12—Lancaster Farming, Friday, December 30, 1955 Lancaster Farming Statistics Highlights compiled from 1954‘Census of Agriculture, Preliminary, “Farms, Farm Characteristics, Farm Products U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. Subject to revision. FARMS, ACREAGE, and VALUE 1954 1950 Farms, number 7,951 7,952 JProportion in farms ... 82 4% 'Approximate land area, (acres) 604,000 Land in farms, acres ... • . 498,206 495,000 Average size of farm, acres . .62.7 62.3 Value of land, buildings, average per farm $ 26,713 $ 20,527 per acre ... • $ 435.15 $ 324.29 Land in farms according to use: Cropland harvested, farms reporting 7,205 7,385 Acres 334,294 325,792 Cropland used for pasture: Farms reporting 1,521 2,146 Acres 17,299' 23,965 Cropland harvested and not pastured: Farms reporting .' . .. 1,141 1,546 Acres 10,800 16,173 Woodland pastured; Farms reporting ... 696 572 Acres . .... 6,822 5,023 Woodland not pastured: Farms reporting 2,401 2,617 Farms by Economic Class in Lancaster County. Value of Products Sold: 1950 1954 $25,000 or'more 455 615 $lO,OOO - $24,999 2,503 2,516 $5,000 - $9,999 1,867 1,765 $2,500 - $4,999 931 870 $1,200 - $2,499 717 670 $ 250 - $1,199 249 230 Acres 37,0447 38,594 Other pastures (not cropland and not woodland) Farms reporting 4,459 3,959 Acres 66,747 57,185 ■lmproved Pastures; 1 Farms reporting 1,530 Acres 25,137 Other land (house lots, roads * ' wasteland, etc.): Farms Reporting 7,444 7,321 Acres 25,200 28,768 Irrigated land in farms; Farms reporting 252 74 Acres 3,342 433 ssgacsrsxszsjsssxsra -MsMeLMaLS3S^oaas^i^Vss\ C T. J. MATTHEWS A. H. BURKHOLDER t g 278R2 , 175 * | QUARRYVILLE CONCRETE PRODUCTS CO. \ C THOMAS J. MATTHEWS, Gen. Mgr. ,L K Concrete or Cinder Block, v K Phone Chimney Block and Lintel, t K 109R2 Steel Sash, Cement Paint. V psssncwsn Mutual Of New York Your. . . “MONY ADVISOR” “MONY” SAVING PLANS Robert H. Phillips NEW “MONY” TMT POLICY 10,000 of Life Insurance for a few cents a day Ideal for a family man, for a temporary business risk, and young farmers. 53 N. Duke St. Lancaster Pa. Phone: 4-6062 53 W. Main St Mountville Pa. Phone: 59695 MUTUAL OF NEW YORK r**«t«t**M**»mi v> EMPLOYEE OFFERS YOU FOR FREE LITERATURE WRITE OR CALL Land in cover crops turned under - for green manure: Farms reporting 1,494 Acres, 1954 20,171 Cropland used for grain or row crops farmed on contour Farms reporting 890 Acres •• 42,698 FARM OPERATORS ‘ Residing in farm operated 1954 1950 Operators reporting 7,539 7,399 Not residing on farm operated* - Operators reporting -.. 306 252 SPECIFIED FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT (Represents estimates for all farms made on basis on sample reporting on 20 per cent of farms) 1954 1950 Telephone, farms reporting .._ 5,627 4,551 Electricity, farms reporting ... 6,887 6,583 Television set, farms reporting 2,656 Piped water, farms reporting ' 7,027 Home freezer farms reporting 4,097 2,300 Electric pig brooder 190 Power feed grinder 1,602 Milking machines 2,551 * 2,239 Grain combines, farms report . 1,617 1,237 Number . 1,617 1,269 Corn pickers, farms reporting 1,171 639 Number 1,176 639 Pick-up hay .balers, farms reporting 1,752 * 877 Number 1,757 - 892. Field forage harvesters, farms reporting and number 471 Artificial ponds, reservoirs and earth tanks, farms reporting 801 Number - 903 SPECIFIED CROPS HARVESTED " Corn: 1954 1950 For all purposes farms reporting 6,502 6,626" Acres 102,872 94,809 Harvested for grain, farms reporting 6,375 6,519 ■Acres- 81,652 77,196 Bushels 4,460,512 Cut for silage, farms reporting 2,871 2,514 Acres 20,629 16,669 1954 1950 Tons green jweight 204,507 156,780 Wheat, threshed or combined Farms reporting ”... 5,342 5,479 Acres 61,721 70,868 Bushels 2,191,624 1,841,288 Oats threshed or combined Farms reporting 1,836 812 Acres 11,397 4,681 Bushels r ? 