Christmas Snacks Ring Bell With Young Folk . •*' *' i .•'-•// ■ , v '*r >■ . - v > \ > , j J: * ' ' t •> ( Festive and filling—that’s how to describe this holiday fare for young folk. Chocolate milk-mocha punch and cookies are wonderful to serve under the Christmas tree. ' _ BY DOROTHY MADDOX WHEN the young folk want to give a party during the holiday season, let them plan simple but festive fare. We suggest some of these good things: Three quarts chocolate milk, well chilled; \ x k quarts coffee ici cream, 6 tablespoons instant coffee. Combine all ingredients; beat with rotary beater or electric mixer until frothy Cherry Holiday Sugar Cookies (Makes about 5 dozen) Four cups sifted cake flour, 2% teaspoons baking powder, teaspoon salt, % cup softened shorten ing, 1% cups sugar, 2 eggs, 1 teaspoon vanilla, 2 tablespoons maraschino cherry juice. Sift flour, baking powder and salt together. Cream shortening' with sugar until light and fluffy. Add eggs and vanilla and mix well. Add sifted ingredients alternately with cherry juice, mixing well after each addition. Chill thoroughly. Roll out on lightly floured surface to V»-mch thick ness.- Cut with floured cookie cutters. Place on lightly greased baking sheets. Bake in hot oven (400 degrees F ) 5 to 7 minutes, or until lightly browned. Frost and garnish with maraschino cherries, as desired. - Cherry Christmas Wreaths (Makes about 3 dozen) One cup softened shortening, Vfe cup firmly-packed brown sugar, 2 eggs, separated, 2 cups sifted, all-purpose flour; V* teaspoon salt, % cup chopped maraschino cherries, drained (about 20 cheines); 1 cup chopped walnuts, 1 cup shredded coconut, maraschino cherry halves, drained. Cream shortening with sugar until light and fluffy. Add egg yolks, flour, salt and chopped cher ries; mix well. Shape into 1-inch balls. Combine nuts and coconut. Dip cherry balls into egg whites and roll in coconut mixture. Place on greased baking sheets Make slight depression in cen ter of cookies; fill with cherry halves. Bake in moderate oven (375 degrees F ) 15 minutes, or until lightly browned. Women’s Page (Continued from page 8) the human body As for clothes, they must be buried for awhile- Mother Earth can perform mi racles ” Who says there’s not variety and spice in tins life 9 Only one question we can ask - Who's going to do the sponging job 9 I’ve encountered skunks, and dad’s and mom’s threats to bury me with only my head above ground might have" logical basis in the letter above- Remember too, " burying clothes too long might be as disastrous as the first encounter. Now to get back to the food line, there’s a from Mrs- Paul H.' Neidermyer, RD 1 Bare ville, with some interesting re cipes that look worth trying. Mrs- Neidermyer writes: Enclose find 1 my subscription for Lancaster Farming. I look forward to the many interesting recipes and other articles m your paper. is a hint on get ting your cranberry sauce ready for the holidays: “After making the sauce, you •<'« « » -v-,/ ' ' * < s *■ s /* •'*'' " ** s >r v s ; t* / ' > A ' >? f >V.A . . * >y •vj- -■■'•• -•■•" , 1 K. Chocolate Milk-Mocha Punch (Makes 12 servings) can keep it for months if you put melted paraffin oh top. I put mine in jars such as peanut but ter jars- RELISH “Here is also a cranberry relish recipe I take one package of washed cianbernes and two apples, unpeeled; two oranges, unpeeled, one cup of sugar, more more or less, according to your own taste Grind all together, using medium blade Then I use either orange or cherry jello dis solved in one cup of hot water, and mix all together and chill “This will also keep for weeks and is a very good relish for any kind of meal. ’ Mrs Martin Huyett, RD 1, also sends a recipe for Chestnut Fil ling. The addition of onion juice makes the recipe sound quite tasty CHESTNUT FILLING 1 quart chestnuts 1 tablespoon salt One fourth teaspoon pepper One half cup cracker crumbs One cup bread crumbs 2 tablespoons butter or other fat 2-tablespoons cream One-fourth cup milk Two tablespoons onion juice, if desired- Shell and blanch chestnuts and * ' /f ' ' 1 1 -■ *■ ' / __ / cook in bo.hng water until tender Can be used whole or rubbed through a course j sieve or colander. Mix all together. Mrs Huyett adds a Household Hint To remove chewing gum from clothing^—placf> the fabric with the gum on it between pieces of ice until the gum is so brittle you can scrape or rub it off. From New Holland, Mrs Walter M Mai tin of El sends another Household Hint: IRONING TRICK An ice cube ia handy to use to moisten a spot not adequately dampened on a garment as you are ironing. Keep the cube in a dish close at hand “ Sure enjoj