2—Lancaster ranr.ir.g, Frida; Barrows, Gilts Steady; Cattle Supplies Small WEDNESDAY TO WEDNESDAY REVIEW By' David S. Lorenson, Reporter USD A Market New* Bureau Lancaster, Pa- (Wednesday to Wednesday Livestock Market ■Review)—Cattle: 1847. week ago 8236 Compared with last Wed nesday: Slaughter steers 1200 'lbs (and lighter and (grading average (Choice and better steady, others elow weak, to 50c lower Most de (onne on good averaging 1250 lbs land over. Heifers scarce, slow steady to weak. Canner, cutter land utilitv cows fu’lv 25c higher, Commercia steady Bulls in small (supply, (mostly steady. Stockers land feeders slow, about steady. Supplies smallest for a three day period this year. Around €5 per cent were stackers and feed ers, ancroxlmately 10 percent cows Bulk choice fed steers 1200 ttbs and lighter $2O-00-2150, a few head to $22 50 Good 950- 1300-lb steers $l7 50-19 00, some commercial $l5 00-17 00 Com mercial and good heifers $l4 50- 17.50. Utility and commercial cows mostly $ll5O-13-00: oanners and cutters $8 50-1150 a few high yielding cutters to $l2 00. Utility and comlmercial bulls $14.50-17- 50; enters $l3 50- 14 00. Numer" tms ingd's medium a iTl d iffood 600- 900-lb stacker and feeder steers $l5 00-$lB 00. ta«d 980-th good and choice feeder steers $lB-50. Part loads 575-875 lb good and (choice feeder steers $l9 50-2000 jSeve ral loads common 600-750 TRI-TOWN ELECTRIC CO. GAS AND ELECTRIC APPLIANCES SALES AND SERVICE Electrical Contracting Leola, Pa. Phone 6-6661 “Open Thurs. & Fri, ’till 9” mutuui, H Altmam’s Super-A Feeds are iimed-tested, scientifically balanced, vitamin complete and are manufactured daily in *hrce modern plants. Compare our prices. B Starter Meg 420 20 pc. Super A Dairy Feed 3.40 Grower Crumbles... ..4 20 16 pc. Blue Bird Dairy., 2,60 Broiler Ration 465 20 pc. Blue Bird Dairy. .2.80 20pc Quality Egg Mash ~ 3 90 Enriched Fitting Ration . .3.25 If Blue Bird All Mash Egg . 3.60 Horse Feed 100 lbs « Super A Milk Replacer 25 lb. 5.20 Super A Dog Feed 25 lbs.. Hl5 pc. Hog Feed 360 Rabbit Pellets 100 lbs. . H STORE HOURSJ: Mon. Thru Fn. Bto 5.30 Sat. Bto 5 ” 12 varieties of Baby Chicks available at all times. Ask about our soccial discount on early orders for chicks. ALTMAN S CASH FEED STORE :: :: 8 :t U * WILLIS H. WEAVER MANAGER « 947 Harrisburg Avc. Phone Lane. 4-7715 si WE DELIVER 10c per hundred discount on half ton lots or more $ PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE Wolgemuth Bros., Inc. POULTRY Florin, Pennsylvania Phones: Mount Joy 3-9SSI & 3-8311 ■/, December 23, 1955 lbs $l2 00-14.00 Load (good and choice 483-lb stock steer calves $l9 50. (Oalves; 972 week ago 757. Vealers around $24)0 lower than last Wednesday. Most decline on good and law choice- Late sales good and choice vealers' $22-00- 274)0, a few to $28.00, Prime early from $30.00-34-00, a few -to $35 00. Utility and commercial $l4 00-21-00 cull down to ,$l2OO -- 1164, week ago 1612. Compared with last Wednesday: Barrows and (gilts mostly steady. sows scarce all week, unchanged. Wednesday’s sales (barrows and gilts U. S. 1-3. 180-250 lbs $l2-50- 13.00 A few lots mostly U- S- 1 end 2 to local small killers, 180- 220 lbs 818-25-13 50 A few a -round 270 lb down to $1225. Sows this week $114)0-1150 for weights 400 lbs and lighter, over 400 lbs $lO 00-10-75. fiheetp. 257. week ago 226. Cnrovared with last Wednesday l-langhter lambs mostly steady.! Bulk good and 'Choice wooled | (slaughter lambs $lBOO-20.00, a ieiw high (choice to low prime) $2O 50; utility' and low good $l4 00-1700; cull down to $104)0. Can’t Resist Posters. Louisville, .Ky.