_y ' * s >y Ci ** * s* gus Line Up at Lancaster Roundup f k, Penn State extension ae management specialist- Lower Table Decoration FURNACE OIL By u iiog TEXACO FURNACE OIL you can atwajs Count On A Warm Home | CALL US FOR QUICK SERVICE Garber Oil Company I PENNA. I MOUNT JOY PHONE 3-^331 KAUFFMAN’S HARDWARE Ne olland hone 4-0951 Thu Sntardej Till-9.} Closed Wed,. Noon When you use a floral centerpiece on- your dining table, -be sure' it’s low enough so folks can see over it when they’re-seated That’s a reminder from Bonnie Dale San som, Penn State extension home furnishings specialist - Grease Pans Grease only the bottom of cake pans- Cake has greater volume and a flatter top if the sides aren’t greased, re ports Louise W Hamilton, Penn State extension nutritionist. i CbokJEggs Always cook eggs at a low temperature. High heat makes-.them tough re minds Marjorie J. Wbrmeck, Penh' State extension nutritionist- Measure Correctly Modern cookbooks call for level measure ments. If you measure accurately with standard spoons and cups, W® 24 Hour. THERMOSTATIC DOWNDRAFT WOOD HEATERS *» K ** ft *>' i•iWn * li 3 s f, i M A /yV * * Wftphwv you will have few failures, Re lieves Helen L. Denning, Penn State extension nutritionist. Mulch Strawberries Mulch your strawberry patch soon to prevent heaving and severe frost damage, urges Carl Bittner, Penn State extension pomologist Straw is first choice of materials. Put it on before temperatures drop be low 20 degrees Fahrenheit but after the plants have been sub jected to several hard frosts ‘Cut Asparagus Tops The dead tops of asparagus plants may be cut off this month, reminds Robert Fletcher, Penn State ex tension vegetable specialist. If the tops -may be used for mulch. Some growers leave the tops on until spring and then disk them into the soil. Honey (or Consumers Honey is -marketed in tour forms: comb, -Chunk, creamed, and liquid Cnarles Porter, Penn' State ex tension consumer information specialist, reports that three fourths of the crop is sold ex tracted from the comb, usually in glass jars- An unmanned, rocket-propelled supersonic sled has traveled at a record ground speed of 1100 miles _per hour at Edwards Air Force Base. Calif. The first jet-powered vertical takeoff-plane was recently tested at Edwards Air Force Base, Calif. Previous VTO’s have been pow ered by propellers driven by tur* bines. ■ MU ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■ What What do you want to see ? What type article do you want to read ? What interests you most ? LIST BELOW IN ORDER BY PREFERENCE . . . Clip and Mail, We’ll appreciate your interest. 3. ■naan ' ' n Lancaster Farming, Friday, November 18, 1955—13 Meat Animal Production At Record High Production oi meat animals in 1955 soared to a record volume of almost 27 billion pounds, and Americans are eating more meat today than they have in the last 47 years- Such are the highlights of a USDA report which gives per capita consumption at 161 lbs this year, largest in the last 47 years. Consumer demand, increased sup plies and lower feed costs were credited w'th lire record- Hog? To Level -Out Production of meat next year should remain very close to the volume. Hog production,-now swinging upward, may level out or move lower in 1956, but slaugh ter totals are expected to surpass the 1955 figures Cattle numbers and .slaughter, at a high mark this year, may taper down a bit next year. Sheep numbers are ex pected to be lower in January. The increase in hog production marked two years in a row that supplies have moved higher, in face of skidding prices. Current ly the USDA is buying pork and lard in an effort to bolster the market- The cosi of this program, Secretary Benson advises, ipay be around $B5 million- Spring Pigs Gain Spring pige increased 9 per cent, and a prospective 10 per cent fall pig Increase- is -likely- However, She corn-hog ratio is also not far above average, with lower prices for that feed gram. The 1956 spring crop is not ex pected to change much from 1955, but marked reauction may occur BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB' INTERNATIONAL MOTOR TRUCKS New and Used Trucks DEPENDABLE SERVICE IN LANCASTER COUNTY SINCE 1929 ■ Henry E. Martin & Sons ■ 448 S. Prince St. Lancaster, Pa. Ph. 2-2194 Day or Night ■ ■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■nilßHHßßHßßßtf* iiiMiiiiaiiiiuiiniiiiMiMiiiflasaH Sales and Service LANCASTER FARMING Quarmille, Pennsylvania in the fall next year. The two-year decline in hog prices is expected to end next year, and average prices should be close to those of 1955, the De partment added. n/v' “this cut urn McCULLOCH Model 47 CHAIN SAW -Makes any woodcutting job easier and faster. It’s a one-man saw for professional logging, pulp cutting, tree surgery; for farm and ranch jobs like construction and clearing land. Model 47 is light weight, operates full power in any posi tion. Six models, gasoline powered, with blades 14" to 36". Come in and see it, try it, buy it. it'll save you I .time, make you money. MAST Service 605 Marietta Ave. Lane. Ph-24291 ■ gff M