Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, December 02, 1955, Image 5

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    Voice of
Lancaster Farms
, YORK, Pa. Enclosed find
cheek for my subscription for
one year to your interesting pap
er. Armor r- Frey-
HOLTWOOD, ,Pa. Enclosed
find check for one year subsenp
ition to Lancaster Farming. We
think it is a very interesting
paper, Clarence W. Arm
LANCASTER Enclosed find
money for which please enter
ipy subscription for one year to
I&ancaster Fanning. 1 think the
paper very interesting- Thanking
you for the early boxholder
copies- Mrs. Clarence W.
CONESTOGA You will find
enclosed check for 52 weeks of
Lancaster Faming as it seems
like a pretty good paper, from
What I have seen m the boxhold
er copies- I am looking forward
to receiving it. - William Flick
SPOKANE, Wash. Your in
teresting paper came this morn
ing the second we have re
ceived from Lancaster County,
Pa- We want to compliment you
on the neat paper. “Lancaster
Farming.” Looks like it has a
very successful future. Good luck
and greatest success for your
new venture.
, Winter slipped up on us with
out warning, and never in the
History of Spokane have we had
it' so cold this early It was 11 be
low zero here for several days,
then we had a snow that broke
Winter Prices at
L. H. Brubaker .
Pick up a good used
New Holland 'at Big
Winter Savings!
, You can get your best buy
in a completely recondi
tioned New Holland baler
or forage harvester right
here! If you’ve been waiting
to pick up a New Holland
at a good price, you can
really do it now. Because
right now you get the tre
mendous benefit of our
amazingly low winter prices.
Far dollar values you,can’t
beat one of these recondi
tioned New Hollands.
They’re really "best buys”
both in price and condition.
1 each Model “77”, “76” & “75”
N. H- Balers
1 Case Wire Tie
1 Forage Harvester, row crop Sc
CsJl or see us -today
350 Strasburg Tike
Lancaster, Pa.
j If farmers file income tax by Feb.. 15,1956 they need ■
S. not file a declaration of estimated tax, ■
■ Two options are given by which to determine g
JJ amount of income which ts subject to.the self, employ- ■
S' ment tax. jj
■ With ns, Income Tax is a Profession; not a sideline
m. John M. Slater and Associates m
2 124 South State Street, Fphrata, Penn»ylT»nia ■
. Diet 3-2370; if no »n»wer,_try 3.-i4OS .J
’■■■■■■BBBBB ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■kb
DesPeres, Mo.—Mrs. Caesar
Venegoni, who ha» approximately
forty calts m her'home here, is
thanking of moving to a 40-acre
Ifarsn, because there’s a move a
fooit in itlhas community-to pass a
Haw limiting the number of pets
in any one home.
the cold but made the streets
very dangerous for driving.
Mrs. Chester G- Arnold.
(Editor’s Note: 11 below
Brrr Mrs- Arnold is the widow
of Arthur B- Overman, a pioneer
commission man and many times
president of the Spokane Live
Stock Exchange. She herself was
an early schoolteacher in, Idaho,
moving from the midwest, arriv
ing on the 10b by horsedrawn
stage in the 20ih Century)
NEVADA, lowa Congratula
tions on your newest adventure
Lancaster Fanning. It is in
teresting Keep the paper rolling
as I know you ulways wm a chal
lenge. .Mrs. Margaret Black
ST. LOUIS, Mo. Honstly,
this second of Lancaster
Farming is without equal. It
fairly booms with energy. I espe
cially adore the beautiful picture
on the front page. Next I spotted
the Women’s Page- Am so anxi
ous to try the Broccoli Casserole.
Mrs. L Newton Kinder
MANHEIM Your publica
tion is “terrific ” We wish to be
included on your list as charter
subscribers. Wishing you the best
for future years Cassel’s Mill,
Inc., by C. Eugene Cassel.
very grateful to you for the love
'v picture and story that you put
in your Lancaster Farming. I
think that this Is a very nice
paper and your interest of cover
age was good. It looks like the
chicken business got on your
front page too. It looks like the
farm had brooder houses, shelL
ers, etc- That’s good for the poul
try industry. I hope that you
will stop around to see us when
you are this way again- I am en
closing $l.OO as a charter mem
ber for the coming year so we
will receive your nice paper.
Lois M. Logan, Pennsylvania Fly
ing "Farmers Queen, L. L. Logan
Poultry Farm and Hatchery.
Chester Delaware
Poultry Meeting,
Election Dec. 15
New directors will be elected
and several changes in bylaws
will he made at the annual meet
ing of the Chester-Delaware
County Poultry association Dec
The meeting will be a dinner
at the Coasesvillo, YMCA, ac
cording to L L. Logan, Kennett
Square, president.
Directors will be elected to re
place those v hose terms expire,
and all members are urged to
attend, especially in view of by
law changes. This will be the
first anniversary meeting.of the
group organized last December.
Principal sneaker will be C.
,M. Kessler, assistant sales man
ager of Allied Mills, Chicago,
well known in the poultry field.
The high level of personal debt
Iheld threat to future.
Two Lancaster Farming region men here are and behind the high ranking Angus female is
shown with the Eastern National Livestock Ex- Fred Frey, Jr, Quarryville, who assisted Boudi
position (reserve senior champion female, Erica not in caring for and showing Angus at Timonium.
Eileen GRA On the left is Elberc (Bud) L Jenks, Lancaster Fanning Photo)
manager of Boudinot Farms, Chester Springs, Pa,
Proteins Needed
In Dairy Ration,
Purdue Advises
LAFAYETTE, Ind. Protein
supplements are needed-in most
winter dairy lations, reports G.
A Williams, extension dairyman
at Puidue Umveisity.
Williams says these supple
ments give oetter results at low
er costs when fed m mixtures
than when fed separately.
When good quality legume hay
is used with either corn or grass
silage, a grain mixture contain
ing 10-14 per cent digestible pro
; tein meets the needs of most
eows. _ Such a mixture can be
made "up"of 500 pounds corn and
cob meal, 200-pounds of ground
oats or wheat bran, and 100
pounds of a protein-rich feed
such as cottonseed oil meal, lin
seed oil meal, soybean oil meal,
or a 32-34 per cent protein com
mercial feed. One pound of this
mixture should, be fed for each
'2% to 5 pounds of. milk produced*
depending on the breed and size
of the cow If low quality rough
ages are fed, more supplement
will be needed
Costs studies show, that when
gram feeding is carefully adjust
ed to dairy milk production, the
cost of concentiates will make
up about 25 pc- cent of the total
cost of producing milk. When un
necessary amounts, of grain are
fed, hctvever, the cost of con
centrates may nm as high as 4Q
per cent of the total cost.
Brazil plans no change in its
coffee price policy.
Reserve Champ at Timomiim
'Dublin, N H.—According to
the Old Farmer's Almanac, the
oldest periodical in America
wh-dh is stall continuously pub
lised/in the same name and ori
ginal appearance, the coming
winter will be “as severe as any
lof the Twentieth Century” Be
ginning with ib.eak November
Sales Every Tuesday
Night at 6:00 P. M.
Come To Our Christmas Party
On December 20th
And Other Gifts to be Given Away
Lancaster Farming, Friday, December 2, 1955
Farm Service
- September corner sales were
i he highest since May. 1953
'weather, bad storms and blustery
cold succeeding one another—
with very few mild so ells or
(thaws and no real winter break
until Sate March is forcast
Add to the life of your
tractor and equipment—and
boost the price you’ll get
when you trade. Let us give
you an estimate. We think
you’ll be surprised at how
law our figure is.
Spegial Off-Season PiicesJ