Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, November 11, 1955, Image 8

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    —Lancaster Farming, Friday, November 11, 1955
Harvey Reem, pressman at the
Elizabethtown ' Chronicle plant,
shows two visitors the first issue
By exercising extreme care,
when working in barnyards, not
to drop and ieaire nans, pieces 01
BE SURE not to miss a single issue of Lancaster Farming.
charter subscriber to the newspaper published especially for you . . .
the only one containing ALL tKe latest farm news, crop information,
home features and market data edited expressly for Lancaster County
Farmers. Published every Friday.
Mail This Coupon
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uiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilfiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiitiinuiiiiiiiiuiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiKiiniiiiHiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiuininHiiiiiiiniHiiiiiiiiitiiiitiiimiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiniiiiniiini 11
Visitors See First Edition
of Lancaster Farming as it rolled mailing copies to more than 22,-
off the press last week. In the 000 Lancasier countyans.
background is the staff, busily
wire and other sharp pieces of long way toward reducing the
metal that could be picked up and number of “hardware disease"
eaten by cattle, farmers will go a cases.
3 C
Lancaster Farming
1 year $l.OO
52 Issues
Please put my name on your
list of charter subscribers for a
one year subscription. En
closed find check, cash or money
order for $l.OO.
(Please Print)
Carl CT. Da wsosf Directs
Poultry Demonstration
Carl O. Dawson, ot tne Penn
sylvania State University agricul
tural extension stall, conducted a
poultry demonstration tor . 4-H
club members at the home ot H.
Raymond Stoner, 1051 Kden Road,
Lancaster Thursday nite ot last
week. -
Proper dressing oi capons,
from scalding to trussing, was
shown in this countywide meet
Dates for other 4-H Capon Club
roundups are: Nov. ie New
Holland 4rH Capon Club at Peo
ples Restaurant, New Holland;
Nov. 15 County-wiae capon
round-up at -Hotel Brunswick;
Nov. 16 —-Lincoln community
Capon Club at Ephrata; Nov. 22
Mount Joy ‘£-H Capon Club at
Mount Joy.
Holstein Herds
Win Recognition
Completing a year's test, two
Lancaster Comity dairy herds
(have been cited by the HWstem-
Priesdan ASsn. of America -under
‘the Herd Improvement Registry
_ A. W.Wickesolheiser, Mount Joy,
marked up a record of an average
of 11,878 lbs of milk and 425 -lbs
of butterfat from a herd of 19
«ows, while John C. Mctzler,
Christiana, ’kith a 24-cow herd,
baud an average of 15,144 libs of
milk and: 558 lbs of butterfat
from twice-daily milking.
Be a
Offers Solanco -
Youths Awards
Junior class members studying
Vocational agriculture at Soutn
ern Lancaster County Joint com
munity High scool in yuarfyvme
will be eligible again tms year
for awards offered by Herrs ivio
toi Express in an esasy contest. «
Title ot tne essay is to oe uu
Utilization of Our Land Resources
Through Truck and Bus Trans
portation.” Deadline has oeen set
for Nov. 22. Before essays are suo
mitted for final judging, approval
must be given by the Engnsn de
partment at Solanco ana a repie
sentative of Herr's.
There Will be tliree judges, ana
their decision will be fmai; can
Reynolds, Jr., Quarryvilie oorougn
burgess, Mrs. Richard Maine, sec
retary of the Southern Lancaster
County Community Fair, and c.
■Wallace.Abel, editor ot tne v«ar
ryville Sun and business manager
of Lancaster farming.
First prize will be the cnoice
of one feeding steer or one neir
er, value not exceeding siou; sec
ond, $75 to be used on a rami
project of winner’s choice; tmra,
$5O to be used lor a farm project
of winner’s -choice. Prizes must
be cared for according to recom
mendations of Jack Owen ana Lu
ther D. Peck, of the Solanco vo-ag
Sources for information are to
be from tne Pennsylvania motor
Truck Association, Xeiegrapn
Building, Harrisburg, and the
American Trucking Associations,
Inc., 1424 16th Street N. w,,
Washington 6, V. v.
Good Neighbors Husk
Corn for D 1 Farmer
Wayne Graybill, R 4, LMitz, who
was injured recently in a fall,
found neighborliness .this week
when a group of Ms neighbors
came in with eqmpmens to shuck
seven acres of corn in a half day.
Those helping were Aaron
Sander, Aaron N. Martin, Paul C.
Bucher, Howard Hess, Charles
Kreider, Landis Hulber, Harold
F. Bollinger, Carl F. Bollinger,
Paul S. Bollinger, Bay Beyer,
Elmer Huber, Arthur Longeneek
er, -Raymond Witwer, David Ober
holtzer, Clayton N.Adaur, Amos
L. Keener, Jacob W. Risser, Paul
B. Hess, Willard Stauffer, Walter
Bollinger, Raymond Martin, Lew
is Martin, Chester Seibert, Lester
Brumibach, J. Melvin Obehholtzer.
Also: Ivan M. Reig, Russel Bey
er, Elmer Bollinger, Paul Beyer,
Irvin Weaver, Paul Ha'ldeman,
Alvin K. Bollinger, Mahlon Mar
tin, Elam G. Martin, Ivan W. Ob
berholtzer, John K. Sensemg,
Harold B Hess, Noah M. 6ber-
Garman, Mark Carman, Graybill
Bollinger, Christ Stauger, Allen
Martin, I M Good, 'Paul M. Zim
merman. W. W. Seibert.
Women who 'helped prepare
itbe noon meal were: Mrs. Joseph
Garman, Mrs. Paul Haldeman,
Mrs Russel Beyer. Lois Beyer,
Mrs. Evan Stauger, Mrs. Paul
Beyer, Mirs. Della Oberholtzer,
Mrs. Mark Beyer, Mrs. Ira M.
Good and Mrs Frank Burkholder,
Stuffed Pear Salad
Cut the meat of 1 ripe, tlavor
ful cantaloupe into melon ball
shapes; combine with green seed
less grapes. Add juice ot 'i limes
and fill the cavities ot unpeeled
chilled Bartlett pear halves. Serve
on crisp leaves of iceberg lettuce.
If a dressing is desired, serve com
mercially soured cream.'
The new veterinary building at
the National Taiwan university,
Taipei, Formosa, has been nam
ed after an American veterinar
ian, the late Dr. I. E. Newsom,
former president of Colorado A
and M College and dean of tne
A and M school ot veterinary
medicine, who spent some time
there as a special advisor on
livestock disease problems.
Fattening cattle that have no
legumes in their ration may snow
signs of calcium deficiency. Bone
meal is a valuable - source oi botn
calcium and phosphorus, ft can
be fed tree choice.