Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, November 04, 1955, Image 4

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4—Lancaster Farming, Frida
Farm Calendar
’Nov. 5 Farm Women’s Soci
, cty County Convention, Lan
< caster.
Nov 5 Feeder Calf Show
, and Sale, Lancaster Stock
Nov. 9-10-11 Pennsylvania
State Farm Equipment Deal
ers Association Convention,
Nov 10 Southeast District
( 4-H Baby Beef and Lamb
, ißoundUp, Sale, Lari«eitei
Stock Yards.
Nov. 10 (Evening) Courity
1 4-H Holstein Meet. Paul Bru
• baker Farm, Mount oy, R 1.
■ .Nov. 12 Closing date. Live
stock classes entering Penn
sylvania Farm Show
Wv 14 -18 Eastern National
i Leivtsock Show, Tiraonium,
Nov. 22 County Holstein-
Friesian meeting, Gap Fire
Nov 24 Thanksgiving Day.
Dec. 1 Entry closing date for
turkeys. 4-H and vocational
poultry classes, Pennsylvania
- Farm Show.
Dec 5-7 Farm Income Tax-
Social Security short course,
Pennsylvania U.
Dec 5-10 Ice-Cream for Sup
ply Men Short Course, Penn
~ sylvania U.
Dec. 12 Entry closing date
for bonier, fryer and roast-
I er chickens, Pennsylvania
Farm Show
Dec 15 (Tentative Lan
caster County .Farm Equip
ment Dalers Christmas din
ner meeting, Hostetter’s
Banquet Hall, Mount Joy.
Dec 17 Entry closing date,
4-H beeves, 4-H sheep, Penn
sylvania Farm Show.
One Purebred Ram
Jo 40 Ewes Advised
Use one purebred ram for every
40 ewes or less, and you’ll prob
ably end up with a profit
Art Pope, sheep specialist at
University of Wisconsin, says a
3 carling or older ram in good
condition can breed up to 40
ewes, but never more. A ram
weighing less than 125 pounds
can’t handle more than 20 ewes
Ewe lambs weighing 100 pounds
can be bred, pioviding they re
ceive extra feed and attention
Hot weather can throw a ram
into temporary sterility. If the
ewes aie bred in the fall, give
the rams a cool place to stay
when the temperature gets above
85 degrees Pope says its a good
idea to shear four to six weeks
refore breeding and again when
the rams are turned with the
ew r es
Breeding ewes between Sep
tember and November 1 means
more twins and a moie uniform
lamb crop and lambing period
Flush the ewes three weeks
make better gams by breeding
before breeding, and they’ll
time. Do the }ob with good pas
ture, a pound of ground ear corn
or three-quarteis pound of shell
ed corn. . =-
Ewes Demand Grain,
Roughage in Winter
Good grass or corn silage may
lie used to winter pregnant ewes,
if there is not enougn pasture,
says the College ot Agriculture
and Home Economies, University
of Kentucky. Eight to 12 lbs daily
is the ercomraended allowance
per head.
“However, it is better to in
clude at least a pound ot dry
roughage in the ration in place
of 2‘& to 3 lbs of silage,” it is
stated Do not feed moldy or
frozen silage because either tends
to cause digestive disturbances in
pregnont ewes. Other suggestions:
“After fall and early winter
grazing is no longer available,
adequate roughage plus a halt
pound of gram per ewe daily
should be fed before lambing and
a pound after lambing until spring
pasture becomes available.
■iT 'r'jrrrt*< *' lonJI
Ratkftound Scriptural Luka 9:1-0:19.
DaTOtlanal Itaadlnci Matthew 25;31-
Friend of Man
Lesson for November 8. 1955
PEOPLE describing themselves
have * tendency to paint them*
selves handsomer than they real
ly are. They do not like candid
camera shots of themselves. Even
when a man has to admit that
he has committed a sin or made
a mistake, he will try to tell
himself his motive
way. Now Jesus’
self-portrait was
extremely impres
sive; but, nobody
ever called him a
hypocrite oi a
Jesus had said of
himself in the
Nazareth syna
gogue was just
the simple truth: Dr> Foreman
he was indeed the same kind ol
Friend o t Man that God is. He
made humanity bis business.
Healing; Bodies
One fact stands out, and Luke
makes a great deal of it Jesus
was a healer. He never as
sumed that sickness or physical
disability “is bound to be.” He
thought people’s bodies were im
portant enough to be sound and
• well. He never thought of him
self as so “spiritual” he could
be indifferent to people’s phys
ical needs and pains. Wherever
he went, he brought health -with
bun. We do not fully understand
how he diet this, but the Chris
tian church has taken the cue
from Jesus here. The tremend
ous development of hospitals m
,Amenca and over the world Is
not today all in the hands of
Christians or religious people;
but it was religious people who
started this kind of thing The
church of today is beginning to
see how much harm another kind
of Illness does,' and to work at
curing mental diseases. Com
pare a Christian country like
ours with a non-Christian coun
try like Korea where the total
Christian population is less than
six per cent. There- a cripple
has ordinarily been something to
Laugh at. No one would give
him a job, no one bothered with
him. All he could do was beg.
as he crawled or sat in the dust.
