-B—Lancaster Farming; Friday; Pecdnber 2,'1955 IFor the IFarm Wife and Family To Mrs. Henry Brubaker, Rl, Mount Joy, goes this week’s free subscription as winner for the best household hint or re cipe in fact she submitted both. Keep your letters com ing, keep your ideas rolling around, and send them quickly to Lancaster Farm ing, Quarryville. Pa, But here is Mis. Brubaker’s let ter “We have been receiving your sample copies ot Lancaster-Farm ing and think it is tops in farm papers It has so much local news in, much of many folks we cither know oi know about We -like it”. House Hold Hint No. 1 “A househo’d hint I think all farm women who preserve pork may appreciate knowing We all NO DOWN PAYMENT! on the automatic NECCHI Old Sewing Machine for a Deposit. Other Models as Low as $98.95 Coll or Visit for FREE Demonstration QUARRYVILLE SEWING CENTER Phone 20 Qnarryville Airliner Model J-405 9 There’s nothing finer in medium priced ranges than G-E’s big new Airliner, including the following modern features; —Silhouetted Plastic Pushbutton Controls —New Calrod Master Oven —New Calrod Bake Unit —“Focused Heat” Broiler —New Simplified Oven Timer —Hi-Speed Calrod Surface Unit —New EXTRA Hi-Speed Calrod Surface Unit —Flourescent Lamp in -Backsplasher Lights Work-surface —Three Convenient Nylon Rollers —Combination Fuse-Appliance Outlets —Automatic Oven Floodlight Get Our Special inventory clearance pi ices on 1955 floor models of ranges, etc. * Buy Where Service Follows the Sale L. H. BRUBAKER 350 Strasburg Pike Lancaster, Pa. , Free To Women... One year charter subscrip tion to LANCASTER FARM ING to one housewite eacn week who submits me nest letter . . recipe . . . home making hint. Send your letter to LANCASTER FARMING, Quarryville, i*a. know it is difficult to freeze pork any length of i.me and retain its real flavor, especially sausage, which has had the seasoning add-, ed I have learned by packing the sausage in waterproof con tainers, then filling the contain ers with water before sealing tightly to freeze, being sure to leave enough room for expansion when the water freezes I have kept the sausage eight to ten months already, using this meth od, and it comes fiom the freez er like fresh In making my fruit cakes, I use a good grade of mincemeat or apple butter in place of some of the liquid. Gives a more yummy,, fruity taste and does not require neaily as much aging for good eating Might -be some good ideas heie, might be some disagree ment If you don’t agree, let us know. Freezing pork has long been a household prob lem, and perhaps Mrs. Brubak er might have a solution. It’s Christmas time again al most and tune to start work ing up your menus, checking your Christmas recipes again Here’s a good idea from Mrs. Paul Shertzer. Box 749-C Route Lancaster, Pa: Pennsylvania Deluxe Storage Drawers Household -Hint No. 2 on Quiet t » r-h nr Popcorn Christmas Trees Use ice cream cones, and cov er each one wth about a table-' spoon of frosting. To frost six cones; Mix 2% cups sifted confection er’s sugar with one unbeaten egg white and one teaspoon of water. Stir until well blended and then frost cones. While frosting is still soft, press kernels of pop ped corn ail over surface -of cones You’ll need aout one-half cup popped corn for each cone Decorate with ied cinnamon can dies between kernels of popped corn, then sprinkle each cone with green-colored sugar-'Beau tiful as table decorations, and yet inexpensive I would like to find more recipes and household hints, Mrs. Shertzer adds. How about it? From Mis Walter Gerlach, R 2 Mount Joy, comes what looks like a tasty recipe, but let’s put it in her own words Enclosed is a pork chops in sour cream itoipe It’s a very good recipe, v/e think Try it once- Pork Chops in Sour Cream Season chops with 'salt and pepper .and dredge with flour- Brown in a small amount of fat. Insert one clove in each chop and place in a casserole. Add Vs cup of water 1 bay le^if 2 tablespoußo vinegar 1 tablespoon sugar Vi cup sour cream Cover and bake in moderate oven (350 degrees) about IVs hours or unt.l chops are done. As a postcript, Mrs. Ger lach adds: “We like Lancaster Farming veiy much.” Mrs I F McClay, HD 3 Man heim, sends “a homemaking idea on which my husband has compli mented me When making ham burgers, whether patted out thin to place in a bun, or made thick er, shape and season them. Place them in a pan and sprinkle the hamburgers with water fiom a clothes sprinkler The steam will keep' the hamburgers moist, and will pi event them from shrink ing in size considerably. “We are very much interested in Lancaster Farming,” Mrs Mc- Clay adds. “As