2—Lancaster Farming, Friday, November 4,19 SS County Agent, Staff Travel 50,000_ Miles Yearly; 39,737 at Meetings It’s more than 50,000 jnilfeS from border to border of Lan caster County, when you figure on the basis of miles traveled each year by County Agricultural Agent-Max M. Smith and his btaff. Looking over his report for the Nov 1. 1954 to Nov 1, 1955 fiscal year, Mr. Smith disclosed that he and his assistants made 2 367 farm visits. There were 2324 office calls, 5,838 telephone (Calls Agricultural meetings 9 They totaled 485 last year, with ton attendance of 39,737. Fifteen television shows were given hy (his office, 256 news items were pent out, and 214 radio broad casts made* Many Calls Are Urban 1 ’His staff consists of Victor IPlastow, assistant county agent, ivho handles county youth activi ties, DHIA and soil testing; Harry Sloat, associate county agent, specializing in poultry, vege tables, flowers, farm management) Miss Ruth Kimble, extens.on home economist Yet Mr. Smith as often helming out each one. i Lancaster County is agricul turally Number One in Pennsyl vania poultry, tobacco , dairy battle feeding, hog feeding, corn, (tobacco, wheat, and leads the itate in value—not number of (acres—of hav Nationally, Lan caster County as first among the Sion-irrigated counties, ninth among all Today, the county agent is •more than a farai advisor, lor many calls are now urban “We iare responsible for the distri bution of information along lines wf agriculture, and home eco nomics to people of the oty and county, “-Mr Smith explained ‘■‘We’re the Jink between the land! (grant colleges, experiment sta-- (fions and people,” he added Tops In Beef Cattle a Onlv recently Mr Smith was named one of the ten ton county (agents, in. the nation doing the most outstanding work m beef 'kittle. Selections were made by a Committee from the American 'Hereford association, 'and he was ’a guest of .honor in Kansas City during the American Roval, „ - Livestock lodging teams from schools and 4-H clubs m Lan caster County 'have'long held re- Hogfiition in state end national while one of his primary jjjiiiiii'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii SE, I THE NEW LINCOLN WELDER I WELDANTOWER COMBINATION | £ 200 AMP Welder | % 4 KVA Stand by AC Power Unit I For Easv Welding and Emergency Power, = used Lincoln Welders. | AUTHORIZED LINCOLN, WILDER DEALER |- WfiTfANIMNC. Marietta 6-9301 No costl L. H. BRUBAKER Lancaster JRD4 Lititz FD3 2 STORES TO SERVE YOU interests is steer fattening. How ever, he is realistic in his think ing, and, wJh others recognized in the field, believes today’s mar tgiu between feeder cattle and fat cattle prices is too narrow. At the same time he had a word of praise for those who have stayed with the cattle feeding game, for itihe ‘'mner-and-o liter” seldom makes a success of it. This past season did not smile too favorably on Lancaster Co ----- ' ~ulf y grov, ported to the county agent's -office that yaeflds of 30 to 40 bu per acre have replaced the 70 to 80 that might have come were it not tor drought and storm. The tomato crop this season was not the best, due to -weather damage. Potatoes have yielded good, but market ipnces are lav?. Tobacco suffered from wildfire art .the 'canricious weather. But there has been a 'brighter side too "Poultry meat 1 consumra jbon has been stepped -up- toy the terrific selling job the broiler in dustry is doing” toe told, and. by (freer*®?, packing and canning ■plants 'have been responsible for a gre”'* increase m growing and harvesting pumpkin and squash here. ,v Mr Smith ramp to Lancaster ' County m March and F, S (Dutch) B’mher .retired Jjar'* 1 1949, Mr. Smith suc ceeded him. llllllUlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllHllllllllii »es or rcqislerc to install or clean! Markets]? B By United States Department of 'Vt'ricttlture IJp.k News Bureau Davu b Reporter Lancaster (Wednesday To Wednesday Review) Cattle; Three days this week 4,770 week ago 5,623. Compared wiith last Wednesday Slaughter steers slow this week, ,a few sales choice and prime 1100 lbs and lighter about steady, iclhoice and prime steers 1200 lbs and over along with good and low choice shorlfeds weak to 50c lower. Heifers scarce, about steady Cows moderately active, bulls about steady. Stockers and feeders moderately active, mostly Steady Bulk choice fed steers early $21.75 to $23.00, load choice and prime 1050 lb yearling steers $23.85, a few loads and lots 846 Hbs to 1366 lbs choice and iprime steers $23.25 to $23 50 Load 1655 lb prime steers $21.00 A few loads high commercial and good 1,011 to 1175 ib. Grass steers for slaughter $lB 00 to $l9 50. Good and low choice Jieifers $lB. 00 to $20.00, commercial and low good grass heifers $l5 50 to $17.50 Utility and commercial cows $1125 to $13.50; Canners and cutters $8 25 to $1175 Utility and commenca 1 } bulls $l4 50 to $18.00; cutters $l3 00 to $14.00 Numerous loads medium and good 600 to 900 lb feeder steeds isl7oo to $l9 50; good and choice largely $2OOO to $2l 50, a few Ms and part loads 625 to 750 Mi j choice feeder steers to S2 9 00 A few loads choice 450 to *5OO l H s stock steer calves $2250 to $2390 Calves, Three Davs—942, week aero 1003. Veale’-s mode’-ate’v a' 1 - itivh. about Steady with last Wed ne c day Bulk good and dm w vealers $22.50 to $2600; bgh choice and rr-me largely *26 50 to $29 00 a few to *3O 00' nW’dy and commercial *l4 00 to $?1 50. Hogs- Three days 960. week ai«o 1618. Compared with lad Wednesday- T?