November 11, 1993 —LION’'SEYE —* Page 5 Opinion & Review Deja Vu: Taxation Without Representation By John Bishop Fellow students, have you heard about the Student Activity Fee which may be added to your tuition next fall? An overwhelming majority of Penn State Delaware County students are not aware of this proposed fee and I believe that they should be. As the former Secretary of S.G.A., I feel strongly that every student on this campus should be given the opportunity to voice their opinions and ideas regarding the possibility of an additional fee being added to their tuition. Before anything is done to make students tuition cost more, I believe the complete facts regarding this fee should be printed in the Lion's Eye, posted on campus bulletin boards, and mailed to students’ homes. Every Penn State Delco. student with whom I have spoken with, about student affairs, feels that the views and opinions of students often go unheard. Invaluable administrators, such as Dr. Ed Tomesko and Mr. “Pete” Coleman, have made every effort to listen to what we as students have to say. We must take advantage of this opportunity and bring our views on the Student Activities Fee to their attention. No Student Input Penn State Delaware County Students should not be forced to pay for something which they may not be able to afford, or do not believe in, without having been given the opportunity to voice their opinions on such an increase. I don't like the idea of being forced to hand over more of my paycheck for something which I cannot even vote for or against. I have asked many people about this subject and I have been told by S.G.A. President Amy McCarthy, Director of Student Affairs “Pete” Coleman, ‘and Freshman Trash Talk: Representative Melissa Gerace, that the Activities Fee is not yet “official” because the Board of Trustees and other factions of Penn State have not voted on it yet. The question is: When do the students of Penn State Delco get to vote on it? "Out of Our Hands" “It may not be official because the ‘higher-ups’ at University Park still have to vote on it, but it’s out of our hands and all we can do is wait.” stated Melissa Gerace, a first semester student, Multi-Culture Group Secretary and Penn State Delco Freshman Representative. If this is true (and I hope that it is not) the students of Penn State Delco are in for a big surprise. The Student Activities Fee was first presented to Penn State Delco at the October 6 Student Government Association meeting. Those students and club officers in attendance were provided with a copy of a document entitled “Student Activity Fee Proposed Changes to Pilot Proposal.” They were not, however, presented with a copy of the draft with the proposed Student Activity Fee. Meaningless Chances An example of the “information” provided by this document was: “1.) No changes”. You are probably asking yourself what does this mean? It means, in other words, that there are no proposed changes to Point One of the draft of the Student Activities Fee. However, since the students at the meeting were told that there were “three or four different drafts,” and were not presented with a copy of the draft for which the proposed changes had been designed, they didn’t know what Point One of the Student Activities Fee was. The proposed changes were, therefore, totally meaningless. Clean Up Your Act, Delco By James Foltz According to Jim Duffy, a maintenance worker, even though there are 50 or more trash cans located throughout the grounds of the Penn State Delaware County Campus, there is still a litter problem. “An awful lot of litter is being thrown around the parking lot and the campus,” Duffy stated. He then described just one example of the typical littering which goes on throughout the campus. Duffy had been in the main parking lot working on the lights when he witnessed a male student talking to a female student. The male student then nonchalantly placed an empty soda can on the ground and left. “These students are 18 years and older. They can take a test; they can vote; they have responsibilities, yet they can’t show common courtesy by walking to the trash can,” Duffy complained. “I had to submit a resume for my job. I had to sit and be interviewed for two hours and describe my training and experience. My job is to do maintenance, but instead there is a lot of policing the campus, picking up trash.” Looking at the campus, one may think that it is very clean. Itis, but for one reason. “You don’t notice (the trash) because we are picking things up. The trash gets picked up, but not by the people who litter,” Duffy pointed out. “It takes time to pick up trash; that’s money. Things that need to be repaired are being neglected because of the time waste,” Duffy added. “For instance, there are cigarette butts all over the place. Killing yourself is just fine and dandy, but throw away the butts. The black spots on the sidewalk, that's gum. We have to take a steamer to get that off,” Duffy said. When Duffy was asked about how to solve the problem, his answer, of course, was simple. “When students leave their vehicles or the buildings, in the parking lots, in the paths, there is always a trash can. They always walk past them, and if one is full, there is always another 50-100 feet away that isn’t. Use them.” The students and Club Officers who attended this meeting were not given an opportunity to vote on this proposed fee. Those students who attended the S.G.A. meetings which have since followed have also not been given an opportunity to vote on it. The majority of Penn State Delco students have not even heard about this fee. To my knowledge, no draft for this fee has ever been presented at an S.G.A. meeting. No draft has ever been posted for students to read. I have been told that a draft of the Student Activities Fee was “passed” at the last Council of Commonwealth Student Governments meeting. If this is true, how could it be passed when the oppinions of the majority of Penn State Delco students were not considered ? Opposing Views S.G.A President Amy McCarthy and Freshman Represenative Melissa Gerace were both present at the C.C.S.G meeting when the Student Activities Fee was passed. Both have completely different veiws of what occurred at the meeting and what the present status of the Student Activities Fee is. I believe the students of Penn State Delco should be provided immediately with accurate information regarding this fee. As students we have earned the right to read the draft of the Student Activities Fee and its proposed changes. These should be posted on campus. Copies of each of these documents should be given to each student so that we can make our own educated decisions for or against it. Proposed Student Ballot A ballot should be given to each student. It could be printed in the next issue of the Lion's Eye along with complete details about the proposed fee. Once the votes have been tallied, our student leaders and representatives will know how we stand on this issue and this will better enable them to represent our best interests. Please request a copy of the draft and its proposed changes from our Student Government Association Officers. Let your voice be heard and make your opinions known. We must let concerned staff members, such as Dr. Ed Tomesko and Mr. “Pete” Coleman, know how we feel. Most importantly we must demand our right to have our views and opinions fairly represented. Urban Myth Causes Chaos By Emmanuel Seabrooks A bulletin was released on October 19 to the Delaware State Police Department ordering businesses to warn their employees about a new form of gang initiation. According to the bulletin, gang members drive at night with their lights off and wait until you flash your lights upon them to remind them to turn their lights on. They take the flash as a symbol for “lights out” and they often follow the car and rob or murder. The Mid Atlantic Health and Safety Department in Newark, Delaware, stated that already two families had fallen victim to these crimes and that everyone was at risk. Two weeks later, the Delaware County Daily Times published an article denouncing the bulletin and calling the entire case an Urban Myth. The entire tale surfaced two to three months ago. The bulletin that. had been issued out to counties named the Illinois State Police as the informers of the crimes. Where did the Mid Atlantic Health and Safety Department get this information? It is reportedly said that the Illinois State Police alerted local law enforcers about the supposed ritual cases. According to Officer John Pastuovic (quoted from the Daily Times ) “There is absolutely nothing to it. The only bulletin released by the Illinois State Police was a warning of the hoax!” This is something that cannot be taken lightly in the eyes of the public, departments like Mid Atlantic Health and Safety should be better informed about situations before a warning like the above scares the communities. In the future, we should remember that urban myths can originate from the most unexpected sources. THE WHEN YOU RIDE DRANG ONE MORE FOR OAD GAN HAVE AN ENTIRELY DIFFERENT MEANING. Alcohol quickly affects your judgment, balance, and coordination. Don’t drink and ride. Or your last drink might be your last drink. MOTORCYCLE SAFETY FOUNDATION \/e EE ta ESI LSE ea t—— “metas Ra a A... a