The lion's eye. ([Chester, Pa.]) 1968-????, April 10, 2005, Image 3

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    April 10, 2006 The Lion’s Eye Page 3
Eye On C
Delco Career Fair: A Success By Business A New Way To Save
Standards Money For College
By Sharm Achilles
Aopinst a roan full of aployers, juniors
ad seniors dressed to impress ard brought
reared, ad hopefully edited, resués. By
doing this, they can hopefully cain sae
insight an how to dain a jd or grab an
intemship kefore gradation. Pam Ste
el's career services hosted the Sorirg Jd
Fair an March 30 in the Classrocan Building
Mticipating the transition fran college to
the professiarl wark force, the students net
with representatives fram over 20 carpenies
throughout Delaware County.
Tre fair of fered a sample of capenies to
students that varied fram young carpanies
exeriencing rapid growth in recent years as
well as senior caneenies with a firm reouta-
tion. Fven though the carpenies attending the
fair have lol of fices, they are hidhly recog -
nized. For exaple, a handful boasted a place
in the Fartre 500, such as Davita, a dialysis
camparty from Berwyn and State Fam car
Over 70 students squeezed their way
through the room covered with tables fram
wall to wall to goesk to prospective aployers
d fering part time ad full time goortinities.
Students arrived in husiness casual attire.
Many came prepared having researched
potential employers. The goal of students was
to leave a solid impression ard develop an -
tacts in the local husiness comunity.
Resumes passed hands and cawversations
flowed about available positions and capa -
ry aedatials. Stdats pat forth their lest
ef farts, depite the lod moise ad intimidet -
Ing rere of the evant.
'T thoght it wes actielly a little oer-
welming. I tried to db research before hard,
ut it was just overwhelming," Rachel
Gosselin, a senior husiness mejor said.
W ith so mary people ard limited scace, it
would ke careless not to mention thet stu-
dats’ potatial careers were at stake.
'T jet fxr got everything, ! added Gosselin.
Not aly were students able to meke strag
aarectians, hut they received ad reached
art to recruiters for avice ad sugoort.
Sally Fit, a career canselar here at Delco
said thet the eva: wes good for networking.
Ben if stidents dn't walk away with a jdo,
they gain experience talking to arployers ad
feeling aut what kinds of jdos they want.
W ava reoresentative, Catherine Corcoran
advised perticipants to lok at the mission
statement ard values of each carpany to see
if it matches with their own values ad needs.
Se also sugested students to talk to peo -
ple wo actially work in their stores.
State Fam, an amel perticipent in the
career fair, d fers gportinities in sch fields
as claims, huren resources, agency ad pub-
lic ef fairs.
" We are locking for people with good cam-
mnication skills, outgoing ard wo exhibit
custarer service kills, " Michelle Ritzdoeraer,
State Farm goeratias recruiter said.
Gradeting seniars in search of a job
shauldh't just take into casideration what the
aapanies are locking for, ut what they want
for thameelves.
Cancast Cable has operations natiawide.
If a student wants to trawl, they can doose a
campany with of fies across the cantry to
meke transferring ef fortless said Jamifer
Ostrowsky, a Cawcast amloyee who was
boasting their good, solid reputation, of ferry
a variety of decartments in dif ferent loatias.
"That's very exciting, egeecially for a voug
pers, ge said.
RAVE], a residmtial rebebilitation facility
for adult sarvivars of tranetic rain injuries,
seeks students in psydolagy and health relat -
el fields.
Diane Amicone, ReMed program, director
suggests students keep thelr gotians goen ard
work in meny dif ferent aress to cain exer -
Her advice: "G for sarething you enjoy ad interview a lot!”
A Flying Start To Frisbee Intramurals
3VS 3 Rasketlall Tourney
soecial to the Lian’ s Be
Tre three on three kaskettall leege is in full swirg at
Perm State Deloo. Fifteen tears of three canpete every
Your. =
"Tf you wart to see argenized dhecs, care to the three
oa three kagkettdall leege, " said Athletic Director Joe
Monday and W ednesday in the gym during carmen
The popular amal event has always drawn a large
grap of participants. This year, the apias list of kes -
We Support the Penn State Discount Program
By Sean Nichols
Social to the Lian’ s Be
Savething interesting hes just start -
ed for sodkats, faailty, ad saeff &
Pam State Delaware Comty .What you
may ask? Why the PAWS+ discount
program. Newly formed, the PAWS +
program was organized by the Student
Af fairs Comittee of the SA to ben-
efit sodas, faulty, ad saff nn
receiving discomnts that local husiness -
es provide at their discretion.
While in the organizing stages for
several mths, the Stcat Af firs
Comittee drafted a letter, a hsiness
fom, ad a “PAWS+” logo for the
businesses to camplete, ad retum to
the Stat Af fairs Guir. Valatire's
Day 2006 of ficially started the kidef £
event. Several manters of the camiit -
tee agoreacdhed all of the businesses at
the local Granite Rn Mall to see if
they would be interested in joining the
Te program, similar to the PAWS
HERE program at Pen Ste Altcos,
was very successful for local business -
es In tre Altoam, Pamsylvania area.
Wy couldn't it work for Pan Stae
Delaware County?
The stidents introduced thamselves,
and gave the merecers of the husiness -
es the infometiarl packet explaining
wat the program wes, ad what's its
main purpose was intended to do; Not
aly to provide discounts to students,
faailty, ad gaff, ht to also ge a
sense of Bam State awareness within
the camunity. The husinesses had
three weeks to decide if they wanted to
ke rayesented in this growing mo-
gran. The deedline quickly
gporoached, and five husinesses hed
retumed the capleted fom.
The “PAWS+” logos were printed
ait, ad persaplly hard delivered to
the marecers before the start of the
program on Axil 1, 2006. The husi-
resses irchue: The American Café
Restaurant, Rain's Deli, Orange
Julius/Dairy Queen, Pada Express,
ad Searo's. These businesses are all
lomated an the first ad secad floors of
the mall, ad are all easily acessible.
Fach of the husinesses is providing a
discant of 10% to the stdaits, faaul -
tv, ad =f £ that dow their Ran Ste
ID cards to the eployee assisting with
The program contirues throughout
the rest of the vear ad exs m
Decanter 31, 2006. At thet time the
nerecer's of the husinesses will have
the goin of relying to te mo-
gan. With this in mind, hooefully
“PAWS+” will becare a permanent
program within the Studer Af firs
Camittee at Pam State Delaware
If sodats, faadlty, sf f dnoald
know of ay local kusinesses that are
interested in the program, plesse visit
the SGA wasite, or amtact the
Stet Af fairs Geir, Seen Nidols at
san5001@psu. edu.
kettall hopefuls darended two divisians instead of the
usel sirgle pool of players.
The league of fers capetitive and fast-paced gares as
well as a needed autlet for basketlall fans whom did rot
play a this year's sucessful varsity saeds.
The action amtinues until the ed of the sdool veer.