Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, December 23, 1955, Image 1

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    VoL 1, No, 8
Ag Department
Checking Dairy
L- Henning, State Secretary of
Agriculture, announced that two
Department bacteriologists have
been assigned to the Queen Dairy
in Lancaster beginning at 530
k m Wednesday.
He said the men will check
complete operation of the plant
as it starts to receive milk from
58 of the 68 farms from which
deliveries were shut off on Dec.
6 when the first of more than 190
cases of paratyphoid fever were
traced to the Queen Dairy
Milk Under Observation
Bacteriologists Elwood Schaf
er and William Semerod are be
ing sent to Lancaster from the
Department’s "division of milk
sanitation They will test samples
at every stage of milk plant op
eration down to the sealing of
bottles. Wednesday’s milk will
be held under strict observation
and testing until Friday when
first deliveries;- will be made.
. “Every precaution will be
taken to see that milk for con
sumers is, the best that' scientific,
methods of proper pasteurization
amt handlingcan -produce,” Dr.
Henning declared.
■» Two Queen: Dairy workers who
were fqund to be infected with
parathyphoid have been exclud
ed from further participation in
operation of the plant
Dumping Stopped .Monday^
Prior to the Dec. 6 shutdown
68 farms supplied -the Queen
Dairy with milk. Laboratory ex
aminations of specimens from
each resident revealed- presence
of the-disease in four people on
two of the farms and no disease
on 58 farms. Tests on the re
maining eight farms are incom
Dumping of milk from the 58
farms stopped Monday when a
manufacturing, supplier agreed
to take their production through
today or until the plant receives
the milk starting Wednesday
Kirkwood Farm wife
Wins Silverware Set
Mrs. Hervey R. Ferguson of
Walnut Groves Farms, Kirkwood,
has Ibeeni named a winner in the
nationwide General Mdls-Larro
Feeds contest for naming twin
Iheifer jcalves.
Announcement of the award, a
set of silverware, was made by
S N. Hertzler, field representa
tive of General Malls, and A L.
IHerr & Bro., Qnarryville, local
Mr Hertzler reports Mrs Fer
guson was the sole winner in his
Chester - Delaware - Lancaster
Counties area.
'Secretary of Defense Wilson
recently said there would he no
significant change either in the
spending or the size of the mili
tary establishment in the next
fiscal year.
Merry Christmas Lancaster Farming
Hepeis a quiet County country Rl, Litltz. Crossing the snow-covered flridge,
scene', a quiet, snow-covered Christmas, heading for sledding, is the Martin's son.
photographed on the farm of Irvin Martin,
We take pleasure in answering at
once and thus prominently the com
munication below, expressing at the
same time our great gratification that
its faithful author is numbered among
the friends of The Sim:
Dear Editor: I am eight years
old. Some of my little friends say
there is no Santa Claus. Papa says
“If you see it in The Sun, it’s so.”
Please tell me the truth; is there a
Santa Claus?
Virginia O’Hanlon
115 W. Ninety-Fifth Street
Virginia, your little friends are wrong.
They have been affected by the skepticism
of a skeptical age. They do not believe ex
cept they see. They think that nothing can
be which is not comprehensible by their lit
tle minds. All minds, Virginia, whether they
be men’s or children’s, are little. In this
great universe of ours man is a mere in-,
sect, an ant, in his intellect, as compared
with the boundless world about him, as
measured by thd intelligence capable of
grasping the whole of truth and knowledge.
Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus. He
exists as certainly as love and generosity
and devotion exist, and you know that they
abound and give to your- life its highest
beauty and joy. Alas! how dreary would be
the world if there were no Santa Claus. It
would be as dreary -as if there were no Vir
ginias. There would be no childlike faith
then, no poetry, no romance to make toler
able this existence. We should have no en-
Quarryville, Pa., Friday, December 23, 1955
Is There A
Lancaster Egg Breakfast Slated
January—Egg Month—will ibe
launched with a 'Lancaster County
Bglg Breakfast at Hotel Bruns
wick Wednesday (morning. Jan. 4
at eight o'clock.
