Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, November 11, 1955, Image 2

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    t~ Lancaster T2':::±'S, Frida;
Outlook for
Beef Cattle
CHICAGO Cattle feeders
can look forward to “more ol the
same” during the the 1955-56
feeding year says Natronai lave
Slock Producer.
analysis which indicates the t9sb
This outlook is based on an
calf ci op and the number ot cat
tle on feed will be about tne same
ns last year.
No significant changes in price
levels are expected and price mar
■gins between feeder cattle will
again be lory- Returns trpm beet
cow herds aie expected to re
main at relatively low levels.
Lower feed costs will reduce
the cost of putting gains on cat
tle in feedlots but profits will be
Feed prices have dropped suf
ficiently to restn'o the situation
which existed in the early 19505.
Gains can be put on cattle below
the level of eventual selling price
making favorible price margins
unnecessary, although desirable
It also puts the feeder ot light
cattle in 3' somewhat stronger
position because of lower gam
costs Wider grade price differen
tials aie expected than in most ot
1955, but when differences m
costs are considered, the highly
top cattle will again show lower
profits than those of lower grades.
All cases of known or suspect
ed pet-poisoning warrant a vet
erinarian’s cate, because death
can often be averted by quick
use of specific antidotes and
hypodermic injections.
HERE S WHY farmers, nurserymen, arborists
«nd estate owners favor MALI 2MG over
oil other saws —lt’s faster, easier handling
• , packs SIA5 l A brake horsepower into a
light but rugged 29 lb. unit. Swivels to cut
of any angle with engine level, 18" to 54
fears Fells up to 4Yi ft timber. Come in
... TRY IT*
3 A H. P. $194.00
Snavely’s Farm^Semce
Your Allis Chalmers Dealer
New Holland Ph-42214
Unico Premium
Baler Twine
Unico Baler Twine is Mildew, Rot and Rodent Resistant, Made of
Grade “A” Sisal with average tensile strength of 325 pounds. Meets most
rigid specifications. No skimping. Full 225 Ft. per pound is guaranteed.
Ties up to 250 bales of hay ner ball 1
Dillerville Road, Lancaster
BRANCHES - Manheim New Holland Ouarryviile
Open Every Friday Night Until 9 P. M.
i", November 11, ISSS
report,'sde No 93, Tuesday, Nov.
f>, 1955) A total of 12,800 birds
,n five lots aold in the Tuesd&y
auction here, with the bulk 22V.'
cents to 23, mostly 22'1. One
thousand, head ol Hed Vantress
consigned by Grubb E Brene
man (C. Koy Bixler), 11 weeks,
sold to Roy E Ream at 23 cents.
Three thousand White .Cornish
Cross consigned by Norman W.
Newcomer, 11 weeks, sold to
Walter C Melhnger, at 22/1.
John L Landis consigned 4,500
Indian River crosses, 9 weeks, 4
days, to Harry H Weaver, Jr., at
22d. Theodore Manbeck’s 5,000
Meat Packers, 10 weeks, 4 days,
went unsold, with a bid of 2114
Carence Hibbs withdrew 1,000
New Hampshire's ■ prior to sale.
Miller & Busliong (Abram N. Mil
ler), consigned 2,900 Red Van
tress, 9 weeks, 4 days, that sold
to Mr Melhnger at 22 A, David S-
Hoover consigned 2,000 Indian
River crosses, 10 weeks, 6 days,
that were withdrawn. Luke S.
Horst consigned 1,400 Red Van
ti ess, 10 weeks, 6 days, that sold
to Mr Melhnger at 22 Vi
Approximately 145,000 were
listed for Thun day’s sale.
Processed poultry (ice pack
ed) young chickens firm Prices
advanced 3c on sizes 4 & under
and 2c on sizes 4% & up. Supplies
were lighter and closely held and
buying resistance developed at
the advance.
Hens, steady Demand good.
Supplies were about adequate.
