Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, December 02, 1955, Image 2

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    g—Lancaster Farming, Friday, December 2, 1955
Market News
Gilts Average
About Steady
BJ David S. Lorcnson, Reporter
,USDA Market News Bureau
Cattle: Three days 3469, week
ago 2716- Compared with last
Wednesday: Slaughter steers
average choice and prime mostly
steady, some strength on weights
1200-1450 Jfbs. Commercial to low
Choice shortfed steers to weak.
(Heifers scarce this week mostly
(steady, beef cows about steady,
Canners and Cutters strong to
25c higher, bulls steady to 25c up
(Stockers and feeders mostly
steady best action on weights
around 750 lbs and lighter
Supplies included around 65
per cent stocker and feeder steers
mainly 600-900 lbs Medium to
low choice, around 10 per cent
was cows Bulk choice and low
prime 1050-1250 lb fed steers
S West Willow ■
■ Farmers Association ■
* Custom Grinding and J
■ Mixing W-W-F Poultry*
S Feeds Ultra-Lifed ■
West Willow,
• Phone Lancaster 45019 ■
Altman’s Super-A Feeds
are timed-tested, scientifically balanced, vitamin complete and are
manufactured daily in 'hree modern-plants. Compare our prices.
12 varieties of Baljv Chicks available at all times.
Ask about our special discount on early orders for chicks.
B Starter Meg
Special Broiler Ration
Yeast Egg Mash
Quality Egg Mash .
Scratch Grain
Fine Chick Feed.. ..
947 Harrisburg Aye. Phone Lane. 4-7715
Black A Decker FIXKIT
Get these 21 pieces: K-inch drill,
chuck and key, 7 bits, horizontal
stand, backing pad', 3 sanding discs,
polishing pad. grinding wheel, wire
brush, arbor, paint miser and steel
box. Makes 1001 home jobs eaayl
Free Parking at Rear of Si
Kauffman’s Hardware
201 E. Main St.
Hill y* LLSsiffi \ Ky jj.Hi**' i ■£>
$2O 00-22 75, several loads choice
and pn ne 115 J-1250 lbs. $23-00
to $2325. loa 1 1200 lb prune
steers $23 75, load prune 1400-flib
weights $23 00- Good steers $lB.-
00-19 50; commercial and good
slaughter heifers $l5OO-11800.
Utility and commercial cows
$ll-00-12 75; canners and cutters
$8 00-1175 Utility and commer
cial bulls $l4 50-17.50; cutters
$l3 00-14 00- Bulk medium and
good 600-900 lb, stocker and
ifeeder Steers $16.50-16.’50. Good
and low choice 750-935 lib weights
$lB 00-19-00. toad 660’ lb. choree
feeder steers $2O 50; two toads
around 1050 lb Good feeder
Steers $l7-85 and $18.35-
Calves: 890, week ago 861,
iCcmpared with last Wednesday:
, Veal calves 50c to $lOO higher,
most advance on Choice and
Prime. Bulk Good and Choice
vealers $23-00-26 50; high Choice
land- Prune $27 00-30.00 a few to
$9lOO . Utility and Commercial
Hogs. 967, week ago 1192. Com
pared with last Wednesday: Bar
rows and gilts averaging about
steady- uWs scarce steady- Wed
nesday’s sales barrows and G.lts
U S- maxed 1-3, 180-250 lbs
$l2-50-13 25. "Several small tots
mostly 1 and 2. 180-220 lbs to
Itoeal small killers $l3-50-14-00.
(Small supply of sows $lO.OO-12 00
Sheep: 420 week ago 314. Com
' pared with last Wednesday:
wooled slaughter lambs 50c-l 00’
higher Bulk week’s supply Good
and Choice wooled slaughter
lambs $l7 00-20 50 a few lots
Choice and Prime $2lOO-21 50;
Utility down to $l4 00
Holbtos, N. McDonald' D. Hal
lam recently learned that he had
been Governor of New Mexico for
three days, although he knew
nothing about it Hallam is speak
er of the State House of Repre
sentatives With the Governor,
Lieutenant Governor, Secretary
laf State and President pro tem of
the Senate all out of the state at
one time. Hallman became Gover
nor He learned about it three
days later.
100 lb. Horse Feed
100 lb. Corn
100 lb. Cracked Corn . ..
16 pc. Blue Bird Dairy Feed
20 pc. Blue Bird Dairy
Cottonseed Meal '
Fitting Ration
4 50
Just a few of the Hundreds of li
4 ‘The Family Gift Center”
Visit Toyland!
{Tring The Kiddies
HORSES and many
tore - OPEN THORS. & SAT. TIL 9 P.IH.