Now, Christian hospitals there
have been doing a work the
heathen world never thought of,
—rehabilitating amputees, mak
ing it possible for them to be
self-respecting persons again.
Christianity is teaching Korea a
lesson Where once diseases of all
sorts were taken as a matter of
course, Christian doctors and hos
pitals have shown the way to
national health.
Healing Souls
Some people think that if a
man is healthy that is enough. If
a man's body is all right, he is
all right!' Ohustians know bet
ter —because Christ has shown
us. Jesus- did not think he had
done all he could for a man if
he got him on his feet, literally.
Long before modern medicine re
discovered the fact, Jesus knew
that men’s most seiious diseases
are in their souls. He was the
Friend of Man,—but not friend
of their bodies alone. Hospitals
today are more and moie making
use of chaplains, of counselors—
and that is another Christian idea.
In every mission hospital the
medical missionary is an evan
gelist too.
Red Rose 4-H Beef
Lamb Club Entertains
Lancaster County’s Baby Beef
Roundup at the Stock Yards Nov.
8 was discussed Tuesday night
in a meeting of the Bed Bose 4-H
Baby Beef and Lamb Club at the
Lampeter-Strasburg High School.
Parents were guests.
< . I
By President
President; Eisenhower his of
ficially proclaimed Thursday,
Nov. 24 as Thansgiving Day. His
text follows:
The custom of devoting one day
each year to national Thanksgiv
ing is a wise and an ancient one,
hallowed by observance in the
days before we became a nation,
and sanctioned throughout the
succeeding generations. „ It is
therefore in keeping with our
ful season of the waning year we
oldest traditions that at the fruit
turn again-1o Almighty God in
grateful acknowledgement 'of his
manifold blessings.
At this time of thanksgiving,
may we express our deep appre
ciation of those forebears who,
more than three centuries ago,
celebrated the fust Thanksgiving
Day. Through their industry and
courage, our "nation was hewn
from the virgin forest, and
thiough their steadfastness and
faith, the ideals of liberty and
justice have become our cherish
ed inheritance.
May we lift up our hearts in
special prayers of gratitude for
the aboundance of our endow
ments,' both material and spirit
ual, for the preservation of our
way of life, in its richness and
fullness, and for the religious
faith which has wielded such a
beneficient influence uponour
destiny. May we showbur thanks
forour own bounty by remem
biance of those less fortunate,
andmaythe spirit of this thanks
giving season move us to share
with them to alleviate their eeed:
Now, there, I, David D. Eisen
hower, president of Jhe United
Slates of America, having in mind
tion of December 6, 1941, which
the joint congressional resolu
dpsignated the,fourth Thursday
of November in each year as
Thanksgiving Day and made that
day a legal holiday, do hereby
pioclaim Thursday, the Twenty-
Fourth Day of November, 1995,
as a day of national thanksgiving;
and I urge all our citizens to ob
serve the day with reverence Let
us, on the appointed day, in our
homes and our accustomed places
own faith, bow before God and
„f worship, each accordmgto his
give him humble thanks.
In witness whereof, I have
hereunto set my hand and caused
ihe Seal of the •'United States of
America to be affixed
Done at the city of Washington
this Eleventh Dayof October in
the Year of Our Lord Nineteen
Hundred and Fifty-five, and of
the independence of the United
States of America the One Hun
ched and Eightieth.
Dwight D Eisenhower
To Jesus, friendship meant
something deeper 'than what oft
en goes by that name. How many
people are "friends” only with
the strong, the successful! How
many people will be friendly only
to those who can give them a
lift up the ladder of ambition!
This is the friendliness of a
mosquito, who will stick close to
you, but not with any notion of
doing you good. Then again, a
common idea of being friendly
Is to taka other people without
criticism, take them as they are.
A, word much in use with psychol
ogists, psychiatrists and counsel
ors nowadays Is "acceptance:"
Now Jesus accepted all-kinds of
persons who were by everyone
else rejected—lepers, tax collec
tors, the ‘Tower classes," for
eigners. But while Jesus opened
his heart to these people, in the
very act of acceptance hechanged
them. Some “friends" are like
chameleons that take the color
of whatever they lie on. Jesus
never changed - hia own. colors.
He was the friend of sinners, in
deed; but by being their friend
be led fram out of their sins. Te
be -Christllke in friendship is to
have a goodness that is contagi
(Suit on ontHaon aonltluef hr Oa
DlvUlon of CliriittnnrEanoaHon,, Na
tional Oonaotl ml tho OWiißh o( Ohfltl
In tho D, I, A, kiluuil by Oonomnnlly
Ftiu BorrlooJ ’
* ,
> * «
Lancaster County’s Own Farm Weekly Newspaper
Established November 4, 1955
Published every Friday bV OCTORARO NEWSPAPERS
Quarry v(lle, Pa. Phone 378
Alfred C. Alspach ..
Ernest ] Neill
C. Wallace Abel....
Robert G. Campbell
Subscription Rates : $2.00 Per Year
Three Years $5 00 ; 5c Pec Copy.
