The lion's eye. ([Chester, Pa.]) 1968-????, October 23, 2006, Image 8

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    JOctober 23,2006
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Preview: Delco’s Penn Stat
By Sharon Achilles
Lion's Eye Staff writer
Every year as the leaves around
campus change from summer's
green to a crisp array of brown,
orange and yellow, students and the
community await one pumpkin
filled event: Penn State Day.
Admissions, Student Life and clubs
"hosts an afternoon full of activities
on Oct. 28 from 11:30 am to 3:00
"Penn State Day is to celebrate the
Thiel ton’s Eye
Penn State community with the
staff, faculty students and the com-
munity," stated Dava Murray,
Coordinator of Student Involvement
basically meaning everyone is
There will be something for every-
one including: a band, bean bag
toss, air guitar, Lego creations,
word games and much more.
It just so happens that Halloween is
only a few days following the
event. How creative! This is an
opportunity for students, faculty
and staff to use their imagination
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Outdoors Club Goes to
Ridley Creek State Park
By Rich Zangari
Special to Lions Eye
I am a freshman at Penn State Delaware
County and a lover of the outdoors. I
would like to thank everyone who made
this weekend pos-
sible. If you did
not get the chance
to attend (or just
could not find the
end of your life.
The day went
along like so: first,
Steph and I tried to
put up the tent and
failed so we asked
for a little assis-
tance from Andrew
and Holly, whom
helped us figure out how the tent would go
up and not fall on us during the night. After
the tent was up, Dr. Madden asked all those
on the trip to join him in the fire circle to
participate in a Native American ritual
where everyone would stand shoulder to
shoulder and be showered with sage
smoke, as we were showered Dr. Madden
asked us to say a little
small dome and the door was closed.
Inside you could hear Dr. Madden and fel-
low members chanting and taking in the
steam that was produced from the rocks
when water was poured on them. One of
those sixteen people that went in to the
sweat lodge was
my friend, Holly.
When she came
qout I asked her
how it was and
she replied,
"Before I went in
I didn't know
what to expect, I
was a little anx-
ious but excited
at the same time.
I was in the lodge
for about a whole
hour and it was
over one hundred
degrees inside,
and it was so dark to the point where I
couldn't see anything."
After she warmed up by the fire, I asked
her what was it like and she replied "It was
a very intense spiritual ritual that was
cleansing and it opened my eyes to a new
light, it was an experience I will never for-
As the sweat lodge
prayer and ask for this
weekend to go as
planned and to bring
positive energy into
ourselves and into the
people around us.
Soon after everyone
was showered we
were asked to say a
little verse about our-
selves and what we
expect to get out o
this weekend.
Meanwhile, he passed
out rocks that represented the four ele-
ments of fire, water, wind, and earth along
with the spirit of new life and new friends.
Later on as the fire was being started, a
group of people started to make the sweat
lodge. I, myself, thought that this was
interesting because the sweat lodge is a
Native American building but was built
with bamboo. The lodge itself was interest-
ing consisting of only bamboo, blankets
and a tarp. After it was constructed, on the
inside there was a small hole dug out of the
ground that would later hold the rocks that
were thrown into the fire earlier that day.
About sixteen people were packed in to the
¢ Day
and show their wild side. Witch,
cowgirl, doctor, donkey and any
other costume one can create is
"This event is an opportunity to
enjoy the campus outside of the
classroom," Murray said.
Before the weather turns brisk ana
the leaves crackle under your feet
now is the time to get your full of
pumpkin. Scheduled events such as
a great pumpkin hunt, a pumpkin
design competition and pie eating
contest will satisfy any Halloween
lover or Penn State fan.
Jwas coming to an
end all those outside
asked to
those coming out of
around and others
just went back to
their tents to sleep. I
Adid not join the
lodge, but from what
I saw and was told I could get a feel of how
it was.
Later that night as more people retired to
their tents and only Andrew, Holly, Steph
and I were the only ones still up so I
walked and got some food from the
potluck and sat back down by the fire. As
the night stretched on one of us decided it
was a good time to pull out the hookah (for
all of you who do not know what this is, it
is like a bong with a hose but it is for fla-
vored tobacco).
Further into the night about five hours later
those of us that were complete strangers
were now close friends. The next morning,
Steph, Holly, Andrew, and I decided to go
for a little hike through the woods to find a
waterfall. On our journey we stumbled
upon this hill that was perfect for rolling
down so for about fifteen minutes we took
turns rolling down to see who could get the
furthest. We started to head back to camp
and pack up for home. As we all headed for
our cars we said goodbye to the site of one
of the best weekends we have ever had at
this point in college and hoped to have an
even better one later on in the year.
In conclusion to this story, I would like to
share with you the three things you will
need to have on a camping trip: good
friends, pasta salad, and hookah.