Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, November 18, 1955, Image 2

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    2 Lancaster Farming, Friday, Novemner 38, maa
, Market News -
By David- S. Lorenson, Reporter
( USD A Market News Bureau
Wednesday to Wednesday Review
J CATTLE Three days 4,447
Week ago 5,316. Compared with
test Wednesday average choice
dnd prime slaughter steers 1200
ftis and lighter mostly steady;
good and low choice shortfed
steeis slow mound 25c lower,
choice and yiime over 1200 lbs
s"low, weak Heifers scarce, steady.
Qows about steady, bulls weak to
50c lower Supply comprised
arbund 60 pei cent stockers and
feeders and nearly 10 per cent
cows Stockers and feeders around
50c lower, best action on weights
around 800 lbs and lighter Bulk
choice fed steers $2O 50 to $22 50,
load 1150 lb lngh choice to low
rinme $22 75, part load 991-lb
iSrime steers $23 00 Load 1375-lb
jArime steers $22 00 Several lots
1400 to 1500 lb choice and prime
steers $2O 00 to $2lOO. Good
steers mainly $lB 00 to $2O 00 a
few lots and loads 1000 to 1100-
lb good grass steers $lB 00 to
$lB 25 Three loads 1168-lb grain
ed on grass mostly good steers
$l9 00 Small lots good and choice
heifers $lB 00 to $20.00, a few
choice 978 lb* to $2l 25 Utility
No cosil
Lancaster RD4 Lititz RD3
Average of Cents
Made rt Rohrerstown
In Njv 3 s poultry auction
at Rohrerstown, 14 buyers bought
151,235 birds at an average ot
18’i' cents. Range ot prices was
15 to 19 Vi cents, with tour lots
scoring top price
Other sales lecorded included
7,100 capohettes 19C«'21 cents a
pound, 875 leghorn fowls 16 !4 (a)
17, and 200 yearling hens 20V*
and Commeicial cows Wednes
day $lO5O-$l2 75, canneis dim
cutters $7 75-10 75, shelly canneis
down to $6 50 Utility ami com
mercial bulls $14.50 to $17.50;
cutters $l3 00 to $13.75.
Bulk medium and good 600 to
950-lb stockers and feeders $l7-00
to $l9OO, several loads good and
choice 660 to 900-lb feeder steers
$l9 25 to $l9 75. A few loads
choice stock calves and light
yearlings 374 to 670 lbs $2O 75 to
$2lOO, load a ?2-lb stock steer
calves $22 25 Load- 600-lb com
mon and medium stock steers
$l4 75.
CALVES; Three days 982,
week ago 1285 Quality of vealeis
not as good as previous week,
prices mostly steady Bulk choice
and prime veaiers $22 50-$26 50
a few ‘mostly prime $27 00 to
$29 00, odd head to $3O 00; utility
and commercial $l4 00 to $2l 50
HOGS Three days 1232, week
ago 1590 Compared with last
Wednesday* Barrows and gilts
ahd also sows fully 50c lower
Bulk barrows and gilts 180 to 250
lbs Wednesday, U S. mixed 1-3,
$14.00 with sevSi al lots 180 to 220
lbs mostly ,1 and 2 to local small
killers $15.00 Sows $lO 50 to
$l3 00
SHEEP 482 week ago 509
Wooled slaughter lambs steady to
weak Bulk good .md choice $l7 50
to $2O 00 one lot mostly choice 69
lbs $2O 50 Monday.
Market unsettled Supplies of
most classes were in excess of
the lighter but very selective de
mand Pullets were mostly un
sold Barred rock pullets 30-32 c,
White Rocks and Indian Rivers
28-29 c, few IoL 30c, reds 28c
Caponettes faded to clear Large
White Rocks 2k-28c, few lots 30c,
small sizes 42c No 2 qual 20-22 c
Cross fryers in fair demand at
4c, White Rocks 22-23 c, few lots
higher carried 21-21%c, Vantress
Reds 23-23'i, few lots 24c. Tur
key 'demand light for more than
ample supplies Heavy type large
ly young hens 41 43c, small sizes
43-45 c young foms large sizes 27-
30 Small sizes 35-3Bc without
clearing Small type young hens
carried 40c, young, toms 35-36 c
listers to install or clean!
or rei
with bulk unso’d
Receipts Nov 15 included Md
16,100 lbs, Del 19,010 lbs, Va.
