Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, December 09, 1955, Image 6

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    6—Lancaster Farming, Friday, December a, 1955
Washington Notes
PUBLIC 'HEALTH count wa» 10?,000, within four
, . per cent of ihe record for the
The Surgeon General ot the month> set , n 1954 They brought
U S Public Health Seivice ie- tQ the number of hous
cently held out tne prospect that (ng umts pid unt ier construction
paralytic poliomyelitis, venereal dmm g the f ns t ten months of
disease, tubeiculosis and iheuma- ig gg which compares to the
tic fever would be virtually wip- j anua iy-October record of 1,215,-
ed out by 1985 He also reported QOO slarts in 1950.
that the Salk vaccine shots had
cut the incidence of paralytic EMERGENCY RESERVE FUND
polio by upvvaid of sixty-seven
per cent this year The Eisenhower Administia-
. tion has decided to hold back as
T?mn?rrivr Ain much as twenty per cent of the
FOREIGN a funds' appropi 'filled by Congress
The United States has provid- £ or econom i C an d technical as
ed more than $5l billion in for- sls t ance abroad The money thus
eign aid in the last ten years, ac- saved> probably as much Ss $lOO
cording to the Commerce De- mi u lonj Wl u be put into an em
partment Of tms total, $4O bil- g r g e ncy reserve fund
lion was in the form of grants
and the other $ll billion as loans A j R travel
Western European countries re- Pentagon has announced
ceived nearly two „‘ ° f th Q e it was preparing a list of all Air
-foreign aid, or $33,409,000,000 Force plane lhghts made by
while the next biggest aid area. members of Cong ress since Janu
encompassed Asia and the Pacific p igs3 T , le m f orma ti o n was
countries, which received a oal e q uested on Novemer 1 by-the
of $9,468,000 000 in grants and Prepaiedness Investigat
s6Bs, million in loans ID g subcommittee The list is ex
pected to show who went where
INFLATION BAR and wbo accompanied them in
The Federal Reserve Board has the Congressional traveling in
recently started a double crack- the United States and oveiseas
down on credit in an eftort to
counter inflation Effective on In order to attract more phyysi-
Nov- 18, the Reserve Board per- mans and dentists into the serv
mitted six Resoive banks to hike ice, the Army is offering them
the discount late from two and faster promotions than other of
a quarter per cent to two and a ficers Medical officers would be
half per cent the most restnc- eligible for promotion to the
tive lending cost' enforced by the ranks of majoi lieutenant colonel
Reserve System m twenty years and colonel one year sooner than
since the first half of 1935 other officers There is a critical
Up to then, until late this year, shortage of A* my doctors in the
the Reserve Bank lending rate career category '
had never topped two per cent
Staff economists of the Federal */£)s —COT
Trade Commission are somewhat DODO + m r
alarmed at the number of busi- pooarvssp x CD t
ness mergers taking place in If//" s\ M
1955, which will break all rec- ' j j Kl
erds for a quai ter of a, century
Such “acquisit ons and mergers” IJ
in manufacturing and mining will jppl M L/^
probably exceed 500 this year I O'x CjcS
a third more than in 1954, and
the largest number since 1930, ! ( #\
when there weie 799 The peak \ m
year was 1929, when there were VCTjJ
The Labor Department recent
ly reported that new housing
starts in October showed a five
per cent drop from September,
which was “about as expected for
this time of year” The October
FREE TRYOUT I s3l2.°° ... I
Work-test this sensational saw M CHICAGO M
youS why V” b new S MALL d ** *•" '>»•<'* «>"■'" ||
3MG is the finesi -reduction saw
value on the mamct.
New Holland
"I couldn’t have locked tiie wheels, officer.
I don't even have a key for them!’’
Ph. 4-2214
November Precipitation F HIS
v '-~:!
This chart shows the geneial nature- of the
total precipitation which fell during the preced
ing 30 days to Dec 1, 1955 Pi ecipitalion is ex
pressed in three classes, light, moderate, and
Farm Calendar
Dec 5-10—Ice Cream for Sup
ply Men Short Course, Pennsyl
vania U
Dec. 5-7 Farm Income Tax-
Social Security short course,
Pennsylvania IT.
