The lion's eye. ([Chester, Pa.]) 1968-????, March 17, 2010, Image 4

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    Page 4 The Lion’s Eye | March 17, 2010
Eve on Wo
Joe Stack: Hero or Troubled?
By: Daniel J. Taylor -Lion’s Eye Editorial Editor -
On February 18th, 2010 a Piper PA-28-236 fixed wing aircraft crashed into
the outer wall of an Austin, Texas IRS building. Quickly national news had
caught wind of the story and images of billowing black smoke were being
shown throughout the country. What many feared may have been an expertly
planned, tightly woven terrorist attack reminiscent of those on September
11th, was discovered to be a solo event executed by a criminal amateur.
Though relief was to be found in the fact that terrorists were not
to blame for the episode, many felt uneasy in learning that Joseph Andrew
Stack, a 53 year old Austin resident, was motivated by a similar three-decade
build up of anti-government resentment and emotional torment. Shortly
after the crash, word of a “Stack Manifesto” added a unique twist to story.
It allowed commentators and those following the story to see the thought
processes which compelled the pilot to action.
The manifesto, according to CNN, was uploaded to the website of
his software company Embedded Art. It was vehemently condemned by
many broadcasters as the rant of a madman and cited as evidence of his luna-
cy. In the two weeks since the event transpired, blogs and Facebook groups
throughout the internet have been dedicated to the memory of the controver-
sial figure. Stack’s angst is, for some, just cause in his endeavor against the
U.S. government. Many, arguably on the fringe, agree with his assessment
that “violence not only is the answer, it is the only answer.”
Stack’s note addressed what he saw as the many faults with the
American government and tax system. His daughter, Samantha Bell, who
lives in Norway thinks that change will happen because of her father’s ac-
tions, she even calls him a hero. In an article from the Austin Statesmen she
says, “His last actions, the suicide, the catastrophe that caused injury and
death, that was wrong.” While his daughter was in Norway, Stack’s wife and
stepdaughter were luckily safely in a hotel and away from the house that he
torched prior to the plane crash.
The effects of this suicide crash, also, are not to be disre-
garded while pursuing the path of rationalizing Stack’s actions. Thirteen
people--a number which could have been much higher--were treated for
small injuries at a local hospital. An employee named Vernon Hunter was
killed as a result of the crash’s impact. The Joseph Stack affair shines light
on several issues uniquely American and, thus, is uniquely American itself.
Stack’s manifesto highlights the popular Revolutionary War phrase “no taxa-
tion without representation” and portrays what he believes to be a govern-
ment which disregards its citizens claims. He suggests that holy American
idea of revolution as the only course of action and uses his freedom of speech
to speak out harshly against the government of his disgust. He closes
his thesis, however, criticizing the American economic system, by quot-
ing Marx and partially quoting essayist Henry Fairly stating:
“The communist creed: From each according to his ability, to each according
to his need. :
The capitalist creed: From each according to his gullibility, to each according
to his greed. “ :
rld & Local
Tragedy Strikes Twice in Chile
By Nancy Perone -World & Local News
Nearly six weeks after the Haiti earthquake of 7.0 magnitude, on
Saturday, February 27, 2010 an even more powerful quake rocked Chile with
~ a magnitude of 8.8 on the moment magnitude scale. The massive quake hit at
3:34 AM on Saturday approximately 70 miles from the town of Concepcion in
the country’s Maule region. Roadways, electricity towers, and most of Chile’s
poorer region’s adobe houses crumbled to the ground while most of the more
urban buildings stayed intact because of strict building codes made to endure all
earthquake magnitudes. :
The destruction did not stop there. CNN reports that barely an hour
passed when an enormous tsunami ravaged Chile’s shores, which were just com-
ing to the end of its vacation season. ABC News reports that approximately three
waves ranging from 6-50 feet high and over a mile wide swept away coastal
communities who had little to no warning unless they looked out their windows.
The fishing village of Constitucion was completely destroyed as 350 of the 800
people living in the village were killed by the giant wave.
Over 1.5 million people are displaced in Chile, the New York Times
says, but aid is slowly rolling in. The country’s military communities, being one
of the first to receive aid, left room for looting and crime in the streets of Chile’s
poorest communities. The President of Chile, Michelle Bachelet, urged “not to
point fingers” during such a time of national emergency. As of Tuesday, March
2rd, 13,000 of their own soldiers were starting to be deployed in order to keep
peace and administer aid. Tremors and smaller quakes gave residents a scare
on Sunday, February 28th as they thought another major earthquake or tsunami
would occur.
The Chile earthquake has set records besides being the second of two
powerful earthquakes to wreak havoc in 2010. New York Times says that it is
tied at being the fifth largest earthquake ever since 1990. Since the tremors and
aftershocks were just as huge as the quake itself, tsunami warnings were release
all across the Pacific Ocean just as a precautionary measure. NASA scientist
Richard Ross believes that 1.26 microseconds were cut from Earth’s day as a
result of the Chile earthquake, the BBC reports. American Idol’s finalist, Elliot
Yamin, kept in touch with his family and fans from Chile via Twitter updates.
Yamin is a diabetic and not having enough insulin was of great.concern for him
but as of Wednesday, March 3rd medical supplies were being made available.
More information regarding the Chile earthquake can be acquired on
the U.S. State Department website at
index.htm. Google has also created a donation page in alliance with Habitat for
Humanity, UNICEF, and others at this web address
Shaping Up Philly...One Menu At A Time
By Nancy Perone -World & Local News
‘Looks like Philly’s gonna be watching their waistline! As of February Ist
all Philadelphia restaurants have to show calorie content clearly for their custom-
ers to see. If area establishments don’t post how many calories the food items they
sell contain on their menu boards, they could be pinching their wallets. The health
department in Philadelphia will issue a $150 fine to violators.
Beginning next month—trans fat, saturated fat, carbohydrate, and sodium
content must be posted alongside caloric information. The law that was first passed
in City Council back in November of 2008 is trimming fat in the home of the
cheesesteak. According to the Philadelphia Inquirer, Americans get one-third of
their calorie intake from meals they eat while they are out. So, like it or not Philly,
you have a big decision to make the next time you eat out.
~~ DOUBLE &w= SL
Turkey Breast 4.99 :
0 BIG PHILLY ~ Sweet Onion
J BN Pn Chicken Teriyaki 3.49
580 PASTRAMI . Subway Club’ © 5.29
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