Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, December 16, 1955, Image 14

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14—Lancaster Farming, Frid
It’s The Law
“It’s the Law” with simple an
swers is offered by LANCASTER
FARMING in coopeiatioft with
the Pennsylvania Bar Associa
tion. General interest questions
jke welcomed, and will be an.
swered as soon as possible. Let
ters must be signed. Answers
will not be published on a speci
fied, requested day. Questions
cannot be answered by mail, and
i eject any inquiry which is not
of general public interest. Ad
dress . all inquiries to “It’s the
Quairyville, Pa.
Q A tenant living in a house I
own had the hearer removed with
out my knowledge and had a new
one installed He is way behind in
the payments and they threaten to
icmove the heater I told them
they could do so if they would re
place the one iney removed They
said they coulci not do so The
tenant is a close relative and is
fr "this cut
.McCulloch Model 47
__Makes any woodcutting job easier
~and faster. It’s a one-man saw for
professional logging, pulp cutting,
tree surgery; for farm and ranch
jobs like construction and clearing
land. Model 47 is light weight,
operates full power in any posi
tion. Six models, gasoline powered,
with blades 14" to 36".
Come in ind see it, try
It, buy it. it’ll save you
time, make you money.
MAQTP Saw an<i Kn^#
A i Service
605 Marietta Ave.
Lancaster Ph. 24291
" 15 cu ft. Wilson Chast, with & ' gat 1
•xclutWa Cantar Plata Coil. *.*■'*''' *'*
_____ Also in 20 cu. ft.
1J" home freezers
Christmas Shopping 1 ! Stop In And See
Our Selection of “GE” Appliances
350 Strasburg Pike
Ph. Lane. 3-7607 Strasburg 0V72305
lay, December 16, 1955
Louisville, Ky The fire de
partment was i ecently called to
put r out a fue in a water foun
tain, of all places It seems that
an electric motor in the fountain,
located in a book stole, had de
i el fied a shoil circuit
not paying me any lent What
lights have lin legald to them
removing the heater 9
A You have the rignt to apply
to the propdr coiut for an older
enjoining the thud party from re
moving the heater if they should
attempt to do so You would also
have the right to sue foi damages
for the convers’on of the heater if
it should be removed from your
house without your consent
Assuming that the heater has
been connected to the building
that it could not be removed with
out injury to the real estate,
neither the tenant nor a third
paity has the right to remove this
equipment in the absence of your
agreement or consent as landlord
and owner that it be removed
When the new heater was install
ed presumably it became annexed
to the house and is therefore con
sidered part of the real estate
which you own and which your
tenant is occupying
You should submit the tacts to
an attorney and be guided by his
Q I had a son bom before mar
riage Does my husband have to
adopt him or can I have his name
changed simply by sending his
birth certificate 'to Harrisburg
thiough a no'ary public’ I have
been told since he was born'before
I mained that was all I had to do
A If your husband is the actual
father of your c on then you can
obtain a corrected bnth ceitificate
by satisfying the lequuements of
the Bureau or Vital Statistics,
Harrisburg, Pa , and adoption is
not necessary If your husband is
not the actual father, it will be
necessary for him to adopt your
son to properly change his name
Q In March, 1948 I bought a
house or home for a woman She
was in the process of getting a di
vorce from her husband It was a
mutual undei standing between us
that we were to get married after
wards. With this in mmd, I put
the house in her name As soon
as she secured her divorce, she
changed her mmd I have only the
agreement of sale, in which my
name appears She-refuses to re
turn the propei ty to me- Is there
any legal action I can take m
which I can get what belongs to
me 7 —A G-
A Assuming that this woman
gave no consideration for the con
15 co ft Wilson Flush Door —•
Upright. Olhars m 20, 25, 35 ' i
eo ft. copocitias. A j
Andean Animal
1 Depicted 4 Abraham’s
animal home (Bib.)
7lt is allied fßird’s home
to the , 6 Bewildered
and llama J S irs * man
13 Habituates oS° W <r i a
34 Cron n 9 New Zealand
native fort
35 t«rf,a ht ° f lOßaranof
,” ar . 11 Prison room
18 Fourth 12 Among
Arabian caliph 17 Decimeter
19Ezi? (ab.)