Dec 7-9 10th annual Seed
Conference at Pennsylvania State
University sponsored jointly by
the departments of agronomy
and horticulture \
Dec 9 —Farm Women’s Society
•21, Christmas Party, Quarryvile
Fire Hal, 7.30 p. m.
Dec 10—■“ That Crazy Smith
Family,” Dancatser County 4-H
Agricultural Council play, 8 p m-,
Manheirn Township High School
Dec. 10—Farm Women’s So
ciety 14, 'Children’s Christmas
Party, Penry Fire Hall.
Dec. 10 ‘Amahl and the
Night Visitors,” Gian-Carlo Men
otti, presented by Lancaster Op
era Workshop, Reynolds Junior
High School, 2 30 and 8 30 p m.
Dec. 10 —Bake sale for benefit
Recreation Center, Lititz Fire
house, starting 8 a- m., sponsor
ed by Farm Women’s organiza
tions of community. <
"Dec. 11 Chnstmas Cantata,
“A Star in the Sky,” Chestnut
Level Presbyterian and Quarry
ville Memorial Methodist choirs
at Chestnut Level, 8 p. m.
Ddc- 15—Oolerain Grange
Children’s Christmas Party, lOOF
Hall, Kirkwood.
Dec 16 Chester-Delaware
County Poultry Assn, meeting,
Coatesvrlle YMCA
Dec- 15 Annual Stockhold
ers Meeting, Lancaster Produc
tion Credit Assn, and National
Farm Loan Assn, 11 30 a. m,
Old Mount Joy High SchooL
Dec. 15 (Evening) Lan
caster County Farm Equipment
Dealers Christmas dinner meet
mg, Hostetter’s Banquet Hall,.
Mount Joy
Dec- 17—Farm Women’s .So
ciety 9 Christmas Party, Gift Ex
change, Martioville.
Dec 17 Friendly Circle of
Rural Women Christmas Party, at
the home of Mrs P. W. Bowens,
President, Bareville.
Dec 17 Entry closing date,
4-H beeves, 4-H sheep, Pennsyl
vania Farm Snow.
Dec 18—Landhester Chorus,
‘■Christmas in the Air,” Christ
iana Fire HaM, 3 pm.
Dec 18—Christmas Cantata, “A
Star in the Sky.” Chestnut Level
Presbytorian and Quiarryvile
Memorial Methodist Choirs at
Memorial Methodist, Quarryville,
8 i) m-
Dec 25 —'Christmas.
Dec 26 —Fulton Grange Christ
mas party.
Dec 28—Farm Society 4 Christ
inas dinner party, covered dash
'~ r
Fort lauderdale, Fla.
Mrs. Hazels Wohn, 33, drowned
but saved her children by hold
ing their heads above water when
they were trapped in a car that
overturned in a canal- Mrs. Wo
1m and the children, Irene 6,
and Roy 3,' were trapped in the
upside clown ear about fifteen
minutes while her husband, Mar
tin, got out thiough a window
and tried to rescue them. The
bottom of the car was tipped
over and the children removed*
Mrs- Wolin had already drowned.
luncheon, 12 30 p m., home of
Mrs- Martin Greideri R 1 Millers
Dec. 29—Farm Society 1, Cov
ered dish supper, home of Mrs.
Margaret Hopkins, Litoitz.
Jan. is—County meeting, Lan
caster Comity Vegetable Growers.
High Magnesium
Calcium Equivalent 57 pc.
Calcium Oxide 30 pc.
Magnesium Oxide 20 pc.
Wenger & Sensenig Co.
Phone Gap 45R21 R. D. 1, Paradise,, Pa.
Night Phones:
Glenn E. Gehman Lancaster 3-7764
David B. Johns Strasburg Overland 7-3301
- heavy, and the precipitation amounts which de
termine these classes are obtained from an
analysis of many years of i eccrd at many stations.
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