The lion's eye. ([Chester, Pa.]) 1968-????, March 15, 2002, Image 6

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    Page 6
The Lion’s Eye
March 15, 2002
We must pay, now let us play
Staff Writer
"No games in the computer lab please."
These are the words from those wonderful lab
aids that sit on the computer all day babysitting us so we
do not play games on the computer. We are in college, not
high school and definitely not grade &chool. We have a
right to play games if we choose to or not because of one
simple reason: we (the students) pay tuition. Part of that
is a technology fee that we pay, not
Computer Services.
Of course the lab aids have noth-
ing to do with this, they are doing their job.
I personally took the pleasure in asking a
few lab aids (who will remain anonymous)
some questions. I asked one lab aid what
is the reasoning or motive behind this rule?
The lab aid replied by telling me that they
(the lab aids) never received an reason why
this particular rule was made. I asked
another lab aid how come students cannot
play games on the internet and the expla-
nation I received was: That this rule is sup-
posed keep students from hogging the
computers when playing games, so other students who
actually need to get work done can do it. Some of the lab
aids feel that this rule is unfair and it is not necessary to
look after students and the others feel that it is fair, and I
quoted one lab aid saying, "If the students do not like the
rule, then they should go to a different school. The com-
puters are for education, not for games."
Thinking about what was said seemed fair
enough, if I had to do work on the computer in the com-
puter lab and they were all taken up it would be a nuisance
and the computers should be used for education.
But, not every student will be in the computer lab
at the same time, so this talk about students hogging com-
puters really didn't seem right. After all aren't the lab aids
hogging computers by sitting there basically all day?
Come on folks whether or not every student was
playing games in the computer lab they have that right to,
and who am I or any other student to say otherwise.
I came to the conclusion, what is the difference
between a student playing games on the internet in the
computer lab and a student browsing on the internet just
to browse around? There isn't a difference because a com-
puter is still being hogged, so maybe whoever is in charge
of this should ask themselves, "is this fair?"
How about this for illustration; a couple of weeks
ago I witnessed a student being told that if he was seen
playing games that he would be locked out of the campus
network. This came from a certain person from Computer
Services. A rude comment (in my opinion) of that person
to say.
. IT asked a lab aid, “is it fair if a student were to get
“... 1t 1s not fair
that we cannot
play games (if
we want to)
since we pay a
locked out of the campus network for playing games?”
and the lab aid replied, “No, that is not needed, it is not
like that person were doing anything illegal on the com-
puter.” Personally if they want to lock people out of the
network for playing games, then maybe people should get
a refund for their technology fee; now that seems fair.
Do not misunderstand my point of view. I am
not saying that students should use the computers in the
computer lab solely for games; after all I have seen lab
aids play games too. I'm saying it is not fair that we can-
not play games (if we want to) since we pay
a technology fee. That's like not being able
to call long distance on your home phone
even though you pay for the long distance
I attended Penn State Hazleton and they
roughly have 1400 students attending Penn
State Hazleton, oh and by the way Penn
State Hazleton has one computer lab that
has around 70 computers on their campus
ahd there is no problem with the students
playing games in the computer lab. Here on
this campus there are about 1900 students
and we have we have five computer labs
and a little over a 100 computers and sud-
denly we have a problem. Penn State Hazleton has about
- a 20:1 student to computer ratio and that is with one com-
puter lab, and Penn State Delco roughly has a 19:1 student
to computer ratio with five computer labs. Hmmm, which
campus should have this rule?
I'm just one voice out of many and I de not speak
for everyone else, but there are some people on campus
that probably feel the same way as I do. In my opinion
this is more crap that we as students have to put up with.
Of course the ideal solution in this situation is for
Computer Services to let us play games on the computer
(when we feel like it), but we do not live in an ideal world
and besides if we did I would not be writing this article.
Most students do not even realize where the computer labs
are around campus. There are two in the library (front and
back) plus the "Mac" labs; then there is one on the second
floor in the Commons Building; there is one in the class-
room building and finally the lab in the Main Building.
One lab aid said, "That the labs do not stay
crowded all day; people come and go in groups." Well if
this is true then maybe games should be permitted when
the lab is empty (or near empty). And when the lab aid
~ sees that the lab is beginning to become crowded that is
when he/she should be tell students, "No games please!"
Its a win-win situation. Computer Services can still regu-
late the playing of games, while students can still enjoy
playing games to relax; its like a cigarette break(-not that
I smoke-) but only its not hazardous to your health. That
seems fair to me and maybe they will agree with it and
change the rule, but that would be too easy.
People Poll ( Question: .
What's the most fun you 've ever -
“had on Spring Break?
ah 0) oer
ore, Undeclared | .
eman, | Freshmen
This month’s horoscope from our resident astrologer
Staff Writer
Aries- Spring is for new beginnings and you have a lot of
plans to start over before the season gets here. New
opportunities offer good ways for you to focus your ener-
gy. If you’re lucky, a new relationship might even surface
from all the new faces you will be meeting.
Taurus - Stuck in the rut of winter, you're ready for some
summer fun. Take your significant other out for some-
thing you both would love to try. This month, don't take
any unnecessary chances. If you do, you will not like the
Gemini - An occasion will leave you worrying over things
that you should not be worrying about. Instead, use your
energy for positive things. It's time to put your ideas on
paper so you can profit from them. Now is the best time.
Cancer - Trying a new food for the first time will leave
you craving for more. Be aware of what happens with too
much of a good thing. Others will want to know what is
going on in your life. Be careful of who you tell your
secrets to.
Leo - You must take the lead in a group project, or the
work will never get done. Be prepared to work straight
until the end of the semester when you finally get that
much-deserved break.
Virgo - Take care of things that are bothering you. You
won't get over them if you don't work things out. An argu-
ment with a loved one is taken to heart. Cherish the
moments you have with this person. Life is all too short.
Libra - Take a break from friends and develop your own
opinions about things. A bad break-up will leave you
down but not out. Remember your loved ones are always
there for you.
Scorpio - Don't let a black cat cross your path this month.
Take some time to research your roots. You might learn
something worthwhile. Don't turn your heart away from
love this month because you are in demand.
Sagittarius - Flowers are your fancy this month, whether
you give or receive. They remind you of the approaching
season. If you look careful, you might see some buds on
the bare trees outside. Be creative for someone you love.
Capricorn - You have being feeling depressed lately, but
the worst is over. An old friend will come back into the
picture and make you forget all of your problems. Look
forward to the spring, it is fast approaching. The fun is yet
to come.
Aquarius - You feel renewed with the feeling of spring,
but you also feel the pressure of work. Being persistent
will make it easier and others will respect you for it. A
new love is outside your circle of friends. Open your eyes
now before that person runs away.
Pisces - Be a star and shine this month. Do something you
have never done before. The outcome will surprise you.
An adventure will leave you far from home, but you
always find your way out of difficult situations.