a boxholder receiver of the early copies of Lancaster Farming, I want to thank-you,” writes Mrs. B. S. Stover, R 2 New Holland, adding, “It is nice to read things from far around. I have a recipe for your paper. Baked Corn Mix togethci one can creamed corn or fresh, two raw eggs, two hard boiled eggs, two tables spoons of butter, about one pint of milk Thicken with saltmes broken finely; salt to taste Bake in a hot oven about one hour.” “Very delicious, we think,” Mrs Stover adds- “Maybe you will think this cookie recipe worthy of printing, and it’s the season for making cookies,” writes Mrs. Paul M- Irvin of R 1 Lilitz Michigan Rocks IVz cups brown sugar 1 cup butter 1 large eun of walnut ker- nels 3 eggs 1 lb dates, cut in pieces 3 cups Hour 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1 teaspoon soda v 2 cup hot water (put in last) Bake in oven, 325 degrees un til slightly browned. Mrs Irvin sends along a sec ond recipe, just the thing to go with a platter of her Michigan Rocks Vanilla Ice Cream 2 quarts .milk 1 quart cicam 1 can Eogle Brand milk 2 cups sugar 1 large teaspoon vanilla ex tract 4 eggs beaten Use a six-quart can (hand or electric freezer). “After it has been turned until stiff, it can be put in your deep freeze It keeps nicely, but is delicious eaten shortly after made,” Mrs- Irvin adds. Last week, we wrote that we had a few,recipes left over- Here are some from Mis. John B- Beck er, RD 1 BrrevilJe. Butterscotch Tapicoa Vi cup quick cooking tapicoa 1% cup dark brown sugar % teaspoon salt 3 cups boilnig water 2 tablespoons butter or mar garine teaspoon vanilla Put all ingredients but vanilla in top of double boiler, eat with egg beater. Then stir till tapicoa is clear, about 20 minutes. Chill, add" vanilla. Pineapple Tapioca One No. 2-- can of crushed pineapple Fill the same can full of water 2” cups of sugar Vi to % cup of tapioca Let pineapple, water and sugar come to a boil Add tapioca and boil slowly m a saucepan 20 min utes, or until tapioca is clear. No-Roll Pastry Shell 2 cups sifted flour 2 tablespoons sugar 1 teaspon salt h cup oil (Wesson, Mazola, etc, all give the same re sults) 2 tablespoons cold milk Put dry ingredients in a nine inch pie pan Combine oil and milk in measuring cup. Whip with forlr and pour all at once over flour mixture. Mix with fork until flour is completely dampened Press evenly and firmly with fmgers to line bottom m&z&kim isss Bf3*ss2ss*& i I i I HAGER’S W. King Street. Lancaster, Pa. Where Plain Folks Like To Shop / / f^^ / I * / I A / V V ' u V t m ■\ , Uni/'/ S ' ' I Lovely, Practiced Gifts in Hager’s Plain Clothing Dept. I WOMEN’S WOOL SWEATERS; hip-length coat style. Soft and comfortable for home or office. Navy, black, rose, grey, green 47 QC and blue I Wool Stoles; rose, wine, black... $4.98 & $5.98 Wool Shoulderettes; black, lilac, blue $8.98 Wool Sleeveless Jackets; grey, black $4.98 Wool Snuggle Capes ........ 7 $4.98- Fringeless Shoulder Shawl $5,95 Nylon Prayer Coverings 55c, 8 for $1.59 Ready-Made Bonnets $4.50 to $5.98 Warm Winter Coats $32.50 to $59.75 I All Wool Sweaters Fur Felt Hats Bow Ties .... String Ties .. Arm Bands .. Collar Buttons Cuff Links; Mother-of-Pearl; gold setting,. . .$3.50 U. Gabardine Topcoats $42.50 Sje Ready-Made Suits $49,75 to $62.50 & HAGER’S PLAIN CLOTHING DEPT., Second Floor Where Plain Folks Like to Shop of pan, then pi ess dough up to line sides. Press uniformly- Fill with filling and bake. We’re going to need some Christmas recipes, cookies, candies, cakes, pies, fillings so send them along. As 'we wrote before, if you wish your name withheld, just add a note to that effect. Or if you choose a “pen name,'' we’ll use that. providing you give your real name for out files. Eating in Lancaster County is fun, and the food is fine Never have I seen so many cakes, never so many dinners, so many sup pers And its fine flavor, too- Kitchens here are the busiest and turn out the most flavorsome' morsels in my experience. Got any time for hobbies? Maybe we can get a letter dis cussion going here on what your favorite hobby might be. How are you taking care of your potted plants this winter? Drop us a line, and let us know. See you next week. Mrs Homer Cust conducted a workshop on Christmas decora tions at a mee.ing of Farm Wom en 18 Nov. 17 in the Farm Bu reau building on the Dillerville Rd. Mrs. Raymond Stoner was in charge of devotions and Mrs. Margaret StncHer sang. She was accompanied by Mrs Melvin Hess. The next meeting-will be Dec. 17 in the home of Mrs. Christ S. Greider, R 1 Mount Joy. V**' FOR MEN: $6.50 & $7.50 ... 59c & 79c 79c soc 2oc ea. I 8 i l I I I I $5.95 I