Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, December 09, 1955, Image 8

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    B—Lancaster Farming, Friday,' December 9, 1955'
For the
Farm Wife and Family
From the mail this week comes
recipes and hints of all kinds, pro
ving these columns are well read
each week- It proves there’s an
interest in the household, and in
the kitchen. Remember, you’re not
limited on the number of letters,
or recipes or household hints you
send in-
Contributions this week run the
entire scale from New England
Chestnut filling to Italian Christ
mas bread, and to Mrs Raymond
Summers, R 1 Gap goes this
week’s free subscription for her
1 quart chestnuts
1 pint bread crumbs, one-fourth
cup shortening (butter, chicken
fat or lard)
- 1 teaspoon salt
1 egg, well beaten
One-fourth cup chopped celery.
2 teaspoons poultry seasoning
Make a gash in each chestnut
Place in iron skillet with one
tablespoon of butter and shake
over hot flame for a few minutes
Place in the oi en for 10 minutes,
then remove the shell and skins
Cover the blanched chestnuts with
boiling salt water and cook until
tender. Strain and put through a
ncer. Add the rest of the ingredi
ents and mix well-
Now to round up some chest
nuts, and some recipes, head for
home and tell the family what the
order will be for a delayed
Christmas dinner
There’s a letter here from Mrs
S Ann Middleman and Family at
Elizabethtown that we think worth
»»>si>s*aoi*a»s.ai3.>S!>sisiai3ia>iijSs> f s ; i»SsSis)3j>a)siss»si»iasi»i»>
I Get A Genuine |
I All Electric Train |
I With Your |
*s=a*— v
J d
' th« "tOYAI l*A«“
Just Look How Much YOU SAVE
American Flyer
Train Value
Total Value
You Pay Only
,'Terms San SBe -Arranged
Phone Overland 7-3226
Ronks, Pa.
»c««:<!C!c««!c , 4:«<«:<!«:««!«!c«<«<'c«:‘c<W'r(«i5 , c<c«:« l ««!c<»e
including in today’s column:
“Yes, we have received your
Most welcome Lancaster Farm
ing. I wish to share what we all
call a very good ‘solid eating’
Christmas bread- It’s taken from
an old Italian Ponettone recipe.
Good luck with your paper and we
shall continue' to enjoy it En
closed find check for charter sub
scription ”
(Makes two medium sized loa
1 or 2 packages of dry yeast;
dissolve in one fourth cup warm
One and three : quarters cups
milk (scalded and cooled)
1 tablespoon sugar
2 cups flour
One-third cup shortening
One cup sugar
2 eggs (beaten)
One and a half teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon nutmeg
About 4 cups sifted flour
One half cun seedless raisings
One half cup finely cut citrons
(fruit peel)
1 cup coarse chopped walnuts
One egg, one. tablespoon water,
beat, brush top
Dissolve in warm water
with the tablespoon "of sugar
sprinkled on lop Add first two
cups of flour, ci earn' shortening
with eggs Stir all remaining in
gredients, except raisins, citron
and nuts. Let raise to double size
Then add last three items and
knead to make loaves Let raise
— — J or
This is a
Pre Christmas
Free To Women...
One year charter subscrip
ING to one housewue eacn
week who submits tne nest
letter . . . recipe . . . home
making hint. Send your.letter
Quarryvilie, r».
double- Bake at 300 degrees 45 to
55 minutes. Pyrex pans demand
less heat, so if other bread pans
are used, oven will be 325 to 350
degrees Don’t let burn!
Very good with coffee, Mrs-,
Middleman adds.
Out in the Manheira section of
the county comes a letter from
Mrs Daniel Ober, RD 4: •
“I hav'e read your Lancaster
Farming and some of the letters
you have received. Although I
know Mrs H. B Shearer and live
neighbors or close to her, I thou
ght I must try and give you a
household hint also:
A little salt rubbed on the in
side and outside of your wind
shield will keep it from fogging
in cold weatnei.
That’s one nice thing about this
column The ideas aren’t always
confined to the kitchen, and we’re
glad to include Mrs- Ober’s sug
gestion Only thing is, keep in
mind that salt encourages rust, so
use it carefully
Mrs Barton Rutt at Bowmans
ville writes: “Thanks for the
sample copies Very interesting
paper. With her subscription, she
adds, “Enclosed you will find a
very good recipe for
2 cups sugar ~
1 cup shortening
1 cup milk either non-fat or
1 teaspoonfu! soda
1 teaspoonful salt
1 teaspoon cream of tartar
Five and one half cups flour
Drop with teaspoon
“Dear Friends,” writes Mrs
Paul Shoemaker, RD2, Mount Joy,
“My household hint is - Some
Home Calendar
Shorten Time To shorten
the time it takes to prepare and
serve food, wash vegetables and
fruits except berries be
fore you stole them in the refri
gerator, suggests Louise W
Hamilton, Penn State extension
Save Potato Cook a double
batch of potatoes Serve one por
tion, mashed creamed, or au
gratin Save the rest for the next
day and use as a topping for cas
serole, salad, or soup, says Helen
L- Denning, Penn State exten
sion nutritionist.
