6—Lancaster Farming, Friday, November 4, 1955 Royalty, Democracy Rule At Air-Age Hatchery Royalty, democracy and the hatchery business are geared to the air age on the L. L. Lo 'an Poultry Farm and Hatchery on the outskirts of London Grove. Royalty’ There’s a queen, Mrs Lois Logan, Queen of the Pennsyl vania Flying Farmers. There’s democracy with Mr. Logan, vice p esident of Pennsylvania Flying Farmers, president of the Dela ware-Chester County Poultry as sociation. Farmer planes now land on ground adjoining the original Lo gan homestead, where bank barns today house broilers instead of livestock and machinery. Fried Chicken for Breakfast Few are more enthusiastic about the farm flying game than Mrs. Logan, who on June 4, 1955 was crowned state queen, and who, with 29 other state queens, com peted at the 1955 National Fly ing Farmer convention queen selection in Lansing, Mich. Homemaking, hooking rugs, needlepoint fried chicken for breakfast these are but a few of Mrs. Logan’s loves. But pri mary to both is the hatchery, and association work is an essential factor in their busines. Mrs Lo gan is active in the All-State T oultry Association and the IBCA International Baby Chick As sociation. There was a homecoming for Mrs. Logan when she received her crown last June. A graduate of Slippery Rock State Teachers College, she taught the first, sec ond and third grades at Meridian, Pa, and at Meridian she was crowned Queen to replace Mrs. Allien Homan of Pennsylvania Furnace. As though a full-time 30b at the hatchery office were not enough, Mrs. Logan has found time to play an outstanding role in Soroptomist International. She has been a member at West Chester 14 yeais, olding almost In 1949 she was president, and every office in that organization now is corresponding secretary. She is also a director in the Penn sylvania Flying Farmers associa tion, by virtue of her appointment as Queen. Chicken Barbecue Boom One of the brightest spots in the poultry business, Mr. Logan told while conducting a tour of thiee visitors, is the increasing number of chicken barbecues As a result, the entire broiler pro ducing region of Lancaster, Ches ter and adjoining counties is benefiting tremendously. Mr Logan became one of the The United States Post Offic. department has disposed of snough old records and forms m ;he last fiscal year to fill some 170 freight cars, according to a department spokesman- BROKEN HIP; COSTLY SLIP! Every day you permit your cows to use the barn with slip pery floors, you run the risk of costly accidents to one of >our valuable animals. Regular applications of Camp bell’s Skidless Bain “Snow” keep your barn neat and cows on their feet. Bam “Snow” prevents slipping, keeps barn floors samtaiy white and in creases the amount of plant food in the manure. Barn “Snow” is cheap livestock in surance. Buy some today fiom your nearest feed dealer. If he cannot supply you, send us his name and we’ll see that he is supplied. Manufactured by HARRY T. CAMPBELL SONS’ CORPORATION, Towson 4, Md. Barn Snow SolcC Your Local Dealer DUtributed by HIESTAND, INC. Marietta Phone 69301 first hatchery operators in the Keystone State to become Pul lorum Clean, and this is the firm’s 23rd consecutive year with that rating. Holding a bachelor of science degree in poultry husbandry from Pennsylvania State College, Mr. Logan has done much to improve strains through crosses. White Cornish play a large part m this program, with Barred Rocks, White Leghorns, New Hamp sires and Rhode Island Reds Due to the popularity of his breeding program, demand has become international. Here again the air age enters. Air terminals today may be filled with the “cheep-cheep” of Lo gan baby chicks, off by plane to the western United'States, down mto the Caribbean Islands, Mexi co, off to other foreign climes. William Penn Ate Lunch Here William Penn, legend says, once ate lunch under a spreading oak tree in front of what is now the Logan Hatchery, enroute west from Philadelphia. To find planes landing on one of the three run ways just behind the home and hatchery, or to find chicks travel ling thousands of miles by air within the 60-hour limitation might astound Mr. Penn were he there today. And a converted barn accomodating 6,000 chicks, HOW TO PLAY “SQUASH”— That’s what you’d learn if you played opposite Herb Diednch, Dundee, 111., high school’s 335- pound junior-year menace. Sports goods firm which outfits him says he wears the largest football uniform ever made—a claim nearly as hefty as is Herb. Statistics: Size 62 jersey, 56 pants, 7%-inch helmet. And all this mountainous threat to the opposi tion is hung on a five-foot, eight-inch frame. WHY DON’T YOU POLL THE STRINGS FOR A CHANGE ? Vote Democratic On November 8 DAVID B. EABY, CHAIRMAN LANCASTER COUNTY DEMOCRATIC COMMITTEE s broiler house with a capacity of 8,000 with contra! heating and automatic feeders is a far cry from the acres the state founder once knew. Mr. Logan, a licensed pilot since 1950, fully believes his Ces sna 170 is a most important cog in the hatchery machinery. Flying Farmer Queen > fa > >/- *' * * r * .Vv ; i ■ + *" ♦- >v*r ~4 Test sections of “rubber roads" save been in use In several (fates for over five years. Said y> be longer-lasting, skid-proof ind more resilient than conven tional pavement, cost ol the rub ber-containing surface until now has prevented its more extensive «e. Refining, most hazardous opei alion of the petroleum industr suffers an annua] average t 163.81 fires per 100 refliierie withran average loss per fire < 58950, according to an America Petroleum Institute report, base on fire losses over a span of 2, years. ALTMAN’S SUPER-A FEEDS are time-tested, scientifically balanced, vitamin complete and are manufactured daily m three modern plants. Compare our prices* 20 pc. Egg Mash ... $3 85 .16 pc. Blue Bird Dairy... .$2 55 20 pc Egg Mash Pellets. .4.00 20 pc. Blue Bird Dairy.... 2.75 Growing Mash 3.95 16 pc. Blue Bird Egg Mash 355 Growing Mash Crumbles 415 C0rn..... 3.25 Starter (meg) 4.05 Cracked Corn 335 Scratch Feed 3.35 Dog Meal (25 lbs.) 2.05 Hog Feeds 345 Peat Moss (Bale) 4.20 20 pc. OF 3.95 Staz-dry (Bale) 2.20 ALTMANS CASH FEED STORE V ILL S H. WEAVER, MANAGER 947 Harrisburg Ave. Phone Lane. 4-7715 WE DELIVER ABE LEVITT clothing shoes rirnmnss PLAIN SUITS SACKS AND FROCKS Ready made and made to measure MEN’S AND BOYS’ PLAIN HATS Available In Any Style You Desire SHOES FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY Full Line of Ladies - Children’s and Infants Dresses New Holland Ph. 4-2200 Plenty of Parking At Rear of Store * 7* '>• ■' tt? y < '’■< ■c' . , y IA X > „ » “JVu "i* .1, ” „ < _~i A-i «.,*.•< V ** * , < I alterations free 241 W. Main St mmmmmmmmmmmmnmmmni ■ MANUr ACTORERSofCHAIIENGEg ■ RESIDENTIAL FENCES ■ g AND GATES ■ ■ SALES-SERVICE and g ■ Erection of All Type* ® ■ of Fencing ■ S Challenge Fence Co. S gph. 57246 MANHEIM. PA.g ■ Pb.OV7-6121 STRASBURG,'PA.« Black and Single and double AT lowest possible prices <■ LADIES HIGH SHOES —ANY SIZE OR WIDTH . ffe Give and Redeem S & B Green ' * *** ' < ***** SHAWLS Gray