Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, December 23, 1955, Image 3

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    State Tobacco
Experiment Farm
(Continued fiom Page One)
formal committee and secured
enough local acking to carry the
program through.
County Role in Research
The history of Lancaster coun
ty’s role m toacco field research
dates back many years. Expan
sion to 88 acres '— of which 75
are tillable will permit for
the first time specific research
on the area’s climatic and soil
type conditions. Findings can be
pinpointed. ,
Pennsylvania State advised
Lancaster Farming by phone
that attorneys hope to have the
title shifted theoretically to the
University by Jan. 1, with pos
session of buildings and facili
ties possily by July 1- Land will
be available for spring planting
after April 1.
The first agricultural research
in Pennsylvania was a special
etate appropriation in 1893 for
investigation of Commonwealth
tobacco growers’ problems. For
many years tobacco funds were
the only state monies available
for research in Pennsylvania.
Other Farms Leased Earlier
Landisville was the first in
which the State had title (1952).
Prior to World War I and
through 1952, twenty-two acres
were leased in the Roseville area
on the M. G. Esbenshade farm
Ten years before that a 20-acre
LeFever Farm in the same area
was used, and before the LeFev
er Farm in the same area was
used, and before the LeFever
Farm, the Hibshman Farms, on
which was developed the noted
Swarr Hibshman-strain.
' For 40 yeans-the state had to
tease small acreages for tobacco
research, but new problems
arose. With, the new 88 acres,
Dr. Farrell advised, othef crop
reseach will be available.
' T. R. Terrell, agronomist, will
continue in charge of the expand
ed station.
West Willow i
■ Fanners Association ;
II Custom Grinding and *
■ Mixing WW-F Poultry*
■ Feeds Ultra-Lifed B
■ Formulas ■
■ West Willow, Pa. ■
■ / Phone Lancaster 45019 ■
Authorized Dealer
Serving Chester County and Southern
Lancaster County Over 16 Years
Now Is The Time To Have That Baler, Tractor or Com
bine Reconditioned by Factory Trained Personnel
West Grove, Pa." Phone West Grove 2214
Few Christmu trees in plantations or in the woods become highly
desirable without training and not all are high class under the best of
care. Scotch pines, shown above, at the Pennsylvania State University
Agricultural Experiment Station have been found to require two or
three shearings (prunmgs of growing tips) to produce the dense
foliage desired by homemakers. Scotch, along with most pines, must
be Sheared in summer, but spruce may be sheared at any season.
Thlia year's crap of cigar leaf
tobacco m Pennsylvania is esti
mated alt 40.816,000 pounds. Pro
duction in 1964 came to 43,416,-
000 pounds and Hue 10-year aver
age is 48.472,000 pounds
September weather was good
for growth of late-planted tobac
co and 'maturity and cutting of
earlier set acreages. Late set to
bacco had the best growth, the
(same as last year, but rust or
wildfire 'hit some field® rather
(hard. Generally, the crop is re
ported to he curing well with
only a Mtle pole bum.
The 1956 National Junior Guern
sey Show will be held at Water
loo, lowa next year on Oct 2,
according to the American
Guernsey Cattle Club
As usual, the show will be held
in conjunction with the National
Dairy Cattle' Congress- The Am
erican Guernsey Cattle Club is
again offering $BOO in prize
money, plus special ribbons and
Registered Guernsey females
regularly enrolled in project
work and owned by 4-H mem
bers are, eligible. Each State is
allowed a combined total of six
entries, to be selected by -the
State Guernsey Breeders Asso
ciations in cooperation with 4-H
and FFA authorities.
Complete Show rules are avail
able from the American Guern
sey Cattle Club, Peterborough,
N. H.
Massey Harris
New Holland
Terramatic Barn Cleaners
and Other Lines.
Or Kirkwood 32 R 4
For Your Local Representive
Shearing Improves Christmas Tree
New York—Dr. A J. Pollard,
Acting 'Market Administrator,
(today announced a price of $5 46
iper hundredweight (46 5 quarts)
Ifor January fluid milk produced
for the New York metropolitan
milk marketing area. The price
ifor December is $5 52. For Jan,
1955, the price was $5 38 per
Dr. Pollard pointed out that
dairy farmers are never paid 'the
Class I-A price. Handlers pay
that price to the New _York pool
for the 'milk they use in that cat
egory. In turn, dairy farmers are
paid & uniform price which is de
termined by the use made of all
mulik received 1 at country plants
approved! for the New York mar
keting area.
Lancaster Farming, Fri
Harold Harsh, Leaeock,
President ot Baby Beef
Club at New Holland
Harold Harsh, Leacock, has
been elected president a£ the New
Holland 4-H Baby Club. The or
ganizational meeting was held in
the New Holland Bank- Others
elected were: John Groff, HI Bare
ville, vice president; James Wol
gemuth, R 1 Bareville, secretary;
Lester Groff, R 1 Lancaster, trea
Verna Lapp, R 1 Ronks, was
named song leader; (Betty Good,
R 1 East Earl and Donald Groff,
R 1 Bareville, game leaders; David
Lapp, R 1 Bareville, news reporter.
Mr. "Wolgemuth will be host at
his home to the next meeting of
the club- Meeting date has been
set as the third Friday of each
month. At the next meeting, a
rope-halter making demonstration
will be given.
Sadsbury Township has been
authorized to conduct (Mood tests
of cattle in line with the Penn
sylvania 'brucellosis eradication
program. This makes ten town
chips now authorized in the coun
ty, and three others are awaiting
state apiproval after enrolling at
least 90 -per cent of herd 1 owners
for area tests.
Township committees are urged
to renew efforts to enroll the re
maining 28 townships m the
county for Bang’s disease testis
24-Hour Service
Learners’ Permits |
Notary Public H
16 S. Lime St. Lancaster. Pa.
To every home... to every heart... we’re
sending a sleigh-load of Christmas wishes.
May Santa fulfill your brightest expecta
tions, and may the warm glow of the holi-
day season remain to brighten your mem-
ories through many a month to come.
Merry Christmas, everybody!
fancaster panning
Iday, December 23, 1955—3
A draft call for 3,000 in Feb
ruary has been issued by the
Army, the lowest call since Se
lective Service was resumed after
the Korean war broke out- r |'he
Januaiy call has also been redu
ced to 6,000 At the end of Octo
ber, Army strength was 1,105,062,
and is expected to level off by
June-30 to 1,027,000-
Farm Bureau
Dillerville Rd., - Lane.
Manheim - New Holland
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