Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, November 18, 1955, Image 1

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    Vol 1, No. 3
Lancaster County
Scores High in
Timomum Show
By LF Staff Reporter
Lancaster County scored h gih
' in the Eastern National L-ve» o:k
Exposition here thins week »h-na
Four H group's entry of five
Angus steers ■r’aced first m a
‘ touglh field This was the third
- year in a rowJLafflcaster County
capped th" victory
■The county’s entry of grcun of
five Hereford si eers placed fourih
in a class of 15, also duplicating
last year’s record.
James V Ooyner, field repre
sentative for i*hs American Aber
deen Angus Breeders associa ion,
from Warrenton, Va. t°ld Lan
■ caster Farming that 74 herds of
Blacks firm 1 21 states were repre
■ sented in the 305 head of breed-
ing stock and 149 steers on ex
’ hihft af }he Eastern' National *
Report From Kentucky
Over an the whiteface division,
- (the 'Story was much the same J
D (Dong) Gay, Jr, former na
. (tional nr evident of the American
Hereford Association, and oi ner
tof Brook View Farms iust outside
LexmcVon, Kv trfd LF that this
is by far the best Hereford shew
on record at Tiimonium, w’th the
‘ ibifKf-cf'the nation's mltSr herds
represented. , ■
Alhm Atlason, secretary'of the
national Shorthorn breeders as
sociation reported murh the samje
story when asked by Lancaster
Farming following the banquet at
(Che Exposition grounds Tuesady
- night
' „ .VLancaster County was well re
■ (/presented FounH groups stacked
up one first, two seconds, one
/ third, fifth,; eighth, ninth,
J tenth places-and a 13th,
. 'Lancaster County was m“ the
Shorthorn shew with Irl Baffin’s
Warwick Farms, R 2 Lititz, and in
(the omen class Angus steer sh-w
with Frey Frey, R 2 QuarryvOle
Champ Hamp Wether
Champion Hampshire we’her at
Eastern National wa's a Lan-aitT
County entry shown bv Clyde
Brubaker, HI, Eplhrata, in the 4 H
■division. The fallowing entered
Angus that made up the winning
group of five in 4-H Thelma
iCassel, R 1 iMariheirn: Be*ty Bow
man, R 1 Ronks; Donald Ruitt,
Peach Bottom.; Dorothv Stehman,
R 3 Lanca- ; t°r and Donald Hast
ings, Kirkwood.
Otyier 'Lancaster County awards
Miss Stshman, second in indivi
nal Angus;
Mrs Ca=sd third in individual
judging, Mr Hastings ninth, Miss
Bowman Wb among 41 en‘ rants ■
* Mr Rutt i.3i«h in heavyweight
■ animate, 37 enter’d;
, Jane Grein’r, R 4 l«.t
■among 35 in lightweight class
ludig-nt; Clvde Bru
'baker, R 1 FMhnata, fifth; Carl
Bolhniwr R 1 Litrtz eighth in a
class of 31;
Lovis Lam Rl B-areville. No
10 in 39 entering heavyweight
Timonh'im, Mid —’ Ankony
Farms, Rhmeheck, N Y, took the
(Continued to page three)
Lancaster County Turkey Processing
~ -Thursday, is Thanksgiving, and this photo mieht well be most typical of Lancaster boun
ty’s role in filiing.the abimchint hoards Here--,th,e poultry industry 4s tops,-such as the packing'
scene above taken atthe Esbeushada Farm near .Paradise. (Photo by Giant Heilman, Lititz,
Pa.) ' ' -
Groff Winner
In Capon Show
At Lancaster
James Groff, RD7, Lancaster,
1 epped a field of 14 to win Lan
»aster County t-tte in the county
wide Capon Club Roundup at
Hotel Brunswick in Lancaster
Tuesday morning.
Call Dawson, exitens on poultry
medal/ c t from the Pennsylvania
Fltiate University college of agn
iculture described the show as
one whose “quatety was quite
satisfactory There has been a
/remicnd'-ius improvement in the
duality of canons over the years,”
be continued, after judging (the
14 pairs of dressed birds,” and to
day the emphas's is on meat
type birds through crosses, in
stead of producing a dual pur
pose—eggs and meat—bird.
Judging was on the h ac is of
'amount of meat, and “this is
primary,” the judge advised ithe
.young men arid women, inviting
them to particV ate bv iudging
on %eir own O her factors con
i' Idered were good dress ng quah
i‘i J es and straightness of breast
lb tyie
He offered cr ‘c ni as h’ went, working wi'h Assistant
Oour'V Agent V i-tpr Flast'w
Scoring second was Wihnex Fs
ibeno'-ado of Lan er, white
MqT-,->y Mrwirv"®r of R 2 T it'tz Was
I‘h’rd. Other were 4, Eu
gene -Weaver R 4 Lancaster; 5,
rteotit Greerleaf. El Oxford; 6,
Floyd Moore. Jr. of 780 Eden
Road, Lancaster The first place
Quarryville, Pa., Friday, Novemoei 18, laoo
Hot? Cold? Take
Your Choice in
November Range
Wide -swings in weather were
mated throughout Lancaster Oo
ur.ty this week, with warm
weather, cool weather, damp
weather and dry weather.
'Matter of fact, the thermometer
tuirlhaled to a How of 24 at the mud
■point last week, then bounced up
Ho 70 on Sunday, the warmest on
record for that date
■There has been frost, a touch
of snow, but nothing quite like
tf'he 78 degrees in Nov 1029. Add
to the wide variety of weather a
bit of fog Wednesday morning.