Buy Few Shirts It’s economi
cal to buy only a few shirts at a
time for boys because they grow
ouf of size so quickly, Mae B-
Barton, Penn State extension
clothing specialist, declares-
Stay Needed To keep neck
ties from stretching out of shape,
a non-stretchy material is sewn
on the back where the tie goes
under .the collar- If not there, the
tie may stretch out of shape, Mar
gery L Bessom, Penn State ex
tension clothing specialist, sug
Widen Windows Widen the
appearance of skinny windows by
extending the fiance and drap
ery rods on either side of the
window, Bonnie Dale Sansom,
Penn State home furnishings spe
cialist, suggests
Add Color To add mass of
color, pattern, and design to a
room, include draperies across
the small wall by the window,
Doris L Snook, Penn State ex
tension home management spe
cialist, says.
Children’s Coloring Corner
stains on table linen can be re
moved by placing salt on the fresh
stain before washing.”
Miss E. May myers at Drumore
sends a pair of recipes, one that
I must admit was new to me when
I first became ecquainted with
Pennsylvania in the tomato sea
son. It’s a prize recipe, Miss
Myers adds:
-* “Line a deep pan with pie crust
and fill with tlnnly sliced green
tomatoes, heaping them, in the
center. Add one tablespoon of
cider vinegar, bits of butter and
a little allspice and nutmeg. Cover
with crusts, press the edges firm
ly together, make a few holes in
the top and bake in’ a moderate
oven. When the juice begins to
come up, stand a straw or two in
the holes and let the juice flow
up and back into the pie. These
straws do not cost much and can
be used in all kinds of fruit pies
“Although some recipes say use
plenty of sugar, I never use any
more than a cupful at the least
Of course, you can use your own
judgment abou* that It’s a good
iceipe, for those who like Green
Tomato Pie-
BANANA cream pie
Three-quarters cup of sugar
2 tablespoons cor* starch
One fourth teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons flour
2 egg yolks
2 cups milk
1 teaspoon vanila
1 tablespoon vegetable fat or
butter. '
Sliced banana.-, to cover bottom
of baked crust
2 egg whites
4 tablespoons sugar
Combine sugar, flour, corn
starch and salt, blending well. Add
slightly beaten egg yolks and scal
ded milk. Cook over low flame or
in double boilCi until thick- Add
vanilla and fat after removing
Stores are open for your shopping convenience
Stores open every night, starting
Thursday, December 15 and close
at 6:00 P. M. Christmas Eve.
Sponsored by members of the
New Holland Business Association
from fire. Slice bananas over
bottom of baked crust- Pour over
cream filling. Cover top lightly
with meringue made by beating
egg whites until and pow
dered sugar- Replace in moderate
oven 'until meringue is browned-
Put one quait of sweet milk in
double boiler and when it comes
to boiling'point stir in two eggs
well beaten, one cup cracker
crumbs, jtme cup of sugar, one
half cup shredded coconut; flavor
with vanilla, cook until thick.
Lancaster County might well be
Cake County, and-here’s a recipe
from Mrs Elam Snyder, R 1 Lititz,
which can prove an asset to any
Two and one (half cups flour
(Gold Medal)
One and one half cups medium
torown sugar
One and one half cups lard or
1 cup buttermilk or thick milk
1 teaspoon soda in milk
One forth teaspoon solt
Crumb the flour, sugar and but
ter together with a fork, then
Take out a half crop of crumbs
for the top. Add the soda to the
sour milk or buttermilk, and add
ito crumbs and stir. Add salt and
uf desired, vanilla to flavor Bake
in 10-inch Pyrex pie plate in mo
derate oven for about 35 minutes.
(Delicious wth coffee,) Mis-
Snyder adds.
There are some add suggestions
'that come in the mail, and this
■we offer with tongue in cheek.
“It may not sound sc womanly,
but as we used to breed, hoard,
train, swap and sell dogs, I should
know how it helped us. Hope yen'
will not use my nhme, beacause
some of my family still think
women should be sort of hidden
in their homes. Tsk. Tsk.
“If a dog comes in contact with
a skunk,, sponge animal 'With to- 1
mato juice- Thus is also O-K. for
(Continued on page 9.)