20 Stutter 20 Snakes
23 Loi d (ab) 21 Turncoat
23Fiom 23 Autociat
U Symbol for 2 5 Take poorly
eibiutn 26 Monster
26 Debtor
28 Low tide
31 Catch breath
32 Domestic sla'
S 3 Mature
-34 Obtains
35 Famous
English schoi
36 The dill
37 Size of shot
■3B Delirium
tremens (ab,
39 Near
41 Toothed
<7 Electrical un;
49 Anger
51 Peruses
52 Eggs
63. City in Ohio
55 Lampoon
57 London,
58 Paths
3 Holding
3 Girl’s name
veyance from you, you may insti
tute proceedings to have the con
veyance set as'de on the ground
that your transferee bleached the
promise on which you relied in
making the conveyance The law
will provide you with a remedy
for the wrong done However, you
must act without unreasonable de
lay, otherwise your right to sue
and recover jour land may be
foreclosed You ate advised to con
sult an attorney in this matter
Nonshaggy Dog
A man looked out the window
to see his neighbor busily trying
to get the dog to sit up
“ You aren’t going to get any re
sults from that animal,” called the
man “That’s the laziest dog I
ever saw.”
“Just how lazy is he’” asked
the neighbor.
“Why, he’s so lazy that he waits
for another dog to bark and then
he nods his head”
A proud 16-year old turned into
the family driveway at the wheel
of the family car. His father sat
beside him Several younger bio
thers converged on the scene
“Hey l ” shouted the happy driv
er “I passed my driving test You
guys can all move up one bike”
Live unsettled Demand liglhlt
for more than anmle supplies
Bronze, White Holland and
Bourbon Red young hens 42-45 c
ifeav lots 46c wit/h bulk unsold
Bronze young toms 30-32 c, small
sizes 33c Heavy type'young hens
42-46, young toms 30-33
Ogden, Utah—Nine hunters—
eight men and a women—were
stranded at an isolated ranger sta
tion toy a heavy snowstorm They
spent two nights of subzero cold
in the ranger station, which was
'stocked with food and firewood
until a snowplow, churning up a
mountainside through powdery
■drifting snow, reached them.
She’s Lucky
Mr Brown "was a stubborn in
dividual He would never wear
lubbers when it rained, or an
extra sweater on chilly nights
Mrs. Brown became somewhat
irritated by his obstinacy.
'‘You never lake any good ad
vice.” she complained
“Lucky for you I don’t,” he re
plied, “or you would still be an
old ipaid.”
27 Stay 46Foimer '
29 Poker stake Russian ruler
30 Nuisance 47 Wicked
39 Is sick 48 Membranous
40 Horse’s gait pouches
42 “Emei aid Isle” 50 Make a
43 Split • mistake
44 Sun god of 52 Kimono- sash
Egypt 54 Rough lava
45 Mme'entranpe 56 Parent
Montgomery, Ala— After help
ing frantic parents find their
straying youngsters all day at the
South Alabama fair, Mrs. Dick
Gassenheimer, in charge of the
“lost children” department of the
fair, was ready to leave the fair
for her-home. She had to help
find one more missing child
—her own 7-year-old son, Paul.
Hopkinsville, Ky While tak
ing four youthful prisoners to the
Kentucky Village correctional in
stitution at Greendale, police had
to return to the Christian County
Jaii so that~ one of the .prisoners
could return a pair of shoes he
had swiped fiom another prison
Louisville, Ky On his six
teenth birthday, Gregson Page
made his first solo flight and got
a beginner’s permit to drive a
car- He admits however, that he
flies better than he drives- He’
learned to fly at a flying service,
where he worked as an errand
boy in the summer.
Here's the Answer
Sales Every
Night at 6:00 P. M.
Come To Our Christmas Party
On December 20th
And Other Gifts to be Given Away
3ible Comment-:
The World
Worships at
-»OON, all who hold the Chris
tian faith will journey afar
,n spirit. White and black, Cau
casian and Asian, they will
gather t together in spirit at a
manger in Bethlehem.
Truly, from fhe beginning,
hrisliamty 'was designed to be
WORLD religion.
The mesiage of the Gospel
-s that “God so loved the
ORLD, that He gave His only
egotten Son that whosoever be
ieveth in Him might not perish,
;ut have everlasting life.” Jesus
.aid - I am the light of the
WORLD ” His commission to the
Disciples was. “Go ye into all
the WORLD, and preach the
Dospel to every creature. . . .
Make disciples of all nations.”
When one considers the little
lompapy of Christians, in a small
orovmce of the vast Roman Em
pire, daring to think of making
their faith and experience world- *
wide, the spiritual daring of it
is amazing It is no wonder if
'many have failed to catch the
vision. Missionary vision and
passion have, after all, been
manifested by only a minority
of those who profess the Chris
tian way.
But what a minority! And how
wonderfully those who have gone
to the remote parts, of the world,
telling the 'story of Christ and
of the' love of God, have been
And yet, their work is but
begun. Prejudices die hard, and
the world view of Christianity,
and the world fellowship of
Christian faith, life" and service
has had to overcome great ob
- As we- gather at Bethlehem,
let us vow, each in our own
heart, to so live our personal
life that we make of it a mis
sion of example whereby the
cause of Christianity may beat
with new fervor to the ends of
the earth.
and ,
1906 Willow St Pike
Phone Gap