Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, December 09, 1955, Image 14

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    34—Lancaster Farming, Fri
All Commercial
Exhibit Space in
Farm Show Used
L Henning, State Secietary of
Agncultuie, today announced
that all commoicial exhibit space
has been allocated for -the 1956
Pennsylvania Farm Show which
opens Jan 9 and runs for five
days and four nights-
He declai ed that more than
one hundred applicants for com
mercial exhibit space could not
be accommodated due to lack of
space in the n.oie than five acres
of floor aiea set aside for com
mercial and educational exhibits
Some Stock Turned Down
“This situation points up the
urgent need foi additional facili
ties at the Farm Show,” the chair
man, of the ikum Show Commis
sion declared “Livestock areas
also will be filled to capacity
More than ISO bead of livestock
had to be turned down But we
still have the Ivggest Farm Show
in history”
Because of the great interest
shown by fainers in the newest
farm machines, approximately
lialf of the 4-acre exhibition hall
will be filled w,lh latest models
Call ua now and know
your machinery is ready
to work.
L. H. Brubaker
Lancaster Litilz Slrasburg
37607 67766 Overland 72305
Here is the NEWEST
Way to Treat CRD
Convenient, effective, and economical treatment of
CRD (Chronic Respiratory Disease) or AIR SAC IN
FECTION in chickens. For less than one cent a bird,
YOU can treat your flock. Most effective if caught in
the early stages.
Ask for it by name Dry-Strep-Spray
At your local Feed Dealer
New Holland Supply 00, Phone 4-2149 New Holland* Pa.
iday, December 9, 1955'
of, all types of equipment, Dr.
Henning said Some entirely new
farm machines and pieces of
equipment will be shown for the
first time anywhere, he added
Safety and efficiency is stressed
m newer model 0 and all displays
will feature equipment adapted
to use on Pennsylvania’s family
size farms-
Commercial Exhibits
Other areas m the mam ex
position hall will display dairy
and otner types of bain appara
tus, poultry c<ju pment, commer
cial seeds, feeds, fertilizer, pes
ticides, nuiseiy and other sup
plies and implements used in
predent-day fanning
A section of the main floor has
been," allocated to exhibitor of
farm home appliances such as
refrigeration units, gas and elec
tric ranges, various type of elec
trical appliances and labor saving
kitchen layouts *nd equipment
Two Disney camera men are
going to the South Pole-
Admiral Buike warns of Red
submarine might
Bible Comment:!
TJP7HAT a wonorouftS^Ty"tmkc
* v tells, of the csmiag of the
Christ-child, and si the-meaning
of His coming to the vvcttdl
“Glory to God in the highest,
and on earth peace, good will
toward men.” - •'
We are so familiar With that
story that perhaps we lose some
of its full significance. We can
hardly picture a world without
Christ and the Christmas story.
And yet it is only as we think
back to accounts of a world with
out Christmas that we can real
ize what ,the coming of Jesus
meant to the world.
Much has been said about the
materializing and the paganizing
of Christmas. It is true that for
many persons Christmas is mere
ly a joyous festival, with little
relation to the first Christmas or
Jhe Christ. "
But only those get the time joy
of Christmas whq celebrate it as
the birthday of the Babe who
came to manifest the divine in
the human, to live our earthly
life that He might bring us near
to God. - ~
- But no forgetfulness of God, or
violence of men, can wipe out th«
reality of the holy birth in Beth
lehem, or the glory that sur
rounded the manger there. ’
*- Within the next two weeks *ll
who will may journey across the
centuries to the outbuildings oi
an bumble inn. There, in the
company of the Wise Men and
the Shepherd?, they will lay the
treasures of their hearts before
the Babe—God’s.eternal gift. to
man. * T '
Will you be there?.
miss in Berlin, Germany, is entranced as she watches the-pame
of the first of four Advent candles which traditionally light the
Christ Child’s way to earth. One candle is lighted on each of the
four Sundays of Advent„the liturgical season which precedes the
celebration of the Feast of Christmas.
Livestock Entry
Lists Largest in
Next Farm Show
stock stall'and pen will be filled
to capacity for the 1956 Penn
sylvania Faim Show next Janu
ary 9-13, Dr. William L Henning,
State Secretary of Agriculture
and chairman of the Faim Show_
Commission, announced -today.
Greatest expansion was report
er for the beef cattle depart
hent of the show with a record
number of 470 head entered and
accepted The total includes 130
head of 4-H Baby Beef Club ani
mals entered in competition for
grand and reserve champion
honors, he said
All Species at Barn Capacity
All species of livestock
horses, sheep, swine, beef and
dairy cattle make a barn
capacity total of 2,006 head, ac
cording to reports submitted to
Dr Henning today by John B.
McCool, Farm Show director- A
record total of 534.380 in premi
ums is offered by the Farm Show
Commission in all livestock de
partments. Dairy cattle premiums
alone total $15,749-
Applications for more than 130
animals had to be turned down
Craker, 92, o t Omena, Mich.,
hopes to transcribe the unwrit
ten' Chippewa Indian language
before he dies. Craker played
with Indians as a child. He
says that thc?3 were no swear
words in t£s Chippewa
tongue befori advent efctM
white man to what
per Michigan."
basketball coach Kenneth goppe,
and fourteen boys were cleaning
the concrete floor of a gymna
sium where a high-school bas
ketball squad playe'd basketball
Gasoline was being used as a
cleaner The boys hd just about
finished when an explosion oc
curred Two 14-year-old boys,
Charles Bjskins and Donald
Todd, were" fatally burned and
two others were taken to a hos
pital in critical condition Poppe
■and five other youths were also
burned but did not require hos
due to lack of space, Dr Henning
said For the fust time, through
arrangements with dairy cattle
breed associations, limits were
placed on numbers of the six
leading dairy breeds that could
be admitted to the show this
year- Acceptances totaling 622
dairy cattle represent full capa
city of the big dairy barn-
Poultry Show Largest
Horse entries for the 1956
show come to 1 89 head, the same
ad last year. Sheep tatal an even
500 with more open Slass 4-H
entries due by Dec 17. Swine ap
plications totaled 444 head but
breed associations cooperated in
reducing this to the pen capacity
of 325 head
The poultry show stacks up as
one of the laigest in Farm Show
history. Large fowl entries are
331 pens greater than for the
1955 show, ducks 44 more pens
and geese 11 more this year than
for the last show-
Sales Every Tuesday
Night at 6:00 P. M.
Come To Our Christmas Party
On December 20th
And Other Gifts to be Given Away
Sales Dates
10 _ Vincent Hoover, Vt south
of New Providence, Holstein cat
tle, farming implements, 12 noon.
— School district of Caer
narvon Twp, approx. % acres
land with remains of Oak Glen.
School House, on road from Rt
23 to Twin County Restaurant,
2 pm
-10 J S Lcagenecker, Farm
ersville, real estate, personal
property, Ip m.
10 Marja Horning, Vi mile
north of Philco Radio Store,
Smoketown vR Lampeter Twp),
8-room house, household goods.
more than 30 years the massive,
granite - walled Lincoln county
county jail has been empty of
prisoners So, the Lincoln Coun
ty Cultural and Historical Asso
ciation obtained the building for
$1 by consent of the State Legis
lature and has fitted it up as a
museum and repository of local
historical material.
1906 Willow St Pike
Phone Gap