B—Lancaster Farming, Friday! November 18, 1935 Founder of Lumber Firm. At Refton Dies Ira B Grabill, 84, Refton. died at 6 a m Sunday at the Lancaster General Hospital after a (brief illness. He was stricken at home on Saturday m*ht and admitted to the hospital. I USED BALERS I McCORMICK PEERING and NEW HOLLAND USED SPREADERS McCORMICK DEERING and NEW IDEA D. L. DIEM & SONS 3 }j PH. 6-2131 LITITZ, PA. jj a Deluxe fenge {teflw M. AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC PUSH BUTTON this automatic range for the low, low price of only $279. 95 COMPLETE LINE OF APPLIANCES Refrigerators Ranges Automatic Washers Dish Washers GROFFS HARDWARE S. Railroad Ave. New Holland He was a son >of the late Rev. Simon E and Emma Brenneman Graybili and tad ibeen employed as bookkeeper at the former Herr & Snavely Co, Lancaster. He was also founder of the I. B. Graybili &rSons coal, lumber and fuel oil business, at Refton, in 1908 Private funeral services were Wednesday afternoon at the tery. Willow Street Mennonite Ceme- Graybili v homo. Freezers Water Heaters Automatic Dryers Custom Ranges Phone 4-0851 Visitors from Vir F * fe.| < 1 > V/ -•NJ, « •4 Visitors from Virginia, with their host, who proved one of the bidders worthy of mention at the . recent 4-H Baby Beef Roundup and Sale, at Lanca tei are shown here- On the left is A. G- Buchei, head of the Farm Service Depaitment of the Lamster County National Bank, successful bidder foi the Shorthorn shown by Mary Louise Miller ot R 2 Manheim- The steer, weighing 1,150 lbs, bringing 24% cents per lb, will be served at the annual banquet of the Red Rose 4-H Baby Beef and Lamb Club with compliments of the Bank With Mr. Buchei, from left to right, are Mrs. Thomas 0. Scott, Charlottesville, Va; Edward H Bam, assistant vice president, Farm Service Department, The Peo ple’s National Bank, Charlottesville; Tom Scott, Albemarle County (Va) Agent; Audrey Allen and Susan Allen, R 3, Charlottesville- Audrey and Susan showed the best trio of steers in the April show foi the Charlottesville aiea, and the visit to Lancaster was the winners’ gift from Peoples National (Lancaster Farming Photo). From Where the Winners Come Judge Boyd Widdle checks conformation of Dauphin County^Herefords lined up in the Southeast District Show at Lancaster At the moment, he is working on the entry of Robert Baker, while J Beverly Riland, also of Dauphin tries to attract the judge’s attention with her entry. (Lan''| caster Farming Photo). - . . Farm Income Drops Lower in Past Two Years Pennsylvania's farm cash in ciome has declined nearly ten per ■cent in -the past two years, Dr ■William L. Hennings state secre tary of agriculture, told the Pen nsylvania Grocers Association, meeting in Harrisburg last week Farm receipts the first eisfht (months of 1955 are falling a miPion dollars under the com parable 1954 period But, the Secretary added, “the farmer is due for a better break, ihe is looking for his rightful share of any prosperity, that is being passed around, and when he gets it, the entire comimuni’v, county, state and nation" will benefit ” “'Our Pennsylvania farmers,” Dr Henning *itold earlier, “are feeling the effects of this down ward trend m income In the United States last year the per capita income of farm people averaged $9lB as compar ed with $1,836 for nonfarmers ” More good and services will be labailahle the farmer when farm income gets into better balance inia \ itlh. industrial income, he added. “Farmers are still in the cost rnce squeeze, they are getting 1 nly 40 cents of the consumer's market basket dollar today,” the I lecretary advised, and the so i- illed “small” fanner is hardest hit. THANKS FOR YOUR RESPONSE!! I We’re Snowed Under - - *' f A* ' * •* (ITS TERRIFIC ) Your Subscription be processed as soo as possible. Please bear with u Lancaster Farmin LOOSE STITCHING Contrary to popular' behe>‘j loose stitching down the bu \ seam-of a tie is the sign of a wel | made one This gives the tie fle’ i (bility, Bernice J. Tharp, Pen‘| (State extension clothing sipcci 1 i list, states js H * •* ' r