Ce J Vol. 2, No.4 1e Lion's Eye Penn State University, Brandywine Summer 2008 SESTAK RECOGNIZES DR. GUERTIN FOR 40 ACTS OF KINDNESS son should try.” After receiving the honor, Dr. Guertin said, “Thank you for the award but you're not done hear- ing about the great things our Brandywine campus will do.” Dr. Guertin went on to say that without the help of the students and other faculty the 40 Acts of Kindness could not have been as successful as they could have been. Dr. Guertin also expressed that as a community we need to continue volunteering and have more people step into leader- ship roles. Her overall goal is Congressman Joesph Sestak recognizes Dr. Laura Guertin for ; her involvement with The 40 Act of Kindness By Brittany Neimeth Managing Photo Editor ban5018@psu.edu Joe Sestak, Congressional Representative of the 7th District of Pennsylvania, came to Penn State Bran- dywine on April 28th to recognize Dr. Laura Guertin, Associate Professor of Earth and Mineral Sciences, for her spirit and activism with the 40 Acts of Kindness on campus. The 40 Acts of Kindness were instituted this year because of the campuses 40th Anniversary; The acts of kindness included collecting canned foods, donating security blankets to local hospitals, a sneaker drive and much more. Quoting John F. Kennedy, Congressman Sestak said, “One person can make a difference and every per- to create sustained solutions; not just getting canned goods, but solving the hunger problem of Philadelphia and not just cleaning up a river but preventing the trash from get- ting there in the first place. Dr. Guertin is the coordinator and co-chair of the Civic and Community Engagement minor, go beyond volunteering by thinking of ways to enlist change on a local to global level. In conjunction with the students working towards the Civic and Community Engagement minor, Dr. Guertin has kept the 40 Acts of Kindness going on campus. Alyce DilLauro, a student working towards the Civic and Community Engagement minor said, “Both Dr. Guertin and Dr. Goldschmidt, who teach my civic engagement course, have such a strong passion to create public scholarship in so many ways on our campus. This award is much deserved.” After presenting Dr. Guertin with her award, Congressman Sestak spoke briefly about his feelings on the presidential candidates. Speaking extremely demo- cratically he called McCain an American hero and said that though he prefers Senator Clinton, he still would not be averse to having Senator Obama as the president. which helps students gain the knowledge to The Lion’s Eye Newspaper ~ wishes everyone a safe and wonderful