Application for Second Class Matter mailing permit pending
Crops Worth
$lO2 Million
Here in 1954
Lancaster County continued its
title as Pennsylvania’s No. 1 agri
cultrural county in 1954 with a
PlO2 million gross in crops and
Compiled only recently, the list
shows the diversifiedproduction
of rich soils and Lancaster Coun
ty farmers’ husbandry. Topping
the list, at $l9 088,100 is eggs, fol
lowed by milk $15,887,400, meat
birds $l5 million, beef cattle $13,-
585,000 and tobacco, $10,952,000.
Despite a long, early summer
drought, 1954’s total prouction
here gained four million dollars,
horn $98,383,399 in 1953 to $lO2-
milhon plus. More astounding is
that Hurricane Carol, Edna and
Hazel plower into the county with
destruction in 1954, yet Lancas
ter County produced one-seventh
oftheentire Commonwealth’s agri
cultural produce on a dollar basis
Tobacco Gain Significant
Tobacco showed the most signi
ficant gam, from nine million to
almost $ll million m 1954 Corn
dropped below tobacco in rank as
second best field crop, totaling
9,625,700 in 1954.
More beef cattle were produc
ed m Lancaster County when
prices improved and the County
followed the nationwide trend
toward increased numbers. Value
of beef cattle nere increased from
more than two million dollars to
$l3 585,000 in 1954
Egge production also rase from
453,600,000 in 1953 to 520,584,000
last year but the average price
dropped from 55 cents a dozen to
44 cents Net result was a drop
inthe value, of the commodity of
nearly two million dollars to $l9
million, still the leading single
item produced in Lancaster Coun
A heavy surplus of milk also
decreased the total value three
million dollars to less than $l6
million, barely aheadof therapid
ly growing meat bird industry.
Estimate On Meat Birds
The $l5 million value for meat
birds is an estimate. Accurate
figures for a complete year will
not be available until 1956.
Lancaster County farms produc
er 1 less milk last year than in 1953
although surpluses elsewhere
dropped price averages from
$5 01 to $4.39 cwt Milk produc
tion stood at 361,900,000 pounds
for the county compared to 376,-
9J.000 pounds the previous year
Hay production also declined
from 166,500 tons to 152,100 tons
but benefited from higher
prices created by a shortage fol
lowing th drought and gained
slightly in total va1uet055,678,300.
Barley, oats, rye and buckwheat
nil increased In value during the
j ear Barley rose from $738,300 to
$1,214,500; oats nearly doubled,
from $278,620 to $415,000; rye
jumped from $5,930 to $12,310;
snd buckwheat from $l5O to $2OO.
Truck crops were ofl slightly
at 2% million as were peaches
it $174,250 and pears at $7,100.
Cherries encountered a very poor
season, falling from $25,900 in
1953 to only $11,620. \
(Lancaster Phone 4-3047)
Swine were down some s2oojooo
al $1j247,000 ut potatoes showed
a gam of $350,000 to $1,898,700.
Apples improved slightly to $354>
200 and grapes almost doubled in
value to $11,407. 1
The year was not so sweet for
honey, whose value fell from $26,-
825 to $14,800. Sheep at $148,500-
and wool at $36,439 were also
somewhat below 1953 figures.
Lancaster Crops
Estimated values for farm
crops produced m Lancaster
County and the relative im
portance ot eacn in 1904 are
shown below
Eggs .
Meat Birds
Beef Cattle
Tobacco .. 10,952,000
Trek Crops
Apples -
Wool .
Honey '
Grapes .
Pears .
Cotton outlook increased, con
siderable from the Sept. 1 out
look, and final production may
be well over last year. Corn in
creased four million bushels oyer
Sept, 1955, and may be the sixth
Ingest crop on record. Soybeans
move dp nine per cent from 1054’s
yield, while sorghum gam
ed 12 per cent Wheat production,
however, may show a six per cent
decrease from Fast year
Cotton . 13,900,000 Bales
Corn . . 3,100,000,000 Bu.
Sorghum Grains 229,000,000 Etu.
All Wheat 916,000,000 Bh.
Red Cloverseed in
1954 Reduced 24% ;
Over Pennsylvania >
Greatly reduced production of
red cloverseed was reported tor
this year in Pennsylvania follow
ing Federal-State surveys an
nounced by the State Depart
ment of Agriculture.
The total of 1,122,000 uonds of
dean seed is 24 per cent heiow
last year and 38 per cent under
the 1944-53 average.
The past two red clover seed
seasons have been dry in most
areas of Pennsylvania, thd ue
partment said. The second cutting
of clover is usually used for seed.
Dry weather prevailed for mpst
of this period and reached near
drought conditions in July and
early August, n eastern Pennsyl
vania areas during mid-August,
hurricanes “Connie” and “Di
anne” beat down stands or delay
ed harvest.
Pennsylvania acreage harvested
this year at 22,000 is 19 per cent
clow last year ana 41 per cent
below average yield per acre was
placed at 51 pounds, slightly be
low last year but three pounds
above average.
... Editdr
~. Business Manager
Advertising Director
. 11,620
375,000,000 Eu.