Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, November 04, 1955, Image 5

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    Soda Recipes Create Goodies Like Grandma's
irVBR try using old-fashioned
p. baking soda in cookies and
iakes? Our grandmothers did,
pad their baking was something
to remember. So let’s try a few
toda recipes, You won’t be dis
Paleface Brownies (16)
■>, One cup sifted, all-purpose.
hour.-'V* teaspoon baking soda, %
teaspoon salt, Vi cup shortening,
faelted and cooled; I cup firmly
brown Sugar, .2 eggs,
beaten; J teaspoon vanilla" ex
tract, I, tablespoon vinegar, %
cup chocolate pieces (3 ounces). -
I Biff together flour, baking soda
id * salt.. Combine j shortening,
fgar, eggs and vanilla extract,
lend in dry ingredients and
negar, mixing until smooth,
iir in chocolate pieces. Spread
i greased, 8-mch square pan. .
Bake in a moderate oven (350
sgrees F.) about 30 minutes,
00l slightly and cut into
[uares. Cool thoroughly. '
Peanut Butter Cake
(Two 8-inch round layers)
Two cups'sifted cake flour, X
! spoon baking soda, % tea
oirsalt, % cup creamy peanut
ter, Vi cup shortening, 1 cup
ily packed brown sugar, 1
spoon vanilla extract, 2 eggs,
;up milk, Vi cup vinegar,
ift flour, baking soda, and
ream together peanut butter,'
rtening, sugar and vanilla ex
it until soft and smooth. Beat
>ggs until mixture is light and
fy. <
dd dry Ingredients alternate
vith milk and vinegar, begin-
Points to Check
On Waffle Iron
If pays to buy a waffle iron
With a heat control or at least
With a' heat indicator. With a heat
control you can set the dial for
the temperatre needed and never
Worry about too much or too lit
tle .beat. A heat indicator shows
the amount of heat but doesn’t
prevent overheating.
i Another feature recommended
Is insulated handles and legs.
Well-insulated handles prevent
accidental bums and a waffle iron
With legs that are insulated or
raised up from the table won’t
tnar the finish.
Paleface brownies and a hot beverage—wonderful combination
for a snack on winter evenings. Cut down on kitchen chores—
use paper plates and cups when serving late-evening goodies.
ning and ending with dry ingre- floured 8-inch round layer cake
dients; beat until mixture is pans. Bake m a moderate oven
blended after each addition. (375 degrees F.) 20 to 25 minutes.
Pour equal amounts of batter Coo] before frosting with pCa
into each of two greased and nut butter frosting.
Or Phone 7-6251 For Free Installation Estimate by Factory Trained Men. No Obligation.
(Armstrong (floors
>V\ for every room In the home.
*v£s W
< i£- r 7~ ■T**'' ~ trv* **
' All'the luxurious appearance of cork
tile at a most economical price. Corktone
Asphalt Tile can be installed in basements
or in basementless homes,
k • . | u
Lancaster Fanning, Friday, November 4, 1955
Tufted Rugs Are New
High - quality moderate - cost
lugs that are tufted instead of
woven that’s what homemak
ers can look'for when they shop
for new rugs this fall.
Rug manufacturers are adding
equipment for tufting, a process
similar to hooking, to their plants,
according to Missßuth K. Kimble,
extension home economist, Lan
caster County.
One reason for this new de
\elopment is excellent consumer
response to the tufted floor cov
erings, which give more quality
for the money than woven rugs.
This is because of the taster and
therefore lower-cost manufactur
ing processes. More fiber goes in
to each rug and the pile is high
er. For this reason wool is not
generally used for tufting.
Most tufted rugs are made of
cotton, rayon, and blends at pres-
W. L.
Department Stoic
Farm Supplies
Tank Truck delivery of GULF Hearing Oils
& Gasoline in Eastern Lancaster County
Phone 8-3131
Many new color stylings have been added
in both straight grain and Spatter® pat
terns. These may Lc used in combination
for custom effects. Also Woodtone*
and Corksfyle*.
Cheerful new colors and designs in keeping
with the modern trend to colorful living.
The right style for your decorating scheme,
whether you want to mix or match colors.
Many new colors in your favorite patterns
and several new stylings make Corlon the
most colorful and best-designed plastic
floor you can buy.
The latest color combinations to lend dis
tinction to any room. Subtle colors and
comfort underfoot make Armstrong Rubber
Tile one of the most wanted floors.
n Markets
ent. Special soil resistant brushes
are beginning to be applied to
the manmake fibre rugs. Need for
such treatment was pointed up by
the piesent trend toward light
colored rugs Those containing
manmade fibers tended to soil
faster because many manmades
have a static atti action for dirt
Another trend in floor cover
ings is toward more pattern and
design to complement the many
plain textures being shown in
other home fuinisings 'tweeds,
floials, and contemporary treat
accents in smooth-surtace carpet
ments >n pile lugs and metallic
ing are among present offerings.
Though wool is still top favorite
is a rug fiber, the use of man
made fibers alone or in blends
ir. widening considerably Cotton
is still a popular choice
Zimmerman & Sons
U i i
Self-Service Foods
Bottled Gas
Intercourse, Pa.
3 '