Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, November 25, 1955, Image 9

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(Continued from page 8)
la (2 tablespoons) plus sev
tablespoons of nutmeg
sugar and lard. Add eggs,
milk- Sift flour, soda, cream
;artar. Add to the mixture
by teaspoon on greased
e sheet. Bake at 350 de-
$ The measurements are by
;ht, so youi cookies will not
of our readers at East
has sent m a recipe, and
asks that hei name be with-
Thgt we-are most willing
do Her recipe is for
Apple Dumplings
cup of sour cream mixed with
teaspoon baking soda,
id V* teaspoon salt,— flour
igh so' you can roll it like
pie dough.
ive apples snitzed and cut
halves Cut the dough in
ires, about five inches Put
tlf apple on each square- Now
■ the corners to the top and
;s them tight together Jo
» the juice in. Put in greased
Bake about 30 to 35 mm
, m an oven at 350 degrees,
till golden brown.
From over at Bareville, Mrs
Hn B Becker has sent us a
ile string of recipes that look
;hty good, and maybe as time
*s on, we can pujblish more of
She offers hints for using
10 Add heavy -fruit, such as
irs or peaches which will sink
form a bottom layer. Now add
lana slices and diced marsh
.llows These will float to form
top layer- Chill tintil firm
Now that the crisp autumn
fact it’s almost winter days
• here, a pumpkin pie recipe
absolutely necessary. You
;ht try Mrs. Becker’s.
Spicy Pumpkin Pie
2 tablespoons-melted butter or
cup sugar.
3 eggs, well beaten.
Vi teaspoon cinamon, small
amount of nutmeg, or to suit
’2 teaspoon s<>lt.
M cup hot, cooked, mashed
{, i cup milk, scalded (fresh
milk or powdered milk gives
same results I used powder
3 tablespoons molasses-
Mix all ingredients together,
beat with egg beater, then fill
pie shells Tins makes several
pies, depending on the size of
pans used Bake at 450 degrees
for 30 minutes 01 until baked. I
bake it in an oil crust, which is
We’ve still got some recipes
left over. Butterscotch Tapioca,
Pineapple Tapioca, No-Roll
Pastry Shell but every pot
and pan is ready for washing,
and the kitchen’s got to be red
ded up.
That’s all for this week but
keep your letters coming. Send
your best ideas to Lancaster
Fanning, Quarryville, Pa.
Dec. 7 Party Date for
Farm Society No. 23
Holiday spirit has invaded So
ciety of Farm Women 23 full
force, with arrangements for the
annual Christmas party and cov
ered dish supper -Tuesday, Dec 7
at (he Washington Boro Fire
Hall Tune of the dinner will toe,
6 pm.
Mrs. Jonas Nissley demonstrat
ed ways of making Christmas
'candles at last week’s meeting in
the home of Mrs Andrew Nissley,
Hi Washington Boro Mrs Robert
Miller, hostess, led devotions
opening the meeting
A large list of contributions
were announced by the Society,
525 going to the Kepdig Family,
missionaries for the Church of
God in Peru, and $lO each to the
United Community Campaign and
Lancaster County Chapter, Mus
cular Dystrophy Associations of
America, Inc.
Winners at Baby Beef Roundup
Here the three winners of the recent Southeast District 4-H
Club Baby Beef Roundup at Lancaster Stock Yards line up On-the
right is the winner Phyllis Buss, 17, RD 2 Easton, with her Angus
“Butchie” that was grand champion over all breeds, In the center is
the reserve champion, “Mickey,” with Mary Jane Herr, 12, Ref ton,
at the halter of her Hereford “Shorty,” the top Shorthorn, shown
by Shirley Longenecker, 15, RD 2 Lititz, is on the left. (Lancaster
Farming Photo).
Bus Trip, Christmas
Party at Society 10
Mrs- M L Windell will con
duct a bus lour for Society of
Farm Women 10 Monday to Phil
adelphia to see “Cinerama Holi
day” and downtown Christmas
decorations Saturday, Dec. 3 has
been set as the date for the an
nual Christmas dinner and party
at the home of Mrs. Charles F.
