Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, November 25, 1955, Image 8

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    B— Lancaster Farming, Friday, November 25, 1955
For the
Farm Wife and Family
Want to thank you all for your
many letters, youi recipes, your
household hints We’ll publish
as many of these as we can each
week, and ask you to send them
along as often as you can- If
you wish to have your name with
held| just add i note to that ef
fect Through this column, there
can be an exchange of ideas, you
can pass, along ideas that have
proved successful for you or pick
up an idea fiom another letter
that you read here
Might add at this time that
we received » very nice letter
from Mrs. Richard Hershey of
R 1 Manheim, who wrote “As
Thanksgiving Day approaches,
all of us ought to think of the
many blessings we are so prone
to take for granted.” She then
listed ten things for which she
is thankful, fieedom as Ameri
■cans, for educational publica
tions as Lancaster Farming
that are aiailable; for pub
lic schools and good teachers;
for the abundant living Lan-
wkidi maintain* an «y*n, uniform Hr*
th* M 4 ianglii »f fir«b»x— anuring
b*tlw (••king and baking T*»ult*,
I More
nil li less fuel!
V- . - -- -
> <'
s 1 i
"\yTONARCH QUALITY is something very real. It means
a more even-burning fire lower fuel cost better bak
ing results a welded one-piece frame for increased efficiency
and greater durability "vitrifused” glass-lined flues and oven
walls to prevent rust and corrosion—easy-to-keep-clean “Mirco”
cooking top modern design with all-white porcelain finish
_ and abo\e all, it means lasting satisfaction.
Available in Black and White.
We also have the Square Range without the reservoir.
Place your order for immediate or spring delivery.
S. Railroad Ave.
New Holland Phone 4-0851
Free To Women...
One year charter subscrip
ING to one housewite eacn
week who submits tne nesi
letter . . recipe .. , home
making hint. Send your letter
QuarryviUe, va.
caster County Farmers enjoy;
for family and friends and
good neighhois; for a good
home life, warmth and love,
laughter and happiness; for
the experiences of disappoint
ment which later draw us clos
er to God and to one another;
for the Open Bible, open
Church doors and Christian
fellowship; for faith in a liv-
God; and most of all, “for
Jesus Christ our Saviour, the
hope of the world, the redeem
er of all mankind.”
Mrs Hershey closed her letter
with a thought that was well put,
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Christiana Site
For Lanchester
Chorus Program
“Christmas m the Air” will be
presented by the Lanchester
Chorus at the Christiana Fire
Hall at 3 p m Sunday, Dec 18.
The chorus of 40 voices, with
members froto. Lancaster and
Chester Counties, is under the
direction of Donald Trostle, -di
rector of instrumental music at
McCaskey ifigh School, Lancas
ter Pianist is Richard Wright.
“With these blessings and many,
many more, should we not all re
joice and in everything give
These are principles one might
follow the whole year ’round,
instead of just during the happy
holiday season Too often we
give thanks only when needed
or demanded, forgetting that
ceiving is year ’round, giving is
year ’round, so why should not
thanking be year ’round?
Mrs. H. B. Shearer, -on R 1
Manheini, -wins this week’s
free one-year subscription to
Lancaster Farming, for hers
was the first of innumerable
letters we received. It’s a
household hint: “Sprinkle salt
on the copper utensil to be
cleaned. Moisten cloth with
vinegar and rub the surface.
Rinse well and dry.”
The recipes are rolling in. Be
ing an out-of-stater, or a Penn
sylvanian by adoption, Shoofly
Pie was one of the first bits of
that good Lancaster County cook
ing I wanted to try. This .recipe
from Mrs Frank N. Baer, Sa
lunga, helps enlighten, me, and
I’m sure some of the kinfolk
back home in the mrddlewest will
want to try it'
Shoofly Pie
* 2-cups molasses, old barrel.
2 cups hot water
-1 cup light brown sugar
-1 scant teaspoon soda.
Use a cup or more of syrup
for a six-piece pie Mix syrup in
gredients till dissolved-
5 cups flour all purpose.
2 cups light brown sugar.
1 cup scant lard or shortening
v 2 teaspoon soda.
