The lion's eye. ([Chester, Pa.]) 1968-????, April 01, 1986, Image 7

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i i RY
ET Te Ci
April, 1986
Sometimes I get confused about the
things friends ask me to do, but never-
theless I go through with them because
of the dry humor they use on April 1st
every year. There is always somebody in
the group that thinks they're quicker
and smarter but as of today I've not met
the person!
You Had To Say It!
Hey babes, (Higgs, Spike and Mon-e-Q)
Thanks for a great semester. It’s been
a tough semester thanks for keeping it
light! So it’s over. Let’s go to the U-Park
and party (and maybe study). Lets make
the summer just as great!
Thanks babe,
I have just
upset your crystal vase;
The flower,
the water is now
drying on the floor.
Forgive me;
The vase was so fragile-
so fragile.
Bones -N- ? March 7, 1986
The Uno Club meets at one Tuesdays at
Grist Mill Park - Nothing like it
Jill, learn how to drive!!! I wanna make
it to see the park!
Cafe Montego Crew—Swoop!! Wild
Wednesday nites!
Memorial Day Weekend at the Malibu in
Wildwood - BE THERE!
“Hey Dippy, need a lawyer?” Weird but
- Dag Sweetland. I let you win. And
where is that ‘Ridley’ shirt? :
Scott P.
Yo Ralph - What’s up?
From Newton’s 3 laws of motion to
Einstien’s theory of relativity these are
as much as a part of life as partying on
To my favorite “old man”’, Mick - Best
of luck always! Patti
Hope the donut business isn’t full of
‘“holes’’ - call me when you make your
first million.”
Two of a Kind
Two notes that sound good together
nail and hammer
wing and feather
Two birds who fly forever
wing to wing
for worse, for better
Two boats that sail together
shade and sun
stormy weather
Two shoes that walk together
never wear out
steel and leather.
~ Hey Horselips,
You better learn to keep your zipper
up - Sneakers don’t go with everything!
Guess who?
H.R, J.J, M.R, N.S, C, Di.C.
Speed limit on campus is 15 mph.
Almost everyone is in violation of this
John and Andy
Joe, you don’t need earmuffs in the sum-
mer. Guess who?
~Nilam, can’t wait to Memorial Day
weekend from your secret admirers.
Hey Suavo and Pretty Boy! Patti
Honey, is it still too hard?
Alan- :
Ft. Lauderdale ‘86’
Brian, Jim, Chip, Steve, Mike, Mark
The Supreme Court of Mass. in a deci-
sion handed down on July 7, 1966
declared NAKED LUNCH by William
S. burroughs NOT obscene. In clearing
the novel of obscenity charges . . .
~ Molly Ringwald
Everybody “Do the Ginger”
Love, Bones
To walk in a puddle of water is to get
your feet wet.
Once upon. a time there was God,
then there was Life,
then there was Me. Michael
Tom Gormley, you shouldn't smoke, you
might burn someone’s hand. L.C.
Love is love of immortality of the self.
the weekends. Socrates
IT’S JAMMIN’ To Di and Jack,
It’ s been a great semester
Yo Mouth!! Thanks for all your help
with this column. Conldy t have done it
without you!
Lil’ Chief- You did it! Good Luck - Miss
Ya! - Med. Chief
Ken don’t forges the bottle of tequilla
To Gerby - Keep up the books - Sammy $
Elena, Don’t look down your face at us
"innocent ROMANS anymore!
I.L.Y.W. Colleen
Hey Boss, Keep your gerbils under con-
trol! Either that or fire them.
Sammy, Please fire Lori!
Col, you are a shilly sit!!
Still 50 buck to the Yeadon girls!!
MikeRobb |
Colleen, your shoelaces are untied
again!! Sorry but I still haven't had a
chance to buy you a pair!!
To J.H.: You're hysterical - Keep it up!
Best of luck.
To Eric: Thanks for everything - Best of
luck always!
Spark, Spike and Nikki,
You dahlings made this year absolute-
ly mahvelous!!
Love and Kisses,
Fernando (aka-Sammy-Babe)
Nilam, Good luck
in your future
Love, Ted
Good luck to all the new representatives
of the Student Government.
From, Jeanne, Theresa, Jill
Have you prepared yourself for the
eraser lately, with the coffee? Is it bit-
Nilam and Jeanne
You have to learn to look Chief square
in the eyes!!! Here's lookin’ at you kid!!
Oh what a twit! What a twit! I can’t
believe he couldn’t find enough time to
write a f—king article! And then you bat
your eyelashes and there it is! Right out
of thin air!!!! What a twit!! Aughhh!!!!
N: Tank tops, shades, new car, labs -
what more could you “want”? -H
Herrow Hedder!!!
