10—Lancaster Farming, Friday, December 30, 1955 ui Farm E Here is one of the most recent photographs of Arthur S.' Young, Kinzers’ farm equipment dealer and a pioneer in Lancaster County farm equipment business, who died Tuesday. This picture, with his wife, was taken at the recent Lancaster County Farm Equipment Dealers’ Christmas Party in Mount Joy. (Lancaster Farming Staff Photo). Ten Per Cent Pig Crop Gain Shown in 1955 The Crop Reporting Board an nounced that 1955 piig crop tot aled 95-3 million head, an sin crease of 10 per cent from the revised estimate for 1954. The Spring pig crop at 57 3 million head was un 8 per cent and the fall crop ait 37 9 million head was 12 per cent larger than last year The number of sows farrowing this fall was 11 per cent larger (than last year- The numiber of pigs saved per litter for the fall crop was set*”at 681 pigs, this feeding the (highest of record. 56 Million Spring Pigs Reports on breeding intentions for the 1956 spring pig crop in dicate a total of 8.116 000 sews farrow- This was 2 per cent foeiow the number of farrowed tot spring If the intentions for spring farrowing materialize and iffife nnimber of pigs saved per latter equals the 10-year average with an allowance for upward trend, .the 1958 spring pig crop would fee 56 million head A crop of ibis size would toe 2 per cent smaller than last spring Secretary of Agriculture Ezra Taft Benson said today that it is encouraging to note that farmers (are imafemg a start toward adiust dng their hog production, based on information revealed in the pdg crop report issued by the De partment The Secretary stressed, how ever, that the indicated decrease in the 1956 spring pig crop was STANLEY H. BETTER Auctioneer and Appraiser 1906 Willow SL Pike PH. LANCASTER 4-1796 tauiimmimmiiiimmiiiiiimiiiiiimmimiiiiiiiiiiniiii THE NEW LINCOLN WELDER WELDANTOWER COMBINATION 200 AMP Welder 4 KVA Stand by AC Power Unit For Easy Welding and Emergency Power. Also New and used Lincoln Welders. AUTHORIZED LINCOLN WELDER DEALER | HIESTAND INC. Marietta 6-9301 | mttWJJiiiMiimiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHmiHiiiiiiininiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiminiiHiiifiiinniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii uncut Dealer Pioneer Thomforde Heads Chester-Dela. Poultry for Year Harold Thomforde, Kennett Square, was elected ©resident of the ~ Chester-D eteware County Poultry Assn, at the first annual dinner meeting of the organiza tion at the YMCA in Goatesville. Other officers are: Paul Det iwiler, Parberford, vice president; Lawrence Hood, West Grove, sec retary; D- IB- Chrisonan, Elver - ison, treasurer. Also op the board of directors are Walter Carlin, 'MortonvMe; John A. Stratton, Glen Mills; William Shaw, Bown ingtown; Harry Adams, Coates ville; and Harold Windle, Coch ranvdle C. M. Kessler, of Allied Mills Inc-, Chicago, smoke on the “Ohal ilenge of Change and the Chal lenge of Efficiency ” L. L Logan, London Grove, retiring president, reported on the first year activi ties and progress of the associa tion small, and he reiterated a state ment issued earlier tins 'mon'hi whidh eaffled to tlhe attention of Warmers the advisability of care ful 'Dlannms for farrowing of 1956 coring pigs to avoid a repetition of the heavy production th«t has forced hog prates down this fall. He emphasized again th’t farmers teouid strengthen their market no hition Iby holding down the num l>er of sprung pigs raised next year. Hog Slaughter up 12% Another favorable factor noted m the renort was the fact that— although the 1955 spring pig crop was 8 per cent larger than in 1954 —total cammctmal hog slau ghter from August through Oct vfoer was ulp 12 per cent, bearing out that hogs have been market led somewhat earlier this year. wVJh the resulting implication that marketing may be over the peak The Department is continuing iw« 4l h the pork purchase program, to hetp exipand domestic oonsumiD tjon of pork and to assist hog producers (Purchases through last week totaled nearly 50 million lbs of pork and pork and pork products REDUCE TIME AND LABOR Much time and labor can be saved by developing a practical ■routine for dbore