Kicking off Egg Month will be
two cooperating agencies, the
Santa Claus?
joyment, except in sense and sight. The
eternal light with which childhood fills the
world would* be extinguished. . '
Not-believe in Santa Claus! Youmight as
well not believe in fairies! You might get
your papa to hire men to watch in all the
chimneys on Christmas Eve to catch Santa
Claus, but even if they did not see Santa
Claus coming down, what would that prove?
Nobody sees Santa Claus, but that is no sign
there is no Santa Claus. The most real
things in the world are those that neither
children nor men can see. Did you ever see
fairies dancing on the lawn? Of course not,
but that’s no proof that they are not there.
Nobody can conceive or imagine all the
wonders there are unseen and unseeable in
the world.
You may tear apart the baby’s rattle and
see what makes' the noise inside, but there
is a veil- covering the unseen world which
not the strongest man, nor the united
strength of all the strongest men that ever
lived, could tear apart. Only faith, fancy,
poetry, love, romance, can push aside that
curtain and view the picture the supernal
beauty and glory beyond. Is it all real? Ah,
Virginia, in all this world there is nothing
else real and abiding.
No Santa Claus! Thank God! he lives, and
he lives forever. A thousand years from
now, Virginia, nay, ten times ten thousand
years from now, he -will continue to make
glad the heart of childhood.
From the New York Sun of September
21, 1897.
Lancaster Poultry Association
and! the Poultry and Egg National
Board. A committee of three is
nqaihmg arrangements; Jim Dor
sey of Indian River Hatchery;
Mrs. Marie Texter, Sexed Chicks,
East Petersburg, and Earl Reeves,
Miller & Bushong.
$2 Per Year
State Tobacco
Experiment Farm
To Rapho Twp.
Tobacco growers m this sec
tion of the State will start to re
ceive benefits of the relocated
Southeastern Pennsylvania Field
Research Laboratory almost im
mediately, it was indicated to
day in an announcement from a
volunteer citizens’ committee and
Pennsylvania State University.
The present farm near Landis
ville has been sold and a second
purchased a mile and a half noth
west of there, 88 acres in Rapho
Township north of the By-Pass.
Purchaser of the 31-acre Landis
ville site with buildings was F.
S McDonald, 40 Stanley Ave.,
Landisvdle for $33,000. Purchase
price of the new site was not dis
Expand Other Research
When in operation, the new
laboratory will serve directly 15
southeastern Pennsylvania coun
ties Dr. M. A- Farrell, director
of the Pennsylvania State Uni
versity college of agriculture ex
periment station, said the college
expects to expand research on
small grams,, legumes grasses, to
matoes, tybrid corn, as well as
in tobacco
A local committee, with A. G.
Bucher as key man, handled de
tails of the sale-purchase through
John F. Weaver, Inc. Lancaster.
Local Committee Acts
Landisville was selected sev
eral jrears ago for the station,
uut there was no room for ex
pansion. About a year or a year
and a half ago, a local committee
was named to check on a new
location, one offering more acre
age, yet near the old site- The
University board of trustees rul
ed that the farm in use must be
sold before final acquisition of
another was made- The option
has been exercised and purchase
will be soon completed.
Owners of the Rapho Town
ship property were William K,
and Mildred Risser- The volun
tary ideal group acted as an in-
(Continued on page three)
Lancaster Will
Observe Holiday
In Market Hours
Holiday schedules will go in
to effect at most Lancaster Co.
Markets Christmas and New
'Lancaster Union Stock Yards
will Ibe closed to (trading (Mon
day, Dec. 26. and on the New
Year's Holiday, Monday, Jan. 2,
1956 * Market will operate os us
ual Tuesday Dec. 27 and Tuesday
Jan. 3 Cattle arriving on (the hol
idays will (be yarded fed and wa
The five Lancaster farmers’
markets will operate on regular
schedule, with the exception of
Central Market, which will be
open (Saturday from 5:30 am. to
3 pjm.
Southern Market will maintain
regular hours Friday and Satur
day. Arcade and West End will
be open from 7am to 6 3Wm. on
Tuesday, Friday and Saturday.
No Change in hours was announc
ed for Fulton Market.
Banks, post offices, business
firms locally as well as major
commodity markets throughout
(the nation will (be closed both