Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, November 11, 1955, Image 7

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    State Soil
Of Directors Opens JNov. 17
Dr. William L. Henning, state
secretary of agriculture, will de
liver the formal opening address
in the eighth annual Soil Conser
vation District Directors Confer
ence in Harrisburg Thursday ana
Friday of next weex.
Dr. Henm'g will speak at i
p. m. Thursday. Dr. Maurice K.
Goddard, secretary of the depart-
ment of forest and waters, wm
speak at 7:30 p. m. Thursday on
“Water Conservation.
Henry Hackman, Manheim, K 2,
will give an illustrated report on
Ills visit to Litchfield Park, An
cona, last year, accompanied by
Clarence Garber, Lancaster Kb,
Goodyear Contest winner last
Public Speaking Contest
Thursday morning memoers ot
the executive committee ol the
State Assn, of Soil conservation
District Directors will meet and a
combined meeting ot tne' execu
tive council of the same group wm
meet with the State Soil Con
servation Commission.
A state public speaKing contest
at 10 a m. will also precede tne
conference opening in the Old
House Caucus Room in the Main
Capitol Building.
“Conservation Education m
Pennsylvania vail be discussed ny
John F. Lewis, of the California
| Erection of All Types I
■ of Fencing , I
■ ' ■
■ Challenge Fence Co. S
■Ph. 57246 MANHEIM, PA J
■ Ph.OV7-6121 STRASBURG, PA ■
■ •
Give LANCASTER FARMING a call - or drop
us a letter - if you have farming news to report, a
coming up, if you schedule a coming event.
columns are for you. Please sign all items.
State Teachers College, and Ivan
McKeever, of the U S Soil Con
servation Service will moderate a
forum on “What It Takes to
Make Districts Successful.”
Folliowing a iccess tne winners
of the State Speaking Contest win
be presented'awards by Francis
E Pettit, association president.
Luttringer To Speak
Leo A Lutinrger, chiei ot the
Division of Conservation Educa-
tion, Pennsylvania came com
mission, will deliver a short talk
before the evening business ses
sion gets underway.
Winners of (he Baltimore &
Ohio Railroad Contest will be
presented awards by McKeever
and Goodyear Contest awards win
be made by Donald Settle, ot the
Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co,
Thursday night
Dr. Sprague To Talk
At 9 a m Fmlay’s progiam Dr.
Howard B Sprague, head ot the
department of agronomy, College
of Agriculture, the Fennsyivama
State University, will speak on
‘Conservation Agencies Working
Together to Promote an Effective
Program of Conservation.
„ Ralph Culver chairman ot the
State Agncultuial Stabilization
arid Conservation commission,
will speak on “How the Work or
the U S Agricultural Conserva
tion Program Can Aid Soil Con
servation” at y.4S a in.
A business session beginning at
10 30 a m will conclude the pro
A vaccine has been developed
which will protect sheep irom an
thrax. Experimental veterinary
evidence indicates that a course
of immunization effectively pro
tected-sheep against anthrax even
when challenged by injections of
100 to 1,000 limes the lethal in
fective dose of (he non-immumz
ed animals.
■ Phone: Quarrjville 378
■■ I Lancaster 4-3047
Masonic Farms
Set Dairy Mark
M H Royal Tina a two-year
old registered Ayrshire m tne
Masonic Farms herd'at Elizabeth
town has recently completed a
record on official Herd Test ot
10242 lbs of milk and 422 lbs ot
butterfat made m 305 days or
less, milked twice daily in mak
ing this announcement, Chester
C Putney, Secietary ot the iNa
tional Ayrshire Breeders’ Asso
ciation at Brandon, Vermont, ad
vises the record is equal to over
17 quarts of rrrlk per day tor me
test period
Houser Strain
Of Celery Now
Being Replaced
Seeking an easy blanching
celery to replace the popular pre-
War Houser strain has been one
of the major moblems faced by
Lancaster Coumy producers un
til recent years when more than
a half dozen types have been de
veloped and tested on a farm
near Millersville.
