\ J JABBER.THIS STORE COOM IS A . I 111 I I I i.HJ ” ’ \tf A MESS' WILL VOU 6sr THE TOOLS )ft . „ Wt IR( W Til -- J "li Beaver County •/ Now on List as Brucellosis Free HARRISBURG Addition of Beaver County- to the State’s honor roll of cei lifted brucellosis free areas was announced today by Dr. William L Henning, State Secretary of Agriculture ' The State now has 32 entire counties certified in the cam paign to wipe out bovine brucel losis, also known as Bang’s dis ease of cattle, he said- Beaver is ihe fifth county to win certification from both the Federal and State Bureaus of. Animal Industry this year Oth ers are Pike, Washington, West moreland and Fulton. Northumberland Next Testing for the possible pres epee of brucellosis in cattle has been completed in Northumber land County and certification sta tus may be expected soon for that area, the agriculture chief de clared. Current aim of the Stale Bureau of Animal Industry is to have every county certified as disease-free within the next few years Collections and testing of samples of milk from every cat tle herd in-Fayette Conty has just been completed and blood testing of animals in each su spected herd is now underway. Percentage Extremely Lew In Beaver County only 16 per cent of the 1,178 herds of cattle showed brucellosis infection in the latest tests Dr. Henning was especially pleased with the ex tremely low percentage of in fected cattle in that county 39/100 of 1 per cent In addition at 32 counties that aie officially certified as brucel losis-free, testing has been com- "this cut um wn McCulloch Model 47 CHAIN SAW Makes any woodcutting, job easier and faster It’s a one-man saw for professional logging, pulp cutting, tree surgery, for farm and ranch jobs like construction and clearing land. Model 47 is light weight, operates full power in any posi- tion. Six models, gasoline powered, with blades 14" to 36" Come in and see it, try /SMI ft, buy it. It'll save you ill time, make you money. pr Hf ACT 1 Saw and Knife iUilO 1 Service 605 Marietta Are. Lancaster pleted in 12 others and partial nrin to iitip testing has been made in 19 coun- . * ties ORANGE, Va When Airman More than 86 per cent of all I ' C John W : T^ omp i°s b ® came a dairy and be-f cattle in Penn- V™ o ™ of ,. the Chinese, sylvania are now under some Carol Reynolus, whom he tow form of brucellosis testing All PMadelphia _ have some area but four counties - Delaware testia underway . Northampton. Montgomery and 24291 pedestrians struck down and INJURED by motor vehicles in Pennsylvania are CHILDREN UNDER 12.. .You can’t predict what they will d0...y0u can’t always see them...BE EXTRA ALERT IN AREAS WHERE CHILDREN PLAY... OR MIGHT PLAY. This message in the interest oj highway safety is one of a series prepared and disseminated by the Pennsytvatiia Newspaper Publishers’ Association and the Pennsylvania Department of Revenue. COMMONWEALTH OF 6 OUT OF 10 Drive to stay alive in ’55! Lancaster Farming, Friday, December 9, 1955 Charter Subscription : f OFFER JENDS SOON "SUBSCRIBE NOWiTO j but had never dated, wrote him T oni'ocfov Farminn a letter. This starred an exchange Lancaster F aiming of letters between them A month after Thompson, released # / by the Reds, came home, there Quarryville, Pa. were wedding ells for Carol and mMWW John. PENNSYLVANIA 13