March 2, 1995 — LION’SEYE — Page 7 Faculty Win PSU Honors (Continued from Page 1) When asked how he felt about receiving the Milton S. Eisenhower -Award, Dr. Cimbala said, “I felt that teaching is a learning process, it is also an art not a science.” Dr. Cimbala noted, “a lot of credit has to go to the excellent learning and teaching environment that has been established on PSU Delco’s campus. “He went on to say, “People are a product of their environment, I'm surrounded by good instructors. All I have to do is go out of my office, turn left, and I see at least four outstanding teachers.” “Teaching is a a challenge, both to the instructor and the students. Political Science is real with a special subject matter that changes almost daily plus it impacts on the students in their daily lives. Both students and teachers have the added burden of attempting to hit a moving target. The political animal is never still.” ~ Dr. Cimbala felt also, “ teaching his subject and helping students relate is a creative process that has to be reshaped each semester. Each class has a critical mass that must be brought into a symbiotic relationship with the instructor, the material and the class in general.” He went on to explain. “ Critical mass in a classroom is that core of students and their attitudes, whether indifferent or interested, that will sway the entire class one way or the other." Dr. Cimbala’s reception of the teaching excellence award clearly demonstrates that he has been successful in implementing his overall teaching ‘philosophy. Dr. Cimbala stated "I want to convey to students the intrinsic importance of politics as a subject matter. In addition, I want to empower students to think of themselves as politically competent people who take Fesponsibility for there own decisions. “ ~The other award given is the George Atherton Award for Excellénce in Teaching. The recipient this year is Dr. Peter Georgopolou, Physics Department commented “I have been teaching here at PSU Delco since 1971 and have received numerous campus awards. I feel uncomfortable about receiving awards for doing my lifes’ work. I have, in the past, voluntarily removed myself from potential awards lists. “ I found that the Atherton Award, which is university wide, revealed some very important facts might have never realized had I not received this award. Part of the mechanics of determining who qualifies for the award, involves soliciting letters from past and present students who I have taught. In reading some of these letters, I was profoundly moved. I knew that one of my jobs was to help students to develop self motivation and self discipline but the extent of these ‘changes on their life really astounded ” me. Dr. Georgopolous went on to say, “I consider it a privilege to be in a profession that is both rewarding and challenging. I teach and deal with my students the way I'd like to be dealt with and taught myself. I am demanding but fair, compassionate yet firm. Ihave never lost sight of the fact that as an undergraduate student I had to study hard and long in order to succeed. I try to instill this work ethic in my students." Dr. Peter Georgopulos Photo by: WES TOMLINSON Budget Proposals (Continued from Page 1) Another concern, not under the proposal, is that there is no full-time evening security person on duty. The head of evening maintenance also acts as head of security on the second shift. The other proposal, which was not approved, was a fitness/safety package. This package included funds to have increased supervision of the athletic building during the spring and summer ‘95 semesters, and to new treadmills for the exercise room. The campus, though denied funds from University Park, replaced the two treadmills with its own funds. When asked about the current situation of the exercise room, Matt Belluchi, sophomore, journalism, replied, “The new treadmills are nice, but most students that use the exercise room on a daily basis are more upset about not being able to use the free- weights in the Polaris room because of the mirrors.” Many Scholarships Available For Eligible Delco Students Any full time sophomore, junior, or senior in a degree program with a GPA of 3.0 or better is eligible for campus scholarship. Letters went out early in February, so if you have not received a letter of application see Dr. Franz for information. The deadline for submission of the application is March 10. ; The list of available scholarships is as follows: The Landon Burns Prize in the Humanities Ralph D'Iorio Scholar-Athlete Prize The Joan Ifipaglinezo Adult Student Award The Thomas McKelvey Engineering Prize The Sylvia Schaffer Prize in General Arts and Sciences The Woman's Club Swarthmore Scholarship The Penn State Club of Chester County Scholarship TThe Adult Student Organization Scholarship The Judith Davis Memorial Scholarship The Robert E. Finucane Memorial Scholarship The Lawrence E. Hallstrom Memorial Scholarship The H. Leonard Krouse Award of the Penn State Club of Delaware County The PNC Financial Corp Endowed Delaware County Campus Scholarship : The Jane Housman Sheetz Memorial Scholarship John D. Vairo, founder of campus scholarship and founding CEO of the campus. Photo by: WES TOMLINSON The John D. and Greta C. Vairo Scholarship The Gilbert A. Wetzel Telecommunications Scholarship Have a Safe Spring Break! campus. Delco’s Black Student + Taira members aithes to celebrate the end of a surcessinl Black History Month on Photo by: WES TOMLINSON