* PENN STATE UNIVERSITY, BRANDYWINE CAMPUS Graduation Reminders Latech Murphy Lion’s Eye Staff Writer, Inm107@psu.edu ~ This is a very joyous time of the year for many students because it is graduation time. After all the hard work, time and sac- rifices, now it is time to celebrate one’s academic achievements. College is not an easy journey, so when one finishes his/ her degree program, no matter the time it took to finish, it is always important to celebrate the accomplishment with a special ceremo- ny known as commencement. To make this joyous occasion run smoothly, here are a couple of reminders for graduates: . Graduation will take place on December 20, 2013 at 10 a.m. in the Commons Building. All graduates have to arrive at 9 a.m. . Cap and gowns will be available for purchase at the book store at the beginning of December. . Graduates will be given 6 tickets but can requests more by email. Please refer to your newsletter that you should receive from the registrar’s office by email. Congratulations to all graduates!!!! Best wishes in all your career es @¢ &’ pment, Better Fitness Amanda Congialdi Lion’s Eye Staff Writer, amc6079@psu.edu In 2001, Penn State Brandywine’s student com- | mittee, along with other faculty board mem- Narner { bers, applied for a grant from the Student Fa- I cility Fee (SFF). Brandywine was successfully awarded with a 20-thousand dollar grant, and it I was used to buy fitness equipment for the cam- I pus’ fitness center. | This year, Brandywine’s same com- i mittee upgraded the fitness equipment for the first time in about 12 years. Instead of going another year with the I fitness equipment that was wearing out, the I school has again applied for the SFF grant and § has received another 20-thousand dollar re- y ward. The Student Facility Grant is meant to be I used in Brandywine’s facilities, such as the caf- i i 1 ditor: Eric Warner EnEntertainment Editor: Victoria Marotta Sports Editor: Victoria Marotta Lion’s Eye Sfaff Advisers: Karrie Bowen and | : Jaime Fettrow-Alderfer Contacting The Lion’s Eve: Karrie Bowen: kab44@psu.edu eteria, the gymnasium’s scoreboard or bus stop, to name a few. The fitness center is so heavily used by students and faculty that it became a top priority for the new and improved Brandy- wine. i For advertising information, please contact Karrie Bowen at 610.892.1336 or kab44@psu.edu. b 77e Lions Eye is published by the students of Penn State Bran- I With the 20-thousand grant the school | dywine, Media, PA. Penn State Brandywine does not necessarily | : hletic. Di ; represent or endorse the accuracy or reliability of any of the in- , '¢c¢1ved, Athletic Director Jim Gastner Was i Jormation, opinion content, or views set forth in the Editorials/ ® able to put that money to good use by buying I Opinions section of this publication. The Lion's Eye welcomes | eight new fitness machines. Perhaps what's both guest editorials and letters to the editor. Letters must be no i more than 200 words and address a single topic or theme, and j mx : : | contain contact information of the author. Guest articles can be J Wine found in its machine prices. up to 500 words. The editorial board reserves the right to edit let- “That 20-thousand would have prob- ¥ ters and guest articles for space purposes and content. Please send ! ably bought two or three machines that were | all editorial and guest correspondence to kab44@psu.edu. } nev” Gases sid, i i The school has been fortunate enough i : J to team up with businesses, where they are able to get quality fitness machines for low prices. In bE oe oe on on oo or oe on oe oe oe ow me ome own mm mm mr ms ob most impressive is the bang for buck Brandy- fact, every machine in the fitness center are ma- chines bought off lease, according to Gastner. With the former treadmills being 10 years old and the ellipticals staring at old age as well, Brandywine’s intent was to replace the aerobic machinery because it involves a lot of moving. With the new additions, the fitness center now boasts “high tech” equipment that simply “does more.” A student, who didn’t wish to be iden- tified, using a new machine called “Rear Delt/ Pec Fly” shared his insight on the luxury of us- ing improved fitness equipment. “It’s easier to operate — more flexible, definitely more comfortable,” he explained. Gastner anticipates a continued prior- ity to upgrade the school’s fitness center over the next several years. “The goal would be next year to ask for another grant to continue the upgrade process of the equipment,” Gastner said. Whether it’s now or in the future, Bran- dywine students can take comfort in knowing there is a place with updated equipment where they can go to shape up their muscles and keep healthy.