There’s a long, interesting
story on Houser, how it passed
from the scene when Japanese
farmers were removed from their
California trucic fax ms as a secur
ity measure after Pearl Harbor
was attacked Houser seed be
came more scarce.
Here, it was reported in a field
day at the faims of Amos H
Funk, R 1 Mtllusville and Jacob
Siegnst, R 2 Lancaster, the con
sumer demands a smooth, stalky
green celery blanched in the
trenches, celery that is crisp,
sweet, nutty, that stores well and
shows good vigor
Some 35 giowers from York,
Lebanon and Lancaster counties
visited the two farms and saw
the 18 varieties of celeiy being
grown under test A nine-month
marketing season is the goal, to
replace the present eight-month
Seed varieties selected by
glowers will be planted here in
the future Attending the meet
ing also were Hany S Sloat, as
sociated county agent; Dr. B L.
Pollack and J 0 Dut 4
Dairy calves under six months
of age should be kept in well
ventilated, dry quarters ana
should be protected irom high
temperatures and flies.
Control of is an easy way
to increase dairy piofits, says the
University oi Purdue, flies cause
lestlessness that may mean a
drop of 3% lbs ot milk per cow
cow per day
An estimated total ot 319 mil
lion head of hogs were reported
in the world in 1954 this is the
highest on record and six per
cent more than 1953
PEi mm
Lancaster Farming, Friday, November 11, 1955
Lancaster Farming Rolls On
Tons of paper go into each edi
tion of Lancaster Farming, and
heie the tirst edition is shown
entering the folder. A tribute is
Christ Kunzler, Jr
Heads Packers
Christ C Kunzler, Jr, nas been
named president of the Kunzler
& Co meat packing firm in Lan
caster A iesid°nt of ft i, Bare
ville, he is a son of the company s
founder, and succeeds G William
Birrell, who resigned alter jo
years as president and. treasurer
of the firm.
Other ofticeis named by the
boaid of directors are Claience r
Kunzler, vice president and trea
suier, Lillian Kunzler Myeis, sec
retary, Harold A Krentz, assist
ant tieasurer, Theodore B i 1 lick,
assistant secieid>y Christ Kun
zler, Sr, continues as chairman.oi
the bpaid
Quarryville Man
Buys New Sire
Melvin C Boyce, Quarryville, Pa ,
has just purchased the young
Guernsey sire, Bi ookdale Bloom s
Lad, fiom Richard P Maule,
Quarryville, a , according to the
Amencan Guernsey Cattle Club.
This young bull is out of the
cow, Melody’s Bloom, and is sir
ed by Bondwieks Yeoman.
County Draft Boards
Have New Address
Local Boards No 83 and No 84,
Selective Service System (Dialt
Boards) are'now Located in the
Hassel Building, Second Floor,
20 South Duke Sheet, Lancaster
All business v ith these Local
Boards will now be transacted
at this address
University of California re%
searchers aie seeking the answer,
to why one piece of meat is j
tough and another one tendei '
Investigating the heredity lactor
as a stai tiqg point, they’ve taken
wing with chicken. Mutton and’
beef animals are also on the hoof
tor investigation:
Order Your Chicks Now-
Donegal Heavy White Crosses
For Boilers
Donegal Leghorn Cross
Call Mount Joy, Penna. 3-4911 Collect
Mmser Leghorns
For Eggs
due the Elizabethtown Chronicle
staff to Ray Westafer and
Harvey Reem especially for
excellent reproduction.
Apple of the public’s eye when
shopping for fruit is the apple.)
According to the United Statesi
(Department of Agriculture a re-i
cent poll indicates that applesl
take the top preference position
with 33 per cent of those ques
tioned Oranges squeeze in sec
ond, with a 30 per cent rating.
You can't buy better value* la
Used equipment than equipment
labeled with the "Value-Checked"
Gold Seal. It's completely inspected,
thoroughly reconditioned; fully war*
ranted for 60 day*.
Ye», for honest value at reasonable
prices, choo*e "Value-Checked"
Used Equipment—available only at
cur display lot.
Wenger Implement Co.
r H. Rawlinsul.’e - BOILER 44467
RDI, Quarryville Buck, Pa.