Receipts Nov. 8 included other
than turkeys Md. 80,080, Del. 86,-
000, Va 10,500
Wholesale selling prices, (grade
qual including sizeable lots to
Cents per lb:
Broilers or iiyers, I’i 27-30, 2
27-30, 2Vi 27-30, 3 26%-29
Roasters, 3% 27-29, 4 27-29, 4%
27-30, 2% 27-30. 3 26%-29
Hens, 6%-7 heavy type 24-26,
4%-6, heavy type 25-27, 4 & over,
light type 21-22, under % light
type 18-20
Ducklings 30 33
Feeder Calf Sale
$43 Top Scored in
(Continued from page one)
and more important in Pennsyl
vania,” Mr King continued, "and
in 30 years the numbers ot beet
cattle have risen enormously, in
fact, they havf* perhaps tripled
themselves in the last 20 years or
so ”
Representatives were on hand
also from the office of the State
Secretary ot Agriculture
There was an air ot the west
in"the show and sale, when men
tion was made that many of the
individuals came to Pennsylvania
:rom the ranches and ranges, from
the Sandhills and Corn Belt.
LANCASTER (Wednesday
■ to Wednesday Review) CAT
i TLE; Three davs 5,316 week ago
47,770. Compared with last Wed
nesday Slaughter steers average
choice and puuve 1200 lbs and
lighter steady to weak, weights
over 1,200 lbs'and good and low
choice shortfeds mostly 50c lower,
some sales weighty steers 1,400
lbs and over off as much as $l.OO.
Heifers scarce, steady to weak,
cows mostly 50e 'ower, bulls weak
to 50c lower, most decline on cut
ter and utility Stockers and feed
ers weak to 25c lower, some sales
50c off on weights 800 lbs and
over Bulk choice and prime
steers 975 to 1200 lbs $21.25 to
$23 25, load 1,150 lb prime steers
early $23.75, a few,calf club year
lings to $24.00. A few lots and
loads mostly Prime 1,400 to 1,500-
lb steers $2lOO to $21.65. Good:
steers largely $18.25 to $2O 00. A
few commerced and good grass
steers 1,000 to 1,100 lbs $17.25 to
$18.50 Small lots good and choice
heifers $lB 00 to $2O 00; commer
cial and low goo grassers $15.00
to $17.50 Late sales utility gnd
commercial cows $lO 50 to $l3 00;
canners and cutters $7.75 to
$lO 50, a few high yielding Cut
ters to $ll.OO. Most utility and
commeicial bulls $l4 00 to $17.50;
cutteis $l3 00 to $l3 50
Bulk good and choice stocker
and feeder steers 650 to 950 lbs
$l9 00 to $2O 50; load Choice 876-
lb feeders $2lOO, a few loads
choice 600 to 700-lb feeder steers
$1 50 to $2 00 Load 500-lb choice
stock steer calves $23 50, load 483
lbs $24 00
CALVES- Three days 1,590,
week ago 960. Compared with last
Wednesday, veal calves mostly
$1 00 lower Quality not as good
as previous week Late sales good
and choice \ealers $23.00 .to
$26 00; high choice and prime
$26.50 tocs2B 0C a few to $2O UU,
utility and commercial $14.00 to
$2l 50
HOGS Three days 1,590, week
ago 960 Compared with last Wed
nesday. Barrows and gilts un
evenly 50c to $lOO lower, sows
about steady Late sales barrows,
and gilts U S 1-3, 180 to 250 lbs
$l4 50 to $l5 00, s few lots mostly
1 and 2, 180 to 220 to local small
killers $l5 25 to $l5 50 Sows 400
lbs and lighter $l2 50 to $l3 00,
over 400 lbs $llOO to $l2 25.
SHEEP. Thxeo days, 509, week,
ago 440 Slaughter lambs mostly
steady with last Wednesday Bulk
good and choice wooled slaughter .
lambs $17.00 to $2O 00, a few lots
choice to $2lOO. utility and low
good $l4 00 to $l7 00
Market about steady to firm
Prices advanced on mediums as
supplies shoitened and demand
improved Adequate supplies of
large eggs were available and, in
instances, sales were at discounts
to reduce floor stocks
Wholesale selbng prices: Min
10 pet AA qual. large 45-50 No.
white 53-54, brown 51-52, medium
white 39-40V*, brown 38-39 Vi
Extras, min 60 pet A qual Large
45-50 No white 49-50, brown
none, mixed 45-47, medium white
38-39, brown none, mixed 37-38
Standards 40-41, current receipts
none, checks 22-30
Receipts Nov. 8 4,697 cases
all by truck.