—Cant. John S. •Bromley admits he never could resist a recruiting (poster. At 17, he saw a poster urging him to “Join the Navy.” He did, after four vears with the Navy and Ma rine Corps, he - was discharged. The next vear, he joined the Air Force, ending his hitch in Japan in 1949 Before being discharged,- however, Bromley saw another ■poster, which urged, “Join the Army.” His transfer was ararng ed and after ‘Officer-candidate school, he was sent to Korea for eighteen months- Now, he’s at Fort Enox, test-flymg wrecked airolanes—after they’ve (been re built. FOR & UVESTOCK , ) pi v Thursday Sale Of Poultry at Seasonal Lows Lancaster 'Poultry Exchange —Robrersitown, Pa. - Sales Re port, Sale 108, Thursday, Dec. IS. 1055) Prices moved to seasonr al lows in ithe Thursday auction of poultry here, with a low of 17% and a high of 19%. Twenity and fancy Quality Ibro iers or fry* ers 'heavy type lbs 23*27. Hens heavy tvye 19*28 type 18-21 old roosters Id Ducks: Turkeys young hens 40-52. young toms 35-38. EGGS (Philadelphia. Dec. 21—Market steady to firm- Demand good for 'all 'grades. Supplies were barely sufficient-for immediate require ments Wholesale selling prices- min. 10 pet AA quality. Large 45-50# wlhite 28-50, 'brown 56-57, med ium white 54-55, brown 53-54. Extras, min. 60 pet a qual. Large 45-50# white 56-57. torown nene, mixed 55-56, medium white 52- 53, brown, none, mixed 50-51. Standard 50-SJ, current receipts none, checks 85-39. Receipts Dec. 20—5.280 cases Muscovy none. Pekins 25 : 32 'ail-by trucks, - ' - Farm Equipment Dealers Hold Christmas Meet „ By Staff Reporter In a complete Christmas set ting, 160 members family mem bers and guests of the Lancaster County Farm Equipment Dealers met Thursday night last week at Hostetter’s Dining Boom in Mount Joy-for their annual Christmas meeting and Ladies’ Night. Chairman of the program com mittee was Leroy Wenger of Wenger of Buck- Willis Nolt led the group in singing familiar Christmas car ols during the meeting that was marked with music. Accompanist was Mrs. Roy Brubaker, Litit*, whose husband is president or the association- Entertainment was also pro vided by a brass quarted, Howard Erb, Martin Moore, Kenneth Kauffman and Roy Bomberger. Mrs. Howard Erb sang several traditional Christmas soloes. Dr. Ernest E. Miller, super visor of personnel of the Men nonite Centra). Committee, Akron> was speaker. A former "mission ary to India, he was in relief ser vice many years in Turkey, serv ed 16 years in India -and for 14 years he was in college work. His topic was “The Greatest Christmas Ever Known ” At the conclusion of-the dinner, a gift exchange was held- Officers of the association are: President, Roy Brubaker, Lititz, Pa; .Ist Vice-President, Leroy Wenger, Buck, Pa„ Quarryville, R D.; 2nd Vice-President, Ivan Nolt, Farmersville, Pa-; Sec’y- Treasurer. Arthur S. Young, Kinzers, Pa.;, and Ass’t Secretary, Harold Keneagy, Paradise, Pa. Directors are Ben' Snavelyr New Holland; L, B- Herr, Jr., West Willow; Rankin Wiley, Peach Bottom and Robert Bru baker, Salunga. Mrs. Rein hold is New President for Farm Society 10 In a Christmas dinner party at the home of Mrs- Charles F. Stauffer, Lime Springs Farm, Rohrerstown, recently, Mrs. C- H. Reinhold was installed as presi dent of Farm Women’s Society No- 10- Two delegates and two alter nates to the Jan. 9 state conven tion in Harrisburg were named. Delegates are the new president and Mrs- Wayne Brubaker- Alter natesjare iMrs Harry Shuman and Mrs- Edward Bowser. Other officers installed at the party included Mrs. Elam Buck.- walter, first vice president; Mrs- Cliff C- Shoemaker, second vice president; Mrs. John Habeeker, recording (Secretary; Mrs- Henry Hershey, corresponding secretary and Miss Eliza Esbenshade, trea surer. Devotions were led by Mrs. C. M- Neff. A total of $4O was contributed by the Soqjety, ten dollars'going to .each of the -following: United Community Campaign, Water Street Rescue Mission, Salvation. Array and the Lancaster County Tuberculosis Society. Sees Family First Time Columbia Ohio.—As -a result of an operation (performed on Iher eyes several weeks ago, Mrs. Ludwina Rankle, blind for 23 years saw her husband and eight oMldtren for the first time. A vic tim of a severe attack -of scarlet jeer at three years of age and. two subsequent automobile, accidents, Mrs. BunMe lost