Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, November 04, 1955, Image 10

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    j r’r t ' }» iv-dirr*'nH Vli)'"'’ 1 * ununr*?
10—Lancaster Farming, Friday, November 4, 1955
indemnify Pay on
Made Retroactive
Di. William I Henning, btate
Secretary of Agriculture, advises
that dajry and beet cattle tarm
ers of Pennsylvania will be paid
indemnities on cattle found to be
a®cted with Johne’s disease or
An official proclamation made
payfnent retroactive to August 10
Federal officials in charge oi
rj S. Department ot Agriculture
livestock disease control work in
Pennsylvania said Federal in
demnities also would be paid on
cattle destroyed on account ot
" J dime's disease
Maximum Payments Listed
State and Federal indemnities
the same as for tuberculin
and? brucellosis cattle, a maxi
mum of $3.50 per head for grade
catt{e,and $5O per head for pure
bred cattle. Federal payments are
a maximum of $25 per head tor
grades and $5O per head tor
Jqhne’s disease is a torm ot tu-.
berqulosis and in October 1948
wasl-proclaimed “an mtectious
dwefee of a transmissible charac
R|lativdy few cases were re
ported in the State until 1952
wheh nine animals were tound to
havd- the disease, Dr. Henning
said? The next year there were
ll reactors and last year the total
was 13.
Written Authority Needed
'"yhe State has paid t indemni
ties jfor many years on animals
condemned on account of tubercu-
brucellosis through a
program of control and eradica
tion, Secretary Henning ex
Hfe said Johne’s disease, if al
lowed to go unchecked, could »e
-comp a major disease of cattle in
the and., seriously
affefd the dairy and beef cattle
indemnities will be paid only
aftejjwritien authority to conduct
a Jonnm test has been obtained
by ap accredited veterinarian trom
the Pennsylvania or United States
Departments of Agriculture and
the Animals given a positive reac
lio |rto the test.
Electrical Contracting
Ledla, Pa. Phone 6-6661
I‘Open Thur*. & Fri. ’till 9”
Aj test ration —a conditio,*-
img and production ration
—tthat will stand the test.
Scientifically formulated from
pijtfe, high quality teeding
materials, to help overcome
the heavy drain on the high
producing cow's system.
High in fat, rich in essential
vifamins. Try it.
Red Top Grain
and Feed Co.
Mount Joy, Pa.
Salisbury Township
Road To Be Rebuilt
The Salisbury Township road
supervisors at their monthly
meeting Saturday at the White
Horse Hotel made tmal plans to
complete the rebuilding of about
one fourth mile of road, southeast
of Kinzers, leading to the Gap
btrasburg Koao.
Bills amounting to $4,338.69,
were authorized to be paid.
Clyde McKitlips presided.
Potato Can Equal
Corn Silage as
Feed for Cattle
The potato diversion program
may help dairymen solve a feed
problem, particularly in areas
where roughage is short" from
drouth conditions and in the ma
jor potato g" owing counties,
points out Lancaster County
Agent M. M Smith Potatoes
have a total digestible nutrient
content abput equal to that of
com silage and one-third that of
good quality hay. v
Since potatoes are relatively
low in dry matter and protein,
and lacking in vitamins A and D,
some good quality legume hay or
grass silage needs to be fed with
them. If a heavy allowance df po
tatoes is fed; include in the eon-‘
centrate mixture a slightly higher
content of crude protein.
15 to 25 Lbs Daily Limit
Limit the amounts of potatoes
fed to dairy cows to 15-25 lbs
dady, depending upon the size
of the animal. Smith cautions
not to feed unripe, decayed or
frozen potatoes (they contain
aolanin which rnay be toxic), nor
sprouted potatoes unless ,- the,
Introduce potatoes into' the-ca
tion gradually to avoid digestive"
disturbances. If scouring occurs
i educe the quantity of potatoes
and later gradually build it up
again Since all potatoes used for
feed must be chopped or sliced
under terms o fthe diversion pro
gram, any danger of choking will
"No matter where I go, everyone says: "Here comes
Hitler!” ,
■ and Caramels $1.20 Per Lb. ■
■ Fresh Cashews $l.OO Per Lb. ■
■ Salted Almonds $1.50 Per Lb. ■
" 311 N. Queen St, Lancaster„ . Ph. 4-0207 ■
Ph. 39791
lnf^ IM Uw^lwww*]W»-i(yr
,1, ;i j/>n>l / ' l> ui 1 > < '•fii
, 'b«v. r - _
Its. electrically heateci overt is ,}ugr the thing for jnaking breakfast
to&st.and tVo-element too Cdn’be used tor at-the-table cooking
be minimized Chopping o i slic
ing potatoes increases their pala
t; biUty." ,
Per 100 pounds -potatoes are
worth 2 Z per cent the price of
gram mixture, on a T.D.N, basis,
potatoes ate a neconomical buy
it 50 cents per hundred pounds
when good quality hay is selling
for $3O per ton
Potato silage may be made by
.running a combination of 80 per
cent potatoes and 20 per cent hay
or ‘dry corn fodder through the
silage cutter The addition of 40
pounds of ground grain per ton
may improve the silage This
about equals good quality corner
grass silage. Limit the -deeding of
potato silage to 40 pounds, daily
per 1,000 pounds ofb ody weight.