*>rows .and g>l f s 50c to SIPO h’dier: s~ws 25 to ihicrVr Rid’c barrows and w ]»0 i fr > ?50 lbs mixed 1-3, $l4 to $l5 50 - nirniecm*® lot e m *>s fr if?iV«n 440 Mad. •»<*>»'Sl On» T,,r, ‘ !, rp ; b,'wr*’h last 'r£Ker' 22c with holt - _r®KoJd, Few 'WfotiftTrock roasters 20c to cli Few crass fryers 18%, white n 20, vantress reds 21-22 c. broilers 15c Turkey demand fair for more than amole supplies ''Heavy type young hens 40-42 c Young toms 28-30 c. Recess Nov 1 included Maryland 8700 libs Delaware 12204 lbs. Wholesale sePing prces No i and fancy quality broilers light tune under 3 lbs none Broilers or fryers, heavy lyiue under 3 lbs, 15 3-4 lbs 18%-22. Roaster 20. 4% lbs and over 28-30 4-4% ,I| bs nrne Henis heavy type, -17t25 light tvne, 15-20 Old roosters 12- 14. Ducks muscovy 20-27 25-30 Turkevs-Young bens 4042 young toms 28-30 EGGS 'Plrladel’f'Wa Nov 2—(Market Unsettled Demand 'imroroved for Oiargesizes top quality and was re latively Uglier for other trades strophes were adequate for .our rent day-to-day buying Wholesale sehing prices: Mm 10 met AA mmlitv. -Large 45-SOc wh'te 54 1/2-55 1/2, brown 54- K 5 mediurp w bite 25-36 .brown 35-36. Extras, Mm. 60 pet A Dual large 45-50 white 49-50, brown ,none. ; standard 4042 current receipts' forme, check 22-30. Becelots Nov. 1—5,041 cases all by truck. The tiny, man-made “moon" would eventually be slowed by the very thin atmosphere in which It would' travel at- its altitude of some 200-plus miles. It would spiral toward earth, but would be burned up, much like a meteor, from friction with the dense, lower-level atmosphere Jbefore-ft could land. feeder Calf Sale,YouthMarketi Events Scheduled at Lancaster November will prove a busy month for the livestock industry in the trade territory of Lancas ter Union Stock Yards. Starting activities tomorrow Saturday, Nov. 5 will be the First An nual Feeder Calf Show and Sale. For three days, starting Nov. 8, attention will center on Four-H youth from ten area counties. Three breeds will be repre sented in tomorrow s sale ot calves, feeder steers ana teedmg heifers Angus, Hereford and Shorthorns. Pennsylvania Bred and Raised These entries are Pennsylvania bred and raised Quite a tew are expected to arrive trom the west ern part of the Keystone State, co sponsored by the Pennsylvania I ivestock ancj Allied Associa tion, Inc, the Stock Yards Com pany and the Live Stock Ex change All entries wia be graded and sold for auction, beginning. at POO p. m., with both individuals and pen lots going on the auc tion block Abe Diffenbach will be the auctioneer. "Members oi the various clubs, Carden spot, the 4-H and FFA might find this sale an excellent place to obtain suitable calves, and,” tme of ficials “many ot the calves will be sold singly for just this purpose ” Aroynd 400 head are expected. Baby Beef, Lamb Roundup In the coming week, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, the Southeast District 4-H Baby Beet Chances are you buy your chicks with great care to get a heavy-laying strain. Do you feed them after they grow up to get all the eggs they’re bred to produce? Poultrymen who buy high producing strains have found that Purina HIGH EFFICIENCY Laying Chows help them get lots of eggs per bag of feed. Also to help keep Heavy-laying birds in good condition which helps hold down mortality. Most poultrymen who have tried Purina HIGH-EFFI CIENCY Chows havefound that they got so many more eggs per bag that they LOWERED THEIR FEED COST PER DOZ EN EGGS. This was true even though Purina cost a JOHN J. HESS II Intercourse—New Providence THC STORE WITH THE CHECKERROARD SIGH ■RBB B B B B _b_b"m b . jTb"b_/onVf and Lamb Club Kound-Up and Sale will be staged at Lancaster Union tock Yards. Counties to be represented m addition to Lan caster County are Adams, Berks, Chester, Cumberland, Dauphin, Leanon, Northampton, Ferry and York. Judging will occupy all of Wed nesday, continuing through Thurs day morning. Three hundred steers and 20 pens of fat lambs will be -sold, with the auction starting promptly at 1.00 p. m. SEPABC May Go Above 100,000 Goal in Year Increasing nine per cent over last year, the Southeastern Penn* sy]vania Artificial Breeding Co operative, Lancaster, expects to icach a record goal of 100,000 services this year. President Bail L. Groff, Stras fcurg 81, announced at the co coeratives fall meeting that the SPABC record for the first six months of 1955 totaled 52,489, placing the local group second to only the Western Pennsylvania croup at Clarion The record there is 63,792. Lancaster County goes above the State average of 6.3 per cent increase. During the first half of the year,the stat- 3 artificial breed ing total of dairy cattle was 207,* 115. little more per bag than lower-efficiency feeds. Try Purina for several weeks. Keep an accurate record. See for yourself how much money you save. We’U be glad to help you keep rec ords and figure your costa. PURINA HIGH-EFFICIENCY LAYING CHOWS t