work and by m sta’ling labor-saving practices and devices an the poultry bouse, says F. H Leuscbner, Penn State extensiion'ipoulifcry sneo alut. liiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiimniiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim 1956 Farm Show Entries Large; Jan. 9 Opener , HARRISBURG Along with more than 12,000 entries of live stock, poultry and other farm products in competition for a rec ord premium offering of $55,968, ■a new high of 131 different events are scheduled for the 1956 Pennsylvania Farm Show, ac cording to Dr- Willmm L- Hen ning, State Secretary of Agricul ture and chairman of the Farm Show Commission. j ' Programs for the big blue ribbon show to be held here Jan. 9-13 were issued today. New features provided by the Commission and 36 state- wide farm organizations in their annual meetings will make the 40th annual Farm Show “bigger and better than even,” Dr. Henning de clared. Formal dedication of the Farm Show to “Farming for Freedom” will be by Governor George M. Leader at brief ceremonies in the large arena on Monday eve ning, Jan 9- Doors to the largest mid-winter agricultural show in the United States will be open ed to the public at'eight o'clock that morning. The show now has 21 depart ments for competitive farm pro ducts exhibits, contests and demonstrations. Judging for royal purple championships, top place blue ribbon and other winners starts with the opening of the ishow on Monday morning. Meetings Start Monday Meetings of farm organizations also start Monday morning, Jan. 9 Scheduled for the first day are sessions of the Pennsylvania Society of Farm Women, the Crcjp Improvement Association, Christmas Tree Growers and the Pennsylvania Flowers Growers Association. " (Mrs. George M. Leader, wife of the Governor, will entertain ihe Society of Farm Women at a tea in the Executive Mansion on Monday afternoon. Evening programs in the large arena, each starting at 7:30 in clude the Pennsylvania State Po lice display of horsemanship on Monday; “Song of Freedom,” rural talent festival on Tuesday; championship horse pulling con tests on Wednesday and the an nual livestock cavalcade on Thursday, followed by a sheep dog demonstration Future Farmer and 4-H Club tractor driving contests are set for Thursday at 5 o’clock. Swine Grading Contest For the first time at any farm show there will be a market swine grading contest Monday evening in the small arena. Horseshoe pitching and log saw ing championship contests will be held there on Thursday eve ning. Other farm association meet ings include two beef cattle breeders organizations, six dairy cattle breed associations, eight swine breeders organizations, al so the poultry, potato, beekeep ers, sheep and wool, swine, horse and mule, nut and vegetable growers raw milk producers, Grange women, Future Farmers, Future Homemakers, 4-H Clubs, Pennsylvania Young Farmers and the Pennsylvania Dairymen’s Association. Holstein Quartet Is In Nation’s Top Five Lancaster County’s Holstein QUartted 1 steads among itihe five best ia!C'ts in (the United £1 ates ac cording to rank in ntellicnal Forr- H This was disclosed durng 'he group’s appearance at the Na tional 4-H Club Congress as the jndc’enit lifternatranal Livestock Ex position in Chicago- Appearing at a special break fast meeting and evening ban quet, the four received wide ac clamation from some 2000 dub members at cash event. Members of the quartet are Raymond Denlinger, R 4 Lances ter; Aaron Landis, R 1 Strasburg; John Stoner, R 7 Lancaster and Stanley Longenecker, R 1 Stras burg. Autos Kill Two Deer in Lancaster County „ > Ih line With State reports car ried elsewhere in today’s Lancas ter Farming, it was reported two two deer were killed by auto mobiles in northern Lancaster County, according to District Game Protector Wallace Wood ring, Ephrata A doe deer was found Sunday near Oocalico on Route 897 and a button buck the day before along Route 501 north of Brick erville. Farm Calendar JANUARY Jan. 2-7 - Testing Milk and Cream, Short course, Pennsylva nia U. Jan'Egigs Breakfast laundii ing Egg Month, Lancaster Poultry ' Association, Poul try and Egg National Board, Hotel Brunswick. Lancaster, 