Prices Advance
Over Year Ago
In Poultry Sale
Average prices of poultry sold
on the Lancaster Poultry Ex
change at Rohrerstown during
the mon,th of November showed
increases over comparative weeks
in November, 1954. Averages
during the 11th month last year'
were from a high - of $22.02 at
the opening of the month to a
low of $17.13 at the close-
This y6ar, the month opened
with a low average of $lB 54 and
advanced to a high of $22 85 the
second week, down to $20:75 the
third, closing the-month at $22 79
in the final week.
Receipts 'Also Increase
Receipts also increased for
Nov- 1955 compared »lo a year
agorwith 349,000 passing through
the, Auction in the 11th month
last year, 44T,650 this year dur
ing November ' ' -
Eighteen lots, totaling 62,800'
birds, were offered in the 103rd ■
sale Tuesday tl this week, with
14 lots, totaling 49,200 head l sell
ing, in a price range of $2O 25 to
23, averaging $22 08-
Tuesday Sale
Here are Tuesday sales - 1550
White Vantress from Henry
Longenecker, to Roy E Ream 23,
Robert H Ban (J Clayton
Charles) 5000 Indian River Cross
to Harry -H. Weaver, Jr, 22; Da
vid S. Hoover two lots, 3200 Red
Vantress to Mr Weaver at 21 n
and 1000 White Cross to Mr
Weaver at 20' i; Ray D Burk
holder 750 Rod and White Van
tress to Rqy E Ream at 21)4,
John Dißernardmo 500 Indian
River Cross, bid 21%, no sale,
■Robert Stamen 3000 Red Van
tress to Grimes & Hauer at 21/4,
O Kenneth McCracken (Eugene
Weaver) 1000 White Mountains,
buyer Carl B Risser at 21%; Mil
ler & Bushong (Enos Miller)
4500 Indian River Cross Liponiz
ed, and a second lot of same to
Mr Weaver at 22%, two lots of
4350 Indian River Cross consign
ed by preceding firm to Victor
F Weaver, fl>c at 22%, Indian
River Poultry (John Geil), 4000
Indian River, pullets, Liponized, t
to Grimes & Hauer at 21%, 2900
trom the same firm withdrawn,
5000 Indian R'ver Crosses from
Fimtville Farms (Chester Murry)
no sale, 21% bid, and 5000 sold
to Victor-F Weavei, Inc , at 22%,
Levi M Weaver, 7000 Indian
River Crosses sold to Harry H
Weaver, Jr, at 22%
345 |j
3.05 B
3.15 H
2.40 !•
400 i|
3.15 H
-'Los Angeles, Cal.—Philip "Wilut
marsh, 52, a member of the Ad
venturers’ Club of Los Angeles,
plans to- drive a Volkswagen from
Fairbanks, Alaska to Ushuaia at
ithe southern tip of South Am
erica, a distance of 13,500 miles.
He recently left California for
Alaska to begin the tnp
Items On Display
, Ideal gift for the whole family!. Chases =
chills with cozy warmth. SEE
Goes on and off automati- lAQC ===
ttily to keep room always=s
comfortable. Blue enamel, —:
white trim. Model 5316. . ==
* i »>» ** * v l * *
.V* '***/ s >i,rh
There's still some debate on the black rabbit bagged by Melvin,
Graybili 1 (le£fc) m Eberly’s Swamp northwest of Quarryville, but
it’s sure enough black and. it’s sure enough rabbit. George Pita
(Right), Strasburg, holds one of the pheasants the hunters shot
shortly after the season opened (Lancaster Farming Photo).
Top 23.25 for
Poultry Friday,
Average 22.79
Lancaster Poultry Exchange
(Rohrerstown) - (Sales Report-
Sale No 102, Friday Nov 25,
,1955) Eleven lots, all broilers,
averaged 22 7.9 on 28,220 birds
Friday with a range from 21 n to
23 Vi Compaied to a year ago, on
Nov 26, 1954 of 29 lots totaling
108,500 birds were listed, 18 lots
ol 74,500 birds were sold in a
range of 16 Vj to 17.% with an
average of 1 1 14.
Sales Friday included the top
'of 231 1 on 350 Red Vantress, con
signed by A- Lincoln Keener, sell
ing to John N Thomas; 1500 Red
Vantress, Horace'Seitz, consignor,
Ray E Ream buyer, 22%; Miller
•& Bushong (Elam Kauffman)
consignor, 4 0,000 Red Vantress
to Hany E Weaver, Jr." at 23;
Miller & Busking (Elam. Kauff
man) 500 Red. Vantress to Ray
W Gibble at'22 i; Miller & Bus
hong (Clair Eomberger), 1200
Meat Packers and 800 White Van
tress to Pioducers Coop Ex
change. 23, Geoige Weaver, 7500
Indian River C.oss to Producers
Coop. 22 ’1 and 7500 Indian River
Cross to VicLj) F Weaver, Inc,
at 23, J Llod Rohrer, 850 Red
Vantress to yßoy E Ream at 23,
J. J Hess '"E B Riehl), 2,000
White Vantress to Victor V F.