544,600 158,721 Barley threshed or combined Farms reporting 2,369 2,143 Acres 17,548 15,904 - Bushels '907,808 698,151 Clover or timothy cut for hay Farms reporting 5,049 5,516 Acres 65,885 - 71,754 Tons 123,528 126,110 Lancaster County Following is a comparison of number, size and value of Lan caster County farms from 1950 (to 1954 as shown in the 1954 census of agriculture—prelim inary sit H 1954 1950 Number of farms 7,951 7,952 Acres in farms 498,206 495,500 Average size of farms .... 62 7 62 3 Under 10 acres 1,371 1,249 10 Ito 29 acres 1,292 1,370 30 to 40 'acres 1,042 1,803 50 to 60 acres 1,229 1,255 70 to 99 acres . 1,432 1,480 100 to 139 acres 987 966 140 to 179 acres 315 283 180 to 219 acres 131 123 220 to 259 acres 65 57 260 to 499 acres 78 76 500 (to 990 acres 7 7 1,000 acres and over . 2 3 “MON¥” A tourist had visited an Indian reservation to buy same curios, and was talking to an Indian Chief. The tourwt asked about the size of the Indian’s family, and was amazed wlhen the chief said! that he had 14 children ‘Well,” Said the tourist, “'with .a family that large, don’t you have an endless stream of squab bles and arguments’” “Oh, nb.” the Indian replied. “’We’re just one bigiHopi family.” With military procurement un der attack, the Army Secretary has been vested with full re sponsibility to iprovide food sup plies for the Army, Navy. Air Force and Marines. Corn No Kidding . ■ ■ ' BETTER CHICK LIVEABILITY EARLY LARGE EGG SIZE CHALK WHITE EGGS B SUSTAINED HIGHER PRODUCTION ■ LOWER HEN HOUSE MORTALITY ■ Pennsylvania - U. S. Approved Pullorum* Typhoid Clean WRITE FOR NAMES OF SATISFIED CUSTOMERS IN YOUR AREA E Keystone (reeding Farm: [ 43 Old Hill Road EPHRATA, PA. 3 ■ PHONES: Hatchery 37611 - Farm 3-6179 jj !»■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ Vegetable Crop In Pennsylvania Shows Decline HARRISBURG, Value of all vegetable .crops produced an Pen eylvama this past season was down $1,604,000 from last year, Dr. William L. Henning, State Secretary of Agriculture, an oiouced today - Combined production oif the twelve leading vegetable crops for fresh market and the nine crops for processing totaled 301,800 tons an 1955 21 per cent below the 380,400 tons har vested last year, Department sur veys showed. $42 Million Decline The dron in value —'added to declines in farm value of field and fru.it crops due to" lower prices and yields'obtained by far mers— makes a total decline of nearlv $42 mn’luon this year pared with last, Dr Henning said. Field crops on which farmers 'suffered greatest declines in value potatoes, com =rd ,wheat. Most of the 1955 reduction m vegetable tonnage occiirred m the (crepe igrown for canning and freezing. The processing tonnage came to 145,800 tons compared with 214,700 tons produced in 1954, the survey revealed Practic ally all of this decrease is at tributed to the low production of tomatoes, down 53,000 tons from the same number of acres harvested in 1954, due to ad verse weather conditions. The 12 fresh market crops to taled 166,000 tons in -1055 against 168,700 tons in 1954, mot includ ing strawberries Harvested Acreage off 1-5% Aggregate value of all vege table crows in Pennsylvania this year totaled $18,185,000 compared with last year’s total of $19,879,- 000 . - For the processing crops the total was $6,721,000 or 20 ner cent (bel'SW the $8,450,000 in 1954. The value of fresh market (crops excluding strawberries — totaled $11,464,000 or about the same as the $11,429,000 of 1954. Total harvested acreage for both fresh market and processing crops is 'estimated at 102,820 acres, 15 per cent below the 1954 total of 1104,4000 acres. IDsr Hugo Theorem, a leading (Swedish biochemist, was awarded ft.he 1955 Nobel prize in medicine (for didcoveries dealing wi% the nature and action of oxidation enzymes. . i Albouit one-fifKh of 'the nation’s college 'graduates now (became teachers. i ■' ■ ■ ■