11,577 lbs
Wholesale selling prices No 1
and fancy qual Broilers or fry
eis 34 lbs 21-24. Pullets 4*4 lbs
and over 28-32 Hens heavy type
18-24 light type 16-20. Ducks:
Muscovy 20-26 Pekins 28-30 Tur
keys young hens 40-45, young
toms 27-36 f
Turkey market report (cents per
lb for grade A & U S grade A)
DRESSED— Ice packed steady
Prices moved ’2 to 1c higher on
most sizes Ti ading volume' con
tinued light as mild-rainy weath
er prevailed Ample supplies
were available for the fair cur
rent demand and the anticipated
improved new future "demand
FRYERS-ROASTER 6-10 lb 39-
40, young'hens J.O-14 lb 41-42, 14-
16 lb 40-41, voung toms 16-20 lb
35-36, 20-22 lb 34-3414, 22-24 lb
331434, 24-26 lb 34-35, 26 lb & up
Ready-to-cook Unsettled Current
demand only fajr with offerings
liberal Buyers for large retail
outlets were negotiating for fu
ture deliveries and selling com
petition was keen-
14-54, 8-10 lb 4914-52V4, 10-14 lb
4814-51, young hens 8-10 lb 52=53,
10-14 lb 52-55, 14-16 lb 53-56,
young toms 14-16 lbs 47-50, 16-18
lb 46-49, 18-20 lb 45-48, 20-22 lb
43-46, 22-24 lb 43-46, 24-26 lb 44-
47, 26-28 lb 47-50, 28 lb & up 50-
LIVE Unsettled Demand light
for more than ample supplies
Small sizes heavy type young
hens 43-45 c, larger sizes 41-43 c,
young toms large size 27-30 c,
small sizes under 18 lb 35-36-
Small type cairied young hens
40c, young torrid 35-36 e with bulk
Heavy type young hens 41-45,
young toms 27-36, small type
young hens 40, young toms 35-36
Market firm. Prices advanced on
most grades. Demand improved
Available supplies were relatively
lighter in volume Wholesale sell
ing prices: mm 10 pet AA qual
large 45-50 lb white 54%-56,
brown 53-55, medium white 48-
49, brown 47-48- Extras, min 60
pet A qual. Large 45-50 lb'white
53-54, brown none, mixed 52-53%,
medium white 46-47, brown none,
mixed 43-44- Standards 42-44, cur
rent receipts none, checks 22-30
Receipts Nov. 15 6,034 cases,
all by truck.
The Lancaster County 4-H Agri
cultural Council will present
“The Crazy Smith Family” as
their annual play on Dec- 19.
Casting and other details will be
announced later
9N $545.
8N $745.
A 1 t- UIBER
Nf 352-A
If you don’t know usod
r 1
j DU offer you the Credit Plans of Dearborn j
j Motors Credit Corporation—specialists in j
j farm equipment financing. One of many j
j methods of buying now and paying when you are best J
able is available to you. Ask us about it.
Conestoga Farm Service
Turkeys Withdrawn
In Nov. 10 Auction
Although tbe traditional
Thanksgiving turkey day was but
two weeks away, three lots of
3,100 in the 4,625 offer
ing \tare withdrawn in last Thurs
day’s auction at the Lancaster
Poultry Exchange. \
A top price of 30M, cents did
not meet the satisfaction of sev
eral producers, and they with
drew their offerings Range of
prices was from 24t0 3014. A
bid of 3154 was made on 300
White Toms offered by I H. Herr,
but no sale was completed.
Clyde Herr 'sold 475 broad
breasted Bronze turkeys at 3014
to Meaders Poultry I. H. Herr
sold 900 broadbreasted Bronzes
to Producers Cooperative Ex
change at 30 cents.
Broilers, totaling 133,710 head,
&old from 20 to 24% cents a lb,
vith 275 white Vantress capou
ettes consigned by Leon W. Hess
selling to John N. Thomas at
24%. Ray Gibble. RD Columbia,
bought 300 Indian River crosses,
11 weeks old, Irom Allen Kauff
man, Bird-m-Hdiid, at 24 cents.
Turkeys continued in short de
marl at the Lancaster Poultry
Exchange Tuesday in the lOOtflJ
auction Broilers sold heavily.
Twelve tots of •broilers totaling
33,590 brought 20% .to 22 cents a
pound, averaging just under 81
cents Top was paid by Tilley’s
Poultry Farm', Myeffistotvm, for
3,000 white crosses 10 weeks and
5 days old 'grown by Mearl Long,
Lebanon R2O
A total of 3,200 turkeys were
offered but only 1,000 were sold
at 30% cents a pound. Others
were withdrawn
If you change your furnishings
•often, choose area or scatter rug®,
suggests Bonme Dale Sansom,
Penn State extension specialist
(in home furnishings
If you’re looking for good
used equipment buys, be 1
sure and shop our used equip
ment lotfirst. You’ll find
an unusually fine selection
of used tractors and equip
ment, taken in trade on new
Ford Tractors. Many are
late models of well-known
makes. Others have been
thoroughly reconditioned-,
ready to deliver plenty of
hours of dependable service.
You’ll also find honest repre
sentation of the used equip
ment we have for sale. We
give you the facts so you’ll
know just what you’re get
ting. We want you to be satis
fied with whatever you buy.
Come in and look ’em over.
See how much you can save!
iment, know your dealer I
7 S 1
! i ‘