Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, December 16, 1955, Image 9

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    antalizd ChrHmasAppdtites With * Tidbits
Christmas canapes are taste-tantallzers you’ll w
TJ7HEN friends gather about your Christmais
tree, it’s nice to pass a tray of pleasant*
0&-eat tidbits. All in the Christmas spirit of
welcome and good will.
Here are three suggestions, each of them de
licious but not fussy. -
Blue Cheese-Clam Dip (I Vi cups)
One cup sour cream, Va cup - crumbled
American blue cheese (about 3 ounces), Vi cup
canned, minced clams; 1 tablespoon chopped
.■/lives, Vi teaspoon Worcestershire sauce, Vfc
teaspoon salt.
Combine cream an£ cheese; blend. Add re
maining ingredients iftd mix well. Serve as
dip for crackers or potato chips, as desired.
Pickle Star Canapes (about 40)
One 6-ounce package hickory-smoked cheese
spread, % cup sweet pickle relish, drained; 30
(■Continued from page 8)
Cookies and pies and pastries
• time to try something more
light And Mrs-' Mahlon B. Shoe
maker down at BD 2 Oxford sug
(Serve* Eight)
Eight peach halves
One cup mayonnaise
One cup cottage cheese
One cup chopped pedans
Place the peach halves, hollow
side up, in the freezing tray of
the'refrigerator Mix the cottage
cheese, mayonnaise, cream and
pecans together and pour over
the peaches Freeze about three
to four horns. Serve on crisp let
“This is a -delicious salad,”
Mrs- Shoemaker adds
“And”, she adds, “the following
is my”
Tired of clotheslines that mark
up the family washings 7 First
wash the clothesline with mild
soap in wain' water Rinse and
dry thoroughly ~ Apply two thin
coats of white shellac and dry
thoroughly af'.or each coat.
ant to serve to guests all during the holiday season.
slices bologna, V*-inch thick (about pound),
sliced, sweet pickles.
Combine cheese and pickle relish; blend *
well. Spread 20 slices bologna with pickle
mixture. But bologna slices together to form
10 stacks. Top with remain 10 slices bologna.
Cut with small star-shaped cutter. Top with
sliced pickles.
Note: Chop remaining bologna mixture for
- sandwich spread, if desired.
Holiday Olive Canapes (about 14)
One 6-ounce package chive cream cheese,
- softened, V* cup chopped pimento-stuffed
green olives, 2 tablespoons prepared horse
radish, 7 slices bread, 2 tablespoons softened
butter or margarine.
Combine cheese, olives and horseradish.
- Blend. Trim crusts from bread; spread, with
butter or margarine. Cut bread as desired.
Spread with cheea* mixture. Garnish- a<=
From up Denver way, comes
this letter
“As I read Lancaster Farm
ing, I came across an Apple
Dumpling recipe which I tried-
The woman a c ked thafTier name
be withheld, so I am sending
my apple dumpling recipe, and
also wish my name be with
held” From Mrs. SHS comes
First make a thin sirup by
boiling together for five minutes
Two cups water
Two cups sugar
One teaspoon cinnamon
Two tablespoons butter
One fourth teaspoon nutmeg
Set aside wheie it will keep
hot while you pare and core five
or six tart, firm apples, and
make a nch''biscuit dough as
follows. _
Two and one-half cups sifted
Four teaspoons baking powder
Three fourhs teaspoon '"salt
One cup shortening
Scant thrce-quaiters cup of
Cut the shortening into the
sifted flour, baking powder and
salt until as fine as corn meal
Stir in just enough milk to make
a rather soft dough Turn out on
a floured pastry board or cloth
and knead lightly, about half a
minute Roll out a quarter inch
thick to foun a rectangle and.
cut yitO'Six squares These will
Mrs. Keneagy
Again to Head
Farm Women 7
Mrs. C J Keneagy will again
head the Society of Farm Wom
en 7 for the coming year She
was reelected Saturday at the
home of Mrs Arthur W Eshel
man,'Gordonvilie, m the business
meeting that preceded the soci
ety’s annual Christmas party-
A gift exchange was a high
light of the party. Co-hostessps
were Mrs- Jacob Mowery and
Mrs. Chartes Lichty.
Others elected were Mrs John
Shirk, vice president; Mrs Hor
ace Lantz, secretary and Mrs
Hazel Mcllvame, treasurer. Rep
resenting the 'Society'at the Janu
ary state converition will be Mrs
Samel Wenger and Mrs- Walter
Society 18 will be guests of
Society 7 Jan 14 in a meeting at
the Paradise Elementary School.
be about five by-five or six-by
six inches- Put,. 1 mound of sliced
or two halves of apples in the
center of each squaie- Add a
good spoon of sugar, a dash Of
cinnamon, a dot of butter Bring
up the corners of pastry squares
and pinch together, then place
in a large, buttered baking dish
or pan When all the dumplings
are in the pan, pour the hot
sirup over them. Bake in a fair
ly hot oven, 415 degrees, for ten
minutes, then 16wer the heat to
375 degrees foi 30 to 35 minu
tes Serve waim with their own
"syrup as a and plenty of
cream or top-milk in addition.
