, 11 weeks,
4 days, to Ray W- Gibble, 24%
Harold Folkman, 5400 Indian
River Cross, 9 weeks, 4 days, no
sale, 21% bid; Miller & Bushong,
6500 White Vantress, 10 weeks,
4 days, to Horace W- Longacre,
21%; Miller & Bushong (Fred F
Frey), 6200 White Vantress, 10
weeks, 4 days, to Mandata Poul
try, 22; Miller & Bushong (Nor
man S. Peifer), 1900 Indian
River Cross, 10 weeks, 4 days, no
sale, 22 bid
Two lots were offered and
sold but had not been listed:
Jacob N- Eshelman, 12,000 White
Vantress, 9 weeks, to Producers
Coop Exchange, 21%; Glenn H
Herr, 200 Indian River pullets,
5% months, to Daniel K. -Good,
at 31 cents.
Approximately 45,000 birds
were listed for yesterday’s sale.
4 hVhMi
4 >1 il 2 f m n 4
No costl
350 Strasburg Pike
Ph. Lane. 3-7607 Strasburg 0V72305
t *
Fulton Grange
To Expand Hall *
With Addition
An addition 32 feet sqare at
the rear of Fulton Grange „66
Hall will be constructed soon in
expansion plans annonced at the
Christmas party in Oakryn Hall
this week
At the same meeting, Master
Charles McSparran named three
Grange representatives to the
milk price hearing concerning l
the sale of second class milk.
They are Thomas Galbreath, Mar
tin Eshleman and RusseirHart
Included in the Christmas
party program were a gift ex
change, carol singing, and re
freshments. Howard Miller and
Theodore Beck conducted the
program. Miss Ruth Ann Arm
strong was ip charge of the
Juvenile Grange program, with
songs and recitations.
Miss Mabel Brabson, lecturer,
had charge of the Subordinate
Grange program.
es or
listers to install or dean!
Lititz 6-7766