Stauffer, Lime Spring Farm,
Rohierstown Mrs. C M- Neff,
sister of Mrs Stauffer, will lead
Officers recently elected will
be installed Mis H. C Remhold
is president; Mrs Elam Buck
waiter, vice president; Mrs. John
Habecker, recording secretary;
Mrs- Henry Hershey, correspond
ing secretary, and Miss Eliza
Esbenshade, treasurer-
Farm Society 21 Sets
Christmas Party Date
Families of the Society of
Farm Women 21 will hold their
annual Christmas Party Friday,
Dec 9 in the Fue Hall at Quar
ryville Activities start at' 730
p ra
Plans for Inc Christmas Party
were discussed at a recent meet
ing in the home of Mrs. Clair
Griffith, Quarryville- The Soci
ety voted contnbutions to the
Tuberculosis Society Christmas
Seal campaign and the Lancas
ter County Chapter of Muscular
Dystrophy Associations of Ameri
ca, Inc
Mrs Thomas Bradley reported
on the recent Lancaster County
Convention Mis Parke Ressel,
president, presided.
Farm Women 9 Gift
Exchange Dec. 17th
Mrs Andrew Zercher and Mrs
P Klemhaus of Maiticville will
be hostesses at a Chnstmas party
and gift exchange for Faim Soc
iety of Farm Women 9 on Satur
day, Dec 17 Baskets will be
filled for sick and shutin mem
In a recent meeting at the
home of Mis Elmer L. Huber,
Marticville, Miss Eleanor Guf
fith, recent International Faim
Youth Exchange delegate to Ger
many, told of her visit in that
countiy Colo-ed slides added
much to the lalK
Co-hostesses were Mis Paul
Stokes, Mis Fay Aston and Mrs
Roy Hei shock A leport was
made that 128 articles and money
had been contributed to the
Needlework Guild by the Society.
Donations \vere voted to the Fry
berger Family who lost their pos
sessions in a recent fire
CORN, Okla John Edwin
Vogt has been ribbed consider
ably by his friends about having
three hurucanes around his
house His wife is named Hilda
and his two daughteis, Brenda
and Janet all names of 1955
A 48-acre farm in Earl Twp, a
quarter of a mile north of Vog
anville Tuesday of last week was
sold for §Bl5 an acre or a total
of $39,206 69 to Wilson Martin
Jr, Ephrata, Rl, at a public sale.
The sale was held by Ivan H.
Nolt with Frank L Steller as the
Santa Claus Arrives At
Kauffman’s Hardware Toyland
110 Piece Band of Pequea Valley High
School will play concert irt'front of itojpeat 1:30 P. M.
On 1954 -
Fine Selection of these Brand Names :
Kauffman’s Hardware
Store Open Thrus. & Sat. Till 9 P. M. Free Parking Rear of Store
Farm Society 15
Holds Furniture
Refinisliing Class
Mrs Glenn Knecht, RD Kirk
wood, Tuesdnv was hostess to
Society of Faim Women 15 in a
furniture rcfinishmg class In
the previous week’s meeting,
plans were made ’ for a family
Chustmas dinner party Thursday,
Dec 8, in Rhoads Spanish Tav
ern, Quarryviiie
Miss Ruth Kimble, Lancaster
County extension home econo
mist, conducted the Tuesday
class, and also' gave a lecture
demonstration on Christmas de
coiatibns foi the home and holi
day gift wrapping
Installation of two recently
elected office’s, Mrs Robert
Reath as recording secietary, and
Mis Lewis E Shoemaker as trea
surer was made at last week’s
In charge of this meeting was
Mrs Robert Wucksel, president
Assisting were Mis Emory Wag
ner, Mrs Fo> rest Reinhart and
Mrs William Ciawford, Sr
Twenty-five dolars will be
given by the Society for distribu
tion among Lancaster County
Home guests, and $7 will be sent
the Lancaster County Tubercu
losis Society.
Stalling in 1956, according to
an official souice, the 'Govern
ment will, discontinue the pur
chase of aluminum for stockpil
ing., , 1
REG. $59.50 X-MAS SPECIAL $39.50
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Lancaster Farming, Friday, November 25, 1955—9
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