10— Ljtocaster Faming, Friday, November 11, 1955 Washington : Notes WASHINGTON Secretary oi 'Agriculture Ezra Benson is stm vender very heavy pressure to take -'-some 1 immediate.'action to give - the farmer a lift despite the back ing . he. recently received irom President Eisenhdwei. 1 Already the Secretary has sur < prised many political ‘ observers 1 with steadfastness* of his opposi- 1 tion to taking action, which woma improve the political climate tor the Republicans There are mem bers of the Republican party wno feel that Benson s policies coma be fatal to a G O.P. candidate • next year other than Eisenhower. ■ But Benson is admittedly a sm * cere opponent of returning to me » high-fixed supports program, on * the ground that it will only build up greater and greater surplus es. His critics, "even in the G.U.F. suspect he may be ngnt in pnn '' ciple/but they think tne present situation is so critical the' Admin istration must be practical first. And the practical thing to do according to many of Ben son’s critics j— is to find a way to give the'farmer a helping hand before It is too late. This can be done if Benson woum announce his support for a land rental plan, or some other plan which would bring money to the farmer next ye«. Benson, however, has not been '"inclined to accept proposals to » create a soil feitihty bank, as it ’ is called, by- government rental of a farmer’s land. Yet this may be the least objectionable ot an practical political courses open 10 *-> Quality manufacturing is the by word of every John Deere factory. Beginning with incoming ship ments of only the highest-grade i materials, each-manufactured part 1.,, every finished implement is in spected thoroughly by skilled LANDIS BROS. Latest Improved Farming Equipment 1305 Manheim Pike Phone 3-3906 P O. Box 484 Lancaster, Pennsylvania Time tested and proven in coldest states You shouli build but one (ire a season, refuel on average every V hours remove ashes 3 times monthly Tremendoui heating capacity, many healing entire homes, schoolf stores Wood burns clean —less soot and grime Usei say Ashley heats from floor up gives safe 24-hour heal Burns all types wood successfully SEE PROOF OF ASHLEY PERFORMANCE KAUFFMAN’S HARDWARE New Holland P hone 4-0951 Open Thurseay and Saturday Till 9. Closed Wed. Noon 92-Acre Tobacco ; Farm at §30,000 , Isaac Hunt, Millersville Rl, last week purchased the 92-acre Adam B. Click tobacco farm in Manojr Twp. for ijn average ot $335 per acre in public sale. ' Edgar F. Funk, Monntville auc tioneer, said the sale included a. two-and-one-hait story dhck house, a large bank barn wim stripping room and dampening cellar, a tobacco shed with capa city for eight acres ot tobacco, corn crib, butcher home, garage, chicken house and hog sty. him, if he is to lake tne play in the coming second session ot the 84th Congress. Whatever appens in the next few months, the Department ■ot Agriculture is going to make a re port to the National Agricultural Advisory Commission concerning its study of seven ditterent sou bank plans in December. This re port may become the basis tor some sort of G O. u. program to get the Administration off the hook and take ihe initiative away fiom the Democrats in January, when Congress convenes. Although-some surprising oppo sition to a tax cut has - bobbed up in the last few weeks, chances are The idea' that all pigs can’ select a balanced ration it pro vided the necessary ingredients self-fed, free choice is a miscon ception. Research workrs have found that runt pigs gained bet ter when fed a complete premix ed ration than when allowed tree access to* the same grains and supplements ted separately. workmen to assure its meeting ex act John Deere quality standards. That’s why farmers everywhere are loud in their praise for the de pendability . . . the quality con struction of John Deere Farm Equipment. See us for information. PASSING THE WORD-Sec retary 'of Agriculture Ezra Taft Benson emphasizes a point as he gives reporters a run-down on the administration’s six point supplementary farm aid program. Benson met with the press at Denver, Colo., follow ing' bis conference with Presi dent Eisenhower on plans to boost 'sagging farm'' prices and jhandle surplus 'crop problem. excellent, still, that Congress wm slash taxes m next year s ses sion Tax collections are running heavy and government revenue will probably be higher than-was estimated. Government ei p e nditures ’may be a* bit higher man esti mated also, but-economies pftn ■ ned by the r Defense Depart- ■ ment; and to a lesser extent by other government ' agencies, • may make both a balanced duo- ' get and tax cuts posible next year. Of course, both Democrats arid Republicans will seek to get me credit for any tax reduction' Dm and the final bill will be a Demo cratic one. The President may face a ticklish job when his time to sign or veto that bill arrives. Mr. Eisenhower, it is said, wiu not sign a bill that curs revenue too much, nor will he sign a pure ly political bill, giving relief to lower income groups exclusively. But chances -are good mat lie will get a bill he can sign, since Dorn parties are now afraid ot going on record as opposed to tax euts>, and will shy away from navmg that label hung on mem in me next session of Congress. Proving that