Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, December 09, 1955, Image 2

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    2—Lancaster Farming, Friday, December 9, 1955
Hogs 50 Lower;
Few Here Score
$13.50 Wednesday
Wednesday to Wednesday Review
By David S. Lorenson, Reporter
USDA Market News Bureau
Cattle Three days 3904. week
ago 3469 Compared with last
Wednesday Slaughter steers
high choice and prime 1100 lbs
and lighter steady to weak, other
weights and grades 50 to 75c
dower most decline on shortfed
good and low choice averaging
1200 lbs and over Heifers scarce
steady to 25c lower Cows mo
derately active mositlv fully
steady Bulls steady to 25c high
er, most advance on utility
• Stockers and feeders slow, mostly
steady Bulk choice fed steers
$2O 002150, a few lots high
choice and prime $2l 50-22 00,
two loads 1000-lb prime year
ling steers $2425 Good largely
$lB 00-19 25, some commercial
$l5 50-17 00
Communal and good heifers
$l4 50-17 50 Utility and commer
cial cows $llOO-12 75, canners
sley, 700 Red Vantress to
Electrical Contracting
Leola, Pa. Phone 6*6661
“Open Thins & Fn ’till 9”
Altman's Super-A Feeds
are timed tested, scientifically balanced, vitamin complete and are
manufactured daily in *hree modern plants. Compare our prices.
12 varieties of Babv Chicks available at all times.
Ask about our special discount on early orders for chicks.
Super A Dog Feed 25 lbs. .$ 205 Broiler Ration .. .. $4 55
gabbit Pellets 25 lbs 135 Horse Feed 100 lbs .. 345
special Chop 100 lbs 295 Enriched Fitting Ration 3.15
15 pc Hob Feed 350 20pc Quality-Egg Mash 380
20 pc Hog. Sow & Pig ... 390 20 pc. Yeast Egg Mash.. 4.20
B Chick Starter 400 20 pc. Blue Bird Dairy. 2.70
Grower Crumbles.... 4.10 32 pc. Dairy Concentrate 4.10
947 Harrisburg Ave.
WE DELIVER 10c per hundred discount on half ton lots or more
Just a few of the Hundreds of Items on Display
Give Her This
Give him this handy
iJlacacj azuxfi
Utility SeMcnng Flame
■ burner tip tip spreader
BSjjm Keg <l-7$ Keg *p s * Keg »|«
M *«gulariy *12 _ _«
IB Now Only s B°°
in attractive gift box
rn ternz O Matic Master Tarch with 4$
posable prepone gas cylinder and pencil
burner unit—Regularly V s
Free Parking at Rear of Si
Kauffman’s Hardware
201 E. Main St.
. .1 ; f i 1
and cutters $8 001175. Utility
curl cmmeictal hulls $l4 So
il 50, cuitteis down to $l3 50
Numerous loads medium and
good 600-9 JO lii stocker and feed
er steers slb 00-18 25 Scveial
lots comon &. indium $l3 75-15 50,
small lot 625 lb feeder
ileers $2l 50, load 858 lb choice
feeder steers $2O 75; load choice
630 lb steers $2O 50 Calves. Veal
ers strong to 50c higher, some
•prime $lOO or more higher. Bulk
good and choice $23 00-27.00;
high choice & pi ime $27 50-32 00
00, odd head to $34 00 Utility and
commercial $14.00-2150 Receipts
1093, week ago 890.
Hogs: 1202 week ago 767 Bar
rows and gifts mostly 50c lower
than last Wednesday .sows 25-50 c
tower. Bulk barrows and gilts U
S mixed 1-3. 180-240 lbs Wed
nesday. $l2 50-1300, several small
Jots mostly 1 and 2 to local small
killers. 180-220 lbs $l3-50,
weights 240-270 lbs $l2 00-12.50
Sheep 436. week ago 420- Slau
ghter lambs steady to weak com
pared with last week’s close. Bulk
good and choice wooled slaughter
lambs $l7-50-20 50; a few choice
and prime 80-85 lbs $20.75; Uti
lity and low good $14.00-17.00
Market unsettled Supplies' of
nearly all classes were in excess
of the light and very selective
demand. Few lots barred rock
pullets 33 - Large While Bock
caponettes 28-30 No 2 qual and
small 20-22 without clearing
Cross fryeis straight cockerels
22, caponetted 24, Columbias 22-
24, cleanup 10, Vantress reds 20-
22, few lots 24 Turkeys de
mand good tor light supplies
Wholesale selling prices No 1
and fancy qual broilers or fry
ers heavy type 3-4 lbs 19-24 Pul
lets 4% lbs and over 33- Hens
heavy type 20-27, light type 15-
20 Ducks Muscovy 15-25, Pekins
32 Turkeys young hens 43-45,
young toms 30-32
Phone Lane. 4-7715
Visit Toyland!
Bring The Kiddies
HORSES and many
•itst.c. *27 50
ore - OPEN THURS. & SAT. ’Til 9 P.M.