Yes I Do remember the things you
said . . . now do you remember the cafu,
zeta beta tau . . . chief when he was just a
little guy . . . conning mom and dad on
your side about the park . . . the wonner-
ful dinner with my ma and pa and my
boss at Benny's . . . and that time I told
you everything (finally) at dunkin
Yeah you did sit on his lap without my
permission . . . that was my sores de
H is right . . . you should look chief
- right in the eye! One of these days he’s
gonna bite you in the butt!!!!!!!11!!1!
Yo He-man!
Keep lifting! Maybe someday, if
you're lucky, you'll be as big as me.
From your best buddy, Eddie
You have accommodated drunks
amongst you. Members of S.A.D.D.
Let's wish each other good luck so
that we may be able to live with each
other next year at the Park. Jill
I’m not wearing any pants! Doug Ferry
If the day is 24 hours long, how wide is
it? Jeff and Frank
To all young, attractive, available,
blonde, blue-eyed, women CLUB MED
open it’s doors to the female population
of PENN STATE next semester. Resi-
dent at University Towers and Beaver
Terrace. For more information contact
Mark Subers or Jim Higgins.
Programmer Coordinator
Baseball players hit ‘home runs” with
girls “all the time”.
The only thing that feels good about
banging your head against a wall, is
when you stop. ~-Opus & Garfield are.
Christa and Joe—never say Colleen
CAN'T do something—next time ask
nicely ... Lucky for you, Mark is mature
enough to know how to request that
something be done. The next time you
DEMAND that I do something... I will
do everything in my power to do the op-
posite . . .
I'll be there on Memorial Day weekend
to finish our experiment. I'll show you
how to set up the apparatus. Remember
to stick the rubber tubing on the right
gas nozzle so the flame will burn really,
really, really HOT!!
Love, Your Buddy
Chris: See ya at the Stock Exchange
-Good luck always. Yeah, yeah, yeah!
Ry hel i REY
Nicky, always stay in touch hon - Good
luck at the park!
M: Hope we can talk soon. V.
I'm Donna and I wanted to say how
great it is that we now have only one
~ month left till school’s out. Next year,
it’s party up at the park! Also, I wanted
to tell TOM, Hi, I love you!
Julie R.,
Do you own a pair of jeans?
What is the actual velocity of an anlayan
swallow . . . What do you mean African
or European!
I don’t no that! ahh!
. “And now for something completely dif-
ferent .
ran away.’
. & man with nine(9) legs . . . he
To Our Joey,
Having Physiology lab with you has
been the most rewarding and exciting
experience we've had inour lives,
especially the lab on heart rate and ex-
citment. We'll never forget what the
scent of your Drakkar did to the car-
diograms (Don’t Stop!). We look forward
to the lab on Reproduction.
Jerry Pentacoli’s Pals
C: Peelu -H
“WANTED: a fish and bee’s license for,
Eric the allf a bee.”
Maria: Save an extra bed for me when I
visit - Good luck! Patti
TI ohh ICICI oll.
Bill: Thanks for being a great friend - I'll
‘miss ya! Patti
. ohh!
So Nil,
Going down for Memorial Day to “
periment’? Hope you ‘‘get what vo
Are youstill in English? I can’t tell
anymore! Maybe if you showed up now
and then. I'm only KIDDIN’! -H
Wish you lots of luck and happiness
with Art! Remember all the fun we had
in-Acct! I'm glad we became friends.
Hey sadi lucci vagre Parmar . . . thanks
Good Shape - Runs Good!
‘NEW PARTS. Call 872-8741.
Torino Male Reviews, Penns Landing,
“Yeah, but is there any alcohol in it?”’,
Ain’t No Stoppin’ Us Now, Bickmore,
New Year's Eve Dances, Widener by
night, Homer’s, dandia contest, crazy
times, the prom - and all the other good
stuff! Never forget!
Donna, ;
Has Glamour made you an offer yet to
do the bathing suit issue?
The other bobsey twin
Steve K.,
Even though I never call you, because
you should be calling me, I think, among
‘others, you have the most sexiest green
‘eyes we've ever seen. Don’t stop smil-
Your Art History 110 Pal
Chris D
This is from your not-so-secret ad-
mirer. You said you weren't finding any
notes so here it is.
Your not-so-secret admirer
Steve O’ Lenik,
I'm glad you finally came to the
realization that skateboards are for fag-
Joe J.,
And all this could be just a dream so it
seems, I was never good at goodbyes. . .
Goodbye . . .
Nilam, I think Indian girls, even though
they are short, are adorable.
Let’s go to see the pig and act like one
too at the same time (I mean to lunch at
McDonald’s or someplace). You still
have to refresh my memory about
something. I'll never forget the good
times we had together. I hope you'll per-
form again for me in lab, sometime soon.
Your other Chem lab pal
Jeff and Eric,
Maaray ummda joyachay!! Pottime
Kaarro! Shallumbb.