he is still very much unpredictable, benaie tte publican Leader William Jfcnow land surprised some ot his trlenos recently, only a few days alter he had lined up solidly behind the President on thd farm- issue, ny saying Mr. Eisenhower should say wether'he is’ goihg to fish or cut bait and say it quickly. Knowland said Ike should de- * cide whether he is in or our oi politics by late fall or early win- . ter. That 'would' seem like a word of advice* to ike to say something , before congress, meets in January, or during that month', af the latest. Knowland, who could be a tte publican it ike doesn’t run, has always been out spoken on the issues ot the day, even when he’ disagrees witn tne President. He said betore ike s heart attack, that the party warn ed no reluctant candidates again next year an obvious siap at Ike Knowland also has blasted IKe s foreign policy on numerous occa sions. He has stood' behind tne President, generally, on domestic policy But he wants IKe to speaic out on his plans soon, me moica-, tions are-that Ike will not omige him. It’s an established tact that a calf has little chance ot survival u it is deprived ot -colostrum.’ The reason is that without colo strum it will not' receive the necessary 'antibodies with Wmcn to tight common intections dis ease, and it becomes very suscep tible to -calf scours. LANCASTER tSOUNTY \ Sales Dates NOVEMBER 11 Morris G. Stickler, pure bred Holstein cow-heifer disper sal, one mile east of Riheems, near Landis Stone Meal Plant. ' 11 George A. Styer, 67 acres, one miel south OhurcMown 1 p. m.- 11 C. P. Brantly, 60 x 120, lot, 212 N. Pitt St., Manttieim 7 p. in. 11 Mrs. N. H. Smith 224 Col lege Ave., Elizabethtown, carpen ter tools, paper hanging, paint ing outfits, 6:30 p. m. 11 R, C. Shea, "White Horse; general hardware and welding equipment, 10*30 a jn. II Mrs. C.W Carpenter, 1038 Columbia Ave, Lancaster. House hold" Effects. 12;0(V Noon. 12 Robert Timmerman, E. Main St, Atglen. Real Estate. 1 2 pm. 12 John W.' r ßeyer, Atty.-in-, fact for owner (‘Willis E. Earl Twp., 1 mi. south Ranch’s Church.’ Real- Estate. 2 pirn. 12 Joseph A. Wolf Estate, 831 Grand View Blvd., Manheim Twp., Lancaster. Real Estate and Personal Property. 12:30 p.m. 12 Noah Greiner, Jr., Rapho' Twp. along’macadam rd. leading from Rt. 72 to Manheim-Mt. Hope Church of Brethren road (3rd road west ori Rt. 72 north of Manheim Valuable farm, IS- acres;’ housing tobm-for’ cows; 20 steers. 5 poulf ryhbuses. 2 p.m. ’l2 H.H. Hostetter' 1660 Broad St., E. ’ Petersburg. Household goods. ' 1 12 W.E.> Umberger, at SyL iriar, r Rt. ly 3 mi north’ Rising at Mason-Dixon line. Houstholdgood Ipm. 12 Norman E. Hershey, household- goods-antiques, Florin. , 12 _ Alice Z. Hoover,' 1 mile south of The Willbws. household goods, 12:30 p.-'m. 12 Frank AvShowaiter Bst.. Grace C. Duck,' adm., 531 Wf Maim, New Holland, personal property 12:302 p. m., real estate’ 2 p.m. 12 Annual Auction, Lancas 'ter’ Chapter, American Business Club; benefit of cerebarl palsy. Complete list of household goods, equipment, furniture, elec trical goods, etc., Lampeter Sales Barn, Lampeter, 12:30 p; m. 12 — f Landis Buchen ’Est.. Woodworking equipment, tools, lumber, furniture, etc., Farmers viile -10-d. n». f< l7 ‘William Juzi, sale mgr 'for' PGBA, Guernsey Sale' pavi 'lion, r Lancaster. 18 Joshua L. Stoltzfus, % mi.- south- of ’Morgantown.' 12-00 noon. vssacKTOssc&sssanr □ .-aKjs&x I T. J. MATTHEWS A 278R2 I QUARRYVILLE CONCR THOMAS J. MATTHEWS, Gen. Mgr, Phone t 109R2 vsvni s?,sssac«j v Humimmiuitniiniuiuiimuniuiimniuiumiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiniinuiiiiliiiiuiiiiii'iiiiiiiiiiiuiiiii I SPECIAL I TRACTOR BARGAIN RECONDITIONED ’0 ■ Massey Harrfs 44 Diesel Tractor • Farmall Super M Cope & Weaver Co. Willow Street, Pa. 1 Phone Lancaster 32824 fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiniiuimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiniminnniiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiii M ariheim Fan s6lllPer Adrej Titus B. Martin MonaaS chased the 80-acre, 'l5l | farm of Amos B Snyder w Manhemrand Lititz’ for ” acre.'Mr. Martin is from Lituj Henry •J. Snavely >was,j tioneer. Included in the sail a "large brick dwelling, aii car'garage, a poultry hou/l able of holding 1,000 najJ combination corn barn ana,! co shed. ■ New Holland Homi Sells for $12,600 ? 'Walter S.'Witwer, Rl, Gj ville 1 , purchased the home q Ahna 1 M.’ MusSelihan in Ne.l land for $12,600 this week' ler & Martin were auctici was the 48' by 15| tract on which -the' 1 Koiuj located. ] ' A comer cupboard brougi sl3 'and $l5; bed 1 'sl3;''mattress,'sl6; flour • $14.50; 1 coal oil lamp, l s 9 25! fruit $1(150; an old; $8 50;’ a sdw, $7.50, and an tj sion table; $l6. ,$ China Dish Tops i Haffner’s Recent •A 'china dish sold for i an iron tea pot was knockei for $9.50 in an auction c sonal property at the Elmi fner'home between'Route 2 -Smoketown. Other- sales reported b; tioneer H. H‘. Leid include beque stove $19.50, milk vases $3 each, small blue p! dining room suite $55, ceda robe sl6,'twin' beds $3l. 18 Elizabeth L ’Rich! in Leacock Twp. 2 'mi. no of Intercourse. Household 32‘30‘p m. STANLEY DEITER Auctioneer and Appraiser 1906 Willow St I Concrete or Cinder Block. Chimney Block' and Linte Steel Sash, Cement Paint. FALL