Lancaster Farm ing, “Mrs Martin adds Here’s another Crumb Cake, from Manbel Kraybill at R 1 Elizabethtown “It’s a simple recipe, at is a hurry-up CRUMB CAKE Two and a half cups Swans down or General Purpose flour- One-half cup butter or Cnsco Two. cups brown sugar Mix together well; take out three-fourths of the mixture for crumbs to top the cake. Add to remainder One egg Three-quarter® cup sour milk (You can sour the milk hy ad ding one tablespoon of vinegar and allowing it to stand for se veral minutes - One half teaspoon soda One teaspoon cinnamon Beat hard until the batter is smooth. Pour into greased pan, 8 by 8 by 2 Sprinkle the crumb mixture over the top Bake m a moderate oven, 325 degrees, for 20 minutes, then at 340 degrees for 20 minutes Lancaster Farming goes well beyond Lancaster County We’ve readers in the midle west, in Arizona, in State, Minnesota and all over Lancaster Farming is not confined to the County along, as shown by this note from Mis- Mary Klmoski, PO Box 12, Sadsburyville in Chester County: We surely enjoy Lancaster Farming, especially some of the good recipes, and news My hus band has already subscribed, but here are some xecipes I would like to share- LEMON WAFERS f '< f «■ >/< <•.+ > One and one-half tablespoons shortening One-half cup of sugar One egg One teaspoon lemon extract Three-fourths cup of flour One half teispoon salt One teaspoon baking powder Three tablespoons milk Cream shortening, add sugar. Beat in eggs and lemon extract Sift flour with salt and baking powder, add slowly with milk to sugar mixture, beating well Drop by teaspoons on greased baking sheet, place in moderate oven, 350 degrees, about 15 min utes You can easily double this recipe- Mrs Klmoski adds another recipe for SALAD DRESSING CAKE 2 cups flour 1 cup sugar *2 tablespoons baking powder 5 tablespoons cocoa (I sift it fine first) " Then sift all together and add 1 cup salad dressing 1 cup cold water 1 teaspoon vanilla extract- Beat two minutes well and" bake at 350 degrees for 35 min utes. She adds. “We all enjoy this cake very much It’s mo'st, and my friends We all enioy this cake very much It’s moist, and my friends rave about it When I treat them at the time I have it baked ” There’s no encouragement Tor dieting in these column, and no need too as long as the recipes roll in Mrs Hess her address has slipped away at this moment writes: “Enclosed find my check for Si9i%>Si3«S’tSiSi%»i3i3iS»><3i»i3»»3ll9i9iS)^%3r3}3i3iSlSl»)3i3<%S)SiSi9i»r3;S)si3<3)3t WORLD’S FINEST FOODKEEPER! most versatile foodkeeper ever built. Onlv the Foodarama, in-one gracefully styled, cabinet just 47 inches wide, gives you an ujJright 165-pound true home freezer and a roomy 11 cu ft. Moist Cold automatic defrosting refrigerator. The Separately insulatedfreezer with 4 refrigerated shelves, 2 removable shelves. 6 Speedy-Cube ice trays - Moist-Cold refrigerator with exclusive Humidiplate Roll-out “serving-tray” shel ves Available in your choice of Kelvmator’s eight beautiful colors and lustrous white. BUCK, PA. « , if Lancaster Farming, Friday, December 9, 1955 FABULOUS FOODARAMA WENGER IMPLEMENT CO. Quarry ville, RDI one year’s subscription to your new paper, Lancaster Farming. It has proved quite interesting. I am enclosing a recipe we’d like to share with readers of Lanca ster Farming. WALNUT CUSTARD 1 cup chopped walnuts 1 cup brown sugar 1 cup molas-^s 2 eggs, beaten 2 tablespoon: flour 1 cup water Combine sugar and molasses, stir in flour and walnuts Add beaten eggs and then the water. Bake about 30 minutes at 375 degrees in yom favorite pie shell. This lecipe mokes two custards. It’s good news when there's more mail than you can adequa tely " cover in one column But keep your letters coming, and send along your favorite Christ mas recipes' The time for Chust mas cooking is coming fast Here’s a letter irom Mrs John D Burkholder, Sunny Acies, Route 3, Lititz i “My husband and I aie very grateful tor the copies of Lan caster Farming which we rer ceived and wish to keep jt com ing Therefore i m enclosing a check for oui subscription- “We enjoy ydur paper very much Especially Issue No 4 since it contaim d a picture of our farm- It was a pleasant surprise (Continued on page 10) “STRANGE OBJECT’' COLUMBUS, Ohio -r- Finding a strange-lookmg object in a building at a golf course wheie he woiks- Cail Whalen, 14, used a hammer and nail to pry it open- The resulting explosion sent him to a hospital,' rather seriously injured The object a dynamite cap- -- fj sSht-" Slide out basket for fruits Twin Moisture-seal Cnspers Exclusive Breakfast Bar Separate Butter and Cheese Chests. Ph. Butler 44467 9