Vs teaspoon cream of tartar. 1
Mix crumbs till crumbly- Put
your, syrup in the unbaked crusts
and divide the crumbs on top-
Bake 10 minutes at 450 de
grees, plus a half hour at 375
degrees, and a half hour at 350.
The oven temperature may vary
with different ovens You’ll have
good syrup and good pies-
Now that we have one of
the traditional Pennsylvania
recipes down, who can send in
one for Chestnut filling? Back
home we have oyster and plain
“stuffing” or “dressing,” but
I’m sure they’d get a kick out
of Chestnut filling if they
can find the Chestnuts.
There’s always an argument
around the house when it’s bed
time for the youngsters. One of
our St Louis friends, Mrs. L.
Newton Kinder, sends this along:
Five minutes more, five minutes
more please!
Let me stay live minutes more!
Can’t I just tmisn the castle
I'm building here on the floor’
Can’t I just finish the story
I’m reading here in my book’
Can’t I just finish this head
It’s almost finished, look'
Can’t I just finish this game,
When a game’s once begun
It’s a pity never to find out
Whether you’ve lost or won-
Can’t I just stay five minutes,
Well, can’t I just stay four’
Three minutes, ‘then’ Two min
Can’t I stay one minute more?
Can’t you just hear his ap
peals 9 Can’t you just shuffle him
After Thanksgiving
Turkey A’La King
An excellent recipe for turkey a’la king has been devised by P. H.
Margolf, poultryman at the Pennsylvania State University Agricul
tural Experiment Station, but it makes' 5 gallons. A more suitable
recipe for using up left-overs from a holiday feast follows:
M cup butter or chicken fat 1 cup milk
4 tablespoons flour 2‘i cups cut-up cooked turkey
' salt Vi cup slivered, green pepper
pepper V* cup slivered pimento
1 egg yolk 1' cup sauted sliced mush-
IVi cups well seasoned turkey rooms
Melt the fat and blend in the flour. Remove from the heat and
stir in slowly the turkey broth and milk. Bring to a boil and boil one
minute, stirring constantly. Stir in gently the remaining ingredients.
Mr. Margolfs recipe is obainable on request by persons Cooking
for large groups-
off to bed as fast as you can,
tuck him-in, 'kiss him good night
and remember how you once
put up the same argument your
The holiday season is already
underway,.and along with all the
goodies, the shoo-fly pie and all,
there are othe* - delicacies that
can’t be overlooked
Mrs Joseph H Hess, HI, New
Providence, sends this.
- Holiday Nut Bread
1 egg, beaten
1 cup butteimilk
l 'z cup brown sugar.
1 cup sifted enriched flour.
1 teaspoon soda.
teaspoon salt
-1 cup Mother's Oats (Quick)
1 cup copp ad dates
’i cup chopped nutmeats
2 tablespoons melted shorten
Combine egg and buttermilk"
add sugar. Silt together flour
soda and salt Add to egg mix-
We’re Snowed Under - - But
Your Subscription will
be processed as soon
as possible.
Please bear with us.
P. S. Don’t forget—Free Distribution
Ends Soon. Mail Your Subscription Today,
Lancaster Farming
ture Add oats dates and nut
meats, stirring only, enough to
combine Lightly stir in melted
shortening. Bake in greased,
paper-lined loaf pan (1, lb-size)
in moderate oven (350 degrees)
about one hour. Cool thoroughly
and store a day before serving.
Here’s a letter from Mrs. Mer
_vin Wengfr, over at Manheim R -
“We like the old-fashioned
Sugar Cookie lecipe. Our reason
especially is on days that aren’t
so busy, we can stir up a batch
of cookies It’s a large recipe-
Freeze the remaining ones -for
those busy days ahead!
Old Fashioned Sugar Cookies
2 lbs granulated-sugar.
1H lbs lard.
6 eggs unbeaten.
1 pint butteimilk or sour milk
3 lbs of flcur.
1 teaspoon cream of tartar.
2 tablespoons soda.
Lemon, vara 1 la or nutmeg for
flavoring as desired. We prefei
(Continued on page 9)