Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, November 04, 1955, Image 7

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    In Salesmanship
Men Prefer Men,
Dealers Advised
“We continue to forget the
spiritual side of man, and a
salesman should be a salesMAN ”
! This is the philosophy Jeff
Coates, director of sales training
at New Holland Machine Co, ex
pressed i na speech before the
Lancaster County Farm Equip
ment Dealers association Rhoads
Spanish Tavern Quarryville,. was
the* site of the meeting that
brought a dinner crowd of 55
Friday night
Among influences in selling, M r .
Coates told, are the belief we
ln-e in a moral universe, that the
laws of God do not cease with
the laws of Nature, that there
is a God who has created the
universe and governs it.
“There’s a fallacy m being lik
;d and not respected; there’s a
fallacy in price cutting,” the sales
iirector warned, and “the farmer
Joes a better job of buying some
ames than we do in selling.
‘ The farm equipment industry
s concerned about price cutting,
md' the profit margin remains
lint. The manufacturer is no
itronger than the financial
strength of his dealers.”
I Mr. Coates graduated in the
lop five per cent of his class at
Hie University of Arkansas, serv
ed as a Major under General Pat
ton, and has been manager of
pies personnel at the United
Itctes Steel Co, until joining New
Holland. '
President Roy A Bru
aker, Lititz RD 3, was master
ceremonies. He emphasized the
portance cff the retail service
aler,'and urged efforts be con
mtrated on the winter farm
ipment overhaul, when the serv
man is not on field calls, when
»re is not the crop season rush
• -emergency calls, and when
fe can utilize his shop and
lechanics more efficiently.
Progress of the collection pro
gram. and'the proposed discount
br payments by the tenth of
jaeh- month, were reported' by
(Jr Brubaker. He also announced
he Cristmas banquet, tentatively
[et for Dec 15 at Ely Hostetter’s
Sanque Hall in Mount Joy, and
ia.’ed attention to the Pennsyl
[ania State' Farm Equipment
Makes any woodcutting job easier
and taste/. It’s a-one man saw, /or
professional logging, pulp cutting,
tree surgery; for farm and ranch
■ jobs like construction and clearing
land Model 47 is light weight,
operates full power in any posi
tion. Six models, gasoline powered,
j with blades 14" to 36".
i Come in and see it, try
I it, buy it. It’ll save you
tune, make you money.
MACT Saw and Knife
'605 Marietta Ave.
Lane. Ph-24291
Brief Glory-at $6,686.50
BRIEF GLORY—Eitel Mere 11, Grand Champion Steer of the
American Royal Livestock and Horse Show, Kansas City, Mo, is
bid goodby by owner Kenneth Eitel, left The Black Angus was
auctioned to wholesaler Eddie Williams, right. Jud Putsch, center
will feature Eitel Mere on his restaurant menu, once the champ
is transformed into steaks and roasts. At $6 2?, a pound, the
animal brought a juicy $6686.50.
Hunters, 50,000 Strong, Will
Shoot in State Duck Season
Last year’s r'ecord indicates 50,-
00D or more sportsmen will in
vade likely water areas in qnd
hounding Pennsylvania in pursuit
01 j waterfowl during the so-called
dLck season” of 1955 Some hunt
ers will crouch in blinds or man
specially built, concealed boats in
«vait for the birds to come to
their decoys Others .lacking the
cainoflage ideh-out or expensive
gear ,wil slip along stream banks
and around marshes ,on the aleit
for jmp shooting opportunities
A few will hide in brush or fields
at strategic points on flight lanes,
for pass sohoting
The Oame Commission points
ot that a large population of ducks
rn Canada does not necessarily
indicate the extentto which the
ird swill provide sport for shoot
asm this state dverse conditions
such as-claef weather and low
watennthe 1 streams and marshes
water in streams and marses
will cause many irds that would
have stopped to- continue in
Duck Hunter’s Prayer
The duck hunter’s prayer is for
rcught weather, low ceiling and
plenty of water Under such con
ditions larger numers ofb migrant
ducks “sit down” on our streams
and ponds during their fall flight
Until waterfowl to the north start
to move southward under the
urge of cold weather, ducks rear
ed in Pensylvania and on nearby
waters will bear the brunt of the
eaily shooting in this state
Service and Ducks Unlimited re
'the U. S Pislh and Wildlife
poit the waterfowl breeding sea
son this year, compared t0'1954,
was as good or better, over all
lowl are already enroute from
Te early birds of the migrant
summer homes to warmer climes
In the interest of the sport
anf 1 conservation wildlife athori
tics caution duck hunters not to
shoot unless birds are within shot
gun range .thus avoiding crippling
losses that waste a tremendous
amount of fowl a retriever at
side will bring to bag many an
inj red bird that would otherwise
die unfound.