“The Family Gift Center”
Market unsettled. Increased of
feungs of laige extras at slight
ly lower prices met slow sale
'Other grades were in fair demand
with supplies adequate
Wholesale selling prices Min
10 pet AA qual. large 45-50,
white 56-57, mown 55-56, medium
white 49-50, brown 49-50. Extras,
mm- 60 pet A qual large 45-50,
white 53-54, brown none, mixed
color 53-54, medium white 49-50,
brown none, mixed 4949 Vi.
Standurds 47-48, current- receipts
none, checks 30 35
Receipts Doc 6 3,730 cases
all by truck
Prices Slightly
Higher for Year
In Poultry Sale
Lancaster Poultry Exchange
(Rohrerstown) (Sales'report,
Sale No-105, Tuesday, Dec 6,
1955) - Prices in Tuesday’s poul
try auction were slightly higher
than a year ago, with 8 lots listed,
totaling 29,700, and 5 'lots, tota
ling 25.500 binds sold- Prises
ranged from 19 to 19% cents,
averaging 19-42. For the cor
responding day a year ago, re--
Ceipts were 14 lots of 68,050 birds
with 11 lots totaling 47,050 birds
sold at 18% to 19%, mostly 19%,
■Sales Tuesday included: from
Miller and Bushong (Sam Stolitz
fus) 1700 Indian River "Cross
Liponised to Victor F- Weaver,
Inc, 19%; Robert Bollinger, 200
White Rock cockerels, no sale,
OOOZ aapna 0 uto-ij Ipiq %6I
Red Vantress 19% bid, no sale;
from James Mohan 2000 White
Cornish. 18% bid. no sale; Fruit
ville Farms, Abram Shenk, 9000'
White Vantress to Grimes and
Hauer and 4800 White yantress
(to same party at,10% from Miller
and Bushong (Aaron P- Miller)
5000 Indian River Cross Lipo
mzed to Victor F Weaver,
19 and 6000 Red Vantress Leg
horns to Harry F Weaver, Jr-,
at 19%.
ket steady on fiyers, heavy hens
(fowl), pullets and geese Fair
to good demand Prices unchang
ed to slightly higher Demand
centered on top quality and
heavier weights Receipts mod
erate Market, barely steady on
tom turkeys and Muscovy ducks
Prices generally declined 1c Mar
ket steady to firm on hen tur
keys Fair to good demand. Re
ceipts moderate- Wholesale sell
ing prices per pound in Balti
more Broilers or fryers: 3 lbs
and over 2d 27, mostly 25-27-
Hens heavy type 23-26, light type
15-16 Pullets 33 meat turkeys:
toms 32, hens 42-43 Ducks. Mus
covy 24-25 Geese: one lot 30
t s'*
ew Power*
:tloji auto*
itlcaHy low*
* b r e a 4,
irts it toast*
g , , . then
uses it—all
/ itself,
akts perfect
Ph. 4-0951
' 1 -• f
t> x c -,v o i- r.n
Price Range from
20-22.25 Friday
In Poultry Sale
Rotor erstown, Pa —(Laima sit |i r
Poultry Excnange, Sales Report,
Sale #lO4, Thursday, Dec. 1,
1955) —Prices ranged from 20 to
22 Vi cents in the Thursday, Dec
1 auction here on 45 lots of 123-
615 birds offered, With 43 lots
totaling 1115,115 birds sold One
dot of 650 Leghorn fowls went at
15, turkey broilers, two lots total
ing 1500 birds, sold from 30 Vi to
31 The Thursday average was
20 Vi cents on 41 lots of 112,965
Here are sales: <Consignor list
ed first, then price): Millport
Roller Mills (Raymond (Host),
1200 White Vantress to R J.
Brendle at 20'A; John B. Noll,
2800 Indian Raver Cross to H W.
Lonlgacre at 2014; Donald Noll,
35Q Indian- River Cross to Pro
ducers Cooperative Exchange at
20 Vi; O. Kenneth 'McCracken
(Enos Eshiback). 3000 White
Cross to Victor F. Weaver. Inc
at 20Vi; Jacob R Cramer. 750
Indian River Cross to Roy E
Ream at 20V4.
Miller & Burhcng (Lloyd
Ream), 4500 White Vantress-to
Grimes & Hauer at 20%; Miller &
Bushong (Naomi J. Blessing),
500 White Vantress to Roy E-
Realm at 20%; Fmftville Pawns
(Abram Shank), 5000 White i
Vantress to Victor F- -Weaver,
Inc., at 20%; Wenger’s (Pa" 1
Hildher), 500 Red and White
Vantress -to Meaders Poultry at
20; Wenger”a (David Heisey).
1100 Indian River Cross to
Gnun'es & Hauer ®t 20%; Miller
& Burtiong (Herbert Fisher),
MOO White Vantress to Grimes &
Hauer at 20%. " *
Mrs W. Mathias. 1000 Indian
River Cross to Roy E. R.eam, 2()%,
Walter Mellci*t, 4500 Red Van
tress, and 4000 White Vantress.
no sale; C. B lB3O
Indian River Gross to Victor F.