Turkeys (Frozen ready-to-cook)
barely steady Demand fair Fully
adequate supplies were offered
Wholesale sell ng prices (grade
A & U S grade A) fryer-roasters
4-10 50-55, y hens 8-10 53-56, 10-
14 53-56, 14-16 53 56; y. toms 14-
20 45-49’4 20-22 43-46, 22-24 43-46,
24-28 45-50, 28 & up 51-&4
Ready-to-cook Young chickens
about steady Demand fair.
Plentiful supplies were offered.
Prices paid for ice packed poul
try delivered Philadelphia (cents
per lb) grade A&U. S. grade
A 2-3 32-35, mostly 32'4-34
Market News
By David S. Lorenson, Reporter
USDA Market News Bureau
Fertilizer Official
Loses Sight of Eye
In Plant Mishap
John C. Hoffman, superintend
ent of Lancaster Bone Fertilizer
plant; Quarryville, was convalesc
ing at his home today following
an accident last week which re
sulted in the loss of sight in bis
left eye.
Hoffman was released from the
Lancaster General Hospital Sun
day where he had been a patient
sifice Wednesday. Hoffman was
injured Tuesday, Oct. 20, wnue
repairing a sprayer on a mixer at
the plant. A piece of steel from
the machinery flew off and lodged
in his eye.
He was treated immediately by
Dr. Robert Helm, Quarryville, and
although temporarily blinded, did
not appear to require additional
medical work. However, the fol
lowing day when the injury be
came irritated he again consulted
Dr. Helm and was sent immedi
ately to the hospital..
Examination by Dr. Paul Rip
ple, Lancaster eye specialist, dis
closed the piece of metal still in
the eye, and Dr. Ripple performed
surgery to remove the object last
Whether- Hoffman will regain
the sight of his eye later, doctors
did not know, Mrs. Hoffman re
When puppies tail to grow and
develop as they should, a veteri
narian should be called in to
make an examination lor inter
nal parasites.
Pets should never be ted meat
that is unfit for human consump
tion Pet food should come only
from reliable sources.
The new lincoln^welder
£ 200 AMP Welder
• 4 KVA Stand by AC Power Unit
* For Easv Welding and Emerge nrv Fewer. Also Ntw and
used Lincoln Welders.
* HIESTAND INC. Marietta 6-9301
Our Farm
...can save you time and money
Ford Tractors,
parts and accessories
Dearborn Farm
Equipment and parts
Expert service
Farming information
— 1
j BU offer you the Credit Plans of Dearborn j
J Motors Credit Corporation—specialists in j
J farm equipment financing. One of many j
{ methods of buying now and paying when you are best j
able is available to you. Ask us about it.
Conestoga Farm Service
NFO Sends Second
Appeal for Floor
Under Hog Prices
CORNING, lowa Members
of the regional board ot direc
tors of the recently organized
National Farmers Organization
(NFO) sent the following’ tele
gram to Presidential Assistant
Sherman Adams'
“In view of the president’s con
ference with the secretary ot ag
riculture Saturday and in view of
the apparent lack ot leadership in
the department ot agriculture in
this crisis in the great tarm states,
where constantly declining prices
of farm products and continued
increasing prices of manufactur
ed goods, we firmly believe the
president should place the facts
before Mr. Benson, for immediate
action, to put a floor under hogs
and cattle of 90 per cent of
parity, which he has tne power
to do.
“Action should be taken be
cause the purchasing power oi
the farmer is being rapidly de
“Harry W Grunafhan,” presl
dent, National Farmers Organi
zation '
The recently formed N. F. 0.,
backed in lowa by such men as
former Republican Gov. Dan Tur
ner, claims members in lowa, Mis
souri -and Nebraska and has held
organizational meetings in Minne
sota and South Dakota.
A jaundice-producing mtection,
leptospirosis, has been identified
as the forerunner or acute stage
of many cases ol cnronic Kidney
trouble in dogs.
• Just what is service?
Here’s what we try to do:
-Keep every Ford Trac
tor and every piece of
Dearborn Farm Equip
ment working at top effi
ciency ... and be Johnny
on-the-spot when some
thing goes wrong.
Some of our service is
free; some costs only for
the parts; some requires a
reasonable labor charge.
But you’ll find us fair ...'
we want to keep on serv
ing you for a long time.
J —*
7 J •