Potato silage is similar to grass
silage in pressure On silo walls
and seepage.
, Marine Afr GorpsTias a deadly
I bird under its wing. Named the
I “Sparrow," the all weather, air
to-air guided missile features an
“brain" which tracks
the target after being launched
fepm ejighter
By George
\ i
> '
- rsty rf'Vi *"*> tfT.
Ervin Delong Gets Eastern Award
[For Poultry Flock Production
Ervin DeLong, QuarryviUe
"EDI, will receive a Champion
Egg Producer Award in addition
to a Master-Egg Producer'Award
for a poultry flock having one' of
th® highest production records in
the Eastern states, Victor L. Koe
nig, Executive Secretary of the
Hy-Lme Poultry Management
Association announced today.
L The Master Egg Producer
trophy was announced during the
-1053-54 season as an incentive to
poultrymen to join the Hy-Line
Management Record Program.
The trophy is awarded to par
ticipating farmers whose flocks
make a'record of 225 or more
eggs per hen housed in a 12
months period.
But' in a single-season- the
■verage production of the
Poultrymen participating rose to
227 eggs per hen housed. It was
felt a higher incentive was needed
nd so a Champion Egg Producer
trophy is now being awarded
those who reach a figure of 250
i better
DeLong’s flock reached a score
f 251 3 eggs per hen housed in
the 1954-55 season DeLong’s hens
averaged agout eight dozen eggs
higher than the average tor all
laying flocks in the United States.
Members of the association
keep daily records on the per
formance of their flocks and send
these Records once each month
per annum
current dividend rate on
Insured Savings and
Investment Certificates
' Savings received by the 10 th of any
month earn from the Ist of that month
payable June 30 and December 31.
Savings andean V
35 North D " ke s * -
m\\p ,>|,oi,t- **
Emlen H. Zellers, Secretary jSc Treasurer
-I u .,-- -II - I -I
- wr * ?
*ii !■ r >« < r ft*
DHIA Tests
Area Herds
A registered Holstem owned by
John C. Metziei, Christiana El,
completed the highest 305-day
lactation completed in September
by the Red Rose Dairy Herd Im
provement Association.
Winding Glen Dunwood Miriam
produced 732.6 pounds of butter
fat and 19,406 pounds of milk to
lead the field.
High herd for the month was
the Guernsey herd of Raymond
F. Wibner, Willow Street RDI,
Which averaged 856 pounds of
7?3.3 pounds of butterfat and 13,-
591 pounds of milk.
A grade Holstein, Number 25,
Vora the herd of Martin" Weber
"Hast Earl Rl, led in individual
nitterfat production with 1018
■ounds yielded in 1,590 pounds’oi>
nilk testing 6.4 per cent.
Second was Bonnie Lea Fern, a
registered Guernsey from the
herd of Donald E. Weicksel,
'Christiana Rl, with a record ot
nilk and 44 pounds of butterfat.
to the Wallace Hy-Cross Hatch
>nes at Doylestown. The figures
are analyzed and each member
gets back a report snowing how
■is flock’s performance compares
v/ith the performance of other
flocks of the Same age and Breed
ng Members use these compari
sons to find and" correct any de
fects in their methods of flock
With this alfl to' management
the 250 eastern poultrymen par
ticipating m the program have
reached the liighest average egg
production ever achieved’ by any
comparable group anywhere.
We Now Have An
, Experienced Tailor - -
(formerly with Bernstein’s 1
Epbrata, Pa.)
Who Cag. Change Over
Any Men’s or Boy’s
Suits Into
Brin£ Us Any Suit!
Men’s and Boy’s Plain Suits
Always In Stock
New Holland, Pa.