Same buds (thought it was
spring again, but ‘as a rule fro t
has quenched the blush of
Greider Flock
Wins Title in
Laying Contest
Greider Leghorn Farm, Mount
Joy, today holds two of three
top ratings at end of the
first month of the Pennsylvan.a
Egg Laying Contest.
At the end of October, one pen
was first, another third, m the
Pennsylvania ranking, and the
flock is currently third m the
New Jersey Egg Laying Contest.
winners were White Vahitress,-
weighing 7% and 8% lbs.
Others iparticipatamg were Dale
Shirk, R 1 Quarryyille; Mary Ru
pert, Kirkwood; Janet Hastings,
Kirkwood; Glen Porter, R 1 Wash
mgton Boro; James Hess. R 1
Strasburg; Keith Overgaard, R 4
Lancaster; Roger Stoner, 105
Eden Lane, Lancaster, and Dale
Herr, Rl. Kirkwood.
'Sponsored by the Lancaster
Kiwams ‘Club, the roundup gross
ed 65 cents a pound for the exhib
itors, selling to 'the Kiwanis dub,
Jim Grofl’s two display .buds net
ted SIO ?4, Wilmier Esbenishade’s
$11.38. The (Holstein Quartet pro
vided entertainment.
McSparren Again,
Named Master of
Fulton Grange 66
Activities will be busy on the
calendar of Fulton Grange 66 the
next few weeks, starting off with
a bus trip to the Ice Pollies at
Henshey Dec 2 Rev. Roy Town
send, pastor ot Little Britain
Presbyterian Church, will speak
at the next meeting Nov 28, and
a ipie judging contest for women
will be staged the same evening.
Mrs Paul ‘Mount will be judge
Charles G McSparran was in
stalled as master, with ceremon
les in charge of Alfred Wanner
from the Salisbury Grange.
Also installed were; Edward
James overseer; Howard Miller,
steward; Clair Munphy, assistant
steward; Robert Reed, chaplain;
Mrs. Mabel SBraibson, lecturer;
Mrs. Charles G McSparran, sec
retary; Walter Wood, 'treasurer;
Robert Anmlitrong, 'gatekeeper;
Mrs. William Walton’, Ceres; Mrs.
Bibs Sheets, Pomona; Miss lone
Groff, Flora and Miss Evelyn
Richardson, lady assistant.
Thanksgiving Delay
Due to the Thanksgiving Holi
day, your Lancaster Farming
may be delayed a day next
week. Some may receive their
LFs Saturday, others on Mon
We wish you a Happy Thanks
Last Chance-
All good things must come to an ena.
Free distribution of Lancaster Farming win soon
stop. Get your subscription in TODAY. Take advantage
of; a 50% saving by being a Charter Subscriber. Mail
your dollar for one year today. Regular rate, $2 per
' ’ Lancaster Farming
Quarryville, Pa.
$2 Per Year
Champ $1.06 Lb; j
Average $25.56
In Steer Show
Prime yearlings fed out by
farm youth fiom Lancaster and
nine nearby counties sold late
last week for a total of $73,543.41
in the Southeast District 4-H
Club Baby Beef & Lamb Club
Roundup and Sale at Lancaster
Stock Yards- There were 284
youngsters entering 300 head of
steers, and 15 pens of lambs
Average prices fell in sym
pathy with the lower public mar
ket cattle prices, with a final
figure of $25 65, compared to
$3O 62 in the 1954 show, and
$3l OB' in 1953. Average weight
was a fraction over 1,000 lbs,
compared to 978 last year and
980 the year before-
Abe Diffenbach was auctioneer
in the long, slow sale that lasted
foub hours untd (he 299 head had
been sold Weather was clear and
Leading the winners list was
Northampton county, but Lan
caster County came in for its
share of blues and purples, with
the show’s reserve championship,
champions in all breeds but the
highest Angus, and 1 breed re
“Butchie,” grand champion of
the Southeast District 4-H Show,
an Angus baby beef shown by
17-year-old Phyllis Buss, of East
on RD2, Northampton county,
sold for $l-06 a lb to the Reading
Terminal Market, Philadelphia.
Weighing 1,190 lbs the grand
champion brought $1,261.40.
Reserve grand champion, a
Hereford weighing aao ids, snown
by Mary Jane Herr, 12, of Ref
ton, Lancaster county, sold for
55 cents a lb to Hildebrand,
Strasburg- “Mickey” as known,
totaled $492 25-
“Shorty,” the Shorthorn cham
pion, shown by Shirley Longen
eeker, 15, of Lititz RD2, sold for
36 cent's a lb to Acme Markets,
Philadelphia. Weighing l,o2o\lbs
he totaled $367.20
The reserve champion Angus,
shown by Helen A Graybill, Man
heim RD3, brought 36 cents a lb
and was bought by Sechrist
Brothers, Dallastown and York.,
The weight was 1,075 lbs and
total value $387.00
Hereford $32-00 Cwt
The Hereford reserve cham
pion shown by John H Hess Jr-,
Lancaster, sold for 32 cents a lb
to Bill McCoy, Lancaster. Weigh
ing 915 Is he totaled $292.80-
The reserve Shorthorn cham
pion shown by Marian Hackman,
Elizabethtown BD3, sold for 34
cents a lb to Kobert mair, Alien
town. The total value was $374.00
for 1,100 lbs.
Last year’s grand champion
sold for $1 00 a lb and the re
serve grand champion sold for
76 75
Total weight of the 284 baby
(Continued on page 10)