Serves six qeneiously
Carol Sing at
Yule Party of
Farm Women 8
Mrs E Robert Nolt, president
of the Lancaster County Farm
Women’s Societies Saturday in
stalled new officers of Society 8
in a Christmas party at the home
of Mrs Arthur Mayer, R 1 Mount
Joy New officers are Mrs.
Charles Felty, president; Mrs
Roy Greider, vice president, Mrs
Clarence Greider, treasurer, Mrs
John Warfel, recording secre
tary, and Miss Anna Mae Eby,
corresponding secretary
Mrs- W Scott Heisey Jed the
singing of Christmas carols, while
devotions and a Christmas story
from Russia, were conducted and
presented by Mrs. Henry Musser
Miss Martha Martin of Elizabeth
town gave a talk on “Roads to
During the business session
club members decided to make
a contribution to the March o£
Dimes, also to give cookies to the
Girl Scouts for their Christmas
party at the State Hospital for
Crippled Children
Mrs Paul Erb and Mrs Charles
Shank were appointed delegates
to the State Convention of Farm
Women to be held during the
Farm Show at Harrisburg m Jan
uary A report on the sewing day
spent at Lancaster General Hos
pital was given by Mrs Lewis
Bixler, who attended the Home
Extension meeting.
Two new members, Mrs. Clar
ence Felty and Mrs Harold Ney*
were admitted to the Society.
Hostesses who served refresh
ments were Mrs Arthur Mayer,
Mrs Henry Musser, Mrs Martin
Musser and Mrs Curvin Martin.
Farm Society 2
Host to 70 at
Yuletide Party
Husbands will be honored
guests at the Jan. 21 meeting of
the- Society of Farm Women 2 in
the Rosetown Restaurant, Man
heim, it was announced Satur
day afternoon at the Society
Christmas paity in Penryn Fire
Attendance was around 70, ac
cording to Mrs. Roy E Shelly,
society president It was announc
ed that three delegates have been
appointed to the state convention
in Harrisburg next month, Mrs
Alvin Graybill, Mrs Fred Hahn
and Mrs. John 0. Snavely.
Santa Olaus was on hand to
distribute gifts among children,
and members exchanged gifts-
The retiring treasureri—Mrs- Ru
fus Brubaker, was presented a
gift for her service.
Over at Bareville, there’s some
good cooking too, for example
the contributions of another
lady who wishes her name with
Cream until fluffy.
One-half cup shortening
One and one-half cup sugar
One teaspoon vanilla
Sift together
Two cups silted cake flour
Two teaspoons baking powder
One-fourth teaspoon salt
Add alternately to creamed
mixture with
Three-fourths cup milk
Beat until smooth, then fold
One cup chopped walnuts
(English or Black)
Four egg whites beaten stiff
Enough foi one loaf or ? two
layer pan.
(Continued on page 10)
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Executive Board
Of Farm Women
Guests at Party
Mrs Milton Eberly, R 3 Eliz
abethtown, past president of the
Lancaster County Society of Fai m
Women, lecentiy was hostess at
a meeting of the executive hoard,
all new presidents elected for the
coming year, and past presidentg
of societies who served under her.
Mrs. E Robert (Ann) Nolt,
R 1 Lancaster, newly named coun
ty piesident, was in charge of the
, The Farm Women of the Coun
ty are selling Christmas ribbon
candy as a county project In ad
dition to other projects, two so
cieties each month visit and dis
tubute tidbits to guests of the
Lancaster County Home. Socie
ties 17 and 18 will visit the Home
in Januaiy, and Societies 19 and
20 will fill the Februaiy schedule,
Mrs Nolt advises
During the meeting at the Eber
ly home, discussions were held on
the State Faim Women’s Con
vention at the State Farm Show,
in Harnsburg Jan 9 Mrs. A B.
Weidman and Mrs. Elam Buck
waiter will usher-
Four were named to a com
mittee writing resolutions for the
business meeting Jan. 10 at the
Farm Show Building From Lan
caster County they are Mrs, Nolt,
Mrs- Lehman,. Mrs. Paul Ebersole,
and Mrs- Pau> Erb.
Societies 10 and 15 will sponsor
buses to the State Convention.
Committees for the comipg year
were appointed at the Dec. 6
meeting. The president-appointed
Mrs Esther Weidler , and Mrs-
Betty Weicksel to the Sunshine
Committee, and Mrs. Ethel Rein
hold to the Publicity Committee.
This is a
Pre Christmas
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