8 a jti. Jan 4-Feh 1 - General Famm img Shout Course, Pennsylvania U. Jon. 6 (Sunset) Waterfowl season ends: Bucks, Philadelphia and Delaware counties and on Delaware River bordering these counties. Jan. 7 - Farm Society 6, In stallation of Officers, 2 pun., home of Mrs. Daniel Eshleman, R 2 Elizabethtown- Jan. 9-10 - State Farm Women’s Society Convention, Farm Show, Harrisburg. , ' Jah- 9-13 - Pennsylvania State Farm Show, Harrisburg. Jan. 9-81 - Ice Cream for Plant- Men Short Course, Pennsylvania- U. Jan. 14 - Farm Women’s So*- orety 18 guests of Society 7, Par-, adise Elementary School. Jan. 16 New Holland Farm ers Day Association, Inc. an-- nual banquet, election of officers, 6:30 p. an. American Legion Home. 17 Second Annual Poultry Exchange Meeting, 7:30 p. on.. Elementary School, Rohrers toiwn. Jan, 20 - New Holland 4-H Ba by Beef Council Meeting, James Wolgemuth home, R 1 Bareville. Jan, 21 - Farm Women’s So ciety 2'meeting, Rosetown Res taurant, Manheim- Jan. 23-27 - Rural Electrifica tion Short Course, Pennsylvania U. Jian. 23-Feb. 4 - Market Milk Short Course, Pennsylvania U. Jan. 26 - Lancaster County Agricultural Counpil .meeting. Jan 30-Fob. II - DHIA Super visor Training. Pennsylvania U. FEBRUARY Fefb. 1-29 - Dairy Farming. Short Course. Pennsylvania U. Feb. 1-29 - Livestock Farming Short Course Pennsylvania U. Feb. 7 - Board of Directors, Meeting, Lancaster County Farm ers Assn., Fred iSollenberger home, Narvon- Feb. 27-29 - Sheepmen’s Short Course, Pennsylvania U. MARCH March. 5-9 - Feed Dealers land Millers’ Short Course, Penn sylvania U. March 6-8 - Beef Cattle Herds men’s [Short Course. Pennsylvania u . i (March 12-16 - Grassland [Far ming Short Course, Pennsylvania U. (Mftrth 12-1)6 - Lumber Grading and Inspection Short Course, Pennsylvania U. March 26-30 - Dairy Cattle /Herdsmen’s Short Course, Penn sylvania U- APRIL April 29, 30, May 1 - American Angus Conference, University cf Tennessee, Knoxville. Jan 9-13 - 'Pennsylvania Farm Show. Harrisburg- MiiiUiltXUli ! « Used Freezers Used Refrigerators D. L. DIEM & SONS PHONE 6-2131 7 All Cattle Urged By Foundation Cattlemen were urged today to give more attention to the dental care of cattle that fail to eat properly or that fail to pro duce a normal supply of milk or meat. - The American Foundation for Animal Health says that many -cattle owners - apparently over look the fact that defective teeth may be the cause 6f digestive upsets and general unthriftiness in otherwise healthy cattle. '' Foundation officials cite specil - causes to illustrate the prob lem that can be caused by faulty teeth “One case was a cow which was exhibited a poor appetite for several days and then refus ed to eat any feed,” the Founda tion reports. “A digestive dis turbance of some kind was «su .spected, but examination by a veterinarian failed to confirm this suspicion. “However, when the veterinar ian checked for a possible throat obstruction, he cut his finger on an extremely sharp back tooth. The cow had two such sharp teeth, so sharp in fact, that they caused severe pain when she chewed After the teeth were dlipped and other teeth dressed down to normal chewing level, the cow started eating again.” Another case cited by the Foundation involved a valuable dairy cow whose production was falling off in her third lactation. An examination of her teeth re vealed that she could not eat comfortably. But, following cor rection of this condition, she started eating normally and her production increased- NOT A WEED SPREADER Manure is definitely not a notor iotte weed sirmeader, according to George tßerggren, Penn State ex tension agronomist. Ji um ff/\WP V down % jiP\ i?a size*- McCULIOCH Model 47 CHAIN SAW Makes any woodcutting job easier, and faster. It’s a one-man saw for professional logging, pulp cutting, tree surgery; for farm and ranch jobs like construction and clearing land. Model 47 is light weight,' operates full power in any posi tion. Six models, gasoline powereo, with blades 14" to 36". yis®&N. Come in and see it, try ffliiiiffi It, buy it. It’ll save you time, make you money MACT Saw qnd Knife ITI/iO 1 Service ' 605 Marietta Ave. Ph. 24291 Lancaster LITITZ, PA. V [»«Z|