Weaver, Inc-, 22%f Ralph Zim
merman, 1170 Red Vantress to
H W. Longacre at 22%; Levi J
Fisher, 850 While Rocks to Roy
E Rdam at 2L%.
I U3DA-Turkeys: (’Frozen Ready
fto-cook) Barely steady. Demand
light More than ample supplies
were available.
"Wholesale selling pr ; ces (grade.
A <fe U S Grade A) fryer-roast
lers 4-10 48-53: Y- hens 8-10 50-
51 %, 10-M 50-53,14-16 50-53; Y.
itdms 14-2 Q 44-48. 20-22 42%, 22-
24 42 %-45 %. 24.-28 44-50, 28 &
up 50-53.
Ready-to-cook- Young chiok
letns-unsettted. Demand fair Sup
plies well fully ample.
Prices paid for ice packed
delivered Philadelphia (cents per
lb.) Gradte A & U S- grade A
2-3 35 %-37 %. mos'ly 36-37-
UISDA-Market unsettled Demand
(fair for large and sMght’y im
proved for mediums Supplies
were fully ample for current re
"Wholesale selling prices- Mm.
10 pet AA Qual. large 45-50
white 55-58. brown 53%-54, med
ium white 44-44%, brown 43 %-
44 Extras, min. 60 pet A Qual.
Large 45-50 white 51-52, Ibrown
mone, maxed 49%-50%, medium
white 43-43%, brown none, mixed
42-42%. Standards 44-45, cur
rent receipts none, checks 28-35.
-Receipts Nov- 30-o,s39‘cases all
hy truck.
si m
i. 4-0!
Hunting Luck - Black Rabbit
x.. v ~
~v .
-1...., *
Fruit Growers
Plan Meetings*
Members of the Lancaster
County Fruit Growers Association
next week will conduct a series
of countywide meetings and or
chard pruning demonstrations.
New officers will be elected Mon
day evening it 7.30 in the Farm.
Bureau Hall, Lancaster.
New fruit masses included in
the i coming Pennsylvania Farm.
Show will be discussed, and a
committee to arrange packing for
the Lancaster County exhibit will
be appointed.
Carl Bittner to Speak
Carl BittSl, - , extension fruit
specialist from the Pennsylvania
State University, will speak on,
“Fruit Varieties,”/ Small Fruits,.
Feitffity, CuJluial practices and
Management ” Color slides will
illustrate vai ions pjjjnts r i
Present officers are Anthony
R. Stoe, Lancaster, President;
Harry Breneman 1 , R 6. Lancaster,
presides,'l; Simon Snyder,
R 1 " Ephrata, secretary, and
Daniel A. Brubaker, R 1 Ephrata,
treasurer. ,
Demonstration Schedule
Schedule ol demonstrations iaf
as follows;
Monday, 1 30 p. m. Farm of
D. G. Nelson. Manheim Rl, locat
ed along the road leadmg from
the Harrisburg. Pike to Lancaster
Tuesday, 8:30 a. m- Farm
operated by Melvin Groff, Lan
caster R 6, located along the Nevr
Danville Pike, one-half mile south
of Lancaster.
Tuesday, 130 p. m Farm
of B. L. Blank, New Holland R 2,
one mile soutn of New Holland
on the road to Intercourse.
Processed poultry (ice packed)
young chi'dcxn-unsetted. Prices
'declined 1c on sizes 3 to 2%. (De
mand fair. More 'than ample sup
plies were available:
Hens: steady- Demand good-
Barely sufficient supplies
(Receipts Noy. 29 included other
than turkeys: Md- 81,090, D«t
96,425. Va. 10,500'.
Wholesal'd selling prices:
(Grade A QUal. including sizabl*
lots to butchers)
Cents per lb -
■Broilers or Fryers, 1% 30-33, 2
30-33, 214 30-33, 2% 27-30, 3 25
%-28. "
ißoasters or fryers, 3% 26-26, 4
26-28, 4% 26-28 %, 5 & up 29-3*.
Hens, 6%-7, Heavy type 24-28,
414-6, Heavy itype 25-07, 4 &
■over, Light type 22-23, under 4,
Light type 19-21-
Ducklings 30-33-
Volunteers did not appear in
great numbers for the start of
the national reserve sixrmonrtiir
training program.
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