The Game Commission reminds
hunters' information on duck and
goose leg ands is important an
program Persons who bag a leg
the states waterfowl management
banded bird are urged to inform
the Commission as to the band
number and the time arid place
(he kill ' .
cr-operators averaged fam-
Jy labor income, about $4OO high
er than the tenants ' . „
Large farms made moie money
than small farms when the price
Je\el was rising, but on the down
swing they made less and
actually lost money during the
depression years while the small
Pirns came out about even There
are more fixed costs on large
than on small faims, and this ex
plains most of the difference in
incomes when there is a drop in
prices of farm products'
Tenants Gain 131%
During the study period, ten
ants had a 131 per cent increase
m total capital investments com
pared to 53 per cent for owner
operators. Most of this increase
was in lovestock and machinery,
and of course tenants had no m
vestment in real estate In 1946-
50, tenants had an average in
vestment of almost $13,000 This
shows that even the beginning ten
ant today needs a sizeable invest
ment to get started But for every
debar invested, tenants earned
more money than did the owner
opeiators A man with limited
capital who wants to- start farm
ing can earn a good income by
rintmg a productive faim
More details- can be found in
Fi ogress Report No 111,
“Changes in the Financial Side of
1 a: nung, Lancaster County, Penn
sylvania, 1921 to 1950.” .
Lancaster Fanning, Friday, November 4, 1955
Vaccination and isolation
Control Erysipelas Best
A combination isolation and
vaccination progiam offeis the
besi conti ol foi swine eiysipelas,
one of the moat serious diseases
in the United States, according to
a suggestion fm farmers issued
today by the American Founda
tion for Animal Health
The' Foundation recommends
isolation of all newly purchased
swine for a peuod of three weeks,
during which time they should
be observed closely for signs of
the disease
May Appear Healthy
Erysipelas Is similai to rpany
Other diseases in that it is spiead
by earners that is animals
that appear to be healthy but
actually aie infected Farmers
who do not raise their own pigs
should buy feeder animals and
breeding stock only from herds
which are known to be disease
fiee, the Foundation says
Gilts and sows should be prop-
State Seed Bans
Four Noxious Weeds
Fewer “bad” weeds should be
showing up in the futuie in home
lawns and in entai nfarm crops
due to action iaken by Dr Wil
liam L Henning, Pennsylvania
Secretary of Agneultuie
He issued a pioclamation (add
ing four more to the list of “noxi
ous weeds,” the seeds of which
are forbidden except m very
small quantities in agricultural,
lawn and gaiden seeds offeied
for sale in Pennsylvania
The four added weed seeds
“ Buckhorn plantain; - which may
.appear in clover and lawn grass
seeds, bedstraw, which kills out
tirdsfoot trefoil, a forage crop,
corncockle, th’e black seeds that
'may appear in wheat, barley and
oats, also wild mustaid, which
.shows up mostly in oats
Up to this lime, five noxious
needs seeds have been listed by
the department dodder, horse
nettle, wild garlic, wild onion
and perennial sowthistle Restuc
tions will continue on each of
these, plus-the tour recently add
ed All nine weeds are held ob
jectionable by mteifenng with
growth of desirable plants
By using TEXACO FURNACE OIL you can always U
Count On A Warm Home H
| Garber Oil Company I
Herr’s Implement Store
West Willow, Pa. Ph. Lane. 3 8311
Full Line Case Tractors and Farm Machines
• Barn Equipment • Rotary Water Pumps
0 Barn Cleaners 9 Air Compressors
0 Silo Unloaders 0 Garden Tractors
Hay Curing Systems 0 Power Lawn Mowers *
9 Dairy &. Poultry 0 Garden & Lawn
Ventilation Supplies
• Chain Saws 0 Insecticides & Sprays
0 Fertilizer Spreaders 0 Electric Fences
General' Line of Farm Hardware
And Tools —Serving The
( ' i
Coummumty For 26 Years
oily vaccinated before breeding
’time in aieas wheie erysipelas
has occurred earlier Little pigs
should be vaccinated at six to
e.ght weeks of age
Symplons Listed
ntiserum injections and selec
tive antibiotics offer some help
in swine infected with erysipelas,
pioviding such ueatment is done
e trly m the couise of the disease.
Symptoms of the acute foim
of erysipelas are similar to hog
cholera Animalgo off feed, run
high feveis an dolten die within
a few hours
The Foundation points out that
the disease organisms that cause
eiysipelas can live in the ground
lor yeais Infected lots should
be worked often so the sun and
air can help gei nd of the germs
Herds should e moved to clean
ground and pasture after an in
Consumers Do Not
Know Beef Grades
COLUMBIA. Mo Do people
know what grade of beef they are
buying when they select their
nb roast and nb steaks and what
the characteristics of the differ
ent grades are 9 Apparently, they
do not according to a prelinunaiy
survey made by the agricultural
economics and animal husbandly
departments at the University of
Missouri -
Data for the study was collect
ed from a sample of 92 consumers
in Columbia who picked beef cuts
or nb steaks roasts from a dis-
r l ?y
The majority of consumers tak
ing part in the study chose lower
grades of nb steaks and nb
roasts Most steak buyers chose
commeicial grade. For i oasts,
most consumers tended to pick
the three lower grades of roasts
over Prime with a slight perfer
erice for Commercial over Good
■>nd Choice grades
i Amount of fat, color, and mai ti
ling weie the things most fre
quently mentioned by the co
operators as the leason for select
ing a paiticular steak Amounts
oi fat, color, size of cut, and
marbling weie mentioned most
Irequently as the reasons for
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