Weaver, Inc, 20%; Miller &
Bushong, (Elmer ißexler), 2500
Red Vantress to Harry H. Weaver
Jr, at 20%; Mxler & Bushong,
1500 Indian River Cross and ISOO
Red Vantress to .Producers Coop,.
Exe. at 20%; J. Robert Mhxsser,
3500 Red Vantress to Mandate
Poultry at 20%
Nora B. Burkholder, 750 Belts
to H W. Longacre at 31 and 750
Belts to Victor F. Weaver, Inc i
at 30%; Pennsylvania Famp
Bureau (Russel Braider), 925
White Americans to Producers
Coop 20%; George, W Jackson &
(Son, 650 Leghorn fowl yearlings
to S E- Davis, 15; Herbert Pen
dleton, 1100 White Mountains to,
Victor F. Weaver, Inc., at 20%;
Earl Forney, 500 White Rook
cross to Wa'ter C- Mdllmger at
21; Miller & Bushong (Roy Har
ms'll) 3300 White Vantress to,
Grimes & Hauer at 21.
Miller & BusboUg (Roy Har
tnish) 5600 Indian River Cross ibo
Harry H- Weaver, Jr- at 20%;
Midler & Bushiong (Lester Wea
ver), 4500 Red Vanitress to Walter
C Mellmger at 20%; Luke N’s-
Meaders Poultry at 22%; Leroy
M Sensemg, 4800 Meat Packers
to Viator F-, Weaver Inc. at 20%
and ’5600 Meat Packers to Harry
H- Weaver. Jr, at 20%; William
Seldher, 1200 Mieat Packers and
1200 White Vanitress to Victor F
Weaver, Inc- at 20%; William H.
Friltz & Son. 5000 Red Vantress
to Grimes & Hauer at 20. 5000
Red Vantress to Grimes & Hauer
at 20%-. 6000 Wiljite Vantress to
Mandata Poultry at 20%; Robert
Swartz, 1)500 White Cross to Vic
tor F. Weaver, Inc., at 20%.
Fruitville Farms (Chester Mur
ry), 5000 Indian River Cross to
Harry H Weaver, Jr, at 20%;
Indian River Farm (Jothn Ceil),
4100 Indian River millets Liponiz
ed at 20 % arid 4000 at 20% to
Harry H Weaver, Jr, Melvin
Bberlv. 400 Indian River Cross
and 700 Indian River Cross to
Rov E Ream at 20%; Harold S
Garber, 8500 Meat Packers to
Grimes & Hauer at 20% and 9000
Red Vantress to Producers Coop
at 20%: Robert M- Mvlm, 300 In
dian River Cross to Walter C.
Hellinger at 20. and Marlin Oas
sel, 350 White Cross to Carl B
Risser at 22%.
ST JOSEPH, Mo The four
persons recently hired by County
Clerk Floyd inman to count the
absentee votes at a recent elec
tion were paid S 5 each. They had
a total of four votes to count-
aoY.9Vȣ ol
Menotti Opera j
Slated Dec. 10
A special event of tho coming
holiday season will be the pres
entation of the Christmas opera,
“Amahl and the Nigfib- Visitors”
by the Lancaster Opera Work
shop The Gian-Carlo Menotti
opera will be presented at Reyn
olds’ Junior Hign School, Lancas
ter Dec-10 at 2:30 & 8:30 p. m-
For tbe first time ,the Opera
Workshop will give -a special
youth concert at 2.30 m the aft
ernoon- Preceding the presenta
tion of the opeia the newly form
ed Opera Woikshop Chorus will
join with the children in a carol
The title role of “Amahl” in
the afternoon performance will
be taken by Robert Stephen
Janes, 12 years old, son of Mr.
& Mrs- Robert B. Janes, 187 Blos
som Hill Drive, Lancaster. In tho
evening performance, “Amahl 1 *
will be portrayed by Paul P. Mar
tin, 11, 12 years old, son of Mr.
& Mrs Paul P- Martin, 932 Vir
ginia Ave., Lancaster, Pa-
Others in the cast include Ann
Jones, as the mother, Jack L.
Ryan, Clinton W. Bell, Jr- and
E J- Tighe, Ji, as the thrqe
kings, Mervm Blank as the Page,
and Bonnie Hoeltzel as tfye
1 Accompanist and choral direc-
for bqth performances i*
Dorothy Rose Smith and the en
tire production is under the di
rection of Frederick Robinson,
artistic director of the Lancaster
Opera Workshop-
Tickers for both
are available at Workshop Head
quarters, 404 N. Duke Street,
Lancaster, at Troup's Music
House or from any Workshop
on all
Farm Bureau
By Taking Delivery
Before Jan. 7 or Take
Advantage of $2.00
Early Delivery Discounj
and pay June 15, 195 f
Farm Bureau
Dillervilie Rd. t - Lane.
Manheim - New tfolian I
as'iojfi S.